def remove_temp_file(file_name, local_computation=False): os.remove(file_name) if not local_computation: with pyfear.fear(via_gate=(LOCATION == 'home')) as fear: fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(file_name)[-1]))
def copy_to_remote(file_name): with pyfear.fear(via_gate=(LOCATION == 'home')) as fear: fear.copy_to_temp(file_name)
def run_batch_on_fear(scripts, language='python', job_check_sleep=30, file_copy_timeout=300, max_jobs=500, verbose=True, zip_files=False): ''' Receives a list of python scripts to run Assumes the code has an output file - i.e. %(output_file)s - that will be managed by this function Returns a list of local file names where the code has presumably stored output ''' # Define some code constants #### TODO - this path adding code should accept an optional list of paths python_path_code = ''' import sys sys.path.append('%s') ''' % REMOTE_PYTHON_PATH #### This will be deprecated in future MATLAB - hopefully the -singleCompThread command is sufficient #### TODO - No longer used? Remove? matlab_single_thread = ''' maxNumCompThreads(1); ''' matlab_path_code = ''' addpath(genpath('%s')) ''' % REMOTE_MATLAB_PATH #### TODO - allow port forwarding / tunneling - copy to machine on network with more disk space than fear, then copy from that machine? #### FIXME - Now does port forwarding but with fixed port numbers = bad #### TODO - Fix port forard leak if LOCATION == 'home': python_transfer_code = ''' from subprocess_timeout import timeoutCommand import subprocess print "Setting up port forwarding" if subprocess.Popen("netstat -an | grep %(r2rport)d | grep LISTEN", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] == '': timeoutCommand(cmd='ssh -i %(rsa_remote)s -N -f -L %(r2rport)d:localhost:%(r2hport)d %(username)s@fear').run(timeout=%(timeout)d) print "Moving output file" if not timeoutCommand(cmd='scp -P %(r2rport)d -i %(rsa_home)s %(output_file)s %(home_user)s@localhost:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s').run(timeout=%(timeout)d)[0]: raise RuntimeError('Copying output raised error or timed out') ''' % { 'rsa_remote': REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_KEY_FILE, 'r2rport': REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_PORT, 'r2hport': REMOTE_TO_HOME_PORT, 'username': USERNAME, 'timeout': file_copy_timeout, 'rsa_home': REMOTE_TO_HOME_KEY_FILE, 'output_file': '%(output_file)s', 'home_user': HOME_USERNAME, 'local_temp_path': HOME_TEMP_PATH } else: python_transfer_code = ''' #from util import timeoutCommand from subprocess_timeout import timeoutCommand print "Moving output file" if not timeoutCommand(cmd='scp -i %(rsa_key)s %(output_file)s %(username)s@%(local_host)s:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s').run(timeout=%(timeout)d)[0]: raise RuntimeError('Copying output raised error or timed out') ''' % { 'rsa_key': REMOTE_TO_LOCAL_KEY_FILE, 'output_file': '%(output_file)s', 'username': USERNAME, 'local_host': LOCAL_HOST, 'local_temp_path': LOCAL_TEMP_PATH, 'timeout': file_copy_timeout } #### TODO - make this location independent #### TODO - does this suffer from the instabilities that lead to the verbosity of the python command above if LOCATION == 'home': matlab_transfer_code = ''' [status, result] = system('netstat -an | grep %(r2rport)d | grep LISTEN') if isempty(strfind(result, 'LISTEN')) system('ssh -i %(rsa_remote)s -N -f -L %(r2rport)d:localhost:%(r2hport)d %(username)s@fear') end system('scp -o ConnectTimeout=%(timeout)d -P %(r2rport)d -i %(rsa_home)s %(output_file)s %(home_user)s@localhost:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s') ''' % { 'rsa_remote': REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_KEY_FILE, 'r2rport': REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_PORT, 'r2hport': REMOTE_TO_HOME_PORT, 'username': USERNAME, 'timeout': file_copy_timeout, 'rsa_home': REMOTE_TO_HOME_KEY_FILE, 'output_file': '%(output_file)s', 'home_user': HOME_USERNAME, 'local_temp_path': HOME_TEMP_PATH } else: matlab_transfer_code = ''' system('scp -o ConnectTimeout=%(timeout)d -i %(rsa_key)s %(output_file)s %(username)s@%(local_host)s:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s') ''' % { 'rsa_key': REMOTE_TO_LOCAL_KEY_FILE, 'output_file': '%(output_file)s', 'username': USERNAME, 'timeout': file_copy_timeout, 'local_host': LOCAL_HOST, 'local_temp_path': LOCAL_TEMP_PATH } # python_completion_code = ''' #print 'Writing completion flag' #with open('%(flag_file)s', 'w') as f: # f.write('Goodbye, World') #print "I'll bite your legs off!" #quit() #''' python_completion_code = ''' print "I will bite your legs off!" quit() ''' #### TODO - Is this completely stable # matlab_completion_code = ''' #fprintf('\\nWriting completion flag\\n'); #ID = fopen('%(flag_file)s', 'w'); #fprintf(ID, 'Goodbye, world'); #fclose(ID); #fprintf('\\nGoodbye, World\\n'); #quit() #''' matlab_completion_code = """ fprintf('\\nGoodbye, World\\n'); quit() """ # Open a connection to fear as a with block - ensures connection is closed with pyfear.fear(via_gate=(LOCATION == 'home')) as fear: # Initialise lists of file locations job ids shell_files = [None] * len(scripts) script_files = [None] * len(scripts) output_files = [None] * len(scripts) stdout_files = [None] * len(scripts) flag_files = [None] * len(scripts) job_ids = [None] * len(scripts) fear_finished = False job_finished = [False] * len(scripts) # Modify all scripts and create local temporary files #### TODO - Writing to the network can be slow #### - Perhaps it would be better writing to local disk followed by a block file transfer (is this possible?) #### - Would make sense to do this when reading output files as well - perhaps this should be provided in this module? if LOCATION == 'local': temp_dir = LOCAL_TEMP_PATH else: temp_dir = HOME_TEMP_PATH if verbose: print 'Writing temporary files locally' for (i, code) in enumerate(scripts): if language == 'python': script_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.py') elif language == 'matlab': script_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.m') shell_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.sh') output_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.out') flag_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.flg') # Customise code (path, transfer of output back to local host, flag file writing) #### TODO - make path and output_transfer optional if language == 'python': code = python_path_code + code + python_transfer_code + python_completion_code elif language == 'matlab': code = matlab_path_code + code + matlab_transfer_code + matlab_completion_code #code = code % {'output_file': os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(output_files[i])[-1]), # 'flag_file' : os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1])} code = code % { 'output_file': os.path.join(REMOTE_SCRATCH_PATH, os.path.split(output_files[i])[-1]) } # Write code and shell file with open(script_files[i], 'w') as f: f.write(code) with open(shell_files[i], 'w') as f: #### TODO - is os.path.join always correct - what happens if this program is being run on windows? if language == 'python': f.write('python ' + os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1]) + '\n') elif language == 'matlab': f.write('cd ' + REMOTE_TEMP_PATH + ';\n' + REMOTE_MATLAB + ' -nosplash -nojvm -nodisplay -singleCompThread -r ' + \ os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1].split('.')[0] + '\n') # Zip and send files if zip_files: if verbose: print 'Zipping files' zip_file_name = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.zip') zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, mode='w') for script in script_files: zf.write(script, arcname=(os.path.split(script)[-1]), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for shell in shell_files: zf.write(shell, arcname=(os.path.split(shell)[-1]), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zf.close() if verbose: print 'Sending zip file to fear' fear.copy_to_temp(zip_file_name) if verbose: print 'Unzipping on fear' fear.command( 'cd %(temp_path)s ; unzip %(zip_file)s ; rm %(zip_file)s' % { 'temp_path': REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, 'zip_file': os.path.split(zip_file_name)[-1] }) # Loop through jobs, submitting jobs whenever fear usage low enough, re-submitting failed jobs print 'Submitting %d jobs' % len(scripts) while not fear_finished: # Update knowledge of fear - trying to limit communication fear.qstat() jobs_alive = fear.jobs_alive(update=False) # Sleep unless anything happens should_sleep = True for i in range(len(scripts)): # Make me more pythonic with zipping #fear.qstat() #jobs_alive = fear.jobs_alive(update=False) # Does the job need to be run and can we run it? if (not job_finished[i]) and (job_ids[i] is None) and ( jobs_alive <= max_jobs): # Something has happened should_sleep = False # Transfer files to fear if not zip_files: fear.copy_to_temp(script_files[i]) fear.copy_to_temp(shell_files[i]) # Submit the job to fear if verbose: print 'Submitting job %d of %d' % (i + 1, len(scripts)), job_ids[i] = fear.qsub( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]), verbose=verbose) # Hide path constant # Increment job count jobs_alive += 1 #### FIXME - This was an attempt at better utilisation of fear - back fired since calling qstat is slow - correct solution is to have job sending and job completion checking in different threads - but would need to be carerful with the shared lists #for j in range(len(scripts)): # if (not job_finished[j]) and (job_ids[j] is None) and (jobs_alive <= max_jobs): # # Something has happened # should_sleep = False # # Transfer files to fear # if not zip_files: # fear.copy_to_temp(script_files[j]) # fear.copy_to_temp(shell_files[j]) # # Submit the job to fear # print 'Submitting job %d of %d' % (j + 1, len(scripts)) # job_ids[j] = fear.qsub(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[j])[-1]), verbose=verbose) # Hide path constant # # Increment job count # jobs_alive += 1 # Otherwise was it running last we checked? elif (not job_finished[i]) and (not job_ids[i] is None): #if (not job_finished[i]) and (not job_ids[i] is None): # Has the process terminated? if fear.job_terminated(job_ids[i], update=False): # Decrement job count #jobs_alive -= 1 - would not have been counted earlier should_sleep = False # Has the job failed to write a flag or is the output file empty #### FIXME - If LOCATION=='home' need to check .out file on local is non-empty #### TODO - Can likely increase speed by checking status of files (on fear and local) in one block - not sure how to do it though #### - In particular checking for file existence should probably be done with a SFTP client rather than SSH - might be faster? #if (not fear.file_exists(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1]))) or \ # (os.stat(output_files[i]).st_size == 0): if (os.stat(output_files[i]).st_size == 0): # Job has finished but missing output - resubmit later print 'Shell script %s job_id %s failed' % ( os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1], job_ids[i]) # Save job id for file deletion old_job_id = job_ids[i] job_ids[i] = None else: # Job has finished successfully job_finished[i] = True # Save job id for file deletion old_job_id = job_ids[i] # Move files if necessary #if LOCATION=='home': # # Copy the file from local storage machine (and delete it) # fear.copy_from_localhost(localpath=output_files[i], remotepath=os.path.join(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(output_files[i])[-1])) # Tell the world if verbose: print '%d / %d jobs complete' % ( sum(job_finished), len(job_finished)) # Tidy up local temporary directory - actually - do this in one batch later #os.remove(script_files[i]) #os.remove(shell_files[i]) #os.remove(flag_files[i]) # Tidy up fear fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1])) fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1])) #fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1])) #### TODO - record the output and error files for future reference fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id)) fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)) #### TODO - is the following line faster? #fear.command('rm ' + ' ; rm '.join([os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)])) # Tidy up local temporary directory #os.remove(script_files[i]) #os.remove(shell_files[i]) #os.remove(flag_files[i]) job_ids[i] = None elif not (fear.job_queued(job_ids[i]) or fear.job_running(job_ids[i]) \ or fear.job_loading(job_ids[i])): # Job has some status other than running, queuing or loading - something is wrong, delete it jobs_alive -= 1 should_sleep = False old_job_id = job_ids[i] fear.qdel(job_ids[i]) print 'Shell script %s job_id %s stuck, deleting' % ( os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1], job_ids[i]) #### TODO - remove this code duplication # Tidy up fear fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1])) fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1])) # fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1])) #### TODO - record the output and error files for future reference fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id)) fear.rm( os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)) #### TODO - is the following line faster? #fear.command('rm ' + ' ; rm '.join([os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)])) # Tidy up local temporary directory #os.remove(script_files[i]) #os.remove(shell_files[i]) #os.remove(flag_files[i]) job_ids[i] = None if all(job_finished): fear_finished = True elif should_sleep: print '%d of %d jobs complete' % (sum(job_finished), len(job_finished)) if verbose: #fear.qstat() print '%d jobs running' % fear.jobs_running(update=False) print '%d jobs loading' % fear.jobs_loading(update=False) print '%d jobs queued' % fear.jobs_queued(update=False) #print 'Sleeping for %d seconds' % job_check_sleep time.sleep(job_check_sleep) # Tidy up temporary directory if verbose: print 'Removing temporary files' for i in range(len(scripts)): os.remove(script_files[i]) os.remove(shell_files[i]) os.remove(flag_files[i]) if zip_files: os.remove(zip_file_name) #### TODO - return job output and error files as applicable (e.g. there may be multiple error files associated with one script) return output_files
def run_batch_on_fear(scripts, language='python', job_check_sleep=30, file_copy_timeout=300, max_jobs=500, verbose=True, zip_files=False): ''' Receives a list of python scripts to run Assumes the code has an output file - i.e. %(output_file)s - that will be managed by this function Returns a list of local file names where the code has presumably stored output ''' # Define some code constants #### TODO - this path adding code should accept an optional list of paths python_path_code = ''' import sys sys.path.append('%s') ''' % REMOTE_PYTHON_PATH #### This will be deprecated in future MATLAB - hopefully the -singleCompThread command is sufficient #### TODO - No longer used? Remove? matlab_single_thread = ''' maxNumCompThreads(1); ''' matlab_path_code = ''' addpath(genpath('%s')) ''' % REMOTE_MATLAB_PATH #### TODO - allow port forwarding / tunneling - copy to machine on network with more disk space than fear, then copy from that machine? #### FIXME - Now does port forwarding but with fixed port numbers = bad #### TODO - Fix port forard leak if LOCATION == 'home': python_transfer_code = ''' from subprocess_timeout import timeoutCommand import subprocess print "Setting up port forwarding" if subprocess.Popen("netstat -an | grep %(r2rport)d | grep LISTEN", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] == '': timeoutCommand(cmd='ssh -i %(rsa_remote)s -N -f -L %(r2rport)d:localhost:%(r2hport)d %(username)s@fear').run(timeout=%(timeout)d) print "Moving output file" if not timeoutCommand(cmd='scp -P %(r2rport)d -i %(rsa_home)s %(output_file)s %(home_user)s@localhost:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s').run(timeout=%(timeout)d)[0]: raise RuntimeError('Copying output raised error or timed out') ''' % {'rsa_remote' : REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_KEY_FILE, 'r2rport' : REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_PORT, 'r2hport' : REMOTE_TO_HOME_PORT, 'username' : USERNAME, 'timeout' : file_copy_timeout, 'rsa_home' : REMOTE_TO_HOME_KEY_FILE, 'output_file' : '%(output_file)s', 'home_user' : HOME_USERNAME, 'local_temp_path' : HOME_TEMP_PATH} else: python_transfer_code = ''' #from util import timeoutCommand from subprocess_timeout import timeoutCommand print "Moving output file" if not timeoutCommand(cmd='scp -i %(rsa_key)s %(output_file)s %(username)s@%(local_host)s:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s').run(timeout=%(timeout)d)[0]: raise RuntimeError('Copying output raised error or timed out') ''' % {'rsa_key' : REMOTE_TO_LOCAL_KEY_FILE, 'output_file' : '%(output_file)s', 'username' : USERNAME, 'local_host' : LOCAL_HOST, 'local_temp_path' : LOCAL_TEMP_PATH, 'timeout' : file_copy_timeout} #### TODO - make this location independent #### TODO - does this suffer from the instabilities that lead to the verbosity of the python command above if LOCATION == 'home': matlab_transfer_code = ''' [status, result] = system('netstat -an | grep %(r2rport)d | grep LISTEN') if isempty(strfind(result, 'LISTEN')) system('ssh -i %(rsa_remote)s -N -f -L %(r2rport)d:localhost:%(r2hport)d %(username)s@fear') end system('scp -o ConnectTimeout=%(timeout)d -P %(r2rport)d -i %(rsa_home)s %(output_file)s %(home_user)s@localhost:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s') ''' % {'rsa_remote' : REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_KEY_FILE, 'r2rport' : REMOTE_TO_REMOTE_PORT, 'r2hport' : REMOTE_TO_HOME_PORT, 'username' : USERNAME, 'timeout' : file_copy_timeout, 'rsa_home' : REMOTE_TO_HOME_KEY_FILE, 'output_file' : '%(output_file)s', 'home_user' : HOME_USERNAME, 'local_temp_path' : HOME_TEMP_PATH} else: matlab_transfer_code = ''' system('scp -o ConnectTimeout=%(timeout)d -i %(rsa_key)s %(output_file)s %(username)s@%(local_host)s:%(local_temp_path)s; rm %(output_file)s') ''' % {'rsa_key' : REMOTE_TO_LOCAL_KEY_FILE, 'output_file' : '%(output_file)s', 'username' : USERNAME, 'timeout' : file_copy_timeout, 'local_host' : LOCAL_HOST, 'local_temp_path' : LOCAL_TEMP_PATH} # python_completion_code = ''' #print 'Writing completion flag' #with open('%(flag_file)s', 'w') as f: # f.write('Goodbye, World') #print "I'll bite your legs off!" #quit() #''' python_completion_code = ''' print "I will bite your legs off!" quit() ''' #### TODO - Is this completely stable # matlab_completion_code = ''' #fprintf('\\nWriting completion flag\\n'); #ID = fopen('%(flag_file)s', 'w'); #fprintf(ID, 'Goodbye, world'); #fclose(ID); #fprintf('\\nGoodbye, World\\n'); #quit() #''' matlab_completion_code = """ fprintf('\\nGoodbye, World\\n'); quit() """ # Open a connection to fear as a with block - ensures connection is closed with pyfear.fear(via_gate=(LOCATION=='home')) as fear: # Initialise lists of file locations job ids shell_files = [None] * len(scripts) script_files = [None] * len(scripts) output_files = [None] * len(scripts) stdout_files = [None] * len(scripts) flag_files = [None] * len(scripts) job_ids = [None] * len(scripts) fear_finished = False job_finished = [False] * len(scripts) # Modify all scripts and create local temporary files #### TODO - Writing to the network can be slow #### - Perhaps it would be better writing to local disk followed by a block file transfer (is this possible?) #### - Would make sense to do this when reading output files as well - perhaps this should be provided in this module? if LOCATION == 'local': temp_dir = LOCAL_TEMP_PATH else: temp_dir = HOME_TEMP_PATH if verbose: print 'Writing temporary files locally' for (i, code) in enumerate(scripts): if language == 'python': script_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.py') elif language == 'matlab': script_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.m') shell_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.sh') output_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.out') flag_files[i] = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.flg') # Customise code (path, transfer of output back to local host, flag file writing) #### TODO - make path and output_transfer optional if language == 'python': code = python_path_code + code + python_transfer_code + python_completion_code elif language == 'matlab': code = matlab_path_code + code + matlab_transfer_code + matlab_completion_code #code = code % {'output_file': os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(output_files[i])[-1]), # 'flag_file' : os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1])} code = code % {'output_file': os.path.join(REMOTE_SCRATCH_PATH, os.path.split(output_files[i])[-1])} # Write code and shell file with open(script_files[i], 'w') as f: f.write(code) with open(shell_files[i], 'w') as f: #### TODO - is os.path.join always correct - what happens if this program is being run on windows? if language == 'python': f.write('python ' + os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1]) + '\n') elif language == 'matlab': f.write('cd ' + REMOTE_TEMP_PATH + ';\n' + REMOTE_MATLAB + ' -nosplash -nojvm -nodisplay -singleCompThread -r ' + \ os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1].split('.')[0] + '\n') # Zip and send files if zip_files: if verbose: print 'Zipping files' zip_file_name = mkstemp_safe(temp_dir, '.zip') zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, mode='w') for script in script_files: zf.write(script, arcname=(os.path.split(script)[-1]), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for shell in shell_files: zf.write(shell, arcname=(os.path.split(shell)[-1]), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zf.close() if verbose: print 'Sending zip file to fear' fear.copy_to_temp(zip_file_name) if verbose: print 'Unzipping on fear' fear.command('cd %(temp_path)s ; unzip %(zip_file)s ; rm %(zip_file)s' % {'temp_path' : REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, 'zip_file' : os.path.split(zip_file_name)[-1]}) # Loop through jobs, submitting jobs whenever fear usage low enough, re-submitting failed jobs print 'Submitting %d jobs' % len(scripts) while not fear_finished: # Update knowledge of fear - trying to limit communication fear.qstat() jobs_alive = fear.jobs_alive(update=False) # Sleep unless anything happens should_sleep = True for i in range(len(scripts)): # Make me more pythonic with zipping #fear.qstat() #jobs_alive = fear.jobs_alive(update=False) # Does the job need to be run and can we run it? if (not job_finished[i]) and (job_ids[i] is None) and (jobs_alive <= max_jobs): # Something has happened should_sleep = False # Transfer files to fear if not zip_files: fear.copy_to_temp(script_files[i]) fear.copy_to_temp(shell_files[i]) # Submit the job to fear if verbose: print 'Submitting job %d of %d' % (i + 1, len(scripts)), job_ids[i] = fear.qsub(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]), verbose=verbose) # Hide path constant # Increment job count jobs_alive += 1 #### FIXME - This was an attempt at better utilisation of fear - back fired since calling qstat is slow - correct solution is to have job sending and job completion checking in different threads - but would need to be carerful with the shared lists #for j in range(len(scripts)): # if (not job_finished[j]) and (job_ids[j] is None) and (jobs_alive <= max_jobs): # # Something has happened # should_sleep = False # # Transfer files to fear # if not zip_files: # fear.copy_to_temp(script_files[j]) # fear.copy_to_temp(shell_files[j]) # # Submit the job to fear # print 'Submitting job %d of %d' % (j + 1, len(scripts)) # job_ids[j] = fear.qsub(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[j])[-1]), verbose=verbose) # Hide path constant # # Increment job count # jobs_alive += 1 # Otherwise was it running last we checked? elif (not job_finished[i]) and (not job_ids[i] is None): #if (not job_finished[i]) and (not job_ids[i] is None): # Has the process terminated? if fear.job_terminated(job_ids[i], update=False): # Decrement job count #jobs_alive -= 1 - would not have been counted earlier should_sleep = False # Has the job failed to write a flag or is the output file empty #### FIXME - If LOCATION=='home' need to check .out file on local is non-empty #### TODO - Can likely increase speed by checking status of files (on fear and local) in one block - not sure how to do it though #### - In particular checking for file existence should probably be done with a SFTP client rather than SSH - might be faster? #if (not fear.file_exists(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1]))) or \ # (os.stat(output_files[i]).st_size == 0): if (os.stat(output_files[i]).st_size == 0): # Job has finished but missing output - resubmit later print 'Shell script %s job_id %s failed' % (os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1], job_ids[i]) # Save job id for file deletion old_job_id = job_ids[i] job_ids[i] = None else: # Job has finished successfully job_finished[i] = True # Save job id for file deletion old_job_id = job_ids[i] # Move files if necessary #if LOCATION=='home': # # Copy the file from local storage machine (and delete it) # fear.copy_from_localhost(localpath=output_files[i], remotepath=os.path.join(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(output_files[i])[-1])) # Tell the world if verbose: print '%d / %d jobs complete' % (sum(job_finished), len(job_finished)) # Tidy up local temporary directory - actually - do this in one batch later #os.remove(script_files[i]) #os.remove(shell_files[i]) #os.remove(flag_files[i]) # Tidy up fear fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1])) fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1])) #fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1])) #### TODO - record the output and error files for future reference fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id)) fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)) #### TODO - is the following line faster? #fear.command('rm ' + ' ; rm '.join([os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)])) # Tidy up local temporary directory #os.remove(script_files[i]) #os.remove(shell_files[i]) #os.remove(flag_files[i]) job_ids[i] = None elif not (fear.job_queued(job_ids[i]) or fear.job_running(job_ids[i]) \ or fear.job_loading(job_ids[i])): # Job has some status other than running, queuing or loading - something is wrong, delete it jobs_alive -= 1 should_sleep = False old_job_id = job_ids[i] fear.qdel(job_ids[i]) print 'Shell script %s job_id %s stuck, deleting' % (os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1], job_ids[i]) #### TODO - remove this code duplication # Tidy up fear fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1])) fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1])) # fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1])) #### TODO - record the output and error files for future reference fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id)) fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)) #### TODO - is the following line faster? #fear.command('rm ' + ' ; rm '.join([os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(script_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(flag_files[i])[-1]), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.o%s' % old_job_id), os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(shell_files[i])[-1]) + ('.e%s' % old_job_id)])) # Tidy up local temporary directory #os.remove(script_files[i]) #os.remove(shell_files[i]) #os.remove(flag_files[i]) job_ids[i] = None if all(job_finished): fear_finished = True elif should_sleep: print '%d of %d jobs complete' % (sum(job_finished), len(job_finished)) if verbose: #fear.qstat() print '%d jobs running' % fear.jobs_running(update=False) print '%d jobs loading' % fear.jobs_loading(update=False) print '%d jobs queued' % fear.jobs_queued(update=False) #print 'Sleeping for %d seconds' % job_check_sleep time.sleep(job_check_sleep) # Tidy up temporary directory if verbose: print 'Removing temporary files' for i in range(len(scripts)): os.remove(script_files[i]) os.remove(shell_files[i]) os.remove(flag_files[i]) if zip_files: os.remove(zip_file_name) #### TODO - return job output and error files as applicable (e.g. there may be multiple error files associated with one script) return output_files
def remove_temp_file(file_name, local_computation=False): os.remove(file_name) if not local_computation: with pyfear.fear(via_gate=(LOCATION=='home')) as fear: fear.rm(os.path.join(REMOTE_TEMP_PATH, os.path.split(file_name)[-1]))
def copy_to_remote(file_name): with pyfear.fear(via_gate=(LOCATION=='home')) as fear: fear.copy_to_temp(file_name)
''' Short program that only gets one file To be used as a subprocess to prevent errors messing up main thread ''' import sys import pyfear remotepath = sys.argv[1] localpath = sys.argv[2] with pyfear.fear() as fear: fear._get(remotepath=remotepath, localpath=localpath)