def mutual_information(self, X, Y, title=None, nbins_X=50, nbins_Y=50, noise_sigma='all'): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() no_nans_idx = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(np.isnan(X), np.isnan(Y))) Xq, _, _ = pyentropy.quantise(X[no_nans_idx], nbins_X) Yq, _, _ = pyentropy.quantise(Y[no_nans_idx], nbins_Y) s = pyentropy.DiscreteSystem(Yq, (1, nbins_Y), Xq, (1, nbins_X)) s.calculate_entropies() # MINE mine = MINE() mine.compute_score(X.flatten(), Y.flatten()) # Linear regression slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = \ scipy.stats.linregress(X[no_nans_idx], Y[no_nans_idx]) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if title is not None: print(title) print(" MIC/MI/r^2/p/slope for %s:\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (noise_sigma, mine.mic(), s.I(), r**2, p, slope))
def calc_ent(var,sp,use_flags,nbins=100,sigma=5* b = elephant.conversion.binarize(sp,sampling_rate=pq.kHz)[:-1] K = elephant.kernels.GaussianKernel(sigma=sigma) r = elephant.statistics.instantaneous_rate(sp,,kernel=K).magnitude idx = np.logical_and(use_flags.ravel(), np.isfinite(var).ravel()) X = pye.quantise(var[idx],nbins,uniform='bins')[0].ravel() # Y = b[idx].astype('int').ravel() Y = r[idx].astype('int').ravel() S = pye.DiscreteSystem(X,(1,nbins),Y,(1,np.max(Y)+1)) S.calculate_entropies(calc=['HX','HY','HXY','SiHXi','HiX','HshX','HiXY','HshXY','ChiX']) return(S.H['HX'],S.H['HXY'],S.I(),S)
def getFitness(self, smMatrix): #Store the sm state into memory fit = 0 #Fitness function (4) ****************************************** #Mutual Information between motor command and predicted sensory state. sp = smMatrix[1:, 3] mot = smMatrix[1:, 2] spQ = ent.quantise(sp, 10) motQ = ent.quantise(mot, 10) s = ent.DiscreteSystem(spQ[0], (1, 10), motQ[0], (1, 10)) print(str(spQ[0]) + "\n" + str(motQ[0])) s.calculate_entropies(method='plugin', calc=['HX', 'HXY']) mutInf = s.I() fit = mutInf print(fit) return fit
def ent_analyses(blk, X_disc=128, Y_disc=64): CP = neoUtils.get_var(blk, 'CP') S = float(blk.annotations['s'][2:-1]) CP /= S CP = CP.magnitude idx = np.all(np.isfinite(CP), axis=1) s = np.empty_like(CP) s[:] = np.nan s[idx, :] = pye.quantise(CP[idx, :], X_disc, uniform='bins')[0] FR = neoUtils.get_rate_b(blk, unit_num=unit_num, sigma=2 *[0] FR = pye.quantise(FR, Y_disc, uniform='bins')[0] idx = np.all(np.isfinite(s), axis=1) X = s.astype('int64').T[:, idx] Y = FR[np.newaxis, idx] DS = pye.DiscreteSystem(X, (X.shape[0], bins), Y, (1, bins)) DS.calculate_entropies() #TODO: I have created a discrete FR and Stimulus, now I need to perform the actual entropy calcs if True: raise Exception('This is not done')
def getFitnessH(self, smMatrix): #Store the sm state into memory fit = 0 #Fitness function (1) ****************************************** #Mutual Information between two motors and the first prediced sensor dimension sp = smMatrix[1:, 2] #Only predicts the first sensory outcome. mot1 = smMatrix[1:, 6] mot2 = smMatrix[1:, 7] spQ = ent.quantise(sp, 10) motQ1 = ent.quantise(mot1, 10) motQ2 = ent.quantise(mot2, 10) # print(motQ1[0]) # print(motQ2[0]) motQ = np.row_stack((motQ1[0], motQ2[0])) # print(motQ) s = ent.DiscreteSystem(motQ, (2, 10), spQ[0], (1, 10)) print(str(spQ[0]) + "\n" + str(motQ)) s.calculate_entropies(method='pt', calc=['HX', 'HXY']) mutInf = s.I() fit = mutInf print(fit) return fit
# drop burn in time x_in = x_in[times > drop_before] x_e = x_e[times > drop_before] # normalize x_in = norm(x_in) x_e = norm(x_e) # prep MI variables to_calc = ('HX', 'HY', 'HXY') q_in, _, _ = en.quantise(x_in, m) q_e, _, _ = en.quantise(x_e, m) # MI info = en.DiscreteSystem(q_in, (1, m), q_e, (1, m)) info.calculate_entropies(method='pt', calc=to_calc) mi_no = info.I() # --- ys, layers, phi, rate, stim, params = run(None, times, pac, sigma=s, loc=loc, stim_seed=j) idx = params.idx x_in = np.asarray([stim(t, 0) for t in times]) x_e = ys[:, idx['r_E']].flatten()