def test_epochs_plot(): """Test plotting of epochs""" tmin, tmax, event_id = -0.5, 1.5, 999 # create some evil events events = np.array([[1000, 999], [2000, 999], [3000, 999]]) for fname in fnames: raw = Raw(fname) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax) assert_raises(ValueError, epochs.plot, picks=['whatever']) epochs.plot(picks=['ps']) fig = epochs.plot(n_chunks=2) # test clicking: find our callbacks for func in fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks['button_press_event'].items(): func = func[1].func if isinstance(func, partial): break params = func.keywords['params'] for ax in fig.axes: _epochs_axes_onclick(DummyEvent(ax), params) # nav clicking _epochs_navigation_onclick(DummyEvent(params['next'].ax), params) _epochs_navigation_onclick(DummyEvent(params['back'].ax), params) _epochs_navigation_onclick(DummyEvent(params['reject-quit'].ax), params)
def test_epochs_deconv(): """Test epochs deconvolution""" tmin, tmax = -0.5, 1.5 event_dict = dict(foo=999) events = np.array([np.arange(0, 21000, 1000, int), 999 * np.ones(21, int)]).T for fi, fname in enumerate(fnames): if fi == 0: n_jobs = 1 else: n_jobs = 0 raw = read_raw(fname) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_dict, tmin, tmax) a =['sample_fields'] b =['data_cols'] assert_equal(len(a), len(b)) assert_true(all(aa == bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b))) data = epochs.get_data('ps') assert_raises(RuntimeError, Epochs, raw, events, 'test', tmin, tmax) fit, times = epochs.deconvolve() assert_array_equal(data, epochs.get_data('ps')) assert_equal(fit.shape, (len(epochs), len(times))) fit, times = epochs.deconvolve(spacing=[-0.1, 0.4, 1.0], bounds=(0, np.inf), n_jobs=n_jobs) assert_equal(fit.shape, (len(epochs), len(times))) assert_equal(len(times), 3) if fi == 0: if _has_joblib(): assert_raises(ValueError, epochs.deconvolve, n_jobs=-1000)
def test_epochs_deconv(): """Test epochs deconvolution""" tmin, tmax = -0.5, 1.5 event_dict = dict(foo=999, bar=77) events_a = np.array([[12000, 77], [1000, 999]]) for fname in fnames: raw = Raw(fname) epochs = Epochs([raw] * 2, [events_a] * 2, event_dict, tmin, tmax) assert_raises(RuntimeError, Epochs, raw, events_a, 'test', tmin, tmax) fit, times = epochs.deconvolve() assert_equal(fit.shape, (len(epochs), len(times))) fit, times = epochs.deconvolve(spacing=[-0.1, 0.4, 1.0], bounds=(0, np.inf)) assert_equal(fit.shape, (len(epochs), len(times))) assert_equal(len(times), 3)
def test_epochs_plot(): """Test plotting of epochs""" tmin, tmax, event_id = -0.5, 1.5, 999 # create some evil events events = np.array([[1000, 999], [2000, 999], [3000, 999]]) for fname in fnames: raw = read_raw(fname) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax) assert_raises(ValueError, epochs.plot, picks=['whatever']) epochs.plot(picks=['ps']) fig = epochs.plot(n_chunks=2) epochs.plot(draw_discrete='saccades') # test clicking: find our callbacks for func in fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks['button_press_event'].items(): func = func[1].func if isinstance(func, partial): break params = func.keywords['params'] for ax in fig.axes: _epochs_axes_onclick(DummyEvent(ax), params) # nav clicking _epochs_navigation_onclick(DummyEvent(params['next'].ax), params) _epochs_navigation_onclick(DummyEvent(params['back'].ax), params) _epochs_navigation_onclick(DummyEvent(params['reject-quit'].ax), params)
def test_epochs_concat(): """Test epochs concatenation""" tmin, tmax = -0.5, 1.5 event_dict = dict(foo=999, bar=77) events_a = np.array([[12000, 77], [1000, 999], [-1, 999]]) events_b = np.array([[1000, 999], [10000, 999]]) for fname in fnames: raw = read_raw(fname) events_a[-1, 0] = raw.n_samples - 1 epochs_ab = Epochs([raw] * 2, [events_a, events_b], event_dict, tmin, tmax) epochs_ba = Epochs([raw] * 2, [events_b, events_a], event_dict, tmin, tmax) # make sure discretes made it through for epochs in [epochs_ab, epochs_ba]: for d in [epochs.blinks, epochs.saccades, epochs_ab.fixations]: assert_equal(len(d), len(epochs)) for dd in d: if len(dd) > 0: for t in (dd['stime'], dd['etime']): assert_true(np.all(t >= tmin) & np.all(t <= tmax)) assert_equal(len(, 4) assert_equal(len(, 4) assert_array_equal(epochs_ab.times, epochs_ba.times) # make sure event numbers match reord = [2, 3, 0, 1] assert_array_equal([:, 1],[reord, 1]) # make sure actual data matches data_ab = data_ba = assert_array_equal(data_ab, data_ba[reord]) # test discretes assert_equal(len(epochs_ab.blinks), len(epochs_ba.blinks)) blink_ab = epochs_ab.blinks[3] blink_ba = epochs_ba.blinks[reord[3]] assert_equal(len(blink_ab), len(blink_ba)) assert_true(len(blink_ab) > 0) # make sure we've tested useful case for key in ('stime', 'etime'): blink_ab_d = blink_ab[key] blink_ba_d = blink_ba[key] assert_array_equal(blink_ab_d, blink_ba_d)
def test_epochs_combine(): """Test epochs combine IDs functionality""" tmin, tmax = -0.5, 1.5 event_dict = dict(foo=1, bar=2, test=3) events_1 = np.array([[12000, 1], [1000, 2], [10000, 2], [2000, 3]]) events_2 = np.array([[12000, 2], [1000, 1], [10000, 1], [2000, 3]]) for fname in fnames: raw = read_raw(fname) epochs_1 = Epochs(raw, events_1, event_dict, tmin, tmax) epochs_2 = Epochs(raw, events_2, event_dict, tmin, tmax) assert_raises(ValueError, epochs_1.combine_event_ids, ['foo', 'bar'], dict(foobar=1)) epochs_1.combine_event_ids(['foo', 'bar'], 12) epochs_2.combine_event_ids(['foo', 'bar'], dict(foobar=12)) d1 = d2 = assert_array_equal(d1, d2) epochs_1.equalize_event_counts(['12', 'test']) epochs_2.equalize_event_counts(['foobar', 'test']) d1 = d2 = assert_array_equal(d1, d2) # this shouldn't really do anything epochs_2.equalize_event_counts(['foobar', 'test'], method='truncate') assert_array_equal(d1,
def test_epochs_io(): """Test epochs IO functionality""" tmin, tmax, event_id = -0.5, 1.5, 999 missing_event_dict = dict(foo=999, bar=555) # create some evil events events = np.array([[12000, 77], [1000, 999], [10000, 999]]) for fname in fnames: raw = read_raw(fname) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') epochs = Epochs(raw, events, missing_event_dict, tmin, tmax, ignore_missing=True) assert_raises(RuntimeError, Epochs, raw, events, 1.1, tmin, tmax) assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, [raw] * 2, events, event_id, tmin, tmax) assert_equal(len(_filter_warnings(w)), 0) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') epochs = Epochs(raw, events, missing_event_dict, tmin, tmax) assert_equal(len(_filter_warnings(w)), 1) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax) assert_raises(IndexError, epochs.drop_epochs, [1000]) print(epochs) # test repr works for disc in['discretes']: assert_equal(len(vars(epochs)[disc]), len( assert_equal(len(, 2) # assert_equal(epochs.data_frame.shape[0] / epochs._n_times, # len( # assert_true(epochs.data_frame['time'].diff().min() >= 0) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, dict(a=999, b=77), tmin, tmax) assert_equal(len(, 3) # assert_equal(epochs.data_frame.shape[0] / epochs._n_times, # len( # assert_true(epochs.data_frame['time'].diff().min() >= 0) for disc in['discretes']: this_disc = vars(epochs)[disc] assert_equal(len(this_disc), len( for field in ['stime', 'etime']: for di in this_disc: if field in di: for event in di[field]: assert_true(epochs.tmin <= event <= epochs.tmax) epochs2 = epochs.copy() assert_true(epochs._data is not epochs2._data) del epochs2._data assert_true('_data' in vars(epochs) and '_data' not in vars(epochs2)) assert_true(epochs is not epochs2) epochs2 = epochs[0] assert_equal(len(, 1) assert_equal(set([:, -1]), set([999])) # desired = len( * len(epochs.times) # assert_equal(epochs2.data_frame.shape[0], desired) # assert_true(epochs2.data_frame['time'].diff().min() >= 0) assert_equal(len(epochs2.saccades), len( epochs2 = epochs[[1, 0]] assert_equal(len(, 2) assert_equal(set([:, -1]), set([999])) # desired = len( * len(epochs.times) assert_equal(len(epochs2.saccades), len( # assert_equal(epochs2.data_frame.shape[0], desired) epochs2 = epochs['a'] assert_equal(len(, 2) assert_equal(set([:, -1]), set([999])) # desired = len( * len(epochs.times) # assert_equal(epochs2.data_frame.shape[0], desired) assert_equal(len(epochs2.saccades), len( epochs2 = epochs[['a', 'b']] assert_equal(len(, 3) assert_equal(set([:, -1]), set([999, 77])) # desired = len( * len(epochs.times) # assert_equal(epochs2.data_frame.shape[0], desired) assert_equal(len(epochs2.saccades), len( assert_true(np.diff([:, 0]).min() >= 0) epochs2 = epochs[slice(1, 3)] assert_equal(len(, 2) assert_equal(set([:, -1]), set([999, 77])) # desired = len( * len(epochs.times) # assert_equal(epochs2.data_frame.shape[0], desired) assert_equal(len(epochs2.saccades), len( assert_true(np.diff([:, 0]).min() >= 0) """ data1 = epochs[0].data data2 = epochs.data_frame.ix[0,['data_cols']].values data2 = data2.reshape(1, len(epochs.times), len(['data_cols'])) assert_array_equal(data1, np.transpose(data2, [0, 2, 1])) """ for e in epochs: assert_true(np.argmin(e.shape) == 0) assert_array_equal(e,[-1])
# ttl_to_id function. Those integer codes are then put into the event # list in place of the 1-triggers used to mark stimulus onsets. n_digits = [1, 2, 2, 1] for c, t in zip(this_cond_mat, ttls): assert np.array_equal(decimals_to_binary(c, n_digits), t) # this maps the sequence of 4 (single-digit) ints into a single int. # the sequence of experiment variables corresponding to each order of # magnitude is taken from params['cond_readme']; in this case it is # 1000s: attn, 100s: spatial, 10s: idents, 1s: gap event[:, 1] = [ttl_to_id(c) for c in this_cond_mat] for e in event[:, 1]: assert e in rev_dict events.append(event) print('\n Epoching...') epochs = Epochs(raws, events, event_dict, t_min, t_max) if downsample: print(' Downsampling...') epochs.resample(fs_out, n_jobs=n_jobs) # compute gaze angles (in degrees) angles = get_gaze_angle(epochs, screenprops) # zscore pupil sizes zscore = epochs.pupil_zscores() # init some containers kernel_fits = list() kernel_zscores = list() print(' Deconvolving...') deconv_kwargs = dict(kernel=kernel, n_jobs=n_jobs, acc=1e-3) if deconv_time_pts is not None: deconv_kwargs.update(dict(spacing=deconv_time_pts))
old_ord = eyelink_stim_ord eyelink_stim_ord = np.empty_like(stim_nums) eyelink_stim_ord[missing] = stim_nums[missing] eyelink_stim_ord[not_missing] = old_ord print('Recovered {} trial(s)'.format(n_miss), end='\n ') assert np.array_equal(eyelink_stim_ord, stim_nums) assert len(event) == len(stim_nums) # convert event numbers band_num = run_inds[ri][:, 1] gap_num = 10 * small_mat[:, 1] # cf. line 251 of vocExperiment_v2.m attn_num = 100 * small_mat[:, 0] # cf. line 250 of vocExperiment_v2.m event[:, 1] = band_num + gap_num + attn_num events.append(event) print('\n Epoching...') epochs = Epochs(raws, events, event_dict, t_min, t_max) kernel_fits = list() kernel_zscores = list() kernel_fits_continuous = list() for kk, kernel in enumerate(kernels): kname = ['LABSN', 'Wierda'][kk] print(' Deconvolving ({} kernel)...'.format(kname)) fit, time_pts = epochs.deconvolve(kernel=kernel, n_jobs=6) zscore = epochs.pupil_zscores() if deconv_time_pts is None: deconv_time_pts = time_pts assert np.array_equal(deconv_time_pts, time_pts) # reorder fits to match big_mat (stim# in serial order, voc band, time) order = np.array(run_inds)