Пример #1
def make_stats_box(screen, player, dungeon_level, box_x_start, box_heigth, box_width):
    """Create the box displaying the stats
       @param screen: the screen to draw on
       @param player: the player object
       @param dungeon_level: the current dungeon level
       @param box_x_start: rectangle upper left corner x-coordinate 
       @param box_heigth: height of rectangle
       @param box_width: width of rectangle

    #create the rectangle
    stats_box = Rect(box_x_start, 0, box_width, box_heigth)
    #set font type
    stats_font = font.SysFont('arial', 20)
    #render game info
    player_HP = stats_font.render("Hit Points: " + str(player.getHP()), True, Color('white'))
    player_AP = stats_font.render("Attack Power: " + str(player.getAttackPower()), True, Color('white'))
    player_Armor = stats_font.render("Armor: " + str(player.getArmor()), True, Color('white'))
    level = stats_font.render("Dungeon Level: " + str(dungeon_level), True, Color('white'))

    #For each line of text, draw it on the screen and move the rectangle for the next line
    screen.fill(Color('Black'), stats_box)
    screen.blit(player_HP, stats_box)
    screen.blit(player_AP, stats_box.move(0, player_HP.get_height()))
    screen.blit(player_Armor, stats_box.move(0, player_HP.get_height() + player_AP.get_height()))
    screen.blit(level, stats_box.move(0, player_HP.get_height() + player_AP.get_height() + player_Armor.get_height()))
Пример #2
class Button:

    def __init__(self):
        self.buttonOn = ButtonOn()
        self.buttonOff = ButtonOff()
        self.isOn = False;
        self.rect = Rect(0,0,0,0)

    def get_sprite(self):
        if self.isOn:
            return self.buttonOn
            return self.buttonOff

    def set_x(self, x):
        self.buttonOn.rect.x = x
        self.buttonOff.rect.x = x
        self.rect = self.buttonOn.rect

    def set_y(self, y):
        self.buttonOn.rect.y = y
        self.buttonOff.rect.y = y
        self.rect = self.buttonOn.rect

    def check_pressed(self, pressed, x, y):
        if pressed:
            if self.rect.collidepoint(x, y):
                self.isOn = True
        return self.isOn

    def check_point(self, x, y):
        return self.rect.collidepoint(x, y)

    def set_pressed(self, pressed):
        self.isOn = pressed
Пример #3
    def pick_rect(points, rects):
        ox, oy = sorted([ (sum(p), p) for p in points ])[0][1]
        x = ox
        y = oy
        ex = None            

        while 1:
            x += 1
            if not (x, y) in points:
                if ex is None:
                    ex = x - 1

                if ((ox, y+1) in points):
                    if x == ex + 1 :
                        y += 1
                        x = ox

                        y -= 1
                    if x <= ex: y-= 1

        c_rect = Rect(ox*tilewidth,oy*tileheight,\


        rect = Rect(ox,oy,ex-ox+1,y-oy+1)
        kill = [ p for p in points if rect.collidepoint(p) ]
        [ points.remove(i) for i in kill ]

        if points:
            pick_rect(points, rects)
Пример #4
 def draw(self, screen, work_rects=None):
     """Draw the map to the screen"""
     if work_rects is None:
         work_rects = [Rect(0,0,screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())]
     extra_things = collections.defaultdict(list)
     for (k,v) in self.map_to_draw.objects.items():
     extra_things[self.map_coords(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), screen)].append(self.mouse_cursor)
     for i in range(self.map_to_draw.w):
         for j in range(self.map_to_draw.h):
             view_x =  32*i-32*j
             view_y =  16*i+16*j
             x, y = view_x - self.view_x + screen.get_width()//2, view_y-self.view_y + screen.get_height()//2
             t = self.map_to_draw.terrain((i,j))
             s = t.sprite
             s_pos = Rect(x-32,y+16-s.get_height(),s.get_width(),s.get_height())
             if s_pos.collidelist(work_rects)>=0:
                 screen.blit(s, s_pos)
                 if (i,j) in extra_things:
                     for t in extra_things[(i,j)]:
                         if isinstance(t, pygame.Surface):
                             s = t
                             s = t.sprite
Пример #5
    def get_item_at_pos (self, position):
        """L.get_item_at_pos (...) -> ListItem

        Gets the item at the passed position coordinates.
        eventarea = self.rect_to_client ()
        if not eventarea.collidepoint (position):
            return None
        position = position[0] - eventarea.left, position[1] - eventarea.top
        border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                 (self.__class__, self.style,
                  StyleInformation.get ("ACTIVE_BORDER")) * 2

        posy = self.vadjustment
        items = self.scrolledlist.items
        width = eventarea.width
        bottom = eventarea.bottom
        images = self.images
        spacing = self.scrolledlist.spacing

        for item in items:
            rect = Rect (images [item][1])
            rect.y = posy
            rect.width = width + border
            if rect.bottom > bottom:
                rect.height = bottom - rect.bottom + border
            if rect.collidepoint (position):
                return item
            posy += images[item][1].height + spacing + border
        return None
Пример #6
    def set_screen_background(self):
        """ Update the background """
        logger.log( 9, 'set_screen_background()')
        if not self.background:
            self.background = osd.get_singleton().getsurface(rect=self.rect)
            self.updates = []

        elif len(self.updates) > 0:

            # find the topleft corner
            x = self.rect.right
            y = self.rect.bottom
            for i in self.updates:
                x = min(x, i.left)
                y = min(y, i.top)

            # find the total rect of the collisions
            upd = Rect(x, y, 0, 0)
            self.updates = []

            x      = upd[0] - self.rect.left
            y      = upd[1] - self.rect.top
            bg_tmp = osd.get_singleton().getsurface(rect=upd)

            self.background.blit(bg_tmp, (x, y))

        self.surface.blit(self.background, (0,0))
Пример #7
    def update_world_window(self, screen, floor_s, map_data):
        blit_area = Rect(0,0,64,64)
        # Get the dirty tile -coordinates from map_data
        for dirty_tile_position in map_data.get_dirty_tile_positions:
            # Calculate the screen position for given tile
            dirty_screen_position = screen_position_of_tile(dirty_tile_position)

            area_x, area_y = dirty_tile_position
            blit_area.topleft = (area_x*64, area_y*64)

            # Blit the tile from floor, to screen.
            screen.blit(floor_s, dirty_screen_position, blit_area)
            # Blit items in the tile

            # Try if this position contains a list of items. Note: these may fail :s
            items_in_position = map_data.get_items_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if items_in_position is not None:
                self.draw_items_on_tile(screen, items_in_position, dirty_screen_position)

            # Blit character in here.
            character = map_data.get_character_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if character is not None:
                screen.blit(character.surface, dirty_screen_position)

Пример #8
 def testUnionAll( self ):
     r1 = Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
     r2 = Rect( -2, -2, 1, 1 )
     r3 = Rect( 2, 2, 1, 1 )
     r4 = r1.unionall( [r2,r3] )
     self.assertEqual( Rect(-2, -2, 5, 5), r4 )
Пример #9
class Projectile(sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, pos, tower, target, image, speed, damage):
        self.pos = pos
        self.tower = tower
        self.target = target
        self.image = image
        self.speed = speed
        self.damage = damage
        self.rect = Rect(self.pos, self.image.get_size())

        self.angle = atan2((self.target.rect.centery-self.rect.centery),
        self.x_speed = cos(self.angle)*self.speed
        self.y_speed = sin(self.angle)*self.speed

    def update(self, monsters, screen):

        # Kills the projectile if it doesn't get there before the target dies
        if self.target is None:

        # Calculates where the projectile needs to go
        self.angle = atan2((self.target.rect.centery-self.rect.centery),

        distance = hypot(self.target.rect.centerx - self.rect.centerx,
                              self.target.rect.centery - self.rect.centery)
        mod = self.target.speed+1
        # Calculates the X and Y speed
        xspeed, yspeed = cos(self.angle)*mod, sin(self.angle)*mod
        self.x_speed = xspeed + xspeed/abs(xspeed) if xspeed != 0 else 0
        self.y_speed = yspeed + yspeed/abs(yspeed) if yspeed != 0 else 0

        # If the projectile is within range, it hit the target
        if abs(self.rect.centerx - self.target.rect.centerx) <= 20:
            if abs(self.rect.centery - self.target.rect.centery) <= 20:
                self.rect.move_ip((self.x_speed, self.y_speed))
            self.rect.move_ip((self.x_speed, self.y_speed))

        # Destroys the projectile if it goes off screen
        if not screen.contains(self.rect):

    def do_damage(self, monsters):
        for monster in monsters:
            # Does damage to the target, and adds kills and money rewards if it dies, also adds damage_done to tower
            if monster == self.target:
                # dmg_result returns (None/Value of monster, Damage done by projectile)
                dmg_result = monster.damage(self.damage)
                if dmg_result[0] is not None:
                    self.tower.kills += 1
                    self.tower.turn_yield += dmg_result[0]
                self.tower.damage_done += dmg_result[1]
Пример #10
    def _draw_animation(self, entity):
        height = entity.cliche.surface.get_height()
        dest = Rect(0, 0, height, height)
        dest.center = self._on_screen(entity.position)

        self.screen.blit(entity.cliche.surface, dest,
Пример #11
    def build(self):
        # calculate the max dimensions
        max_w, max_h = 0, 0
        for item in self.items:
            width, height = self.font.size(item.text)
            max_w = max(width, max_w)
            max_h = max(height, max_h)

        rect = Rect(0,0,max_w,max_h).inflate(self.padding, self.padding)

        # place and initialize each menu item
        bounds = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        top = 0
        for item in self.items:
            item.image = Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA)
            item.rect = rect.copy()
            item.rect.top = top

            top = item.rect.bottom + self.margin

        # tmp, render each sprite initially
        for item in self.items:
Пример #12
 def test_move( self ):
     r = Rect( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
     move_x = 10
     move_y = 20
     r2 = r.move( move_x, move_y )
     expected_r2 = Rect(r.left+move_x,r.top+move_y,r.width,r.height)
     self.assertEqual( expected_r2, r2 )
Пример #13
 def __init__(self,midbottom):
     self.midbottom  = midbottom
     self.dx         = random()-0.5
     self.X          = self.x
     self.dy         = 4+random()
     self.Y          = self.y
Пример #14
 def test_unionall_ip( self ):
     r1 = Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
     r2 = Rect( -2, -2, 1, 1 )
     r3 = Rect( 2, 2, 1, 1 )
     r1.unionall_ip( [r2,r3] )
     self.assertEqual( Rect(-2, -2, 5, 5), r1 )
Пример #15
    def test_collidedictall(self):

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.rect.Rect.collidedictall:

          # Rect.collidedictall(dict): return [(key, value), ...]
          # test if all rectangles in a dictionary intersect
          # Returns a list of all the key and value pairs that intersect with
          # the Rect. If no collisions are found an empty dictionary is
          # returned.
          # Rect objects are not hashable and cannot be used as keys in a
          # dictionary, only as values.

        r = Rect(1, 1, 10, 10)

        r2 = Rect(1, 1, 10, 10)
        r3 = Rect(5, 5, 10, 10)
        r4 = Rect(10, 10, 10, 10)
        r5 = Rect(50, 50, 10, 10)

        rects_values = 1
        d = {2: r2}
        l = r.collidedictall(d, rects_values)
        self.assertEqual(l, [(2, r2)])

        d2 = {2: r2, 3: r3, 4: r4, 5: r5}
        l2 = r.collidedictall(d2, rects_values)
        self.assertEqual(l2, [(2, r2), (3, r3), (4, r4)])
Пример #16
	def create_platforms_rect(self, tiles, layer):
		""" Create a collision rect for each non-empty tile segment, that is, one or more tiles together """
		if len(tiles) < 1:
			return False

		x, y = tiles.pop(0)
		width = self.map.content['tilewidth']
		height = self.map.content['tileheight']
		rect = Rect((0, 0, 0, 0))
		rect.left = x * width
		rect.top = y * height
		rect.width = width
		rect.height = height
		# self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		n_tiles_x, n_tiles_y = 0, 0

		# exclude the tiles we're about to create a platform for
		excluded_tiles = []
		for (n_x, n_y) in tiles:
			if abs(n_x - x) == n_tiles_x and n_y == y:
				rect.width += width
				n_tiles_x += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))
			if abs(n_y - y) == n_tiles_y and n_x == x:
				rect.height += height
				n_tiles_y += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))

		self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		self.create_platforms_rect([t for t in tiles if not t in excluded_tiles], layer)
Пример #17
Файл: level.py Проект: ikn/boom
    def init (self):
        n_pads = pg.joystick.get_count()
        if n_pads == 0:
            img = 'nopads'
        elif n_pads == 1:
            img = '1pad'
            img = '2pads'

        gm_r = Rect((0, 0), self.graphics.size)
        frame = gm_r.inflate(*(-2 * w for w in conf.INTRO_FRAME_WIDTH))
        viewport = GraphicsManager(self.scheduler, frame.size)
        setup_bg(viewport, 1, self.scheduler)
        text = Graphic('intro-{0}.png'.format(img))
            util.tile_graphic(Graphic('solid.png'), gm_r, 1),

        for i in xrange(n_pads):
        self.evthandler.add((pg.KEYDOWN, pg.JOYBUTTONDOWN,
                             lambda: conf.GAME.switch_world(Level)))
Пример #18
def draw_round_border(surface, width=4, color=None, bounds=None):
    """draw_round_border(Surface, line_width, Color, Rect) => None
       only Surface is required"""
    h = surface.get_height()
    w = surface.get_width()
    img = dialog.circle_border_image
    if color == None: color = pygame.color.Color("white")
    if bounds == None: bounds = surface.get_rect()

    r = Rect(0,0,8,8)
    border = bounds.inflate(-8,-8)
    border.topleft = bounds.topleft

    surface.blit(img, border.topleft, r)
    r.top = 8
    surface.blit(img, border.bottomleft, r)
    r.left = 8
    surface.blit(img, border.bottomright, r)
    r.top = 0
    surface.blit(img, border.topright, r)
    i = bounds.inflate(-17,-17)
    o = bounds.inflate(-3,-3)
    o.topleft = bounds.topleft
    draw.line(surface, color, (i.left,o.top),(i.right,o.top),       4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (o.left,i.top),(o.left,i.bottom),     4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (i.left,o.bottom),(i.right,o.bottom), 4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (o.right,i.top),(o.right,i.bottom),   4 )
Пример #19
class CircleUnionObject(PhysicsObject):
    def __init__(self,particle,color):
        self.rect = Rect(0,0,0,0)
        for c in particle.collider.colliders:
            radius = int(c.r)
            rect = pygame.Rect(c.p.x-radius,c.p.y-radius,radius*2+1, radius*2+1)   
        self.original = pygame.surface.Surface([self.rect.width,self.rect.height],SRCALPHA)
        for c in particle.collider.colliders:
            radius = int(c.r)
            x = int(c.p.x)
            y = int(c.p.y)
            pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.original, x-self.rect.left,y-self.rect.top,radius,color)
        self.view = self.original
Пример #20
    def draw_sprite(self, sprite, ratio=None):
        if ratio is None:
            ratio = self.ratio

        # calculate the size of the shadow
        w = sprite.rect.width * ratio + 1
        h = w/2
        rect = Rect(0,0,w,h)
        # shrink the shadow according to height
        if hasattr(sprite, "height"):
            height0 = sprite.__class__.height
            ratio = (height0 - sprite.height) / float(height0)
            rect.width = max(8, rect.width * ratio)
            rect.height = max(4, rect.height * ratio)

        # move the the midbottom of the sprite
        rect.center = sprite.rect.midbottom
        rect.x -= 1
        rect.y -= 3

        # if the sprite has a height property, use it to move the shadow
        if hasattr(sprite, "height"):
            rect.y += sprite.height

        # draw to the layer
        pygame.draw.ellipse(self._layer, self.color, rect)
Пример #21
    def grow_rect(self, rect, growth, rects, direction):
        """Tries to grow a rectangle in the specified direction

        Returns whether the growth succeeded"""
        changed = False
        if growth[direction]:
            left, top, width, height = rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h
            if direction == LEFT:
                left -= 1
                width += 1
            elif direction == RIGHT:
                width += 1
            elif direction == DOWN:
                height += 1
            elif direction == UP:
                top -= 1
                height += 1
            new = Rect(left, top, width, height)
            if not (set(util.points_in(new)) - self.space) and len(new.collidelistall(rects)) == 1:
                rect.left = left
                rect.width = width
                rect.top = top
                rect.height = height
                changed = True
                #if rect.width >= 8 and rect.height >= 8 and random.randrange(5) == 0:
                #    growth[direction] = False
                growth[direction] = False

        return changed
Пример #22
    def __init__(self, pygameWindow,gameVariable,images):

        # bool hodnoty
        self.notOver = True
        self.startGame = False
        self.closeGame = False
        self.loadGame = False

        self.gameVariable = gameVariable

        # okno
        self.window = pygameWindow
        self.images = images


        self.rectWidth = pygameWindow.get_width() / 3
        self.rectHeight = pygameWindow.get_height()  / 10

        self.rectX = (pygameWindow.get_width() / 2) - (self.rectWidth / 2)

        # Rect(top,left, width, height)
        self.nazovHryRect = Rect(0,0,self.window.get_width(),pygameWindow.get_height()/3)
        self.newGameRect = Rect(self.rectX, 150, self.rectWidth, self.rectHeight)
        self.loadGameRect = Rect(self.rectX, 250, self.rectWidth, self.rectHeight)
        self.exitRect = Rect(self.rectX, 350, self.rectWidth, self.rectHeight)

        # font a texty
        self.font = font.SysFont("norasi",int(self.rectHeight/2))

        #iniclializacia lablov
Пример #23
    def bar(self, surface, text, pos, w=300):
        rect = Rect(pos, (w, 60))
        draw.rect(surface, (0, 200, 200), rect)

        sf = font.SysFont('blah', 60, bold=False, italic=False)
        txt = sf.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0))
        surface.blit(txt, rect.inflate(-10, -10))
Пример #24
    def _prepare_sprite(self, sprite):
        """Prepare a sprite before drawing.

        Return the corresponding rectangle.
        # Aliases
        old_rect_dct = self.spritedict
        use_update = self._use_update
        # Test dirty rects
        try: sprite.dirty_rects
        except AttributeError: sprite.dirty_rects = None
        # Update dirtyness
        if not sprite.dirty and sprite.dirty_rects:
            sprite.dirty = 1
        # Get actual size
        try: size_rect = Rect((0,0), sprite.source_rect.size)
        except AttributeError: size_rect = Rect((0,0), sprite.rect.size)
        # Compare rect
        new_rect = size_rect.move(sprite.rect.topleft)
        has_moved = new_rect != old_rect_dct[sprite]
        # Whole rect is dirty
        if not use_update or has_moved or sprite.dirty_rects is None:
            sprite.dirty_rects = [size_rect]
            return new_rect
        # Clip the dirty rects
        for k, area in enumerate(sprite.dirty_rects):
            sprite.dirty_rects[k] = area.clip(size_rect)
        # Return
        return new_rect
Пример #25
    def update_world_window(self, screen, world_s, camera, floor_s, map_data):
        blit_area = Rect(0, 0, 64, 64)
        # Get the dirty tile -coordinates from map_data
        for dirty_tile_position in map_data.get_dirty_tile_positions:
            # Calculate the screen position for given tile
            dirty_world_position = world_pos_of_tile(dirty_tile_position)

            area_x, area_y = dirty_tile_position
            blit_area.topleft = (area_x * 64, area_y * 64)

            # Blit the tile from floor, to screen.
            world_s.blit(floor_s, dirty_world_position, blit_area)
            # Blit items in the tile

            # Try if this position contains a list of items. Note: these may fail :s
            items_in_position = map_data.get_items_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if items_in_position is not None:
                self.draw_items_on_tile(world_s, items_in_position, dirty_world_position)

            # Blit character in here.
            character = map_data.get_character_on_position(dirty_tile_position)
            if character is not None:
                world_s.blit(character.surface, dirty_world_position)

            camera_rectangle = camera.get_viewport_rect
            assert isinstance(camera_rectangle, Rect)
            screen.blit(world_s, (16,16), area=world_rect_of_tile_rect(camera_rectangle))

Пример #26
    def update(self, image, basePos, width, height):
        xb, yb = basePos
        if self.ship.armor != self.hp1:
            if abs(self.ship.armor - self.hp1) > 5:
                # new damage
                self.hp2 = self.hp1
                self.hp1 = self.ship.armor
                self.t = 0
                self.hp1 = self.ship.armor
        if self.t < self.maxT1:
            if self.t + self.dt >= self.maxT1:
                self.dhp = (self.hp1 - self.hp2) / (self.maxT2 - self.maxT1)
        elif self.t < self.maxT2:
            self.hp2 += self.dhp * self.dt
            self.hp2 = self.hp1
        self.t += self.dt

        hp1, hp2 = self.hp1, self.hp2
        rect = Rect((0, 0), (width, hp1/config.MaxArmor * height))
        rect.bottomleft = (xb, yb)
        pygame.draw.rect(image, self.HPColor, rect)
        if hp1 < hp2:
            rect.size = (width, (hp2 - hp1)/config.MaxArmor * height)
            rect.bottomleft = (xb,1 + yb - hp1/config.MaxArmor * height)
            pygame.draw.rect(image, self.HPColorDamage, rect)
Пример #27
 def scroll_down_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
Пример #28
 def scroll_up_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.top = m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
Пример #29
 def set_pos(self, pos):
     self.rect = Rect(pos, (64, 40))
Пример #30
 def calculate_rect(self, position):
     width = self.size[0] * self.cut[0]
     height = self.size[1] * self.cut[1]
     return Rect(position, (width, height))
Пример #31
 def shift_by_topleft(self, rect: pg.Rect) -> pg.Rect:
     return rect.move(self.rect.topleft)
Пример #32
    def stick_to(self, target, target_side, self_side, align=True):
        """Sides must be either 'top', 'bottom, 'left' or 'right'.
        This function moves self in order to make its <self_side> just next to
        target's <target_side>.

        Note that unless <align> = True, this does not move self along the
        orthogonal axis: e.g, stick_to(target_element, 'right', 'left') will
        move self such that self.left = target.right (using storers rects), but
        self.top might not be target.top. Then this is up to the user to move
        self on the vertical axis once self is sticked to target.

        <target> can either be an element, "screen" or a rect.
        r = self.get_storer_rect()
        topleft = r.topleft
        size = r.size
        if target == "screen":
            W, H = functions.get_screen_size()
            t = Rect(0, 0, W, H)
        elif isinstance(target, Rect):
            t = target
            t = target.get_storer_rect()
        target_topleft = t.topleft
        target_size = t.size
        if target_side == "left":
            sx = topleft[0]
            tx = target_topleft[0]
            if self_side == "right":
                sx += size[0]
            self.move((tx - sx, 0))
        elif target_side == "right":
            sx = topleft[0]
            tx = target_topleft[0] + target_size[0]
            if self_side == "right":
                sx += size[0]
            self.move((tx - sx, 0))
        elif target_side == "left":
            sx = topleft[0]
            tx = target_topleft[0]
            if self_side == "right":
                sx += size[0]
            self.move((tx - sx, 0))
        elif target_side == "bottom":
            sy = topleft[1]
            ty = target_topleft[1] + target_size[1]
            if self_side == "bottom":
                sy += size[1]
            self.move((0, ty - sy))
        elif target_side == "top":
            sy = topleft[1]
            ty = target_topleft[1]
            if self_side == "bottom":
                sy += size[1]
            self.move((0, ty - sy))
            raise Exception("not possible")
        if align:
            if target_side == "top" or target_side == "bottom":
                self.set_center((t.centerx, None))
                self.set_center((None, t.centery))
Пример #33
class PlayerCommand:
    """ Display pannel for player input/output
        Controls display area for player input/output """
    def __init__(self):
        self.msg1 = "text area 1"
        self.msg2 = "text area 2"
        self.msg3 = "text area 3"
        self.x = 50
        self.width = 20
        self.offset = 0
        self.back_color = "black"
        self.message_rect = Rect(600, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
        self.message_size = (int(self.message_rect[2]) - self.message_rect[0],
        self.unit_group_rect = Rect(630, 150, 15, 15)
        self.player_msg = "Player message here"
        self.tick_counter = "Ticks here"

    def msg_to_player(self, screen):
        """ tracks and handles messages to player """
        message1_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(self.player_msg, True,
        screen.blit(message1_sf, (20, 550, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
        """ tick counter """
        message2_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(self.tick_counter, True,
        screen.blit(message2_sf, (20, 20, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    def draw_messageboard(self, screen):
        self.draw_rimmed_box(screen, self.message_rect,
                             (self.x, self.width, self.offset), 4,
        DEFAULT_GAME_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 18)
        message1_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(self.msg1, True, Color('white'))
        message2_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(self.msg2, True, Color('white'))
        message3_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(self.msg3, True, Color('white'))
        message4 = "Heroes: " + str(HERO_WINS)
        message4_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(message4, True, Color('white'))
        message5 = "Enemies: " + str(ENEMY_WINS)
        message5_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(message5, True, Color('white'))
                    self.message_rect.move(0, message1_sf.get_height()))
                                           message2_sf.get_height() * 2))
                                           message2_sf.get_height() * 3))
                                           message4_sf.get_height() * 4))
                                           message5_sf.get_height() * 5))

    def draw_player_units(self, screen, unit_group):
        """ blits player unit text to output display window """
        self.draw_rimmed_box(screen, Rect(600, 150, SCREEN_WIDTH,
                             (self.x, self.width, self.offset), 4,
        DEFAULT_GAME_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 12)
        offset = 0
        for unit in unit_group:
            message1_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(unit.info_msg1, True,
            message1_status = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(unit.txt_status, True,
            message2_sf = DEFAULT_GAME_FONT.render(unit.info_msg2, True,
                    message1_sf.get_height() * 1 + offset * 24))
                    message1_status.get_height() * 1 + offset * 24))
                    message2_sf.get_height() * 2 + offset * 24))
            for button in unit.unit_btns:
            offset += 2

    def draw_rimmed_box(self,
        """ Draw a rimmed box on the given surface. 
            The rim is drawn outside the box rect. 
        if rim_width:
            rim_rect = Rect(box_rect.left - rim_width,
                            box_rect.top - rim_width,
                            box_rect.width + rim_width * 2,
                            box_rect.height + rim_width * 2)
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, rim_color, rim_rect)
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, box_color, box_rect)

    def in_field(self, pos):
        """ verify if clicked pos is in playable grid area  - returns True/False """
        loc = self.coord_to_grid(pos)
        if loc[0] < 0 or loc[0] >= self.x or loc[1] < 0 or \
           loc[1] >= GRID_SIZE[1]:
            #print("you missed the player_command grid")
            return (False)
            return (True)

    def grid_clicked(self, pos):
        """ tells what grid was clicked on and reports for testing purposes 
            pos: the passed mouse coordinates variable passed through 
        if self.in_field(pos):
            #print("click is in player_command field")
            #print("pos clicked:", pos)
            dummy = False

# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     screen = pygame.display.set_mode((params.SCREEN_WIDTH, params.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) # create screen area for tiles
#     #pawn = SimpleUnit()
#     pawn_group = SimpleUnitGroup(screen)
#     for unit in pawn_group.group_list:
#         print("unit loc:", unit.loc)
#     #test loop to give coords to units
#     for unit in pawn_group.group_list:
#         unit.targ_tile = (25,25)
#         unit.active = True
#         print("status:") # test of status message update
#         print(unit.info_msg1) # test of status message update
#         print(unit.info_msg2) # test of status message update
#     #test loop to move units
#         unit.move_unit()
#     for unit in pawn_group.group_list: # check locations again to see if moved
#         print("unit loc:", unit.loc)
#     # test player groups - test works #
#     all_players = PlayerUnitGroup(screen) #                         - These lines are the lines to call/create the players & units for a game
#     all_players.print_all_player_units() # Test to print all player units to shell - works
#     all_players.update_players() # Test of update logic path
#     print()
#     print("-- TEST DONE --")
#     print()
#     pygame.quit()
#     sys.exit()
Пример #34
class Node:
    def __init__(self, index, rect):
        self.state = 0
        self.index = index
        self.came_from = None
        self.rect = Rect(rect)
        # Heuristic serch stuff
        self.came_from_cost = 0
        self.goal_cost = None
        # weight search stuff
        self.weight = 0

    def is_pressed(self, mouse_pos):
        if self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
            return True

    def get_colour(self):
        if self.state == EMPTY_NODE:
            weight_colour = (0, self.weight, self.weight)
            return weight_colour
        return COLOURS[self.state]

    def calculate_gradient(self, start_node, start_colour):
        diff = abs(start_node.index[0] -
                   self.index[0]) + abs(start_node.index[1] - self.index[1])
        new_colour = start_colour
        new_colour[0] = abs(int(diff * (255 / (ROW * 2))))
        return new_colour

    def set_state(self, node_state):
        self.state = node_state

    def set_came_from(self, came_from_node):
        self.came_from = came_from_node
        self.came_from_cost = self.calculate_came_from_cost(came_from_node)

    def clear_came_from(self):
        self.came_from = None
        self.came_from_cost = 0

    def calculate_came_from_cost(self, came_from_node):
        diff = (self.index[0] - came_from_node.index[0],
                self.index[1] - came_from_node.index[1])
        came_from_to = math.sqrt(diff[0]**2 + diff[1]**2) * 10
        return came_from_node.get_came_from_cost() + math.floor(came_from_to)

    def calculate_goal_cost(self, end_node, multiplier):
        diff = (self.index[0] - end_node.index[0],
                self.index[1] - end_node.index[1])
        # self.goal_cost = abs(diff[0]) + abs(diff[1]) # manhattan distance
        self.goal_cost = math.floor(
            math.sqrt(diff[0]**2 + diff[1]**2) * multiplier)

    def turn_into_wall(self):
        if self.state == EMPTY_NODE:

    def from_wall_turn_into_empty(self):
        if self.state == WALL_NODE:

    def get_came_from_cost(self):
        return self.came_from_cost

    def get_goal_cost(self):
        return self.goal_cost
Пример #35
 def _set_pos(self, val: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
     '''Set the position of the panel's top-left corner.'''
     self._x, self._y = val
     self._pos = val
     self._rect = Rect(val, self._size)
Пример #36
 def __init__(self, lerp=5, width=config.XWIN, height=config.YWIN):
     self.state = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
     self.lerp = lerp
     self.center = height // 2
     self.maxheight = self.center
Пример #37
 def __init__(self):
     self.name = "RectRenderer"
     self.colour = (255, 0, 0)
     self.extent = Vector2(0, 0)
     self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
Пример #38
class Game:
Пример #39
    def __init__(self, gui) -> None:
        Creates a button with attributes

            If colour is none then the button is invisible

            on_click is a function that will exectute when the
            button has been pressed
        self.gui = gui

        # Title
        self.title_rect = Rect(120,
                               self.gui.height // 8,
                               self.gui.width // 2,
                               self.gui.width // 2 * 244 / 925)

        self.title_rect.centerx = self.gui.width // 2

        self.game_title = pygame.image.load('assets/A45.png').convert_alpha()
        self.game_title = pygame.transform.smoothscale(
            self.game_title, self.title_rect.size)

        # Start 2 Player Button
        two_player_rect = Rect(0, 0, 200, 50)
        two_player_rect.centerx = self.gui.width // 2
        two_player_rect.centery = self.gui.height // 2 - 50

        two_player_button = Button(two_player_rect,
                                   self.gui.start_game_two_player, (255, 255, 255),
                                   '2 Player')
        # Start AI Easy Button
        easy_rect = Rect(0, 0, 200, 50)
        easy_rect.centerx = self.gui.width // 2
        easy_rect.centery = self.gui.height // 2 + 50

        easy_button = Button(easy_rect,
                                   self.gui.start_game_easy, (255, 255, 255),
                                   'Easy AI')
        # Start AI Hard Button
        hard_rect = Rect(0, 0, 200, 50)
        hard_rect.centerx = self.gui.width // 2
        hard_rect.centery = self.gui.height // 2 + 150

        hard_button = Button(hard_rect,
                                   self.gui.start_game_hard, (255, 255, 255),
                                   'Hard AI')

        # Quit Button
        end_rect = Rect(0, 0, 200, 50)
        end_rect.centerx = self.gui.width // 2
        end_rect.centery = self.gui.height // 2 + 250

        end_game_button = Button(end_rect,
                                 self.gui.end_game, (255, 255, 255),
                                 'Quit Game')

        self.buttons = []
Пример #40
 def __init__(self, game, **kwds):
     Widget.__init__(self, Rect(0, 0, 16, 16), **kwds)
     self.game = game
Пример #41
 def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, image):
     self.rect = Rect(x, y, width, height)
     self.image = image
Пример #42
        ghost = Ghost(self)
        skeleton = Skeleton(self)

    def damage(self, damage):
        '''Damage the caveman. If the energy becomes negative he dies.'''
        self.energy -= damage
        if self.energy < 0:

SCREENRECT = Rect(0, 0, 800, 600)

from pygame.locals import *

#print "seed"

#class Volador(Basic_Actor):
#def __init__(self, initial_position, AI):
#if Volador.image is None:
#Volador._images=cargar_secuencia("voladorAnim.png", 5)
#Volador.image = Volador._images[0][0]
Пример #43
 def _render(self):
     s = self._background.copy()
     fill_width = (self.width - 4) * (1.0 * self.value / self.maxvalue)
     pygame.draw.rect(s, Color("blue"), Rect(2,2,fill_width, self.height - 4))
     return s
Пример #44
 def _set_size(self, val: Tuple[int, int]):
     '''Set the panel's size.'''
     self._w, self._h = val
     self._size = val
     self._rect = Rect(self._pos, val)
Пример #45
 def __init__(self, **kwds):
     Widget.__init__(self, Rect((0, 0), (100, 20)), **kwds)
Пример #46
 def update(self, surface, rect=Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)):
     self.surface = surface
     self.rect = rect
Пример #47
 def active_rect(self):
     size = self.surface.get_height()
     return Rect(self.active_frame * size, 0, size, size)
Пример #48
 def __init__(self, screen, font, x, y, width, height, message):
     pygame.draw.rect(screen, BUTTON_COLOUR, [x, y, width, height])
     button_text = font.render(message, False, BUTTON_TEXT_COLOUR)
     screen.blit(button_text, (x, y))
     self.rect = Rect(x, y, width, height)
Пример #49
 def rect(self, position):
     rect = Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
     rect.center = (round(position.x), round(position.y))
     return rect
Пример #50
class Ball:
    def __init__(self, screen_W, screen_H):
        Ball instanciation
        self.HEIGHT = screen_H // 100  # Player height
        self.WIDTH = self.HEIGHT  # Ball width

        self.screen_W = screen_W
        self.screen_H = screen_H

        self.rect = Rect(
            screen_W // 2 - self.WIDTH // 2,  # left
            screen_H // 2 - self.HEIGHT // 2,  # top
            self.WIDTH,  # width
            self.HEIGHT,  # height

        self.radius = self.HEIGHT // 2
        self.direction = Vector2(0, 1)
        self.speed = 0.5

    def get_center(self):
        Return graphical (x, y) center of the ball
        return (self.rect.left + self.radius, self.rect.top + self.radius)

    def reset_pos(self):
        Reset ball position to beginning
        self.rect.top = self.screen_H // 2 - self.HEIGHT // 2
        self.rect.left = self.screen_W // 2 - self.WIDTH // 2
        self.direction = Vector2(0, 1)

    def move(self, player, blocks_grid, dt):
        Collision check to update direction, and update self.rect accordingly
        # Bottom wall collision detection : game over
        if self.rect.top + self.rect.height > self.screen_H:
            return True

        # Player collision check
        if self.rect.colliderect(player.rect):
            ball_center = self.rect.left + self.radius
            player_center = player.rect.left + player.rect.width // 2
            coeff = (ball_center - player_center) / player.rect.width
            self.direction = -self.direction
            self.direction.x = coeff * 1.5

        # Block collision
        for block in blocks_grid.blocks:
            if self.rect.colliderect(block):
                new_direction = self.direction

                # Vertical
                if (block.rect.left < self.rect.left + self.radius <
                        block.rect.left + block.rect.width):
                    # Bottom collision
                    if (block.rect.top + block.rect.height * 4 / 5 <
                        new_direction = Vector2(0, 1)

                    # Top collision
                        new_direction = Vector2(0, -1)

                # Horizontal
                elif (block.rect.top < self.rect.top + self.radius <
                      block.rect.top + block.rect.height):
                    # Right collision
                    if (block.rect.left + block.rect.width * 4 / 5 <
                        new_direction = Vector2(1, 0)

                    # Left collision
                        new_direction = Vector2(-1, 0)

                # Top left corner
                elif (self.get_center()[0] <= block.rect.left
                      and self.get_center()[1] <= block.rect.top):
                    new_direction = Vector2(-1, -1).normalize()

                # Top right corner
                elif (block.rect.left + block.rect.width <=
                      and self.get_center()[1] <= block.rect.top):
                    new_direction = Vector2(1, -1).normalize()

                # Bottom left corner
                elif (self.get_center()[0] <= block.rect.left
                      and block.rect.top + block.rect.height <=
                    new_direction = Vector2(-1, 1).normalize()

                # Bottom right corner
                elif (block.rect.left + block.rect.width <=
                      and block.rect.top + block.rect.height <=
                    new_direction = Vector2(1, 1).normalize()

                self.direction = 2 * new_direction + self.direction

        # Top wall collision check
        if self.rect.top < 1:
            self.direction = 2 * Vector2(0, 1) + self.direction

        # Left wall collision check
        if self.rect.left < 1:
            self.direction = 2 * Vector2(1, 0) + self.direction

        # Right wall collision check
        if self.rect.left + self.rect.width > self.screen_W - 1:
            self.direction = 2 * Vector2(-1, 0) + self.direction

        self.direction = self.direction.normalize()

        # Update position
        self.rect.left += self.direction.x * self.speed * dt
        self.rect.top += self.direction.y * self.speed * dt

        return False

    def draw(self, window):
        Draw ball
        center = (self.rect.left + self.radius, self.rect.top + self.radius)
        pygame.draw.circle(window, (255, 0, 0), center, self.radius)
Пример #51
 def test_inside(self, inner: pygame.Rect, outside: pygame.Rect, flag):
     return outside.collidepoint(inner.topleft[0], inner.topleft[1]) and \
            outside.collidepoint(inner.topright[0], inner.topright[1]) and \
            outside.collidepoint(inner.bottomleft[0], inner.bottomleft[1]) and \
            outside.collidepoint(inner.bottomright[0], inner.bottomright[1])
Пример #52
 def getRect(self):
     return Rect(self.position[0], self.position[1], self.getWidth(), self.height)
Пример #53
circle_width = 0

# 設定矩形參數
rect_color = (233, 30, 99)
rect_pos_x = 400
rect_pos_y = 200
rect_width = 200
rect_height = 150

while 1:

    # 偵測事件
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
    # 更新遊戲資料
    # TODO Task1 & 2

    # 更新遊戲畫面

    # 畫圓
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, circle_color, circle_pos, circle_radius,

    # 畫方
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, rect_color,
                     Rect(rect_pos_x, rect_pos_y, rect_width, rect_height))
Пример #54
 def get_rect(self, location):
     return Rect(location[0] * self.cut[0] + self.rect.x,
                 location[1] * self.cut[1] + self.rect.y, self.slice[0],
Пример #55
class Panel:
    A class to represent an interactable UI panel.

        x (int): The x-coordinate of the panel's top-left corner
        y (int): The y-coordinate of the panel's top-left corner
        pos (Tuple[int, int]): The position of the panel's top-left corner
        w (int): The width of the panel
        h (int): The height of the panel
        size (Tuple[int, int]): The size of the panel
        rect (Rect): The rect that describes the area occupied by the panel
        label (object): The object that labels the panel
        hovered (bool): A flag indicating if the mouse is over the panel
    def __init__(self,
                 label: object,
                 pos: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
                 size: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)):
        Initialize the Panel object.
            label: The object that labels the panel
            pos: The position of the panel's top-left corner (default (0, 0))
            size: The size of the panel (default (0, 0))
        self._x, self._y = pos
        self._pos = pos
        self._w, self._h = size
        self._size = size
        self._rect = Rect(pos, size)
        self._label = label
        self._hovered = False

    def _get_pos(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        '''Get the position of the panel's top-left corner.'''
        return self._pos

    def _set_pos(self, val: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
        '''Set the position of the panel's top-left corner.'''
        self._x, self._y = val
        self._pos = val
        self._rect = Rect(val, self._size)

    pos = property(_get_pos, _set_pos)

    def center_on(self, center: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
        '''Center the panel on a position.'''
        x = center[0] - self._w // 2
        y = center[1] - self._h // 2
        self.pos = x, y

    def _get_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        '''Get the panel's size.'''
        return self._size

    def _set_size(self, val: Tuple[int, int]):
        '''Set the panel's size.'''
        self._w, self._h = val
        self._size = val
        self._rect = Rect(self._pos, val)

    size = property(_get_size, _set_size)

    def collides(self, collision_pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        '''Detect if a position collides with the panel.'''
        return self._rect.collidepoint(collision_pos)

    def handle_click(self, event: Event) -> None:
        '''Handle a click interaction with the panel.'''

    def handle_hover(self, mouse_pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
        '''Handle a hover interaction with the panel.'''
        self._hovered = True

    def render(self,
               buffer: Surface,
               theme: Theme,
               active: bool = False,
               render_label: bool = True,
               render_border: bool = True) -> None:
        Render panel on to the buffer using the theme.
            buffer: the pygame surface to render on to
            theme: the color and layout scheme to use for rendering
            active: boolean indicating if the active color should be used
            render_label: boolean indicating if the label should be rendered
            render_border: boolean indicating if the border should be rendered
        if active:
            bg_col = theme.act_col
            bg_col = theme.bg_col
        draw.rect(buffer, bg_col, self._rect, border_radius=theme.bord_r)
        if render_border:
            draw.rect(buffer, theme.bord_col, self._rect, theme.bord_w,
        if render_label:
            label = theme.large_text(self._label)
            label_x = self._rect.centerx - label.get_width() // 2
            label_y = self._rect.centery - label.get_height() // 2
            buffer.blit(label, (label_x, label_y))
        self._hovered = False
Пример #56
 def appendSnake(self):
     # add node to tail
     newSnakeLink = Rect((self.snake[len(self.snake) - 1].x, self.snake[len(
         self.snake) - 1].y), (self.gameUnitsize, self.gameUnitsize))
Пример #57
    def init_wind(self, w, h, dir):
        x, y = 0, 0  # self.pos[0], self.pos[1]
        scale_list = [
            (Rect(0, 0, 128,
                  128), (w - 4, h - 4), Rect(x + 2, y + 2, w - 4,
                                             h - 4)),  # back
            (Rect(144, 0, 32, 16), (w - 32, 16), Rect(x + 16, y, w - 32,
                                                      16)),  # top
            (Rect(128, 16, 16, 32), (16, h - 32), Rect(x, y + 16, 16,
                                                       h - 32)),  # left
            (Rect(176, 16, 16,
                  32), (16, h - 32), Rect(x + w - 16, y + 16, 16,
                                          h - 32)),  # right
            (Rect(144, 48, 32,
                  16), (w - 32, 16), Rect(x + 16, y + h - 16, w - 32,
                                          16)),  # bottom
            (Rect(128, 0, 16, 16), Rect(x, y, 16, 16)),  # top left
            (Rect(176, 0, 16, 16), Rect(x + w - 16, y, 16, 16)),  # top right
            (Rect(128, 48, 16, 16), Rect(x, y + h - 16, 16,
                                         16)),  # bottom left
            (Rect(176, 48, 16, 16), Rect(x + w - 16, y + h - 16, 16,
                                         16)),  # bottom right
        src_dir = {
            "up": (Rect(128, 96, 32,
                        32), Rect(x + int(w / 2), y + h - 3, 32, 32)),
            "down": (Rect(160, 96, 32, 32), Rect(x + int(w / 2), y - 29, 32,
        if dir is not None:

        blit_list = [self.trans_image(fmt) for fmt in scale_list]
        ret = Surface([w, h])
        for l1, l2 in blit_list:
            ret.blit(l1, l2)
        # ret.blits(blit_list)
        return ret
Пример #58
 def _create_background(self):
     s = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
     pygame.draw.rect(s, Color("white"), Rect(0,0,self.width,self.height), 2)
     self._background = s
Пример #59
def get_aa_round_rect(size, radius, color):
    surface = Surface(size, flags=SRCALPHA).convert_alpha()
    rect = Rect((0, 0), size)
    color = Color(*color)
    alpha = color.a
    color.a = 0
    rectangle = Surface(size, SRCALPHA)
    #here 5 is an arbitrary multiplier, we will just rescale later
    circle = Surface([min(size) * 5, min(size) * 5], SRCALPHA)
    draw.ellipse(circle, (0,0,0), circle.get_rect(), 0)
    circle = transform.smoothscale(circle, (2*radius, 2*radius))
    #now circle is just a small circle of radius
    #blit topleft circle:
    radius_rect = rectangle.blit(circle, (0, 0))
    #now radius_rect = Rect((0, 0), circle.size), rect=Rect((0, 0), size)
    #blit bottomright circle:
    radius_rect.bottomright = rect.bottomright #radius_rect is growing
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius_rect)
    #blit topright circle:
    radius_rect.topright = rect.topright
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius_rect)
    #blit bottomleft circle:
    radius_rect.bottomleft = rect.bottomleft
    rectangle.blit(circle, radius_rect)
    #black-fill of the internal rect
    rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(-radius_rect.w, 0))
    rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(0, -radius_rect.h))
    #fill with color using blend_rgba_max
    rectangle.fill(color, special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MAX)
    #fill with alpha-withe using blend_rgba_min in order to make transparent
    rectangle.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN)
    surface.blit(rectangle, rect.topleft)
    return surface
Пример #60
 def get_monsters_in_range(self, x1, y1, rnge):
   area = Rect(x1 - rnge, y1 - rnge, 2 * rnge, 2 * rnge)
   for monster in self.arena.creeps:
     x2, y2 = monster.rect.center
     if area.collidepoint((x2, y2)):
       if sqrt((x1-x2) ** 2 + (y1-y2) ** 2) < rnge:
         yield monster