Пример #1
def add(*args):
    c = pyext.Buffer(args[0])
    a = pyext.Buffer(args[1])
    b = pyext.Buffer(args[2])

    commonlen = min(len(a), len(b), len(c))

    # explicit casting to arrays is also possible
    c[:commonlen] = N.array(a[:commonlen], dtype=N.float32) + N.array(
        b[:commonlen], dtype=N.float32)
Пример #2
    def update_buffer_1(self, main_buff_name, tmp_buff_name, event, tb_pos,
        sr = 44100. / 1000.  # sample rate

        mb_pos = self.bob.s_l.mm_data['data'][event]['time'][0]

        main_buff = pyext.Buffer(main_buff_name)
        tmp_buff = pyext.Buffer(tmp_buff_name)
        ind_mb_1 = int(np.floor(sr * mb_pos))
        len_tmp = len(tmp_buff)
        s_length = int(np.round(sr * t_length))  #in samples
        #        print s_length, sr, t_length
        ind_tb_1 = int(np.floor(sr * tb_pos))
        to_be_copied = np.array(main_buff[ind_mb_1:ind_mb_1 + s_length])

        s_crossfade = int(np.round(self.crossfade * sr))

        if ind_tb_1 + s_crossfade <= len_tmp:
            ind_tb_2 = ind_tb_1 + s_length

            #print to_be_copied[0:s_crossfade].shape, tmp_buff[ind_tb_1:ind_tb_1+s_crossfade].shape

            to_be_copied[0:s_crossfade] = (
                np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, s_crossfade) *
                to_be_copied[0:s_crossfade] +
                np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, s_crossfade) *
                tmp_buff[ind_tb_1:ind_tb_1 + s_crossfade])
        else:  # >
            ind_c = len_tmp - ind_tb_1

            to_be_copied[0:ind_c] = (
                np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, s_crossfade)[0:ind_c] *
                to_be_copied[0:ind_c] +
                np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, s_crossfade)[0:ind_c] *
                tmp_buff[ind_tb_1:ind_tb_1 + ind_c])
            to_be_copied[ind_c:s_crossfade] = (
                np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, s_crossfade)[ind_c:s_crossfade] *
                to_be_copied[ind_c:s_crossfade] +
                np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, s_crossfade)[ind_c:s_crossfade] *
                tmp_buff[ind_tb_1 + ind_c:ind_tb_1 + s_crossfade])

        if ind_tb_1 + s_length <= len_tmp:
            ind_tb_2 = ind_tb_1 + s_length
            #ind_mb_2 = ind_mb_1+ind_tb_2-ind_tb_1
            tmp_buff[ind_tb_1:ind_tb_2] = to_be_copied[:]
        else:  # >
            ind_tb_2 = len_tmp
            ind_mb_2 = ind_tb_2 - ind_tb_1
            tmp_buff[ind_tb_1:ind_tb_2] = to_be_copied[:ind_mb_2]
            ind_tb_3 = 0
            ind_tb_4 = s_length - len_tmp + ind_tb_1
            tmp_buff[ind_tb_3:ind_tb_4] = to_be_copied[ind_mb_2:s_length]
Пример #3
def mul(*args):
    # create buffer objects
    # as long as these variables live the underlying buffers are locked
    c = pyext.Buffer(args[0])
    a = pyext.Buffer(args[1])
    b = pyext.Buffer(args[2])

    commonlen = min(len(a),len(b),len(c))

    # slicing causes Python arrays (mapped to buffers) to be created
    # note the c[:] - to assign contents you must assign to a slice of the buffer
    c[:commonlen] = a[:commonlen]*b[:commonlen]  
Пример #4
    def synthesize_1(self, *args):
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("can't synthesize - no gansynth_worker process is running")
        arg_count = len(args)
        if arg_count == 0 or arg_count % 3 != 0:
            raise ValueError("invalid number of arguments ({}), should be a multiple of 3: synthesize z1 audio1 pitch1 [z2 audio2 pitch2 ...]".format(arg_count))

        gen_audio_msgs = []
        audio_buf_names = []
        for i in range(0, arg_count, 3):
            z_buf_name, audio_buf_name, pitch = args[i:i+3]

            z32_buf = pyext.Buffer(z_buf_name)
            z = np.array(z32_buf, dtype=np.float64)
            gen_audio_msgs.append(protocol.to_gen_audio_msg(pitch, z))
        in_count = len(gen_audio_msgs)
        in_count_msg = protocol.to_count_msg(in_count)
        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_GEN_AUDIO, in_count_msg, *gen_audio_msgs)

        out_count_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.count_struct.size)
        out_count = protocol.from_count_msg(out_count_msg)
        if out_count == 0:

        assert out_count == in_count

        for audio_buf_name in audio_buf_names:
            audio_size_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.audio_size_struct.size)
            audio_size = protocol.from_audio_size_msg(audio_size_msg)

            audio_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(audio_size)
            audio_note = protocol.from_audio_msg(audio_msg)

            audio_buf = pyext.Buffer(audio_buf_name)
            if len(audio_buf) != len(audio_note):

            audio_buf[:] = audio_note
        self._outlet(1, "synthesized")
Пример #5
    def _write_edits(self):
        if not self._steps:

        buf = pyext.Buffer(self._edits_buf_name)
        buf[:] = self._steps[self._step_ix]["edits"]
Пример #6
    def randomize_z_1(self, *buf_names):
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("can't randomize z - no gansynth_worker process is running")

        in_count = len(buf_names)

        if in_count == 0:
            raise ValueError("no buffer name(s) specified")
        in_count_msg = protocol.to_count_msg(in_count)
        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_RAND_Z, in_count_msg)

        out_count_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.count_struct.size)
        out_count = protocol.from_count_msg(out_count_msg)
        assert out_count == in_count

        for buf_name in buf_names:
            z_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.z_struct.size)
            z = protocol.from_z_msg(z_msg)

            z32 = z.astype(np.float32)
            buf = pyext.Buffer(buf_name)
            if len(buf) != len(z32):

            buf[:] = z32

        self._outlet(1, "randomized")
Пример #7
 def ResizeGarrays(self, f):
     """ receives seq. loop length in samples/frames; calcs 16th note lenght in samples/frames, and resizes backbuffer garray/tables/lists/buffers accordingly """
     self.seqLoopLenSmps = f
     self.seqLoopLenSmpsI = int(self.seqLoopLenSmps)
     self.seq16thLenSmps = self.seqLoopLenSmps / 16.0
     self.seq16thLenSmpsI = int(self.seq16thLenSmps)
     #~ print(" SAR:float_2: got into second (actually, third) inlet: seqLoopLenSmps {0} seq16thLenSmps {1} /{2}".format(self.seqLoopLenSmps, self.seq16thLenSmpsI, self.curbuf))
     # bbufs[deck][track][chL/R+2*curbuf]
     # getting segfaults - try limit resizes only to otherbufs?
     otherbuf = 1 if (self.curbuf == 0) else 0  # ternary
     #~ tvL = pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][track][2*otherbuf])
     #~ tvR = pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][track][2*otherbuf+1])
     procnames = ""
     oldszs = ""
     newszs = ""
     for trackbufnms in self.bbufs[self.deckid0]:
         #~ for ibname in (trackbufnms[2*otherbuf], trackbufnms[2*otherbuf+1]): # only others, separate
         for ibname in trackbufnms:  # all
             #~ print(ibname, trackbufnms)
             a = pyext.Buffer(ibname)
             #print(ibname, a, len(a)) # len works here
             oldlen = len(a)
             if (oldlen != self.seqLoopLenSmpsI):
                 #~ print("Oldsize of {0}: {1} samples".format(ibname, oldlen))
                 procnames += ibname + ", "
                 oldszs += str(oldlen) + ", "
                 # resize in buffer-2.pd: [py pyext.Buffer @py 1] -> [pym 2 resize @py 1]
                 # readme.txt: Buffer.resize(frames,keep=1,zero=1) method
                 a.resize(self.seqLoopLenSmpsI)  #; a.dirty()
                 #~ while(a.getdirty()): time.sleep(0.001) # was hack
                 #~ print("  Newsize of {0}: {1} samples".format(ibname, len(a)))
                 newszs += str(len(a)) + ", "
     print("Resized garrays (%s): oldsize (%s) -> newsize (%s)" %
           (procnames, oldszs, newszs))
Пример #8
def neg(target):
    a = pyext.Buffer(target)
    # in place transformation (see Python array ufuncs)
    # must mark buffer content as dirty to update graph
    # (no explicit assignment occurred)
Пример #9
 def add_step_1(self):
         "edits": np.zeros(len(pyext.Buffer(self._edits_buf_name)), dtype=np.float32)
     self._step_ix += 1
Пример #10
def save_z_buf(z_name, path):
    z_buf = pyext.Buffer(z_name)
    z = from_z32(z_buf)

    base, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
    if not ext:
        ext = ".npy"
    path_fixed = base + ext

    print_err("save: " + path_fixed)
Пример #11
 def ClearGarrays(self):
     # out here, we should clear the other backbuffers only, and then
     # like processSequenceList, set curbuf to otherbuf
     otherbuf = 1 if (self.curbuf == 0) else 0  # ternary
     tvbs = ((pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf]),
              pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf + 1])),
             (pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf]),
              pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf + 1])))
     if ((tvbs[0][0]) and (tvbs[0][1]) and (tvbs[1][0]) and (tvbs[1][1])):
         for itrbufs in tvbs:
             for itbuf in itrbufs:
                 itbuf[:] = np.zeros(self.seqLoopLenSmpsI, dtype=np.float32)
         self.curbuf = otherbuf  # set other buf as current
         self._outlet(1, self.curbuf)
     else:  # couldn't get tvL, tvR -  now (tvbs[0][0]) ..
         print(" SAR:ClearGarrays: Couldn't get garrays {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".
               format(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf],
                      self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf + 1],
                      self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf],
                      self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf + 1]))
Пример #12
    def hallucinate_noz_1(self, audio_buf_name):
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("can't hallucinate - load a checkpoint first")

        if not self._steps:
            raise Exception("can't hallucinate - no steps added")

        step_count = len(self._steps)
        print_err("step_count =", step_count)

        print_err("steps =", self._steps)

        edit_count = len(self._steps[0]["edits"])
        edit_list = []
        for step in self._steps:
            for edit in step["edits"]:

        print_err("len(edit_list) =", len(edit_list))
            *map(protocol.to_f64_msg, edit_list)
        audio_size_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.audio_size_struct.size)
        audio_size = protocol.from_audio_size_msg(audio_size_msg)

        audio_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(audio_size)
        audio = protocol.from_audio_msg(audio_msg)

        audio_buf = pyext.Buffer(audio_buf_name)
        if len(audio_buf) != len(audio):

        audio_buf[:] = audio
        self._outlet(1, ["hallucinated", len(audio)])
Пример #13
    def load_1(self, audio_path, settings_path, buf_name):
        settings_path1 = os.path.join(script_dir, str(settings_path))
        audio_path1 = os.path.join(script_dir, str(audio_path))

        settings = load_settings(settings_path1)
        audio = load_audio(audio_path1)

        audio_f32 = audio.astype(np.float32) / 2**15
        buf = pyext.Buffer(buf_name)
        if len(buf) != len(audio_f32):

        buf[:] = audio_f32

        rows = settings["nsynth"]["resolution"]
        cols = rows
        length = settings["nsynth"]["length"]
        sample_rate = settings["nsynth"]["sampleRate"]
        pitches = settings["nsynth"]["pitches"]

        self._outlet(1, "loaded", [rows, cols, length, sample_rate] + pitches)
Пример #14
    def load_ganspace_components_1(self, ganspace_components_file):
        ganspace_components_file = os.path.join(

        print("Loading GANSpace components...", file=sys.stderr)

        size_msg = protocol.to_int_msg(len(ganspace_components_file))
        components_msg = ganspace_components_file.encode('utf-8')

        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_LOAD_COMPONENTS, size_msg, components_msg)
        count_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.count_struct.size)
        self._component_count = protocol.from_count_msg(count_msg)
        print_err("_component_count =", self._component_count)
        buf = pyext.Buffer(self._edits_buf_name)

        print_err("GANSpace components loaded!")
Пример #15
    def hallucinate_1(self, *args):
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("can't synthesize - load a checkpoint first")

        arg_count = len(args)
        if arg_count < 3 or arg_count > 8:
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid number of arguments ({}), should be one: hallucinate buffer_name note_count interpolation_steps"

        audio_buf_name = args[0]
        note_count = int(args[1])
        interpolation_steps = int(args[2])
        rest = list(map(float, args[3:len(args)]))

            protocol.to_hallucinate_msg(note_count, interpolation_steps,


        audio_size_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(
        audio_size = protocol.from_audio_size_msg(audio_size_msg)

        audio_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(audio_size)
        audio_note = protocol.from_audio_msg(audio_msg)

        audio_buf = pyext.Buffer(audio_buf_name)
        if len(audio_buf) != len(audio_note):

        audio_buf[:] = audio_note

        self._outlet(1, ["hallucinated", audio_size])
Пример #16
 def normalize_1(self, buf_name, target=0.9):
     buf = pyext.Buffer(buf_name)
     buf[:] = normalize(np.array(buf), target)
     self._outlet(1, "normalized")
Пример #17
def fadein(target):
    a = pyext.Buffer(target)
    # in place operations are ok
    a *= N.arange(len(a),dtype=N.float32)/len(a)
Пример #18
    def synthesize_noz_1(self, *args):        
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("can't synthesize - no gansynth_worker process is running")
        arg_count = len(args)
        if arg_count == 0 or arg_count % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError("invalid number of arguments ({}), should be a multiple of 2: synthesize_noz audio1 pitch1 [audio2 pitch2 ...]".format(arg_count))

        component_buff = pyext.Buffer(self._edits_buf_name)
        components = np.array(component_buff, dtype=np.float64)
        component_msgs = []

        for value in components:
        for i in range(self._component_count - len(components)):
        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_SET_COMPONENT_AMPLITUDES, *component_msgs)

        gen_msgs = []
        audio_buf_names = []
        for i in range(0, arg_count, 2):
            audio_buf_name, pitch = args[i:i+2]
        in_count = len(gen_msgs)
        in_count_msg = protocol.to_count_msg(in_count)
        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_SYNTHESIZE_NOZ, in_count_msg, *gen_msgs)

        out_count_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.count_struct.size)
        out_count = protocol.from_count_msg(out_count_msg)

        print_err("out_count =", out_count)
        if out_count == 0:
            print_err("no audio was synthesized!")

        assert out_count == in_count

        for audio_buf_name in audio_buf_names:
            audio_size_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.audio_size_struct.size)
            audio_size = protocol.from_audio_size_msg(audio_size_msg)

            audio_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(audio_size)
            audio_note = protocol.from_audio_msg(audio_msg)

            audio_buf = pyext.Buffer(audio_buf_name)
            if len(audio_buf) != len(audio_note):

            audio_buf[:] = audio_note
        self._outlet(1, "synthesized")
Пример #19
    def processSequenceList(self):  #,*args):
        #sys.stderr.write(" SAR:processSequenceList: Some other message into first (actually, second) inlet: {0}\n".format(args))
        """   on "anything" in leftmost inlet 1: expecting sequence string
  for each track: if track 1:
    set track from track fader volume (eventually)
    for each lane: for each step:
      if velo > 2, start mixing 16th note into the other buf (from curbuf)
      elif 0 < velo <= 1, continue mixing 16th note into other buf
      else (velo == 0), stop/skip mixing
    if track 2: (will need pitching here too).
  possibly (initiate) save newly mixed buffer to file (for screenshot)
  swith curbuf to newly rendered buf - and output message
  ... or... for faster:
    for each step: for each lane: add samples accordingly, write into mix
        # check first if lastSequence has been set; if not, do not perform and exit early - this definitely happens once at start, where first the arrays are sized, and only after does the first sequence come in
        if self.lastSequence is None:
            print("Have no sequence; bailing out")
        #print(type(args[0]), type(args[0])==pyext.Symbol, isinstance(args[0], pyext.Symbol)) # ok
        # clean args: make Symbol into strings first - now above
        #cargs = map(lambda x: str(x) if (isinstance(x, pyext.Symbol)) else x, args)
        cargs = self.lastSequence
        #song = 1 # for now - no more, now have self.deckid0/1
        otherbuf = 1 if (self.curbuf == 0) else 0  # ternary
        # bbufs[deck][track][chL/R+2*curbuf]
        #~ itrack = 0 # for now
        # if the two bufs exist for track 0, presumably the ones for the other track also exist in the PD patch?
        #~ tvL = pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][itrack][2*otherbuf])
        #~ tvR = pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][itrack][2*otherbuf+1])
        # now going with all - make track "v?" buffers array, per-track:
        tvbs = ((pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf]),
                 pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf + 1])),
                (pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf]),
                 pyext.Buffer(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf + 1])))
        #~ if ( (tvL) and (tvR) ):
        if ((tvbs[0][0]) and (tvbs[0][1]) and (tvbs[1][0]) and (tvbs[1][1])):

            # much less clicks if we off-render into ctvL, ctvR first - and then assing tvL, tvR in one go
            ctvL = np.zeros(self.seqLoopLenSmpsI, dtype=np.float32)
            ctvR = np.zeros(self.seqLoopLenSmpsI,
                            dtype=np.float32)  #, dtype=np.float32
            totarglen = len(cargs)
            alllaneslist = []
            last_delim = 0
            for key, value in enumerate(cargs):
                if (value == "|"):
                    # split off part here - use Python list splicing: if 2nd val is 4, then last included index is 3
                    lanepart = cargs[last_delim:
                                     key]  #{unpack(atoms, last_delim, key-1)}
                    last_delim = key + 1

            # this condition should always be satisfied due to the way Python .joins, but still:
            if (last_delim < totarglen):
            #self.wprint(alllaneslist) # [(<Symbol 00v>, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...

            # now loop through alllaneslist, separate per tracks (since different algos)
            pertracklist = [[], []]
            for key, tlanelist in enumerate(alllaneslist):
                tlabel = tlanelist[0]
                tlchars = list(tlabel)  # split string to chars
                foundsndbufs = 0
                #self.wprint((tlabel, tlchars))
                trckind = int(tlchars[0])  # make 0-based, no +1 here
                tlind = int(tlchars[1])
                if trckind == 0:
                    sndtabnameL = "snd%d-%d-%dL" % (
                        self.deckid1, trckind + 1, tlind + 1
                    )  # names are 1-based
                    sndtabnameR = "snd%d-%d-%dR" % (self.deckid1, trckind + 1,
                                                    tlind + 1)
                else:  # trckind==1 (track 2): all same samples, but pitched
                    sndtabnameL = "snd%d-2-1L" % (self.deckid1)
                    sndtabnameR = "snd%d-2-1R" % (self.deckid1)
                sbL = pyext.Buffer(sndtabnameL)
                # note: if(sbL) check passes always, and has the right ('symbol', <Symbol snd1-2-1L>) property
                # only check for existence is len(sbL): 0; PD will allow you to set a table to len 0, but it will auto re-set it to 1 - so "real" len 0 is impossible
                if (len(sbL) == 0): sbL = None
                else: foundsndbufs = foundsndbufs + 1  #
                sbR = pyext.Buffer(sndtabnameR)
                if (len(sbR) == 0): sbR = None
                else: foundsndbufs = foundsndbufs + 1
                #if key == len(alllaneslist)-1:
                #  #self.wprint(inspect.getmembers(sbL)) # nothing much
                #  self.wprint("sbl len: {0}".format(len(sbL))) # nothing much
                # throw in tlchars, so we don't have to parse again; also find the sample buffers and add them
                    (tlchars, tlanelist, foundsndbufs, (sbL, sbR)))

            # do render: track 1 (itrack = 0)
            for itrack in (0, 1):
                laststeplanevelos = []
                # reference for track 2 "pitched"-resized buffers of the sample (create on demand); unused for track 1
                tr2pbs = [None] * self.nNotes  # [None, None, None, None, None]
                for i in xrange(0, self.nSteps):  # 0-15
                    lanevelos = []
                    for tnote, tlanearr in enumerate(
                            pertracklist[itrack]):  # track 1
                        if (tlanearr[2] == 2):  # foundsndbufs
                            ovel = tlanearr[1][
                                2 +
                                i]  # origvelo at this step; skip label and zero w [2+i]
                            trig = 1 if (ovel >= 2) else 0  # working ternary
                            nvel = ovel - 2 * trig
                            # if trig==1, start copying from sample buffer at 0; else continue from previous!
                            soffs = -1
                            if (trig == 1): soffs = 0  # note started
                            elif ((nvel > 0)):  # note continues
                                if len(
                                ) > 0 and laststeplanevelos[tnote][1][2] > -1:
                                    soffs = laststeplanevelos[tnote][1][
                                        2] + self.seq16thLenSmpsI  # 0-based offset!
                                    if (soffs > (len(tlanearr[3][0]) - 1)):
                                        soffs = -1  # offset bigger than sample length
                            # end # if trig
                            # NOTE: python .insert does NOT insert empty elements in list if they don't exist: z=[]; z.insert(3, -2) is [-2]! (so we might as well use append here)
                            #~ lanevelos.insert( tnote, (trig, nvel, soffs)) # at position tnote
                                (tnote, (trig, nvel,
                                         soffs)))  # save position tnote
                        #end # if foundsndbufs
                    #end # for tnote, tlanearr
                    # now do this snippet's sample mixing
                    # (none of this sample by sample: ...
          outind = -1
          for j in xrange(0,self.seq16thLenSmpsI):
            mixvalL, mixvalR = 0, 0
            for tnote, tinfarr in enumerate(lanevelos):
              if tinfarr[2]>-1: # soffs
                smpind = tinfarr[2]+j
                if smpind < len(pertracklist[0][tnote][3][0]): # one (sbL) check only: sbL and sbR should have same lengths
                  # note: vectorize this operation; leaving as reminder only
                  mixvalL = mixvalL + tinfarr[1]*pertracklist[0][tnote][3][0][smpind] # sbL
                  mixvalR = mixvalR + tinfarr[1]*pertracklist[0][tnote][3][1][smpind] # sbR
                #end # if smpind<
              #end # if tinfarr[3]>-1 # soffs
            #end # for tnote, tinfarr
            outind = i*self.seq16thLenSmpsI+j
                # ******
            #tvL:set(outind, mixvalL)
            #tvR:set(outind, mixvalR)
          #end # for j = 1,self.seq16thLenSmpsI
                    # ... vectorize instead for sample mixing):
                    tmpbL = np.zeros(
                        self.seq16thLenSmpsI)  # length of self.seq16thLenSmpsI
                    tmpbR = np.zeros(self.seq16thLenSmpsI)
                    # NB: i is still numstep here;
                    for tind, tinfarrfull in enumerate(lanevelos):
                        #~ print(tinfarrfull) #
                        tnote = tinfarrfull[0]
                        tinfarr = tinfarrfull[1]
                        if tinfarr[2] > -1:  # soffs
                            sbL = pertracklist[itrack][tnote][3][0]
                            sbR = pertracklist[itrack][tnote][3][
                                1]  # should work for both itrack 0 and 1, in terms of direct sample buffers
              if itrack == 1:
              # actually, don't pre-shift; some samples may be "insanely" long, pointless for them to wait to be pitched; instead, just find the right indexes for the stretched slice - and then stretch only the slice!?
                if (tr2pbs[tnote] is None):
                  # do "pitching" - resize with linear interpolation stretch
                  # tuck into tuple directly - a bit difficult to read:
                  tr2pbs[tnote] = ( \
                    np.interp(np.linspace(0,(len(sbL)-1)*self.pifs[tnote],len(sbL)*self.pifs[tnote])*(1.0/self.pifs[tnote]), np.linspace(0,len(sbL)-1,len(sbL)), sbL, left=0, right=0), \
                    np.interp(np.linspace(0,(len(sbR)-1)*self.pifs[tnote],len(sbR)*self.pifs[tnote])*(1.0/self.pifs[tnote]), np.linspace(0,len(sbR)-1,len(sbR)), sbR, left=0, right=0) \
                sbL = tr2pbs[tnote][0]; sbR = tr2pbs[tnote][1]
              # end # if itrack == 1:
                            sbLc = sbL
                            sbRc = sbR  # without fade in/out
                            #~ sbLc = np.hstack((sbL[:self.sFdIn.size]*self.sFdIn, sbL[self.sFdIn.size:-self.sFdOut.size], sbL[-self.sFdOut.size:]*self.sFdOut)) ; sbRc = np.hstack((sbR[:self.sFdIn.size]*self.sFdIn, sbR[self.sFdIn.size:-self.sFdOut.size], sbR[-self.sFdOut.size:]*self.sFdOut)) # with fade in/out - but for the entire sample buffer; while we need these when the sequence is cut!
                            sbLsz = len(sbLc)
                            sbRsz = len(sbRc)  # was len(sbL), len(sbR)
                            sampind1 = tinfarr[2]
                            sampind2 = tinfarr[2] + self.seq16thLenSmpsI
                            # here sz because the slicing will do -1
                            sampind2L = sbLsz if (
                                sampind2 > sbLsz) else sampind2
                            sampind2R = sbRsz if (
                                sampind2 > sbRsz) else sampind2
                            #self.wprint("  tL {0} tR {0} sL {1} sR {2}".format(len(tmpbL), len(tmpbR), sampind2L-sampind1, sampind2R-sampind1))
                            # older numpy (1.5.1) doesn't have .pad ; so to avoid messing:
                            # reinstantiate new zero temps, and slice the existing into them:
                            slcL = np.zeros(self.seq16thLenSmpsI)
                            slcR = np.zeros(self.seq16thLenSmpsI)
                            tsbLc = sbLc[sampind1:sampind2L]
                            tsbRc = sbRc[sampind1:sampind2R]
                            if itrack == 1:  # 16th slice-wise pitching:
                                pf = self.pifs[tnote]
                                si1p, si2Lp, si2Rp, s16p = int(
                                    sampind1 / pf), int(sampind2L / pf), int(
                                        sampind2R / pf), int(
                                            self.seq16thLenSmpsI / pf)
                                # these take still too much time (more than with previous approach with pitched prerender)? (plus pitch was opposite when mult *pf); even if it should interpolate a slice only, it looks like it walks/stretches the entire source array, thereby consuming time?
                                #~ tsbLc = np.interp( np.linspace(si1p, si2Lp, sampind2L-sampind1), np.linspace(0,len(sbLc)-1,len(sbLc)), sbLc, left=0, right=0 ) ; tsbRc = np.interp( np.linspace(si1p, si2Rp, sampind2R-sampind1), np.linspace(0,len(sbRc)-1,len(sbRc)), sbRc, left=0, right=0 )
                                # try here to slice before interpolating - but using pitched indexes for the extracted ranges:
                                """ # later - more accurate?
                ttLc = np.zeros(s16p) ; ttRc = np.zeros(s16p)
                print(ttLc.shape, si1p, si2Lp, si2Lp-si1p, s16p) # buffer has no shape (sbLc.shape); shape mismatch if si2Lp-si1p=7535, and s16p=7534
                ttLc[0:(si2Lp-si1p)] = sbLc[si1p:si2Lp] #; ttRc[0:(si2Rp-si1p)] = sbRc[si1p:si2Rp] # indices auto cast to integer? but gives "TypeError: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'" -- which is fixed by int(); so must be explicitly int
                                # this "simple slice-only interpolation" also works (for some reason - can't see now how the indexes match) - generally well actually (except for bass, can hear some chops at 16th notes when its long) - but eventually probably better to make something like above, to also better handle edge cases
                                ttLc = sbLc[si1p:si2Lp]
                                ttRc = sbRc[si1p:si2Rp]
                                LttLc = len(ttLc)
                                LttRc = len(ttRc)
                                # also sbLsz, sbRsz
                                tsbLc = np.interp(
                                    np.linspace(0, si2Lp - si1p,
                                                sampind2L - sampind1),
                                    np.linspace(0, LttLc - 1, LttLc),
                                tsbRc = np.interp(
                                    np.linspace(0, si2Rp - si1p,
                                                sampind2R - sampind1),
                                    np.linspace(0, LttRc - 1, LttRc),
                            # end # if itrack == 1:
                            slcL[0:(sampind2L - sampind1)] = tsbLc
                            slcR[0:(sampind2R -
                                    sampind1)] = tsbRc  # was: sbL[], sbR[]
                            # check fade out:
                            nextvelo = pertracklist[0][tnote][1][i + 1] if (
                                i < self.nSteps - 1) else 0
                            if nextvelo == 0:
                                slcL = np.hstack(
                                     slcL[-self.sFdOut.size:] * self.sFdOut))
                                slcR = np.hstack(
                                     slcR[-self.sFdOut.size:] * self.sFdOut))
                            # final mix with fader factor:
                            tmpbL += tinfarr[1] * slcL
                            tmpbR += tinfarr[1] * slcR
                    # end for tnote
                    #self.wprint("  pre")
                    tvind1 = i * self.seq16thLenSmpsI
                    tvind2 = (i + 1) * self.seq16thLenSmpsI
                    # MUST cast explicitly to dtype=N.float32 when going to pyext.Buffer; else segfault!
                         tvind2] = tmpbL[:]  #np.array(tmpbL, dtype=np.float32)
                         tvind2] = tmpbR[:]  #np.array(tmpbR, dtype=np.float32)
                    #self.wprint("  tvL,R {0} {1} {2}".format(tvind1, tvind2, tvind2-tvind1))
                    laststeplanevelos = lanevelos
                    # ends: [(0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1)] 106680 113791 (same as lua)
                    #self.wprint("{0} {1}".format(laststeplanevelos, i*self.seq16thLenSmpsI) )# , outind) )
                #end # for i = 1,self.nSteps
                # if "(no explicit assignment occurred);
                # must mark buffer content as dirty to update graph"
                # but here we do have explicit assignment - so dirty are not needed
                #tvL.dirty() ; tvR.dirty()
                tvL = tvbs[itrack][0]
                tvR = tvbs[itrack][1]
                tvL[:] = np.array(ctvL, dtype=np.float32)
                tvR[:] = np.array(ctvR, dtype=np.float32)
            #end # for itrack in (0,):
            # just before finishing, prepare messages for wav saving;
            # command for [soundfiler] - to which the send symbol
            # (rimage00, rimage10) for the rwav in Gripd is added
            #~ thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep # full path
            thisdir = ""  # this works too, current dir
            # NOTE: -bytes 4 will use 32-bit float (it is not specifically for stereo)!
            # use -bytes 2 for 16-bit wav! (which can be correctly rendered by `wav2png` used by Gripd's image)
            msg1 = "write -wave -bytes 2 %sd%d-t1-bb%d.wav %s %s rimage0%d" % (
                thisdir, self.deckid0, otherbuf,
                self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf],
                self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf + 1], self.deckid0)
            msg2 = "write -wave -bytes 2 %sd%d-t2-bb%d.wav %s %s rimage1%d" % (
                thisdir, self.deckid0, otherbuf,
                self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf],
                self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf + 1], self.deckid0)
            sendname = "rwavsvc%d" % (self.deckid0)
                sendname, msg1
            )  # like this it is symbol, use [fromsymbol] to work w unpack/[soundfiler]!
            self._send(sendname, msg2)  #
            self.curbuf = otherbuf  # set other buf as current
            self._outlet(1, self.curbuf)
        else:  # couldn't get tvL, tvR -  now (tvbs[0][0]) ..
                " SAR:processSequenceList: Couldn't get garrays {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}"
                .format(self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf],
                        self.bbufs[self.deckid0][0][2 * otherbuf + 1],
                        self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf],
                        self.bbufs[self.deckid0][1][2 * otherbuf + 1]))
Пример #20
    def run_1(self,
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("no ddsp_worker process is running")

        # get buffers

        in_buf = pyext.Buffer(in_arr)
        out_buf = pyext.Buffer(out_arr)

        in_audio = np.array(in_buf, dtype=np.float32)

        print_err("in_audio.size =", in_audio.size)
        print_err("in_audio.itemsize =", in_audio.itemsize)

        # make timbre transfer message

        gin_path = os.path.join(script_dir, str(gin_file))
        ckpt_dir = os.path.dirname(gin_path)
        ckpt_msg = protocol.to_str_msg(ckpt_dir)
        print_err("len(ckpt_msg) = ", len(ckpt_msg))
        transfer_msg = protocol.to_timbre_transfer_msg(
            in_sample_rate, out_sample_rate,
            f0_octave_shift, f0_confidence_threshold, loudness_db_shift,
            bool(adjust), quiet, autotune, len(ckpt_msg),
            in_audio.size * in_audio.itemsize)
        print_err("len(transfer_msg) = ", len(transfer_msg))
        in_audio_msg = protocol.to_audio_msg(in_audio)
        print_err("len(in_audio_msg) = ", len(in_audio_msg))

        # write timbre transfer message

        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_TIMBRE_TRANSFER, transfer_msg,
                        ckpt_msg, in_audio_msg)


        # read timbre transferred message



        transferred_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(
        print_err("len(transferred_msg) =", len(transferred_msg))
        out_audio_len = protocol.from_timbre_transferred_msg(transferred_msg)
        print_err("out_audio_len =", out_audio_len)
        out_audio_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(out_audio_len)
        print_err("len(out_audio_msg)", len(out_audio_msg))
        out_audio = protocol.from_audio_msg(out_audio_msg)

        # resize output buffer if needed

        if len(out_audio) != len(out_buf):
            print_err("no resize")

        # write output

        out_buf[:] = normalize(out_audio)
        print_err("wrote out_audio")

        self._outlet(1, ["transferred", len(out_audio)])
Пример #21
    def generate_1(self, *raw_args):
        if not self._proc:
            raise Exception("no samplernn_worker process is running")

        args = self._generate_parser.parse_args(map(str, raw_args))
        print_err("args =", args)

        outs = args.out if args.out != None else []
        temps = args.temp if args.temp != None else []
        num_outs = len(outs)

        if num_outs < 1:
            print_err("no outputs specified")

        while len(temps) < num_outs:

        if args.seed != None:
            seed_buf = pyext.Buffer(args.seed)
            seed_audio = np.array(seed_buf, dtype=np.float32)
            seed_audio = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)

        print_err("seed_audio size*itemsize =", seed_audio.size * seed_audio.itemsize)
        seed_len = seed_audio.size * seed_audio.itemsize
        generate_msg = protocol.to_generate_msg(args.seed_sr, args.out_sr, num_outs, args.dur, seed_len)
        seed_audio_msg = protocol.to_audio_msg(seed_audio)
        temp_msgs = map(protocol.to_str_msg, temps)
        temp_msgs = map(lambda bs: (protocol.to_size_msg(len(bs)), bs), temp_msgs)
        temp_msgs = (x for pair in temp_msgs for x in pair)
        self._write_msg(protocol.IN_TAG_GENERATE, generate_msg, seed_audio_msg, *temp_msgs)


        generated_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(protocol.generated_struct.size)

        g_out_sr, g_num_outs, g_out_len = protocol.from_generated_msg(generated_msg)

        print_err("g_out_sr =", g_out_sr)
        print_err("g_num_outs =", g_num_outs)
        print_err("g_out_len =", g_out_len)
        out_audios = []
        for i in range(g_num_outs):
            out_audio_msg = self._proc.stdout.read(g_out_len * protocol.f32_struct.size)
        print_err("len(out_audios) =", len(out_audios))

        assert len(outs) == len(out_audios)

        for buf_name, audio in zip(outs, out_audios):
            buf = pyext.Buffer(buf_name)
            if len(buf) != len(audio):

            buf[:] = audio

            self._outlet(1, ["generated", buf_name, g_out_sr, g_out_len])
Пример #22
    def _read_edits(self):
        if not self._steps:

        self._steps[self._step_ix]["edits"][:] = pyext.Buffer(self._edits_buf_name)