Пример #1
    def _save_dict(self):
        Save the coefficient register `self.ba` to the filter dict `fb.fil[0]['ba']`.

        logger.debug("_save_dict called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = max(len(self.ba[0]), len(self.ba[1])) - 1


        if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        # save, check and convert coeffs, check filter type
        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.ba, 'ba', __name__)

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict()  # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sig_tx.emit({'sender': __name__, 'data_changed': 'input_coeffs'})
        # -> input_tab_widgets

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'normal')
Пример #2
    def _save_entries(self):
        Save the values from self.ba to the filter ba dict.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = max(len(self.ba[0]), len(self.ba[1])) - 1

        fb.fil[0]["q_coeff"] = {
            'WI': int(self.ledWI.text()),
            'WF': int(self.ledWF.text()),
            'quant': self.cmbQQuant.currentText(),
            'ovfl': self.cmbQOvfl.currentText(),
            'frmt': self.cmbFormat.currentText(),
            'point': self.chkRadixPoint.isChecked()

        # save, check and convert coeffs, check filter type
        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.ba, 'ba', __name__)

        if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict()  # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sigFilterDesigned.emit()  # -> filter_specs
        # -> input_tab_widgets -> pyfdax -> plt_tab_widgets.updateAll()

        qstyle_widget(self.butSave, 'normal')
Пример #3
    def _save_entries(self):
        Save the values from self.zpk to the filter PZ dict,
        the QLineEdit for setting the gain has to be treated separately.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = len(self.zpk[0])
        if np.any(self.zpk[1]):  # any non-zero poles?
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__)  # save with new gain

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict()  # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sigFilterDesigned.emit()  # -> filter_specs
        # -> input_tab_widgets -> pyfdax -> plt_tab_widgets.updateAll()

        logger.debug("b,a = %s\n\n"
                     "zpk = %s\n" %
                     (pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']), pformat(fb.fil[0]['zpk'])))
Пример #4
    def _save_entries(self):
        Read table entries and save the values to the filter PZ dict

        logger.debug("=====================\nInputPZ._save_entries called")

        zpk = []

        num_rows = self.tblPZ.rowCount()
        logger.debug("nrows = %d" % num_rows)

        #iterate over both columns
        for col in range(2):
            rows = []
            for row in range(num_rows):
                item = self.tblPZ.item(row, col)
                if item:
                    if item.text() != "":


        zpk.append(simple_eval(self.ledGain.text()))  # append k factor to zpk

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = num_rows

        if np.any(zpk[1]):
            fb.fil[0]['ft'] = 'IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            self.cmbFilterType.setCurrentIndex(1)  # set to "IIR"
            fb.fil[0]['ft'] = 'FIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'
            self.cmbFilterType.setCurrentIndex(0)  # set to "FIR"

        fil_save(fb.fil[0], zpk, 'zpk', __name__)  # save & convert to 'ba'

        if self.chkNorm.isChecked():
            # set gain factor k (zpk[2]) in such a way that the max. filter
            # gain remains unchanged
            # TODO: Comparison against Hmax is not robust, need to find another anchor
            [w, H] = freqz(fb.fil[0]['ba'][0], fb.fil[0]['ba'][1])  # (bb, aa)
            Hmax = max(abs(H))
            if not np.isfinite(Hmax) or Hmax > 1e4:
                Hmax = 1.
            zpk[2] = zpk[2] * self.Hmax_last / max(abs(H))
            fil_save(fb.fil[0], zpk, 'zpk', __name__)  # save with new gain

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_entries()  # only needed for stand-alone test


        logger.debug("_save_entries - coeffients / zpk updated:\n"
                     "b,a = %s\n\n"
                     "zpk = %s\n" %
                     (pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']), pformat(fb.fil[0]['zpk'])))
Пример #5
    def _save_dict(self):
        Save the coefficient register `self.ba` to the filter dict `fb.fil[0]['ba']`.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = max(len(self.ba[0]), len(self.ba[1])) - 1


        if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        # save, check and convert coeffs, check filter type
        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.ba, 'ba', __name__)

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict() # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sigFilterDesigned.emit() # -> filter_specs
        # -> input_tab_widgets -> pyfdax -> plt_tab_widgets.updateAll()

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'normal')
Пример #6
    def _save_dict(self):
        Save the coefficient register `self.ba` to the filter dict `fb.fil[0]['ba']`.

        logger.debug("_save_dict called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = max(len(self.ba[0]), len(self.ba[1])) - 1


        if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        # save, check and convert coeffs, check filter type
        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.ba, 'ba', __name__)

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict() # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'data_changed':'input_coeffs'})
        # -> input_tab_widgets

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'normal')
Пример #7
    def _save_entries(self):
        Save the values from self.zpk to the filter PZ dict,
        the QLineEdit for setting the gain has to be treated separately.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = len(self.zpk[0])
        if np.any(self.zpk[1]): # any non-zero poles?
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__) # save with new gain

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict() # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sigFilterDesigned.emit() # -> filter_specs
        # -> input_tab_widgets -> pyfdax -> plt_tab_widgets.updateAll()

        logger.debug("b,a = %s\n\n"
            "zpk = %s\n"
            %(pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']), pformat(fb.fil[0]['zpk'])
Пример #8
    def _save_entries(self):
        Save the values from self.zpk to the filter PZ dict,
        the QLineEdit for setting the gain has to be treated separately.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = len(self.zpk[0])
        if np.any(self.zpk[1]): # any non-zero poles?
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__) # save with new gain

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict() # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'data_changed':'input_pz'})
        # -> input_tab_widgets

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'normal')

        logger.debug("b,a = {0}\n\n"
            "zpk = {1}\n"
            .format(pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']), pformat(fb.fil[0]['zpk'])
Пример #9
    def _save_dict(self):
        Save the coefficient register `self.ba` to the filter dict `fb.fil[0]['ba']`.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = max(len(self.ba[0]), len(self.ba[1])) - 1


        if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        # save, check and convert coeffs, check filter type
        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.ba, 'ba', __name__)

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict() # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sigFilterDesigned.emit() # -> filter_specs
        # -> input_tab_widgets -> pyfdax -> plt_tab_widgets.updateAll()

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'normal')
Пример #10
    def _save_entries(self):
        Save the values from self.zpk to the filter PZ dict,
        the QLineEdit for setting the gain has to be treated separately.

        logger.debug("_save_entries called")

        fb.fil[0]['N'] = len(self.zpk[0])
        if np.any(self.zpk[1]):  # any non-zero poles?
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'

        fil_save(fb.fil[0], self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__)  # save with new gain

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_dict()  # only needed for stand-alone test

        self.sig_tx.emit({'sender': __name__, 'data_changed': 'input_pz'})
        # -> input_tab_widgets

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'normal')

        logger.debug("b,a = {0}\n\n"
                     "zpk = {1}\n".format(pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']),
Пример #11
    def store_entries(self):
        Read out coefficients table and save the values to filter 'coeffs'
        and 'zpk' dicts. Is called when clicking the <Save> button, triggers
        a recalculation and replot of all plot widgets.
        coeffs = []
        num_rows, num_cols = self.tblCoeff.rowCount(
        ), self.tblCoeff.columnCount()
        logger.debug("store_entries: \n%s rows x  %s cols" %
                     (num_rows, num_cols))

        if self.cmbFilterType.currentText() == 'IIR':
            fb.fil[0]['ft'] = 'IIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_IIR'
            self.cmbFilterType.setCurrentIndex(1)  # set to "IIR"
            fb.fil[0]['ft'] = 'FIR'
            fb.fil[0]['fc'] = 'Manual_FIR'
            self.cmbFilterType.setCurrentIndex(0)  # set to "FIR"

#        if num_cols > 1: # IIR
        for col in range(num_cols):
            rows = []
            for row in range(num_rows):
                item = self.tblCoeff.item(row, col)
                if item:
                    if item.text() != "":
#                    rows.append(float(item.text()) if item else 0.)
            if num_cols == 1:
                coeffs = rows
                coeffs.append(rows)  # type: list num_cols x num_rows

        fb.fil[0]["N"] = num_rows - 1
        fb.fil[0]["q_coeff"] = {
            'QI': int(self.ledQuantI.text()),
            'QF': int(self.ledQuantF.text()),
            'quant': self.cmbQQuant.currentText(),
            'ovfl': self.cmbQOvfl.currentText(),
            'frmt': self.cmbQFormat.currentText()

        fil_save(fb.fil[0], coeffs, 'ba', __name__)

        logger.debug("store_entries - coeffients / zpk updated:\n"
                     "b,a = %s\n\n"
                     "zpk = %s\n" %
                     (pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']), pformat(fb.fil[0]['zpk'])))

        )  # -> input_widgets -> pyFDA -> pltWidgets.updateAll()
Пример #12
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        Convert between poles / zeros / gain, filter coefficients (polynomes)
        and second-order sections and store all available formats in the passed
        dictionary 'fil_dict'.

        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min':
            fil_dict['N'] = self.N - 1  # yes, update filterbroker
Пример #13
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        Convert between poles / zeros / gain, filter coefficients (polynomes)
        and second-order sections and store all available formats in the passed
        dictionary 'fil_dict'.

        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min': 
            fil_dict['N'] = self.N - 1  # yes, update filterbroker
Пример #14
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        Convert between poles / zeros / gain, filter coefficients (polynomes)
        and second-order sections and store all available formats in the passed
        dictionary 'fil_dict'.
        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        try: # has the order been calculated by a "min" filter design?
            fil_dict['N'] = self.N # yes, update filterbroker
        except AttributeError:
Пример #15
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        Convert between poles / zeros / gain, filter coefficients (polynomes)
        and second-order sections and store all available formats in the passed
        dictionary 'fil_dict'.
        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        try:  # has the order been calculated by a "min" filter design?
            fil_dict['N'] = self.N  # yes, update filterbroker
        except AttributeError:
Пример #16
    def _save(self, fil_dict):
        Convert between poles / zeros / gain, filter coefficients (polynomes)
        and second-order sections and store all available formats in the passed
        dictionary 'fil_dict'.
        if 'zpk' in FRMT:
            fil_save(fil_dict, self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__, convert=False)
        if 'ba' in FRMT:
            fil_save(fil_dict, self.b, 'ba', __name__, convert=False)
        fil_convert(fil_dict, FRMT)

        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min':
            fil_dict['N'] = self.N  # yes, update filterbroker
Пример #17
    def _save_entries(self):
        Read table entries and save the values to the filter PZ dict

        logger.debug("=====================\nInputPZ._save_entries called")

        zpk = []

        num_rows = self.tblPZ.rowCount()
        logger.debug("nrows = %d" % num_rows)

        #iterate over both columns
        for col in range(2):
            rows = []
            for row in range(num_rows):
                item = self.tblPZ.item(row, col)
                if item:
                    if item.text() != "":


        zpk.append(simple_eval(self.ledGain.text()))  # append k factor to zpk

        fb.fil[0]["N"] = num_rows
        fil_save(fb.fil[0], zpk, 'zpk', __name__)  # save & convert to 'ba'

        if self.chkNorm.isChecked():
            # set gain factor k (zpk[2]) in such a way that the max. filter
            # gain remains unchanged
            # TODO: Comparison against Hmax is not robust, need to find another anchor
            [w, H] = freqz(fb.fil[0]['ba'][0], fb.fil[0]['ba'][1])  # (bb, aa)
            Hmax = max(abs(H))
            if not np.isfinite(Hmax) or Hmax > 1e4:
                Hmax = 1.
            zpk[2] = zpk[2] * self.Hmax_last / max(abs(H))
            fil_save(fb.fil[0], zpk, 'zpk', __name__)  # save with new gain

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            self.load_entries()  # only needed for stand-alone test


        if self.DEBUG:
            print("ZPK - coeffs:", fb.fil[0]['ba'])
            print("ZPK - zpk:", fb.fil[0]['zpk'])
            print("ZPK updated!")
Пример #18
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        First design initial elliptic filter meeting sqRoot Amp specs;
         - Then create residue vector from poles/zeros;
         - Then square filter (k,p,z and dc,p,r) to get zero phase filter;
         - Then Convert results of filter design to all available formats (pz, pr, ba, sos)
        and store them in the global filter dictionary.

        Corner frequencies and order calculated for minimum filter order are
        also stored to allow for an easy subsequent manual filter optimization.
        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        # For min. filter order algorithms, update filter dict with calculated
        # new values for filter order N and corner frequency(s) F_PBC

        fil_dict['N'] = self.N
        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min':
            if str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'LP' or str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'HP':
                #               HP or LP - single  corner frequency
                fil_dict['F_PB'] = self.F_PBC / 2.
            else:  # BP or BS - two corner frequencies
                fil_dict['F_PB'] = self.F_PBC[0] / 2.
                fil_dict['F_PB2'] = self.F_PBC[1] / 2.

#       Now generate poles/residues for custom file save of new parameters
        if (not self.manual):
            z = fil_dict['zpk'][0]
            p = fil_dict['zpk'][1]
            k = fil_dict['zpk'][2]
            n = len(z)
            gain, residues = self._partial(k, p, z, n)

            pA, zA, gn, pC, rC = self._sqCausal(k, p, z, gain, residues, n)
            fil_dict['rpk'] = [rC, pC, gn]

            #           save antiCausal b,a (nonReciprocal) also [easier to compute h(n)
                fil_dict['baA'] = sig.zpk2tf(zA, pA, k)
            except Exception as e:

#       'rpk' is our signal that this is a non-Causal filter with zero phase
#       inserted into fil dictionary after fil_save and convert

Пример #19
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        First design initial elliptic filter meeting sqRoot Amp specs;
         - Then create residue vector from poles/zeros;
         - Then square filter (k,p,z and dc,p,r) to get zero phase filter;
         - Then Convert results of filter design to all available formats (pz, pr, ba, sos)
        and store them in the global filter dictionary.

        Corner frequencies and order calculated for minimum filter order are
        also stored to allow for an easy subsequent manual filter optimization.
        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        # For min. filter order algorithms, update filter dict with calculated
        # new values for filter order N and corner frequency(s) F_PBC

        fil_dict['N'] = self.N
        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min':
            if str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'LP' or str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'HP':
#               HP or LP - single  corner frequency
                fil_dict['F_PB'] = self.F_PBC / 2.
            else: # BP or BS - two corner frequencies
                fil_dict['F_PB'] = self.F_PBC[0] / 2.
                fil_dict['F_PB2'] = self.F_PBC[1] / 2.

#       Now generate poles/residues for custom file save of new parameters
        if (not self.manual):
            z = fil_dict['zpk'][0]
            p = fil_dict['zpk'][1]
            k = fil_dict['zpk'][2]
            n = len(z)
            gain, residues = self._partial (k, p, z, n)

            pA, zA, gn, pC, rC = self._sqCausal (k, p, z, gain, residues, n)
            fil_dict['rpk'] = [rC, pC, gn]

#           save antiCausal b,a (nonReciprocal) also [easier to compute h(n)
               fil_dict['baA'] = sig.zpk2tf(zA, pA, k)
            except Exception as e:

#       'rpk' is our signal that this is a non-Causal filter with zero phase
#       inserted into fil dictionary after fil_save and convert
        # sig_tx -> select_filter -> filter_specs   
        self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'filt_changed':'ellip_zero'})
Пример #20
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        Convert results of filter design to all available formats (pz, ba, sos)
        and store them in the global filter dictionary.

        Corner frequencies and order calculated for minimum filter order are
        also stored to allow for an easy subsequent manual filter optimization.
        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        # For min. filter order algorithms, update filter dictionary with calculated
        # new values for filter order N and corner frequency(s) F_PBC
        fil_dict['N'] = self.N # always save, might have been limited by _test_N
        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min':
            if str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'LP' or str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'HP':
                fil_dict['F_C'] = self.F_PBC / 2. # HP or LP - single  corner frequency
            else: # BP or BS - two corner frequencies
                fil_dict['F_C'] = self.F_PBC[0] / 2.
                fil_dict['F_C2'] = self.F_PBC[1] / 2.
Пример #21
    def _save(self, fil_dict, arg):
        Convert results of filter design to all available formats (pz, ba, sos)
        and store them in the global filter dictionary.

        Corner frequencies and order calculated for minimum filter order are
        also stored to allow for an easy subsequent manual filter optimization.
        fil_save(fil_dict, arg, self.FRMT, __name__)

        # For min. filter order algorithms, update filter dictionary with calculated
        # new values for filter order N and corner frequency(s) F_PBC
        fil_dict['N'] = self.N # always save, might have been limited by _test_N
        if str(fil_dict['fo']) == 'min':
            if str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'LP' or str(fil_dict['rt']) == 'HP':
                fil_dict['F_C'] = self.F_PBC / 2. # HP or LP - single  corner frequency
            else: # BP or BS - two corner frequencies
                fil_dict['F_C'] = self.F_PBC[0] / 2.
                fil_dict['F_C2'] = self.F_PBC[1] / 2.
Пример #22
    def _save(self, fil_dict):
        Save MA-filters both in 'zpk' and 'ba' format; no conversion has to be
        performed except maybe deleting an 'sos' entry from an earlier
        filter design.
        if 'zpk' in self.FRMT:
            fil_save(fil_dict, self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__, convert = False)

        if 'ba' in self.FRMT:
            fil_save(fil_dict, self.b, 'ba', __name__, convert = False)

        fil_convert(fil_dict, self.FRMT)

        # always update filter dict and LineEdit, in case the design algorithm 
        # has changed the number of delays:
        fil_dict['N'] = self.delays * self.stages # updated filter order
        self.led_delays.setText(str(self.delays)) # updated number of delays
Пример #23
    def _save(self, fil_dict):
        Save MA-filters both in 'zpk' and 'ba' format; no conversion has to be
        performed except maybe deleting an 'sos' entry from an earlier
        filter design.
        if 'zpk' in self.FRMT:
            fil_save(fil_dict, self.zpk, 'zpk', __name__, convert = False)

        if 'ba' in self.FRMT:
            fil_save(fil_dict, self.b, 'ba', __name__, convert = False)

        fil_convert(fil_dict, self.FRMT)

        # always update filter dict and LineEdit, in case the design algorithm 
        # has changed the number of delays:
        fil_dict['N'] = self.delays * self.stages # updated filter order
        self.led_delays.setText(str(self.delays)) # updated number of delays