Пример #1
def boid_vision_poly(vision_area: np.ndarray,
                     position: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor:
    '''Cutting boid reaction area from game screen'''
    screen = pg.display.get_surface()

    for point in vision_area:
        if point[0] < 0:
            point[0] = 0
        elif point[0] >= screen_width:
            point[0] = screen_width
        if point[1] < 0:
            point[1] = 0
        elif point[1] >= screen_height:
            point[1] = screen_height
    radius = cfg.fish()['reaction_radius']

    left = int(max(0, round(position.x - radius)))
    up = int(max(0, round(position.y - radius)))
    right = int(min(screen.get_width() - 1, round(position.x + radius)))
    bottom = int(min(screen.get_height() - 1, round(position.y + radius)))
    bounding_box = pg.Rect(left, up, right - left, bottom - up)
    vision_surface = pg.Surface((radius * 2, radius * 2))
    clipped = vision_surface.copy()
    dest = (max(0, radius - position.x), max(0, radius - position.y))
    vision_surface.blit(screen, dest=dest, area=bounding_box)
                     vision_area - position + pg.Vector2(radius, radius),
                     vision_surface, 0, 0)
    return pg.surfarray.pixels3d(clipped)
Пример #2
    def update_light_surf(self, world):
        This creates the light and bloom surfaces

        world : world.World
            The current world


        self.light_surfs = np.array([])
        self.bloom_surfs = np.array([])

        # to determine the size of each light surface
        lowest_val = None
        highest_val = None

        for chunk in world.loaded_chunks:
            if not lowest_val or int(chunk) < lowest_val:
                lowest_val = int(chunk)
            if not highest_val or int(chunk) > highest_val:
                highest_val = int(chunk)

        for polygon in self.polygons:
            light_surf = pg.Surface(((highest_val + 2) * constants.BLOCK_SIZE *
                                     constants.CHUNK_SIZE, 800)).convert()

            # render the polygon
            # TODO: fix no color with bloom
            if self.shadows:
                light_surf.fill((0, 0, 0))

            if self.antialiasing:
                gfxdraw.aapolygon(light_surf, polygon, self.color)

            gfxdraw.textured_polygon(light_surf, polygon, self.color_surf, 0,

            # set up a bloom surf for each main surface
            if self.bloom:
                bloom_surf = copy.copy(light_surf)

                start_size = bloom_surf.get_size()
                small_size = (start_size[0] // 10, start_size[1] // 10)

                # Shrink the surface then put it back to the normal size, which blurs it
                bloom_surf = pg.transform.smoothscale(bloom_surf, small_size)
                bloom_surf = pg.transform.smoothscale(bloom_surf, start_size)

                light_surf.blit(bloom_surf, (0, 0),

            self.light_surfs = np.append(self.light_surfs, light_surf)
Пример #3
    def render(self):
        """Draw scene into its texture."""
        backgroundColor = (0, 0, 0)

        for brick in self.bricks:
            points = [
                brick.topleft, brick.topright, brick.bottomright,
            gfxdraw.textured_polygon(self.surface, points, self.bricksImage, 2,
Пример #4
def my_draw_polygon2(polygon, body):
    body.angularVelocity = .5
    vertices = [(body.transform * v) * PPM for v in polygon.vertices]
    vertices = [(v[0], SCREEN_HEIGHT - v[1]) for v in vertices]
    #pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colors[body.type], vertices)
    #i1 = F8sprite.next()
    texture = F8sprite.next()
    #texture.fill((0, 0, 0, 255))
    tx = 0
    ty = 0
        gfxdraw.textured_polygon(screen, vertices, texture, tx, ty)
Пример #5
    def render_background(self, size):
        """Render the background

        :param size: (width, height) in pixels
        :return: pygame.surface.Surface

        def render_text(text):
            label.text = text
            return label.draw()

        background = pg.Surface(size)
        points = (0, 0), (size[0], 0), (size[0], size[1]), (0, size[1])
        texture = prepare.GFX['felt']
        textured_polygon(background, points, texture, 1024, 1024)
        # background.fill(prepare.FELT_GREEN)
        if hasattr(self, 'background_filename'):
            im = prepare.GFX[self.background_filename]
            background.blit(im, (0, 0))

        label = TextSprite('', self.font, bg=prepare.FELT_GREEN)
        totals = self.get_bet_totals()
        for name, area in self.betting_areas.items():
            total = totals[name]
            if total:
                image = render_text(area.name)
                label.rect.midbottom = area.rect.center
                background.blit(image, label.rect)

                image = render_text('${}'.format(totals[name]))
                label.rect.midtop = area.rect.center
                background.blit(image, label.rect.move(0, -15))
                image = render_text(area.name)
                label.rect.center = area.rect.center
                background.blit(image, label.rect)

        return background
Пример #6
def my_draw_polygon3(polygon, body):
    body.angularVelocity = .5
    vertices = [(body.transform * v) * PPM for v in polygon.vertices]
    vertices = [(v[0], SCREEN_HEIGHT - v[1]) for v in vertices]

    baseImage = spriteStrips[body.type].next()
    (tx, ty) = body.worldCenter * PPM
    im = baseImage.get_rect()
    sX = boxL_pix
    sY = boxH_pix
    if debug:
        print sX, sY
        print("sprite:" + str(sprX) + " " + str(sprY))
        print("body  :" + str(x) + " " + str(y))
        print("Diff  :" + str(x - sprX) + " " + str(y - sprY))
    image = pygame.transform.scale(baseImage, (sX, sY))
    image = pygame.transform.rotate(image, math.degrees(body.angle))
    rect = image.get_rect()
    tx, ty = (x - (rect.width / 2), -(rect.height / 2) - y + SCREEN_HEIGHT)
        gfxdraw.textured_polygon(screen, vertices, image, tx, ty)
Пример #7
def render(s,smooth=False):
    zBuffer = [] # Z buffer for rendering triangles in correct order
    for mesh in s:
        for tris in meshes[mesh["shape"]]:

            pos = mesh["position"] # Gets position of mesh
            scl = mesh["scale"] # Gets scale of mesh
            rot = mesh["rotation"] # Gets rotation of mesh
            point1 = translateVector( rotateVector( scaleVector( tris[0],scl ) ,rot) , pos) # Rotates, scales, and translates each vector according to the position and scale of the mesh
            point2 = translateVector( rotateVector( scaleVector( tris[1],scl ) ,rot) , pos)
            point3 = translateVector( rotateVector( scaleVector( tris[2],scl ) ,rot) , pos)


            facePos = vectorPos([point1,point2,point3]) # Average of all three vector positions to add to the z buffer

            normal = getNormal(point1,point2,point3) # Gets normal for face

            normals = list(normal)
            vertColors = []
                for i in range(3):
                    normals[i] /= 300.0*mesh["material"]["metal"]
                for i in range(3):
                    color = mesh["material"]["color"] # Gets meshes color
                    shade = float(    max(min(255 - abs(normals[i]),255),1)    )
                    r = color[0] # Gets each channel from color
                    g = color[1]
                    b = color[2]

                    r = r / (255/ shade) # Applies shading to each channel
                    g = g / (255/ shade)
                    b = b / (255/ shade)

                    r = linInterp(r,255,shade/8.0) # add specular
                    g = linInterp(g,255,shade/8.0)
                    b = linInterp(b,255,shade/8.0)

                    r = max(min(255,int(r)),0) # makes valid color argument
                    g = max(min(255,int(g)),0)
                    b = max(min(255,int(b)),0)


            normal = float((normal[0] + normal[1] + normal[2])/3.0)/(300.0*mesh["material"]["metal"]) # Gets average normal

            shade = float(    max(min(255 - abs(normal),255),1)    ) # Calculates shading from normal

            color = mesh["material"]["color"] # Gets meshes color

            r = color[0] # Gets each channel from color
            g = color[1]
            b = color[2]

            r = r / (255/ shade) # Applies shading to each channel
            g = g / (255/ shade)
            b = b / (255/ shade)

            r = linInterp(r,255,shade/8.0) # add specular
            g = linInterp(g,255,shade/8.0)
            b = linInterp(b,255,shade/8.0)

            r = max(min(255,int(r)),0) # makes valid color argument
            g = max(min(255,int(g)),0)
            b = max(min(255,int(b)),0)

            color = (r,g,b) # Applies shaded rgb back to color
            alpha = mesh["material"]["alpha"] # Gets alpha from material

            zBuffer.append([point1,point2,point3,facePos,color + (alpha,) ,mesh["material"]["wire"],mesh["material"]["map"] , vertColors ] ) #Adds the triangle data to the z buffer
    zs = [] 
    for i in zBuffer:
        zs.append(i[3][2]) # Get all face z positions(for sorting)
    # Sorts the indices of the z buffer based on the z positions of the z buffer
    inds = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(zs,range(len(zBuffer))))]


   #Renders the triangles from the z buffer in the correct order
    for i in range(0,len(zBuffer)):
        tri = zBuffer[inds[i]] # Gets correct face based on sorted indices


        if(not(tri[5])): # Checks to see if the triangle is wireframe
            if(tri[6] == "none"):
                if smooth:
                    smoothTri( project(tri[0]) , project(tri[1]) , project(tri[2]) , tri[7][0] , tri[7][1] , tri[7][2]   )
                    gfxdraw.filled_polygon(d, (project(tri[0]) , project(tri[1]) , project(tri[2])) , tri[4]) # Draws solid color triangle if there is no texture
                if tri[6] in cachedTextures:
                    imgMap = cachedTextures[tri[6]]
                    imgMap = pg.image.load(tri[6]) # loads texture
                    cachedTextures[tri[6]] = pg.image.load(tri[6])
                offs = project(tri[0]) # Calculates image offset
                sz = imgMap.get_size() # Gets the size of the image

                if( min(project(tri[0])[0] , project(tri[1])[0] , project(tri[2])[0]  ) >= 0     ): # Checks to see if the triangle is within the bounds of the screen(pygame crashes otherwise)
                    if( max(project(tri[0])[0] , project(tri[1])[0] , project(tri[2])[0]  ) <= w     ):
                        if( min(project(tri[0])[1] , project(tri[1])[1] , project(tri[2])[1]  ) >= 0     ):
                            if( max(project(tri[0])[1] , project(tri[1])[1] , project(tri[2])[1]  ) <= h     ):

                                # Draw textured polygon with offset we calculated before
                                gfxdraw.textured_polygon(d, (project(tri[0]) , project(tri[1]) , project(tri[2])),imgMap, int(offs[0]) % sz[0] , int(h-offs[1])  % sz[1] )
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(d, (project(tri[0]) , project(tri[1]) , project(tri[2])) , tri[4]) # Draws anti-aliased outline around the triangle
Пример #8
    def _draw(self, deco: List[Tuple[int, str, Any]], surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None:

        :param deco: Decoration list
        :param surface: Pygame surface
        :return: None
        if len(deco) == 0:
        rect = self._obj.get_rect()

        for d in deco:
            dtype, decoid, data = d
            if not self._decor_enabled[decoid]:

            if dtype == DECORATION_POLYGON:
                points, color, filled, width, gfx, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                if gfx:
                    if filled:
                        gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, points, color)
                        gfxdraw.polygon(surface, points, color)
                    pydraw.polygon(surface, color, points, width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_CIRCLE:
                points, r, color, filled, width, gfx, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                x, y = points[0]
                if filled:
                    if gfx:
                        gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, x, y, r, color)
                        pydraw.circle(surface, color, (x, y), r)
                    pydraw.circle(surface, color, (x, y), r, width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_SURFACE or dtype == DECORATION_BASEIMAGE or dtype == DECORATION_TEXT:
                pos, surf, centered, kwargs = data
                if isinstance(surf, pygame_menu.BaseImage):
                    surf = surf.get_surface(new=False)
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                surfrect = surf.get_rect()
                surfrect.x += pos[0]
                surfrect.y += pos[1]
                if centered:
                    surfrect.x -= surfrect.width / 2
                    surfrect.y -= surfrect.height / 2
                surface.blit(surf, surfrect)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_ELLIPSE:
                pos, rx, ry, color, filled, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                if filled:
                    gfxdraw.filled_ellipse(surface, pos[0], pos[1], rx, ry, color)
                    gfxdraw.ellipse(surface, pos[0], pos[1], rx, ry, color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_CALLABLE:
                data(surface, self._obj)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_CALLABLE_NO_ARGS:

            elif dtype == DECORATION_TEXTURE_POLYGON:
                pos, texture, tx, ty, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)
                if isinstance(texture, pygame_menu.BaseImage):
                    texture = texture.get_surface()
                gfxdraw.textured_polygon(surface, pos, texture, tx, ty)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_ARC:
                points, r, ia, fa, color, width, gfx, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                x, y = points[0]
                rectarc = pygame.Rect(x - r, y - r, x + 2 * r, y + 2 * r)
                if gfx:
                    gfxdraw.arc(surface, x, y, r, ia, fa, color)
                    pydraw.arc(surface, color, rectarc, ia / (2 * pi), fa / (2 * pi), width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_PIE:
                points, r, ia, fa, color, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                x, y = points[0]
                gfxdraw.pie(surface, x, y, r, ia, fa, color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_BEZIER:
                points, color, steps, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                gfxdraw.bezier(surface, points, steps, color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_RECT:
                drect: 'pygame.Rect'
                pos, drect, color, width, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                drect = drect.copy()
                drect.x += pos[0]
                drect.y += pos[1]
                pygame.draw.rect(surface, color, drect, width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_PIXEL:
                pos, color, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                gfxdraw.pixel(surface, pos[0], pos[1], color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_LINE:
                pos, color, width, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)
                pydraw.line(surface, color, pos[0], pos[1], width)

                raise ValueError('unknown decoration type')
Пример #9
def render(s):
    zBuffer = []
    for mesh in s:

        for tris in meshes[mesh["shape"]]:
            pos = mesh["position"]
            scl = mesh["scale"]
            point1 = translateVector(scaleVector(tris[0], scl), pos)
            point2 = translateVector(scaleVector(tris[1], scl), pos)
            point3 = translateVector(scaleVector(tris[2], scl), pos)

            facePos = vectorPos([point1, point2, point3])
            rnd = True

            normal = getNormal(point1, point2, point3)
            normal = float((normal[0] + normal[1] + normal[2]) / 3.0) / 300.0

            shade = float(max(min(255 - abs(normal), 255), 1))

            color = mesh["material"]["color"]

            r = color[0]
            g = color[1]
            b = color[2]

            r = int(r / (255 / shade))
            g = int(g / (255 / shade))
            b = int(b / (255 / shade))

            color = (r, g, b)

                point1, point2, point3, facePos, color,
                mesh["material"]["wire"], mesh["material"]["map"]
            point1 = project(point1)
            point2 = project(point2)
            point3 = project(point3)
                pg.draw.line(d,(0,0,0), point1,point2 )
                pg.draw.line(d,(0,0,0), point2,point3 )
                pg.draw.line(d,(0,0,0), point3,point1 )
    for j in range(0, len(zBuffer)):
        for i in range(0, len(zBuffer) - 1):
            zPos1 = [zBuffer[i][0], zBuffer[i][1], zBuffer[i][2]]
            zPos2 = [zBuffer[i + 1][0], zBuffer[i + 1][1], zBuffer[i + 1][2]]
            zPos1 = vectorPos(zPos1)[2]
            zPos2 = vectorPos(zPos2)[2]
            if zPos1 > zPos2:
                store = zBuffer[i]
                zBuffer[i] = zBuffer[i + 1]
                zBuffer[i + 1] = store

    for i in range(0, len(zBuffer)):
        tri = zBuffer[i]
                          (project(tri[0]), project(tri[1]), project(tri[2])),
        if (not (tri[5])):
            if (tri[6] == "none"):
                    d, (project(tri[0]), project(tri[1]), project(tri[2])),
                imgMap = pg.image.load(tri[6])
                offs = project(tri[0])
                sz = imgMap.get_size()
                if (min(
                        project(tri[2])[0]) >= 0):
                    if (max(
                            project(tri[2])[0]) <= w):
                        if (min(
                                project(tri[2])[1]) >= 0):
                            if (max(
                                    project(tri[2])[1]) <= h):
                                    d, (project(tri[0]), project(
                                        tri[1]), project(tri[2])), imgMap,
                                    int(offs[0]) % sz[0],
                                    int(h - offs[1]) % sz[1])
Пример #10
def render(s):

    zBuffer = []  # Z buffer for rendering triangles in correct order
    for mesh in s:

        for tris in meshes[mesh["shape"]]:

            pos = mesh["position"]  # Gets position of mesh
            scl = mesh["scale"]  # Gets scale of mesh
            rot = mesh["rotation"]  # Gets rotation of mesh
            point1 = translateVector(
                rotateVector(scaleVector(tris[0], scl), rot), pos
            )  # Rotates, scales, and translates each vector according to the position and scale of the mesh
            point2 = translateVector(
                rotateVector(scaleVector(tris[1], scl), rot), pos)
            point3 = translateVector(
                rotateVector(scaleVector(tris[2], scl), rot), pos)

            facePos = vectorPos([
                point1, point2, point3
            ])  # Average of all three vector positions to add to the z buffer

            normal = getNormal(point1, point2, point3)  # Gets normal for face
            normal = float((normal[0] + normal[1] + normal[2]) / 3.0) / (
                300.0 * mesh["material"]["metal"])  # Gets average normal

            shade = float(max(min(255 - abs(normal), 255),
                              1))  # Calculates shading from normal

            color = mesh["material"]["color"]  # Gets meshes color

            r = color[0]  # Gets each channel from color
            g = color[1]
            b = color[2]

            r = r / (255 / shade)  # Applies shading to each channel
            g = g / (255 / shade)
            b = b / (255 / shade)

            r = linInterp(r, 255, shade / 8.0)  # add specular
            g = linInterp(g, 255, shade / 8.0)
            b = linInterp(b, 255, shade / 8.0)

            r = max(min(255, int(r)), 0)  # makes valid color argument
            g = max(min(255, int(g)), 0)
            b = max(min(255, int(b)), 0)

            color = (r, g, b)  # Applies shaded rgb back to color
            alpha = mesh["material"]["alpha"]  # Gets alpha from material

                point1, point2, point3, facePos, color + (alpha, ),
                mesh["material"]["wire"], mesh["material"]["map"]
            ])  #Adds the triangle data to the z buffer

    #Sorts the z buffer (bubble sort is not the best solution, but I don't really care it's easy to implement)
    for j in range(0, len(zBuffer)):
        for i in range(0, len(zBuffer) - 1):
            zPos1 = [zBuffer[i][0], zBuffer[i][1], zBuffer[i][2]]
            zPos2 = [zBuffer[i + 1][0], zBuffer[i + 1][1], zBuffer[i + 1][2]]
            zPos1 = vectorPos(zPos1)[2]
            zPos2 = vectorPos(zPos2)[2]
            if zPos1 > zPos2:
                store = zBuffer[i]
                zBuffer[i] = zBuffer[i + 1]
                zBuffer[i + 1] = store

#Renders the triangles from the z buffer in the correct order
    for i in range(0, len(zBuffer)):
        tri = zBuffer[i]

        if (not (tri[5])):  # Checks to see if the triangle is wireframe
            if (tri[6] == "none"):
                    d, (project(tri[0]), project(tri[1]), project(tri[2])),
                )  # Draws solid color triangle if there is no texture
                imgMap = pg.image.load(tri[6])  # loads texture
                offs = project(tri[0])  # Calculates image offset
                sz = imgMap.get_size()  # Gets the size of the image

                if (
                            project(tri[2])[0]) >= 0
                ):  # Checks to see if the triangle is within the bounds of the screen(pygame crashes otherwise)
                    if (max(
                            project(tri[2])[0]) <= w):
                        if (min(
                                project(tri[2])[1]) >= 0):
                            if (max(
                                    project(tri[2])[1]) <= h):

                                # Draw textured polygon with offset we calculated before
                                    d, (project(tri[0]), project(
                                        tri[1]), project(tri[2])), imgMap,
                                    int(offs[0]) % sz[0],
                                    int(h - offs[1]) % sz[1])
                d, (project(tri[0]), project(tri[1]), project(tri[2])),
                tri[4])  # Draws anti-aliased outline around the triangle
Пример #11
    def textured_polygon(self, points, texture, tx, ty):

        return gfx.textured_polygon(self.pg.screen, points, texture, tx, ty)