Пример #1
 def open(self, vendor, product, interface, direction, **kwargs):
     for k in ('direction',):
         if k in kwargs:
             del kwargs[k]
         ftdi = Ftdi()
         ftdi.open_bitbang(vendor, product, interface, direction=direction,
         self._ftdi = ftdi
     except IOError as e:
         raise GpioException('Unable to open USB port: %s' % str(e))
     self._direction = direction
Пример #2
 def open(self, vendor, product, interface, direction, **kwargs):
     for k in ('direction', ):
         if k in kwargs:
             del kwargs[k]
         ftdi = Ftdi()
         self._ftdi = ftdi
     except IOError as e:
         raise GpioException('Unable to open USB port: %s' % str(e))
     self._direction = direction
Пример #3
class BitBangController(object):

	PROGRAM_PIN 		=	0x20

	def __init__(self, idVendor, idProduct, interface):
		#all pins are in high impedance
		self.vendor = idVendor
		self.product = idProduct
		self.interface = interface

		self.f = Ftdi()
		self.f.open_bitbang(idVendor, idProduct, interface)

	def hiz(self):
		print "changing pins to high impedance"

	def is_in_bitbang(self):
		return self.f.bitbang_enabled

	def read_pins(self):
		return self.f.read_pins()

	def read_program_pin(self):
		return (self.PROGRAM_PIN & self.f.read_pins() > 0)
	def soft_reset_high(self):
		pins = self.f.read_pins()
		pins |= self.SOFT_RESET_PIN
		prog_cmd = Array('B', [0x01, pins])
	def soft_reset_low(self):
		pins = self.f.read_pins()
		pins &= ~(self.SOFT_RESET_PIN)
		prog_cmd = Array('B', [0x00, pins])

	def program_high(self):
		pins = self.f.read_pins()
		pins |= self.PROGRAM_PIN
		prog_cmd = Array('B', [0x01, pins])

	def program_low(self):
		pins = self.f.read_pins()
		pins &= ~(self.PROGRAM_PIN)
		prog_cmd = Array('B', [0x00, pins])
	def read_soft_reset_pin(self):
		return (self.SOFT_RESET_PIN & self.f.read_pins() > 0)

	def set_soft_reset_to_output(self):
		pin_dir = self.SOFT_RESET_PIN
		self.f.open_bitbang(self.vendor, self.product, self.interface, direction = pin_dir)
	def set_program_to_output(self):
		pin_dir = self.PROGRAM_PIN
		self.f.open_bitbang(self.vendor, self.product, self.interface, direction = pin_dir)
	def set_pins_to_input(self):
		self.f.open_bitbang(self.vendor, self.product, self.interface, direction = 0x00)

	def set_pins_to_output(self):
		self.f.open_bitbang(self.vendor, self.product, self.interface, direction = 0xFF)

	def pins_on(self):
		prog_cmd = Array('B', [0x01, 0xFF]) 

	def pins_off(self):
		prog_cmd = Array('B', [0x01, 0x00]) 
Пример #4
class HapticStimulator(object):
    Class to initialise and send commands to sensory stimulator built 
    on FTDI FT2232HL with power trasistors board
    ("fMRI Pneumatic 5V version") from Politechnika Warszawska
    def __init__(self,
        Initialises FTDI device as Haptic Stimulator
        :param vendorid: int or hex NOT string
        gotten from lsusb for FTDI device
        :param productid: int or hex NOT string
        gotten from lsusb for FTDI device
        :param interface: int - for tested board is always 2'''
        self.ftdi = Ftdi()
        self.ftdi.open_bitbang(vendorid, productid, interface, direction=0xFF)
        # direction FF - all ports output
        self.lock = threading.RLock()
        self.ftdi.write_data([0])  # turn off all channels

    def __del__(self):

    def _turn_off(self, chnl):
        Will turn off selected channel, used by stimulate method on
        on timer
        :param chnl: int - number of channel to turn off
        with self.lock:
            apins = self.ftdi.read_pins()
            activation_mask = ~(1 << (chnl - 1)) & 0xFF  #select only
            #needed channel
            self.ftdi.write_data([apins & activation_mask])

    def stimulate(self, chnl, time):
        Turn on stimulation on channel number chnl for time seconds
        :param chnl: integer - channel number starting from 1
        :param time: float - stimulation length in seconds
        t = threading.Timer(time, self._turn_off, [chnl])  # we expect
        #short times ~ seconds
        #handling timers
        #should not matter
        t.daemon = True  # timer thread shall end immediately at main
        # program shutdown, because interface must be
        # closed by then and every channel turned off by
        # .close() method. No need to wait for
        # schedueled stimulation end.
        with self.lock:
            apins = self.ftdi.read_pins()
            activation_mask = 1 << (chnl - 1)  # create byte with bit on
            # corresponding channel
            # enabled
            self.ftdi.write_data([apins | activation_mask])  #add active bit
            # to other active
            # channels

    def bulk_stimulate(self, chnls, times):
        Enables multiple channels for some time in seconds
        len(chnls) should be equal to len(times)
        :param chnls: list of integers - channels to activate
        :param times: list of floats - activation time lenghts for
        corresponding channel
        if len(chnls) != len(times):
            raise Exception(
                'Stimulation channels and times are not the same length!')
        for c, t in zip(chnls, times):
            self.stimulate(c, t)

    def close(self):
        '''Releasing device'''
        self.ftdi.write_data([0])  # turn off all channels
        self.ftdi.usb_dev.reset()  # release device
Пример #5
class GPIOController(object):

    def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface = 0):
        self.f = Ftdi()
        self.vendor = vendor
        self.product = product
        self.interface = interface
        self.f.open_bitbang(self.vendor, self.product, self.interface)

    def read_pins(self):
        Read all pins


        Returns (int):
            All pins
        return self.f.read_pins()

    def read_pin(self, bit_index):
        Reads the pin specified by bit index:

            bit_index (int): 0 - 15

        Returns (Boolean)
            True if set
            False if not set
        bit_mask = 1 << bit_index
        return (self.f.read_pins() & bit_mask > 0)

    def enable_pin(self, bit_index, enable):
        write out a single pin

            bit_index (int):
                Index of bit to set
            enable (Boolean):
                True: Set
                False: Clear

        Returns: Nothing
        bit_mask  = 1 << bit_index
        pins = self.f.read_pins()
        if enable:
            pins |= bit_mask
            pins &= ~bit_mask

        self.enable_pins(pins, enable)

    def enable_pins(self, bit_mask, enable):
        write out multiple pins at one time 

            bit_mask: The set of pins to be set or not set
                a 0 in a bit setting would set the pin low
                a 1 in a bit setting would set the pin high

        Returns: Nothing

            enable_pins(bit_mask = 0x11)
            would set pins at address 0 and at address 4 high
            while the rest would be low
        bit_mask = 0xFF & bit_mask
        if enable:
            self.f.write_data(Array('B', [0x01, bit_mask]))
            self.f.write_data(Array('B', [0x00, bit_mask]))

    def set_pin_direction_mask(self, pins):
        Configure the GPIO direction

            pins (integer): bitmask of pin direction
                1 = output, 0 = input

        Returns: Nothing

            Set bit 0 and bit 4

                            direction = pins)
Пример #6
class HapticStimulator(object):
    Class to initialise and send commands to sensory stimulator built 
    on FTDI FT2232HL with power trasistors board
    ("fMRI Pneumatic 5V version") from Politechnika Warszawska
    def __init__(self, vendorid=VENDORID, productid=PRODUCTID,
        Initialises FTDI device as Haptic Stimulator
        :param vendorid: int or hex NOT string
        gotten from lsusb for FTDI device
        :param productid: int or hex NOT string
        gotten from lsusb for FTDI device
        :param interface: int - for tested board is always 2'''
        self.ftdi = Ftdi()
        self.ftdi.open_bitbang(vendorid, productid, interface, 
                                direction = 0xFF)
                                # direction FF - all ports output
        self.lock = threading.RLock()
        self.ftdi.write_data([0]) # turn off all channels
    def __del__(self):
    def _turn_off(self, chnl):
        Will turn off selected channel, used by stimulate method on
        on timer
        :param chnl: int - number of channel to turn off
        with self.lock:
            apins = self.ftdi.read_pins()
            activation_mask = ~(1 << (chnl-1)) & 0xFF #select only 
                                                      #needed channel
            self.ftdi.write_data([apins & activation_mask])
    def stimulate(self, chnl, time):
        Turn on stimulation on channel number chnl for time seconds
        :param chnl: integer - channel number starting from 1
        :param time: float - stimulation length in seconds
        t = threading.Timer(time, self._turn_off, [chnl]) # we expect 
                                                #short times ~ seconds
                                                #handling timers 
                                                #should not matter
        t.daemon = True # timer thread shall end immediately at main
                        # program shutdown, because interface must be
                        # closed by then and every channel turned off by
                        # .close() method. No need to wait for 
                        # schedueled stimulation end.
        with self.lock:
            apins = self.ftdi.read_pins()
            activation_mask = 1 << (chnl-1) # create byte with bit on
                                            # corresponding channel
                                            # enabled
            self.ftdi.write_data([apins | activation_mask]) #add active bit
                                                       # to other active
                                                       # channels
    def bulk_stimulate(self, chnls, times):
        Enables multiple channels for some time in seconds
        len(chnls) should be equal to len(times)
        :param chnls: list of integers - channels to activate
        :param times: list of floats - activation time lenghts for
        corresponding channel
        if len(chnls) != len(times):
            raise Exception(
              'Stimulation channels and times are not the same length!'
        for c, t in zip(chnls, times):
            self.stimulate(c, t)
    def close(self):
        '''Releasing device'''
        self.ftdi.write_data([0]) # turn off all channels
        self.ftdi.usb_dev.reset() # release device
Пример #7
class LaserPointer:
    """Class for controlling a laser pointer via an FTDI device.

    This class allows a laser pointer to be controlled by toggling the state of a pin on an FTDI
    USB Serial device in bitbang mode.

        laser_pin: An integer bitmask with a single bit set corresponding to the pin that the laser
            pointer is controlled by. See the set of constants defined at the top of this source
        ftdi: An object of type pyftdi.ftdi.Ftdi.

    def __init__(self, ftdi_pid='232r', serial_num=None, laser_pin=PIN_CTS):
        """Inits LaserPointer object.

        Initializes a LaserPointer object by constructing an Ftdi object and opening the desired
        FTDI device. Configures the FTDI device to bitbang mode.

            ftdi_pid: Product ID string for the FTDI device.
            serial_num: String containing the serial number of the FTDI device. If None, any
                serial number will be accepted.
            laser_pin: Integer bit mask with a single bit set corresponding to the pin on the FTDI
                device that controls the laser pointer.
        self.laser_pin = laser_pin

        self.ftdi = Ftdi()

            serial=serial_num,        # serial number of FT232RQ in the laser FTDI cable
            latency=Ftdi.LATENCY_MAX, # 255ms; reduce if necessary (at cost of higher CPU usage)

        # set laser_pin as output, all others as inputs
        self.ftdi.set_bitmode(self.laser_pin, Ftdi.BitMode.BITBANG)
        assert self.ftdi.bitbang_enabled

        # make sure laser is disabled by default

    def __del__(self):
        """Try to make sure laser is disabled on shutdown."""
        except AttributeError:  # happens when no laser was present at construction time
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            print('Got exception while trying to disable laser pointer: ' + str(e))

    def set(self, enable):
        """Sets the state of the laser pointer.

            enable: Laser pointer will be turned on when True and off when False.
        if enable:

    def get(self):
        """Gets the current state of the laser pointer.

        This reads the current state from FTDI device and does not rely on any state information
        in this class.

            The current state of the laser pointer as a boolean.
        return (self.ftdi.read_pins() & self.laser_pin) == 0x0