def parse_html_into_style_data(self): """ Parses HTML styled string text into a format more useful for styling pygame.font rendered text. """ parser = TextHTMLParser(self.ui_theme, self.element_ids, self.object_ids) parser.push_style('body', {"bg_color": self.background_colour}) parser.feed(self.html_text) self.formatted_text_block = TextBlock(parser.text_data, self.text_wrap_rect, parser.indexed_styles, self.font_dict, self.link_style, self.background_colour, self.wrap_to_height)
def test_creation_scale_vert_to_text(self, _init_pygame): dictionary = UIFontDictionary() style = CharStyle() styled_chunk = StyledChunk(font_size=14, font_name='fira_code', chunk='text', style=style, colour=pygame.Color('#FFFF00'), bg_colour=pygame.Color('#000000'), is_link=False, link_href='test', link_style=CharStyle(), position=(0, 0), font_dictionary=dictionary) TextBlock(text='test', rect=pygame.Rect(0, 0, -1, 100), indexed_styles={0: styled_chunk}, font_dict=dictionary, link_style=style, bg_colour=pygame.Color('#FF0000'), wrap_to_height=True)
def test_word_split(self, _init_pygame): dictionary = UIFontDictionary() dictionary.preload_font(font_size=25, font_name='fira_code') style = CharStyle() styled_chunk_1 = StyledChunk(font_size=14, font_name='fira_code', chunk='text_text_text_text ', style=style, color=pygame.Color('#FFFF00'), bg_color=pygame.Color('#000000'), is_link=False, link_href='test', link_style=CharStyle(), position=(0, 0), font_dictionary=dictionary) styled_chunk_2 = StyledChunk(font_size=25, font_name='fira_code', chunk='DAN', style=style, color=pygame.Color('#FFFF00'), bg_color=pygame.Color('#000000'), is_link=False, link_href='test', link_style=CharStyle(), position=(0, 0), font_dictionary=dictionary) TextBlock(text='text_text_text_text DAN', rect=pygame.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), indexed_styles={0: styled_chunk_1, 21: styled_chunk_2}, font_dict=dictionary, link_style=style, bg_colour=pygame.Color('#FF0000'), wrap_to_height=True)
def test_word_split(self, _init_pygame, _display_surface_return_none): loader = BlockingThreadedResourceLoader() dictionary = UIFontDictionary(loader) dictionary.preload_font(font_size=25, font_name='fira_code') loader.start() loader.update() style = CharStyle() styled_chunk_1 = StyledChunk(font_size=14, font_name='fira_code', chunk='text_text_text_text ', style=style, colour=pygame.Color('#FFFF00'), bg_colour=pygame.Color('#000000'), is_link=False, link_href='test', link_style=CharStyle(), position=(0, 0), font_dictionary=dictionary) styled_chunk_2 = StyledChunk(font_size=25, font_name='fira_code', chunk='DAN', style=style, colour=pygame.Color('#FFFF00'), bg_colour=pygame.Color('#000000'), is_link=False, link_href='test', link_style=CharStyle(), position=(0, 0), font_dictionary=dictionary) TextBlock(text='text_text_text_text DAN', rect=pygame.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), indexed_styles={ 0: styled_chunk_1, 21: styled_chunk_2 }, font_dict=dictionary, link_style=style, bg_colour=pygame.Color('#FF0000'), wrap_to_height=True)
def test_creation(self, _init_pygame, _display_surface_return_none): dictionary = UIFontDictionary(BlockingThreadedResourceLoader()) style = CharStyle() styled_chunk = StyledChunk(font_size=14, font_name='fira_code', chunk='text', style=style, colour=pygame.Color('#FFFF00'), bg_colour=pygame.Color('#000000'), is_link=False, link_href='test', link_style=CharStyle(), position=(0, 0), font_dictionary=dictionary) TextBlock(text='test', rect=pygame.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), indexed_styles={0: styled_chunk}, font_dict=dictionary, link_style=style, bg_colour=pygame.Color('#FF0000'), wrap_to_height=True)
class UITextBox(UIElement): """ A Text Box element lets us display word-wrapped, formatted text. If the text to display is longer than the height of the box given then the element will automatically create a vertical scroll bar so that all the text can be seen. Formatting the text is done via a subset of HTML tags. Currently supported tags are: - <b></b> or <strong></strong> - to encase bold styled text. - <i></i>, <em></em> or <var></var> - to encase italic styled text. - <u></u> - to encase underlined text. - <a href='id'></a> - to encase 'link' text that can be clicked on to generate events with the id given in href. - <body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'></body> - to change the background colour of encased text. - <br> - to start a new line. - <font face='verdana' color='#000000' size=3.5></font> - To set the font, colour and size of encased text. More may be added in the future if needed or frequently requested. NOTE: if dimensions of the initial containing rect are set to -1 the text box will match the final dimension to whatever the text rendering produces. This lets us make dynamically sized text boxes depending on their contents. :param html_text: The HTML formatted text to display in this text box. :param relative_rect: The 'visible area' rectangle, positioned relative to it's container. :param manager: The UIManager that manages this element. :param wrap_to_height: False by default, if set to True the box will increase in height to match the text within. :param layer_starting_height: Sets the height, above it's container, to start placing the text box at. :param container: The container that this element is within. If set to None will be the root window's container. :param parent_element: The element this element 'belongs to' in the theming hierarchy. :param object_id: A custom defined ID for fine tuning of theming. """ def __init__(self, html_text: str, relative_rect: pygame.Rect, manager: UIManager, wrap_to_height: bool = False, layer_starting_height: int = 1, container: ui_container.UIContainer = None, parent_element: UIElement = None, object_id: Union[str, None] = None): new_element_ids, new_object_ids = self.create_valid_ids( parent_element=parent_element, object_id=object_id, element_id='text_box') super().__init__(relative_rect, manager, container, starting_height=layer_starting_height, layer_thickness=1, element_ids=new_element_ids, object_ids=new_object_ids) self.html_text = html_text self.font_dict = self.ui_theme.get_font_dictionary() self.wrap_to_height = wrap_to_height self.link_hover_chunks = [] # container for any link chunks we have self.active_text_effect = None self.scroll_bar = None self.scroll_bar_width = 20 self.border_width = None self.shadow_width = None self.padding = None self.background_colour = None self.border_colour = None self.link_normal_colour = None self.link_hover_colour = None self.link_selected_colour = None self.link_normal_underline = False self.link_hover_underline = True self.link_style = None self.rounded_corner_offset = None self.formatted_text_block = None # TextLine() self.text_wrap_rect = None self.background_surf = None self.drawable_shape = None self.shape_type = 'rectangle' self.shape_corner_radius = None self.rebuild_from_changed_theme_data() def kill(self): """ Overrides the standard sprite kill method to also kill any scroll bar belonging to this text box. """ if self.scroll_bar is not None: self.scroll_bar.kill() super().kill() def rebuild(self): """ Rebuild whatever needs building. """ ''' The text_wrap_area is the part of the text box that we try to keep the text inside of so that none of it overlaps. Essentially we start with the containing box, subtract the border, then subtract the padding, then if necessary subtract the width of the scroll bar''' self.rounded_corner_offset = int(self.shape_corner_radius - (math.sin(math.pi / 4) * self.shape_corner_radius)) self.text_wrap_rect = [ (self.rect[0] + self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), (self.rect[1] + self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), (self.rect[2] - (self.padding[0] * 2) - (self.border_width * 2) - (self.shadow_width * 2) - (2 * self.rounded_corner_offset)), (self.rect[3] - (self.padding[1] * 2) - (self.border_width * 2) - (self.shadow_width * 2) - (2 * self.rounded_corner_offset)) ] if self.rect[3] == -1: self.text_wrap_rect[3] = -1 self.parse_html_into_style_data( ) # This gives us the height of the text at the 'width' of the text_wrap_area if self.formatted_text_block is not None: if self.wrap_to_height or self.rect[3] == -1: final_text_area_size = self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions self.rect.size = [ (final_text_area_size[0] + (self.padding[0] * 2) + (self.border_width * 2) + (self.shadow_width * 2) + (2 * self.rounded_corner_offset)), (final_text_area_size[1] + (self.padding[1] * 2) + (self.border_width * 2) + (self.shadow_width * 2) + (2 * self.rounded_corner_offset)) ] elif self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[ 1] > self.text_wrap_rect[3]: # We need a scrollbar because our text is longer than the space we have to display it. # this also means we need to parse the text again. text_rect_width = (self.rect[2] - (self.padding[0] * 2) - (self.border_width * 2) - (self.shadow_width * 2) - self.rounded_corner_offset - self.scroll_bar_width) self.text_wrap_rect = [ (self.rect[0] + self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), (self.rect[1] + self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), text_rect_width, (self.rect[3] - (self.padding[1] * 2) - (self.border_width * 2) - (self.shadow_width * 2) - (2 * self.rounded_corner_offset)) ] self.parse_html_into_style_data() percentage_visible = self.text_wrap_rect[ 3] / self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[1] scroll_bar_position = (self.relative_rect.right - self.border_width - self.shadow_width - self.scroll_bar_width, + self.border_width + self.shadow_width) if self.scroll_bar is not None: self.scroll_bar.kill() self.scroll_bar = UIVerticalScrollBar(pygame.Rect( scroll_bar_position, (self.scroll_bar_width, self.rect.height - (2 * self.border_width) - (2 * self.shadow_width))), percentage_visible, self.ui_manager, self.ui_container, parent_element=self) else: self.rect.size = [self.rect[2], self.rect[3]] theming_parameters = { 'normal_bg': self.background_colour, 'normal_border': self.border_colour, 'border_width': self.border_width, 'shadow_width': self.shadow_width, 'shape_corner_radius': self.shape_corner_radius } if self.shape_type == 'rectangle': self.drawable_shape = RectDrawableShape(self.rect, theming_parameters, ['normal'], self.ui_manager) elif self.shape_type == 'rounded_rectangle': self.drawable_shape = RoundedRectangleShape( self.rect, theming_parameters, ['normal'], self.ui_manager) self.background_surf = self.drawable_shape.get_surface('normal') if self.scroll_bar is not None: height_adjustment = int( self.scroll_bar.start_percentage * self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[1]) else: height_adjustment = 0 drawable_area = pygame.Rect( (0, height_adjustment), (self.text_wrap_rect[2], self.text_wrap_rect[3])) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size, flags=pygame.SRCALPHA, depth=32) self.image.fill(pygame.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.image.blit(self.background_surf, (0, 0)) self.image.blit( self.formatted_text_block.block_sprite, (self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset, self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), drawable_area) self.formatted_text_block.add_chunks_to_hover_group( self.link_hover_chunks) def update(self, time_delta: float): """ Called once every update loop of the UI Manager. Used to react to scroll bar movement (if there is one), update the text effect (if there is one) and check if we are hovering over any text links (if there are any). :param time_delta: The time in seconds between calls to update. Useful for timing things. """ if self.alive(): if self.scroll_bar is not None: if self.scroll_bar.check_has_moved_recently(): height_adjustment = int( self.scroll_bar.start_percentage * self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[1]) drawable_area = pygame.Rect( (0, height_adjustment), (self.text_wrap_rect[2], self.text_wrap_rect[3])) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size, flags=pygame.SRCALPHA, depth=32) self.image.fill(pygame.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.image.blit(self.background_surf, (0, 0)) self.image.blit( self.formatted_text_block.block_sprite, (self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset, self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), drawable_area) mouse_x, mouse_y = self.ui_manager.get_mouse_position() should_redraw_from_chunks = False if self.scroll_bar is not None: height_adjustment = self.scroll_bar.start_percentage * self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[ 1] else: height_adjustment = 0 base_x = int(self.rect[0] + self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset) base_y = int(self.rect[1] + self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset - height_adjustment) for chunk in self.link_hover_chunks: hovered_currently = False hover_rect = pygame.Rect( (base_x + chunk.rect.x, base_y + chunk.rect.y), chunk.rect.size) if hover_rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y): if self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y): hovered_currently = True if chunk.is_hovered and not hovered_currently: chunk.on_unhovered() should_redraw_from_chunks = True elif hovered_currently and not chunk.is_hovered: chunk.on_hovered() should_redraw_from_chunks = True if should_redraw_from_chunks: self.redraw_from_chunks() if self.active_text_effect is not None: self.active_text_effect.update(time_delta) if self.active_text_effect.should_full_redraw(): self.full_redraw() if self.active_text_effect.should_redraw_from_chunks(): self.redraw_from_chunks() def update_containing_rect_position(self): """ Sets the final screen position of this element based on the position of it's container and it's relative position inside that container. """ self.rect = pygame.Rect( (self.ui_container.rect.x + self.relative_rect.x, self.ui_container.rect.y + self.relative_rect.y), self.relative_rect.size) # for chunk in self.link_hover_chunks: # chunk.rect = pygame.Rect((self.ui_container.rect.x + self.relative_rect.x + chunk.rect.x, # self.ui_container.rect.y + self.relative_rect.y + chunk.rect.y), # chunk.rect.size) def set_relative_position(self, position: Union[pygame.math.Vector2, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]]): super().set_relative_position(position) if self.scroll_bar is not None: scroll_bar_position = (self.relative_rect.right - self.border_width - self.shadow_width - self.scroll_bar_width, + self.border_width + self.shadow_width) self.scroll_bar.set_relative_position(scroll_bar_position) def set_position(self, position: Union[pygame.math.Vector2, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]]): super().set_position(position) if self.scroll_bar is not None: scroll_bar_position = (self.relative_rect.right - self.border_width - self.shadow_width - self.scroll_bar_width, + self.border_width + self.shadow_width) self.scroll_bar.set_relative_position(scroll_bar_position) def set_dimensions(self, dimensions: Union[pygame.math.Vector2, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]]): self.rect.width = dimensions[0] self.rect.height = dimensions[1] self.relative_rect.width = dimensions[0] self.relative_rect.height = dimensions[1] self.rebuild() def parse_html_into_style_data(self): """ Parses HTML styled string text into a format more useful for styling pygame.font rendered text. """ parser = TextHTMLParser(self.ui_theme, self.element_ids, self.object_ids) parser.push_style('body', {"bg_color": self.background_colour}) parser.feed(self.html_text) self.formatted_text_block = TextBlock(parser.text_data, self.text_wrap_rect, parser.indexed_styles, self.font_dict, self.link_style, self.background_colour, self.wrap_to_height) def redraw_from_text_block(self): """ Redraws the final parts of the text box element that don't include redrawing the actual text. Useful if we've just moved the position of the text (say, with a scroll bar) without actually changing the text itself. """ if self.scroll_bar is not None: height_adjustment = int( self.scroll_bar.start_percentage * self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[1]) else: height_adjustment = 0 drawable_area = pygame.Rect( (0, height_adjustment), (self.text_wrap_rect[2], self.text_wrap_rect[3])) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size, flags=pygame.SRCALPHA, depth=32) self.image.fill(pygame.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.image.blit(self.background_surf, (0, 0)) self.image.blit( self.formatted_text_block.block_sprite, (self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset, self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset), drawable_area) def redraw_from_chunks(self): """ Redraws from slightly earlier in the process than 'redraw_from_text_block'. Useful if we have redrawn individual chunks already (say, to change their style slightly after being hovered) and now want to update the text block with those changes without doing a full redraw. This won't work very well if redrawing a chunk changed it's dimensions. """ self.formatted_text_block.redraw_from_chunks(self.active_text_effect) self.redraw_from_text_block() def full_redraw(self): """ Trigger a full redraw of the entire text box. Useful if we have messed with the text chunks in a more fundamental fashion and need to reposition them (say, if some of them have gotten wider after being made bold). NOTE: This doesn't re-parse the text of our box. If you need to do that, just create a new text box. """ self.formatted_text_block.redraw(self.active_text_effect) self.redraw_from_text_block() self.link_hover_chunks = [] self.formatted_text_block.add_chunks_to_hover_group( self.link_hover_chunks) def select(self): """ Called when we focus select the text box (usually by clicking on it). In this case we just pass the focus over to the box's scroll bar, if it has one, so that some input events will be directed that way. """ if self.scroll_bar is not None: def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event) -> bool: """ Deals with input events. In this case we just handle clicks on any links in the text. :param event: A pygame event to check for a reaction to. :return bool: Returns True if we made use of this event. """ processed_event = False should_redraw_from_chunks = False should_full_redraw = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: scaled_mouse_pos = ( int(event.pos[0] * self.ui_manager.mouse_pos_scale_factor[0]), int(event.pos[1] * self.ui_manager.mouse_pos_scale_factor[1])) if self.drawable_shape.collide_point(scaled_mouse_pos): processed_event = True if self.scroll_bar is not None: text_block_full_height = self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[ 1] height_adjustment = self.scroll_bar.start_percentage * text_block_full_height else: height_adjustment = 0 base_x = int(self.rect[0] + self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset) base_y = int(self.rect[1] + self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset - height_adjustment) for chunk in self.link_hover_chunks: hover_rect = pygame.Rect( (base_x + chunk.rect.x, base_y + chunk.rect.y), chunk.rect.size) if hover_rect.collidepoint(scaled_mouse_pos[0], scaled_mouse_pos[1]): processed_event = True if not chunk.is_selected: chunk.on_selected() if chunk.metrics_changed_after_redraw: should_full_redraw = True else: should_redraw_from_chunks = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: if self.scroll_bar is not None: height_adjustment = self.scroll_bar.start_percentage * self.formatted_text_block.final_dimensions[ 1] else: height_adjustment = 0 base_x = int(self.rect[0] + self.padding[0] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset) base_y = int(self.rect[1] + self.padding[1] + self.border_width + self.shadow_width + self.rounded_corner_offset - height_adjustment) scaled_mouse_pos = ( int(event.pos[0] * self.ui_manager.mouse_pos_scale_factor[0]), int(event.pos[1] * self.ui_manager.mouse_pos_scale_factor[1])) for chunk in self.link_hover_chunks: hover_rect = pygame.Rect( (base_x + chunk.rect.x, base_y + chunk.rect.y), chunk.rect.size) if hover_rect.collidepoint(scaled_mouse_pos[0], scaled_mouse_pos[1]): if self.rect.collidepoint(scaled_mouse_pos[0], scaled_mouse_pos[1]): processed_event = True if chunk.is_selected: link_clicked_event = pygame.event.Event( pygame.USEREVENT, { 'user_type': pygame_gui.UI_TEXT_BOX_LINK_CLICKED, 'link_target': chunk.link_href, 'ui_element': self, 'ui_object_id': self.object_ids[-1] }) if chunk.is_selected: chunk.on_unselected() if chunk.metrics_changed_after_redraw: should_full_redraw = True else: should_redraw_from_chunks = True if should_redraw_from_chunks: self.redraw_from_chunks() if should_full_redraw: self.full_redraw() return processed_event def set_active_effect(self, effect_name: Union[str, None]): """ Set an animation effect to run on the text box. The effect will start running immediately after this call. These effects are currently supported: - 'typing_appear' - Will look as if the text is being typed in. - 'fade_in' - The text will fade in from the background colour (Only supported on Pygame 2) - 'fade_out' - The text will fade out to the background colour (only supported on Pygame 2) :param effect_name: The name fo the t to set. If set to None instead it will cancel any active effect. """ if effect_name is None: self.active_text_effect = None elif type(effect_name) is str: if effect_name == pygame_gui.TEXT_EFFECT_TYPING_APPEAR: effect = TypingAppearEffect( self.formatted_text_block.characters) self.active_text_effect = effect self.full_redraw() elif effect_name == pygame_gui.TEXT_EFFECT_FADE_IN: effect = FadeInEffect(self.formatted_text_block.characters) self.active_text_effect = effect self.redraw_from_chunks() elif effect_name == pygame_gui.TEXT_EFFECT_FADE_OUT: effect = FadeOutEffect(self.formatted_text_block.characters) self.active_text_effect = effect self.redraw_from_chunks() else: warnings.warn('Unsupported effect name: ' + effect_name + ' for text box') def rebuild_from_changed_theme_data(self): """ Called by the UIManager to check the theming data and rebuild whatever needs rebuilding for this element when the theme data has changed. """ has_any_changed = False # misc parameters shape_type = 'rectangle' shape_type_string = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'shape') if shape_type_string is not None: if shape_type_string in ['rectangle', 'rounded_rectangle']: shape_type = shape_type_string if shape_type != self.shape_type: self.shape_type = shape_type has_any_changed = True corner_radius = 2 shape_corner_radius_string = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'shape_corner_radius') if shape_corner_radius_string is not None: try: corner_radius = int(shape_corner_radius_string) except ValueError: corner_radius = 2 if corner_radius != self.shape_corner_radius: self.shape_corner_radius = corner_radius has_any_changed = True border_width = 0 border_width_string = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'border_width') if border_width_string is not None: try: border_width = int(border_width_string) except ValueError: border_width = 0 if border_width != self.border_width: self.border_width = border_width has_any_changed = True shadow_width = 0 shadow_width_string = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'shadow_width') if shadow_width_string is not None: try: shadow_width = int(shadow_width_string) except ValueError: shadow_width = 0 if shadow_width != self.shadow_width: self.shadow_width = shadow_width has_any_changed = True padding = (10, 10) padding_str = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data(self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'padding') if padding_str is not None: try: padding = (int(padding_str.split(',')[0]), int(padding_str.split(',')[1])) except ValueError: padding = (10, 10) if padding != self.padding: self.padding = padding has_any_changed = True # colour parameters background_colour = self.ui_theme.get_colour_or_gradient( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'dark_bg') if background_colour != self.background_colour: self.background_colour = background_colour has_any_changed = True border_colour = self.ui_theme.get_colour_or_gradient( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'normal_border') if border_colour != self.border_colour: self.border_colour = border_colour has_any_changed = True # link styles link_normal_underline = True link_normal_underline_string = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'link_normal_underline') if link_normal_underline_string is not None: try: link_normal_underline = bool(int(link_normal_underline_string)) except ValueError: link_normal_underline = True if link_normal_underline != self.link_normal_underline: self.link_normal_underline = link_normal_underline link_hover_underline = True link_hover_underline_string = self.ui_theme.get_misc_data( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'link_hover_underline') if link_hover_underline_string is not None: try: link_hover_underline = bool(int(link_hover_underline_string)) except ValueError: link_hover_underline = True if link_hover_underline != self.link_hover_underline: self.link_hover_underline = link_hover_underline link_normal_colour = self.ui_theme.get_colour_or_gradient( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'link_text') if link_normal_colour != self.link_normal_colour: self.link_normal_colour = link_normal_colour link_hover_colour = self.ui_theme.get_colour_or_gradient( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'link_hover') if link_hover_colour != self.link_hover_colour: self.link_hover_colour = link_hover_colour link_selected_colour = self.ui_theme.get_colour_or_gradient( self.object_ids, self.element_ids, 'link_selected') if link_selected_colour != self.link_selected_colour: self.link_selected_colour = link_selected_colour link_style = { 'link_text': self.link_normal_colour, 'link_hover': self.link_hover_colour, 'link_selected': self.link_selected_colour, 'link_normal_underline': self.link_normal_underline, 'link_hover_underline': self.link_hover_underline } if link_style != self.link_style: self.link_style = link_style has_any_changed = True if has_any_changed: self.rebuild()