Пример #1
    def _delete_cells(self):
        Delete all selected elements in self.ba by:
        - determining the indices of all selected cells in the P and Z arrays
        - deleting elements with those indices
        - equalizing the lengths of b and a array by appending the required
          number of zeros.
        When nothing is selected, delete the last row.
        Finally, the QTableWidget is refreshed from self.ba.
        sel = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['sel'] # get indices of all selected cells

        if not np.any(sel) and len(self.ba[0]) > 0:
            self.ba[0] = np.delete(self.ba[0], -1)
            self.ba[1] = np.delete(self.ba[1], -1)
            self.ba[0] = np.delete(self.ba[0], sel[0])
            self.ba[1] = np.delete(self.ba[1], sel[1])

        # test and equalize if b and a array have different lengths:
        if len(self.ba[0]) < 2:
            qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #2
    def _delete_cells(self):
        Delete all selected elements in self.ba by:
        - determining the indices of all selected cells in the P and Z arrays
        - deleting elements with those indices
        - equalizing the lengths of b and a array by appending the required
          number of zeros.
        When nothing is selected, delete the last row.
        Finally, the QTableWidget is refreshed from self.ba.
        sel = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['sel'] # get indices of all selected cells

        if not np.any(sel) and len(self.ba[0]) > 0:
            self.ba[0] = np.delete(self.ba[0], -1)
            self.ba[1] = np.delete(self.ba[1], -1)
            self.ba[0] = np.delete(self.ba[0], sel[0])
            self.ba[1] = np.delete(self.ba[1], sel[1])

        # test and equalize if b and a array have different lengths:
        # if length is less than 2, clear the table: this ain't no filter!
        if len(self.ba[0]) < 2:
            self._clear_table() # sets 'changed' attribute
            qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #3
    def _set_coeffs_zero(self):
        Set all coefficients = 0 in self.ba with a magnitude less than eps
        and refresh QTableWidget
        eps = float(self.ledSetEps.text())
        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx']  # get all selected indices

        test_val = 0.  # value against which array is tested
        targ_val = 0.  # value which is set when condition is true

        if not idx:  # nothing selected, check whole table
            b_0 = np.isclose(self.ba[0], test_val, rtol=0, atol=eps)
            if np.any(
                    b_0):  # found at least one coeff where condition was true
                self.ba[0] = self.ba[0] * np.logical_not(b_0)
                qstyle_widget(self.butSave, 'changed')

            if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
                a_0 = np.isclose(self.ba[1], test_val, rtol=0, atol=eps)
                if np.any(a_0):
                    self.ba[1] = self.ba[1] * np.logical_not(a_0)
                    qstyle_widget(self.butSave, 'changed')

        else:  # only check selected cells
            changed = False
            for i in idx:
                if np.isclose(self.ba[i[0]][i[1]], test_val, rtol=0, atol=eps):
                    self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = targ_val
                    changed = True
            if changed:
                # mark save button as changed
                qstyle_widget(self.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #4
    def quant_coeffs(self):
        Quantize selected / all coefficients in self.ba and refresh QTableWidget
        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx'] # get all selected indices
        if not idx: # nothing selected, quantize all elements
            self.ba = self.myQ.fixp(self.ba, scaling='multdiv')
            for i in idx:
                self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = self.myQ.fixp(self.ba[i[0]][i[1]], scaling = 'multdiv')

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #5
    def quant_coeffs(self):
        Quantize selected / all coefficients in self.ba and refresh QTableWidget
        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx'] # get all selected indices
        if not idx: # nothing selected, quantize all elements
            self.ba = self.myQ.fixp(self.ba, scaling='multdiv')
            for i in idx:
                self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = self.myQ.fixp(self.ba[i[0]][i[1]], scaling = 'multdiv')

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #6
    def _set_coeffs_zero(self):
        Set all coefficients = 0 in self.ba with a magnitude less than eps
        and refresh QTableWidget
        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx']  # get all selected indices

        test_val = 0.  # value against which array is tested
        targ_val = 0.  # value which is set when condition is true
        changed = False

        if not idx:  # nothing selected, check whole table
            b_close = np.logical_and(
                np.isclose(self.ba[0], test_val, rtol=0, atol=self.ui.eps),
                (self.ba[0] != targ_val))
            if np.any(b_close
                      ):  # found at least one coeff where condition was true
                self.ba[0] = np.where(b_close, targ_val, self.ba[0])
                changed = True

            if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
                a_close = np.logical_and(
                    np.isclose(self.ba[1], test_val, rtol=0, atol=self.ui.eps),
                    (self.ba[1] != targ_val))
                if np.any(a_close):
                    self.ba[1] = np.where(a_close, targ_val, self.ba[1])
                    changed = True

        else:  # only check selected cells
            for i in idx:
                if np.logical_and(
                    (self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] != targ_val)):
                    self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = targ_val
                    changed = True
        if changed:
                          'changed')  # mark save button as changed

Пример #7
    def quant_coeffs(self):
        Quantize selected / all coefficients in self.ba and refresh QTableWidget

        self._store_q_settings() # read comboboxes and store setting in filter dict
        # always save quantized coefficients in fractional format
        # -> change output format to 'float' before quantizing and storing in self.ba

        self.myQ.frmt = 'float'

        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx'] # get all selected indices
        if not idx: # nothing selected, quantize all elements
            self.ba = self.myQ.fixp(self.ba, scaling='div')
            for i in idx:
                self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = self.myQ.fixp(self.ba[i[0]][i[1]], scaling = 'div')

        qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #8
    def quant_coeffs(self):
        Quantize selected / all coefficients in self.ba and refresh QTableWidget

        )  # read comboboxes and store setting in filter dict
        # always save quantized coefficients in fractional format
        # -> change output format to 'float' before quantizing and storing in self.ba
        self.myQ.frmt = 'float'

        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx']  # get all selected indices
        if not idx:  # nothing selected, quantize all elements
            self.ba = self.myQ.fix(self.ba, to_float=True)
            for i in idx:
                self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = self.myQ.fix(self.ba[i[0]][i[1]],

        qstyle_widget(self.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #9
    def _add_cells(self):
        Add the number of selected rows to self.ba and fill new cells with
        zeros from the bottom. If nothing is selected, add one row at the bottom.
        Refresh QTableWidget.
        # get indices of all selected cells
        sel = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['sel']

        if not np.any(sel):
            sel[0] = [len(self.ba[0])]
            sel[1] = [len(self.ba[1])]

        self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], sel[0], 0)
        self.ba[1] = np.insert(self.ba[1], sel[1], 0)

        # insert 'sel' contiguous rows  before 'row':
        # self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], row, np.zeros(sel))

Пример #10
    def _add_cells(self):
        Add the number of selected rows to self.ba and fill new cells with
        zeros from the bottom. If nothing is selected, add one row at the bottom.
        Refresh QTableWidget.
        # get indices of all selected cells
        sel = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['sel']

        if not np.any(sel):
            sel[0] = [len(self.ba[0])]
            sel[1] = [len(self.ba[1])]

        self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], sel[0], 0)
        self.ba[1] = np.insert(self.ba[1], sel[1], 0)

        # insert 'sel' contiguous rows  before 'row':
        # self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], row, np.zeros(sel))

Пример #11
    def _add_cells(self):
        Add the number of selected rows to self.ba and fill new cells with
        zeros from the bottom. If nothing is selected, add one row at the bottom.
        Refresh QTableWidget.
        # get indices of all selected cells
        sel = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['sel']

        if not np.any(sel): # nothing selected, append zeros to table
            np.append(self.ba[0], 0)
            np.append(self.ba[1], 0)
            self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], sel[0], 0)
            self.ba[1] = np.insert(self.ba[1], sel[1], 0)

        # insert 'sel' contiguous rows  before 'row':
        # self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], row, np.zeros(sel))

        # don't tag as 'changed' when only zeros have been added at the end
        if np.any(sel):
            qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')
Пример #12
    def _set_coeffs_zero(self):
        Set all coefficients = 0 in self.ba with a magnitude less than eps
        and refresh QTableWidget
        idx = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['idx'] # get all selected indices

        test_val = 0. # value against which array is tested
        targ_val = 0. # value which is set when condition is true
        changed = False

        if not idx: # nothing selected, check whole table
            b_close = np.logical_and(np.isclose(self.ba[0], test_val, rtol=0, atol=self.ui.eps),
                                    (self.ba[0] != targ_val))
            if np.any(b_close): # found at least one coeff where condition was true
                self.ba[0] = np.where(b_close, targ_val, self.ba[0])
                changed = True

            if  fb.fil[0]['ft'] == 'IIR':
                a_close = np.logical_and(np.isclose(self.ba[1], test_val, rtol=0, atol=self.ui.eps),
                                    (self.ba[1] != targ_val))
                if np.any(a_close):
                    self.ba[1] = np.where(a_close, targ_val, self.ba[1])
                    changed = True

        else: # only check selected cells
            for i in idx:
                if np.logical_and(np.isclose(self.ba[i[0]][i[1]], test_val, rtol=0, atol=self.ui.eps),
                                  (self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] != targ_val)):
                    self.ba[i[0]][i[1]] = targ_val
                    changed = True
        if changed:
            qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed') # mark save button as changed

Пример #13
    def _add_cells(self):
        Add the number of selected rows to self.ba and fill new cells with
        zeros from the bottom. If nothing is selected, add one row at the bottom.
        Refresh QTableWidget.
        # get indices of all selected cells
        sel = qget_selected(self.tblCoeff)['sel']

        if not np.any(sel): # nothing selected, append zeros to table
            self.ba[0] = np.append(self.ba[0], 0)
            self.ba[1] = np.append(self.ba[1], 0)
            self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], sel[0], 0)
            self.ba[1] = np.insert(self.ba[1], sel[1], 0)

        # insert 'sel' contiguous rows  before 'row':
        # self.ba[0] = np.insert(self.ba[0], row, np.zeros(sel))

        # don't tag as 'changed' when only zeros have been added at the end
        if np.any(sel):
            qstyle_widget(self.ui.butSave, 'changed')