def hover_fx(screen, curdir, x, cursor): slash = os.sep dash = ' - ' flag = 0 for it in x: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor): flag = 1 (shortcut, dirname) = it[1].split(gl.DIRNUMSEP) if dirname == slash: fullpath = curdir.split(slash)[0] + slash elif dirname == '..': fullpath = slash.join(curdir.rstrip(slash).split(slash)[:-1]) + slash if fullpath.split(dash)[0] == slash: # make it so when in root dir of MS-Windows it prints drive letter fullpath = curdir.split(slash)[0] + slash else: fullpath = curdir + dirname + slash gl.OLD_CAP = fullpath + ' [' + shortcut + '] - imgv' if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: # perform only once (otherwise it flashes in title bar) set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) break if not flag: gl.OLD_CAP = curdir + " - imgv" # nothing was hovered on the last pass if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP)
def test_set_caption(self): TEST_CAPTION = "test" screen = display.set_mode((100, 100)) self.assertIsNone(display.set_caption(TEST_CAPTION)) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], TEST_CAPTION) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[1], TEST_CAPTION)
def test_caption_unicode(self): TEST_CAPTION = u'台' display.set_caption(TEST_CAPTION) import sys if sys.version_info.major >= 3: self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], TEST_CAPTION) else: self.assertEqual(unicode_(display.get_caption()[0], 'utf8'), TEST_CAPTION)
def hover_fx(screen, x, cursor): flag = 0 for it in x: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor): flag = 1 gl.OLD_CAP = it[1] + " - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) break if not flag: gl.OLD_CAP = "Image Browser - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP)
def hover_fx(screen, x, cursor, marker): flag = 0 for it in x: if it[0].collidepoint(cursor): flag = 1 gl.OLD_CAP = it[1] + " [%d/%d] - imgv" % (gl.files.index(it[1]) + 1, len(gl.files)) if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) break if not flag: if gl.PAUSED: gl.OLD_CAP = "%d Thumbnails [Paused] - imgv" % marker else: gl.OLD_CAP = "%d Thumbnails - imgv" % marker if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP)
def test_set_caption(self): # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.display.set_caption: # pygame.display.set_caption(title, icontitle=None): return None # set the current window caption # # If the display has a window title, this function will change the # name on the window. Some systems support an alternate shorter title # to be used for minimized displays. # TEST_CAPTION = "test" screen = display.set_mode((100, 100)) self.assertIsNone(display.set_caption(TEST_CAPTION)) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], TEST_CAPTION) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[1], TEST_CAPTION)
def setWindowCaption(prefix): caption = display.get_caption()[0] class ctx: def __enter__(self): display.set_caption(prefix + caption) def __exit__(self, *args): display.set_caption(caption) return ctx()
def hover_fx(screen, img_one_name, img_two_name, img_three_name, img_four_name, img_one_rect, img_two_rect, img_three_rect, img_four_rect, cursor): dash = ' - ' if img_one_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.OLD_CAP = img_one_name + " - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) elif img_two_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.OLD_CAP = img_two_name + " - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) elif img_three_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.OLD_CAP = img_three_name + " - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) elif img_four_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.OLD_CAP = img_four_name + " - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP) else: gl.OLD_CAP = "Four at a time - imgv" if gl.OLD_CAP != get_caption()[0]: set_caption(gl.OLD_CAP)
def setWindowCaption(prefix): caption = display.get_caption()[0] prefix = _(prefix) if type(prefix) == unicode: prefix = prefix.encode("utf8") class ctx: def __enter__(self): display.set_caption(prefix + caption) def __exit__(self, *args): display.set_caption(caption) return ctx()
def test_get_caption(self): # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.display.get_caption: # pygame.display.get_caption(): return (title, icontitle) # get the current window caption # # Returns the title and icontitle for the display Surface. These will # often be the same value. # screen = display.set_mode((100, 100)) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], self.default_caption)
def caption(self): return _pd.get_caption()[0]
def test_get_caption(self): screen = display.set_mode((100, 100)) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], self.default_caption)
def test_caption_unicode(self): TEST_CAPTION = "台" display.set_caption(TEST_CAPTION) self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], TEST_CAPTION)
def caption(self): return _pd.get_caption() @caption.setter
def img_info(screen, filename, file, num_imgs, new_img, ns): if screen.get_width() < 800: font_size = 9 else: font_size = 10 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) # set the main caption: if filename == gl.IMGV_LOGO: set_caption("[No images in %s] - %s" % (getcwd(), gl.TITLE)) else: set_caption("%s%s %s%s- %s" % (('', '+')[new_img.get_width() > screen.get_width() or new_img.get_height() > screen.get_height()], filename.capitalize(), ('', '[Fit Image] ')[gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL and not gl.RESET_FIT], ('', '[Lock Zoom] ')[gl.PERSISTENT_ZOOM_VAL], gl.TITLE)) bitsperpixelmsg = "" try: im = if im.mode == "RGB" or im.mode == "YCbCr": bitsperpixel = 24 bitsperpixelmsg = "x24 BPP" elif im.mode == "P" or im.mode == "L": bitsperpixel = 8 bitsperpixelmsg = "x8 BPP" elif im.mode == 1: bitsperpixel = 1 bitsperpixelmsg = "x1 BPP" elif im.mode == "RGBA" or im.mode == "CMYK" or im.mode == "I" or im.mode == "F": bitsperpixel = 32 bitsperpixelmsg = "x32 BPP" except: pass file_mtime = ctime(stat(filename)[ST_MTIME]).split() file_mtime = "%s/%s/%s / %s" % (gl.MONTH_MAP[file_mtime[1]], file_mtime[2], file_mtime[-1], file_mtime[3]) full_filename = filename if gl.TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR and gl.files != [gl.IMGV_LOGO]: # display info about the current image current_img = str(file + 1) (img_width, img_height) = new_img.get_size() if gl.REMOTE: fsize = gl.REMOTE_FILE_SIZE filename = gl.REMOTE_IMG filename = basename(filename) else: fsize = getsize(filename) filename = basename(filename) if fsize <= 1024: file_size = "%d b" % fsize elif fsize >= 1024 and fsize <= (1024 * 1024): file_size = "%.2f KB" % (fsize / 1024.0) elif fsize >= 1024 and fsize <= (1024 * 1024 * 1024): file_size = "%.2f MB" % (fsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) else: file_size = "0 bytes" memsizemsg = "?" try: # display memory size of image curmembytesize = ((img_width * img_height) * bitsperpixel) / 8 if curmembytesize <= 1024: memsizemsg = "%d b" % curmembytesize elif curmembytesize >= 1024 and curmembytesize <= (1024 * 1024): memsizemsg = "%.2f KB" % (curmembytesize / 1024.0) elif curmembytesize >= 1024 and curmembytesize <= (1024 * 1024 * 1024): memsizemsg = "%.2f MB" % (curmembytesize / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) except: pass if gl.PLAY_LIST_NAME != " ": set_caption("%s [%s] - imgv" % (get_caption()[0].replace(' - imgv', ''), gl.PLAY_LIST_NAME)) if gl.SLIDE_SHOW_RUNNING == 1: set_caption("Slideshow - %s" % get_caption()[0]) if gl.CALC_ZOOM: zoom_percent = (float(img_width) / float(gl.REAL_WIDTH)) * 100 zoom_percent = int(round(zoom_percent, -1)) gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT = zoom_percent else: zoom_percent = gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT gl.CALC_ZOOM = 1 msmsg = calc_ms(str(ns)) if msmsg == "": msmsg = "0" gl.N_MILLISECONDS = msmsg if zoom_percent == 100: img_status = " %s [%s/%s] %sx%s%s %d%% %.1fs - %s / %s, %s" % (filename, current_img, str(num_imgs), img_width, img_height, bitsperpixelmsg, zoom_percent, ns, str(file_size), memsizemsg, file_mtime) else: img_status = " %s [%s/%s] %sx%s%s %d%% [Zoom: %sx%s] %.1fs - %s / %s, %s" % (filename, current_img, str(num_imgs), gl.REAL_WIDTH, gl.REAL_HEIGHT, bitsperpixelmsg, zoom_percent, img_width, img_height, ns, str(file_size), memsizemsg, file_mtime) filename = check_truncate(screen.get_width(), filename, font.size(' '.join(img_status.split()[1:]))[0]) if zoom_percent == 100: img_status = " %s [%s/%s] %sx%s%s %d%% %.1fs - %s / %s, %s" % (filename, current_img, str(num_imgs), img_width, img_height, bitsperpixelmsg, zoom_percent, ns, str(file_size), memsizemsg, file_mtime) else: img_status = " %s [%s/%s] %sx%s%s %d%% [Zoom: %sx%s] %.1fs - %s / %s, %s" % (filename, current_img, str(num_imgs), gl.REAL_WIDTH, gl.REAL_HEIGHT, bitsperpixelmsg, zoom_percent, img_width, img_height, ns, str(file_size), memsizemsg, file_mtime) if not gl.TOGGLE_TRANSPARENT: # draw transparent 'tinted' bar to be the background for the image status message to appear on transren = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width(), 13)).convert_alpha() transren.fill([gl.BLACK[0], gl.BLACK[1], gl.BLACK[2], 60]) # RGBA (A=Alpha) transrect = transren.get_rect() transrect.midbottom = screen.get_rect().midbottom screen.blit(transren, transrect) update(transrect) # write the image status message: show_message(screen, img_status, "bottom", font_size) try: if gl.ON_FLY_EXIF_STATUS_BAR: exif_data(screen, full_filename) except: print "Can't display exif"
def img_info(filename, file, new_img): screen = get_surface() num_imgs = len(gl.files) if screen.get_width() < 800: font_size = 9 else: font_size = 10 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) # set the main caption: if filename == gl.IMGV_LOGO: set_caption("[No images in %s] - %s" % (getcwd(), gl.TITLE)) else: set_caption( "%s%s %s%s- %s" % ( ("", "+")[new_img.get_width() > screen.get_width() or new_img.get_height() > screen.get_height()], filename.capitalize(), ("", "[Fit Image] ")[gl.FIT_IMAGE_VAL and not gl.RESET_FIT], ("", "[Lock Zoom] ")[gl.PERSISTENT_ZOOM_VAL], gl.TITLE, ) ) bitsperpixelmsg = "" try: im = if im.mode == "RGB" or im.mode == "YCbCr": bitsperpixelmsg = "x24 BPP" elif im.mode == "P" or im.mode == "L": bitsperpixelmsg = "x8 BPP" elif im.mode == 1: bitsperpixelmsg = "x1 BPP" elif im.mode == "RGBA" or im.mode == "CMYK" or im.mode == "I" or im.mode == "F": bitsperpixelmsg = "x32 BPP" except: pass file_mtime = ctime(stat(filename)[ST_MTIME]).split() file_mtime = "%s/%s/%s / %s" % (gl.MONTH_MAP[file_mtime[1]], file_mtime[2], file_mtime[-1], file_mtime[3]) full_filename = filename if gl.TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR and gl.files != [gl.IMGV_LOGO]: # display info about the current image current_img = str(file + 1) (img_width, img_height) = new_img.get_size() if gl.REMOTE: fsize = gl.REMOTE_FILE_SIZE filename = gl.REMOTE_IMG filename = basename(filename) else: fsize = getsize(filename) filename = basename(filename) if fsize <= 1024: file_size = "%d b" % fsize elif fsize >= 1024 and fsize <= (1024 * 1024): file_size = "%.2f KB" % (fsize / 1024.0) elif fsize >= 1024 and fsize <= (1024 * 1024 * 1024): file_size = "%.2f MB" % (fsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) else: file_size = "0 bytes" if gl.PLAY_LIST_NAME != " ": set_caption("%s [%s] - imgv" % (get_caption()[0].replace(" - imgv", ""), gl.PLAY_LIST_NAME)) if gl.SLIDE_SHOW_RUNNING == 1: set_caption("Slideshow - %s" % get_caption()[0]) if gl.CALC_ZOOM: zoom_percent = (float(img_width) / float(gl.REAL_WIDTH)) * 100 zoom_percent = int(round(zoom_percent, -1)) gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT = zoom_percent else: zoom_percent = gl.CURRENT_ZOOM_PERCENT gl.CALC_ZOOM = 1 stats = { "file": filename, "curr": current_img, "num_imgs": str(num_imgs), "w": img_width, "h": img_height, "bpp": bitsperpixelmsg, "zoom": zoom_percent, "size": str(file_size), "date": file_mtime, } stats_zoom = { "file": filename, "curr": current_img, "num_imgs": str(num_imgs), "w": gl.REAL_WIDTH, "h": gl.REAL_HEIGHT, "bpp": bitsperpixelmsg, "zoom": zoom_percent, "zoom_w": img_width, "zoom_h": img_height, "size": str(file_size), "date": file_mtime, } if zoom_percent == 100: img_stats_msg = build_stats_msg(stats) else: img_stats_msg = build_stats_msg_zoom(stats_zoom) filename = check_truncate(screen.get_width(), filename, font.size(" ".join(img_stats_msg.split()[1:]))[0]) if zoom_percent == 100: img_stats_msg = build_stats_msg(stats) else: img_stats_msg = build_stats_msg_zoom(stats_zoom) if not gl.TOGGLE_TRANSPARENT: # draw transparent 'tinted' bar to be the background for the image status message to appear on transren = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width(), 13)).convert_alpha() transren.fill([gl.BLACK[0], gl.BLACK[1], gl.BLACK[2], 60]) # RGBA (A=Alpha) transrect = transren.get_rect() transrect.midbottom = screen.get_rect().midbottom screen.blit(transren, transrect) update(transrect) # write the image status message: show_message(img_stats_msg, "bottom", font_size) try: if gl.ON_FLY_EXIF_STATUS_BAR: exif_data(screen, full_filename) except: print "Can't display exif"