Пример #1
def process_tavg(args):
    infs = {}
    # Interrogate files passed by the shell
    for fname in args.infs:
        # Load solution files and obtain solution times
        inf = read_pyfr_data(fname)
        tinf = Inifile(inf['stats']).getfloat('solver-time-integrator',

        # Retain if solution time is within limits
        if args.limits is None or args.limits[0] <= tinf <= args.limits[1]:
            infs[tinf] = inf

            # Verify that solutions were computed on the same mesh
            if inf['mesh_uuid'] != infs[infs.keys()[0]]['mesh_uuid']:
                raise RuntimeError('Solution files in scope were not computed '
                                   'on the same mesh')

    # Sort the solution times, check for sufficient files in scope
    stimes = sorted(infs.keys())
    if len(infs) <= 1:
        raise RuntimeError('More than one solution file is required to '
                           'compute an average')

    # Initialise progress bar, and the average with first solution
    pb = ProgressBar(0, 0, len(stimes), 0)
    avgs = {name: infs[stimes[0]][name].copy() for name in infs[stimes[0]]}
    solnfs = [name for name in avgs.keys() if name.startswith('soln')]

    # Weight the initialised trapezoidal mean
    dtnext = stimes[1] - stimes[0]
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] *= 0.5 * dtnext

    # Compute the trapezoidal mean up to the last solution file
    for i in xrange(len(stimes[2:])):
        dtlast = dtnext
        dtnext = stimes[i + 2] - stimes[i + 1]

        # Weight the current solution, then add to the mean
        for name in solnfs:
            avgs[name] += 0.5 * (dtlast + dtnext) * infs[stimes[i + 1]][name]
        pb.advance_to(i + 2)

    # Weight final solution, update mean and normalise for elapsed time
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] += 0.5 * dtnext * infs[stimes[-1]][name]
        avgs[name] *= 1.0 / (stimes[-1] - stimes[0])
    pb.advance_to(i + 3)

    # Compute and assign stats for a time-averaged solution
    stats = Inifile()
    stats.set('time-average', 'tmin', stimes[0])
    stats.set('time-average', 'tmax', stimes[-1])
    stats.set('time-average', 'ntlevels', len(stimes))
    avgs['stats'] = stats.tostr()

    outf = open(args.outf, 'wb')
    np.savez(outf, **avgs)
Пример #2
def _process_common(args, mesh, soln, cfg):
    # Prefork to allow us to exec processes after MPI is initialised
    if hasattr(os, 'fork'):
        from pytools.prefork import enable_prefork


    # Import but do not initialise MPI
    from mpi4py import MPI

    # Manually initialise MPI

    # Ensure MPI is suitably cleaned up

    # Create a backend
    backend = get_backend(args.backend, cfg)

    # Get the mapping from physical ranks to MPI ranks
    rallocs = get_rank_allocation(mesh, cfg)

    # Construct the solver
    solver = get_solver(backend, rallocs, mesh, soln, cfg)

    # If we are running interactively then create a progress bar
    if args.progress and MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        pb = ProgressBar(solver.tstart, solver.tcurr, solver.tend)

        # Register a callback to update the bar after each step
        callb = lambda intg: pb.advance_to(intg.tcurr)

    # Execute!
Пример #3
def main():
    from mpi4py import MPI

    ap = ArgumentParser(prog='pyfr-sim', description='Runs a PyFR simulation')
    ap.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count')
    ap.add_argument('--backend', '-b', default='cuda', help='Backend to use')
                    help='show a progress bar')
                    help='check for NaNs every N steps')

    sp = ap.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help')

    ap_run = sp.add_parser('run', help='run --help')
    ap_run.add_argument('mesh', help='mesh file')
    ap_run.add_argument('cfg', type=FileType('r'), help='config file')

    ap_restart = sp.add_parser('restart', help='restart --help')
    ap_restart.add_argument('mesh', help='mesh file')
    ap_restart.add_argument('soln', help='solution file')
                            help='new config file')

    # Parse the arguments
    args = ap.parse_args()
    mesh, soln, cfg = args.process(args)

    # Ensure MPI is suitably cleaned up

    # Create a backend
    backend = get_backend(args.backend, cfg)

    # Get the mapping from physical ranks to MPI ranks
    rallocs = get_rank_allocation(mesh, cfg)

    # Construct the solver
    solver = get_solver(backend, rallocs, mesh, soln, cfg)

    # If we are running interactively then create a progress bar
    if args.progress and MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        pb = ProgressBar(solver.tstart, solver.tcurr, solver.tend)

        # Register a callback to update the bar after each step
        callb = lambda intg: pb.advance_to(intg.tcurr)

    # NaN sweeping
    if args.nansweep:

        def nansweep(intg):
            if intg.nsteps % args.nansweep == 0:
                if any(np.isnan(np.sum(s)) for s in intg.soln):
                    raise RuntimeError('NaNs detected at t = {}'.format(


    # Execute!