Пример #1
def zonecreate(session, zones):
    """Create new Zone(s)

    Example usage of the method::

        zones = [
                        "zone-name": name,
                                "entry-name": members,
        result = zonecreate(session, zones)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param zones: an array of zone and new members
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. Create new Zone(s)


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.post(session)
    return result
Пример #2
def zoneremove(session, zones):
    """Remove from existing Zone(s) specified member(s)

    Example usage of the method::

        zones = [
                        "zone-name": name,
                                "entry-name": members,
        result = zoneremove(session, zones)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param zones: an array of zone and members to be deleted
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. Delete specific members from an existing Zone(s)

    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.delete(session)
    return result
Пример #3
def pzoneadd(session, zones):
    """Add to an existing Peer Zone(s) additional member(s)

    Example usage of the method::

        zones = [
                        "zone-name": name,
                        "zone-type": pyfos_zone.ZONE_TYPE_PEER,
                                "entry-name": members,
                                "principal-entry-name": pmembers
        result = pzoneadd(session, zones)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param zones: an array of zone and new members
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. add a new member to an existing Peer Zone(s)

    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.post(session)
    return result
Пример #4
def aliasadd(session, aliases):
    """Add to an existing alias additional members

    Example usage of the method::

        aliases = [
                        "alias-name": name,
                        "member-entry": {"alias-entry-name": members}
        result = aliasadd(session, aliases)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param aliases: an array of alias and new members
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. add a new member to an existing alias


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.post(session)
    return result
Пример #5
def cfgcreate(session, cfgs):
    """Create new cfg(s) with member(s)

    Example usage of the method::

        cfgs = [
                        "cfg-name": name,
                        "member-zone": {"zone-name": members}
        result = cfgcreate(session, cfgs)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param cfgs: an array of cfg and members
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. create new  cfg


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.post(session)
    return result
Пример #6
def cfgdelete(session, cfgs):
    """Delete existing cfg(s)

    Example usage of the method::

        cfgs = [
                        "cfg-name": name,
        result = cfgdelete(session, cfgs)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param cfgs: an array of cfg
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. delete an existing cfg


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.delete(session)
    return result
Пример #7
def aliasremove(session, aliases):
    """Remove members from existing alias(es)

    Example usage of the method::

        aliases = [
                        "alias-name": name,
                        "member-entry": {"alias-entry-name": members}
        result = aliasremove(session, aliases)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param aliases: an array of alias and to be removed members
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1.  remove members from an existing alias


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.delete(session)
    return result
Пример #8
def zonedelete(session, zones):
    """Delete an existing Zone(s)

    Example usage of the method::

        zones = [
                        "zone-name": name,
        result = zonedelete(session, zones)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param zones: an array of zone and new members
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. Delete an existing Zone(s)


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.delete(session)
    return result
Пример #9
def aliasdelete(session, aliases):
    """Delete alisas(es)

    Example usage of the method::

        aliases = [
                        "alias-name": name,
        result = aliadelete(session, aliases)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param aliases: an array of alias to be deleted
    :rtype: dictionary of return status matching rest response

    *use cases*

        1. delete an alias


    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
    result = new_defined.delete(session)
    return result
Пример #10
def zone_allow_pair_to_peer(session, prefix, hostport,
                            targetname, targetport, if_no_cfg, checkmode):
    """Create/add a pair of host and target to a peer Zone

    Example usage of the method to create a new peer zone with a pair::

        ret_code, result = zone_allow_pair_to_peer.zone_allow_pair_to_peer(
            session, "az__pz__", "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88",
            "mytarget", "88:77:66:55:44:33:22:11", "cfg_if_there_is_non", True)
        if ret_code > 0:
            print ("zone db changed", ret_code, result)
            print ("zone db didn't change", ret_code, result)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param prefix: prefix for the peer Zone name
    :param hostport: WWN of the host port
    :param targetname: string name of the target
    :param targetport: WWN of the target port
    :param if_no_cfg: CFG name to be used if there are no enabled CFG
    :param checkmode: indicate if Zone DB is to be updated or
        return status only
    :rtype: return code and dictionary of status description

    *use cases*

        1. pass in host/target pair to create peer zone
        2. pass in host/target pair to create peer zone


    cfgname = if_no_cfg
    zonename = prefix + targetname

    prezone_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration.get(session)
    if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(prezone_defined):
        return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                          "error": prezone_defined})

    prezone_effective = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration.get(session)
    if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(prezone_effective):
        return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                          "error": prezone_effective})

    # check to see if we have a cfg for the zone already
    found_matching_cfg, found_matching_cfg_with_zone = find_matching_cfg(
            prezone_defined, cfgname, zonename)

    # check to see if we have a peer zone for the target already
    (found_matching_zone, found_matching_zone_with_target,
     found_matching_zone_with_host) = find_matching_zone(
                    prezone_defined, zonename, hostport, targetport)

    # if didn't find the matching zone with the name, let's create one
    zone_action = ZONE_EXISTED
    if not found_matching_zone:
        if checkmode is False:
            zones = [
                        "zone-name": zonename,
                        "zone-type": pyfos_zone.ZONE_TYPE_PEER,
                        "member-entry": {
                                         "principal-entry-name": [targetport],
                                         "entry-name": [hostport]
            new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
            result = new_defined.post(session)
            if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                                  "error": result})

            zone_action = ZONE_CREATED
        # I found zone. but it has unknown WWN for the principal target
        if not found_matching_zone_with_target:
            return (RET_ERR,
                    {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                     "error": "found expected zone but unexpected target WWN"})
            # I found the zone & the target but the host is missing
            # let's add to it
            if not found_matching_zone_with_host:
                if checkmode is False:
                    zones = [
                              "zone-name": zonename,
                              "zone-type": pyfos_zone.ZONE_TYPE_PEER,
                              "member-entry": {"entry-name": [hostport]}
                    new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
                    result = new_defined.post(session)
                    if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                        return (RET_ERR,
                                {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                                 "error": result})

                    zone_action = ZONE_MODIFIED

    # check to see if we have an enabled cfg
    # if nothing is enabled, just create a new cfg and add the
    # zone
    if prezone_effective.peek_cfg_name() is None:
        if checkmode is False:
            if (found_matching_cfg is False or
                    found_matching_cfg_with_zone is False):
                # if cfg is not found or member is not found, post to create or
                # add to it.
                cfgs = [
                                "cfg-name": cfgname,
                                "member-zone": {"zone-name": [zonename]}
                new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
                result = new_defined.post(session)
                if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                    return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                                      "error": result})

            new_effective = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration()
            result = new_effective.patch(session)
            if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                                  "error": result})

        if zone_action is ZONE_CREATED:
            return (RET_ZONE_CREATED_ADDED_TO_NEW_CFG,
                    {"return_str": zonename +
                     " created and added to new cfg of " + cfgname})
        elif zone_action is ZONE_MODIFIED:
            return (RET_ZONE_UPDATED_ADDED_TO_NEW_CFG,
                    {"return_str": "host added to " +
                     zonename + " added to new cfg of " + cfgname})
            return (RET_ZONE_EXIST_ADDED_TO_NEW_CFG,
                    {"return_str": "existing " +
                     zonename + " added to new cfg of " + cfgname})
        # we have something that is already enabled
        # let's add to the existing cfg
        found_in_cfg = False
        for cfg in prezone_defined.peek_cfg():
            if prezone_effective.peek_cfg_name() == cfg["cfg-name"]:
                for mem in cfg["member-zone"]["zone-name"]:
                    if mem == zonename:
                        found_in_cfg = True

        if found_in_cfg:
            if zone_action is ZONE_EXISTED:
                return (RET_ZONE_EXIST_IN_CFG,
                        {"return_str": "already zoned in " +
                         zonename + " and effective in " +
            elif zone_action is ZONE_MODIFIED:
                # if zone is already part of cfg but modified,
                # just enable again
                if checkmode is False:
                    new_effective = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration()
                    result = new_effective.patch(session)
                    if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                        return (RET_ERR, {
                            "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                            "error": result})

                return (RET_ZONE_UPDATED_IN_CFG,
                        {"return_str": "added to " +
                         zonename + " and effective in " +
                # we have a new zone created but already in the cfg?
                # seems like an error case. but still works nevertheless
                # just return no change
                return (RET_ZONE_CREATED_IN_CFG,
                        {"return_str": "created " + zonename +
                         " and already effective in " +
            # not found in cfg. add to the existing cfg and enable
            if checkmode is False:
                cfgs = [
                            "cfg-name": prezone_effective.peek_cfg_name(),
                            "member-zone": {"zone-name": [zonename]}
                new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
                result = new_defined.post(session)
                if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                    return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                                      "error": result})

                new_effective = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration()
                result = new_effective.patch(session)
                if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                    return (RET_ERR, {"line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                                      "error": result})

            if zone_action is ZONE_CREATED:
                return (RET_ZONE_CREATED_ADDED_TO_CFG,
                        {"return_str": zonename +
                         " created and added to existing cfg of " +
            elif zone_action is ZONE_MODIFIED:
                return (RET_ZONE_UPDATED_ADDED_TO_CFG,
                        {"return_str": "added to " + zonename +
                         " and added to existing cfg of " +
                return (RET_ZONE_EXIST_ADDED_TO_CFG,
                        {"return_str": "existing " + zonename +
                         " added to existing cfg of " +
Пример #11
def zone_allow_pair(session, prefix, hostname, hostport, targetname,
                    targetport, if_no_cfg, checkmode):
    """Create/add a pair of host and target to a tuple Zone

    Example usage of the method to create a new tuple zone with a pair::

        ret_code, result = zone_allow_pair.zone_allow_pair(
            session, "az__pz__", "myhost", "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88",
            "mytarget", "88:77:66:55:44:33:22:11", "cfg_if_there_is_non", True)
        if ret_code > 0:
            print ("zone db changed", result)
            print ("zone db didn't change", result)

    :param session: session returned by login
    :param prefix: prefix for the peer Zone name
    :param hostname: string name of the host
    :param hostport: WWN of the host port
    :param targetname: string name of the target
    :param targetport: WWN of the target port
    :param if_no_cfg: CFG name to be used if there are no enabled CFG
    :param checkmode: indicate if Zone DB is to be updated or
        return status only
    :rtype: return code and dictionary of status description

    *use cases*

        1. pass in host/target pair to create tuple zone
        2. pass in host/target pair to create tuple zone


    cfgname = if_no_cfg
    zonename = zonename_get(prefix, hostname, targetname)
    cfgmem = [zonename]
    zonemem = [hostport, targetport]

    prezonedb = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration.get(session)
    if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(prezonedb):
        return (RET_ERR, {
            "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
            "error": prezonedb

    # check to see if we have an enabled cfg
    if prezonedb.peek_cfg_name() is None:
        if checkmode is False:
            zones = [{
                "zone-name": zonename,
                "member-entry": {
                    "entry-name": zonemem
            new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
            result = new_defined.post(session)
            if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                return (RET_ERR, {
                    "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                    "error": result

            cfgs = [{
                "cfg-name": cfgname,
                "member-zone": {
                    "zone-name": cfgmem
            new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
            result = new_defined.post(session)
            if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                return (RET_ERR, {
                    "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                    "error": result

            new_effective = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration()
            checksum = prezonedb.peek_checksum()
            result = new_effective.patch(session)
            if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                return (RET_ERR, {
                    "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                    "error": result

            return (RET_ZONE_CREATED_ADDED_TO_NEW_CFG, {
                zonename + " created and added to new cfg of " + cfgname
        # we have something that is already enabled
        found_in_effective_zone = False
        found_in_zone = None
        found_in_cfg = None
        for zone in prezonedb.peek_enabled_zone():
            found_host = False
            found_target = False
            for mem in zone["member-entry"]["entry-name"]:
                if mem == hostport:
                    found_host = True
                elif mem == targetport:
                    found_target = True
            if found_host and found_target:
                found_in_effective_zone = True
                found_in_zone = zone
                found_in_cfg = prezonedb.peek_cfg_name()

        if found_in_effective_zone is True:
            return (RET_ZONE_EXIST_IN_CFG, {
                "already zoned in " + found_in_zone["zone-name"] +
                " and effective in " + found_in_cfg
            if checkmode is False:
                zones = [{
                    "zone-name": zonename,
                    "member-entry": {
                        "entry-name": zonemem
                new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
                result = new_defined.post(session)
                if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                    return (RET_ERR, {
                        "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                        "error": result

                cfgs = [{
                    "cfg-name": prezonedb.peek_cfg_name(),
                    "member-zone": {
                        "zone-name": [zonename]
                new_defined = pyfos_zone.defined_configuration()
                result = new_defined.post(session)
                if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                    return (RET_ERR, {
                        "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                        "error": result

                new_effective = pyfos_zone.effective_configuration()
                checksum = prezonedb.peek_checksum()
                result = new_effective.patch(session)
                if pyfos_util.is_failed_resp(result):
                    return (RET_ERR, {
                        "line": inspect.currentframe().f_lineno,
                        "error": result

                return (RET_ZONE_CREATED_ADDED_TO_CFG, {
                    zonename + " created and added to existing cfg of " +