Пример #1
def press(spin_system, te1=34, te2=34):
    # This is an example PyGAMMA pulse sequence for use in Vespa-Simulation
    # A timing diagram for this pulse sequence can be found in the Appendix
    # of the Simulation User Manual.

    # the isotope string used to sort/select the metabolites of interest is passed
    # in the sim_desc object so the user can tailor other object within their
    # code to be nuclei specific, such as the observe operator or pulses

    obs_iso = '1H'

    # extract the dynamically changing variable from loop 1 and 2 for 'te1' and
    # 'te2', divide by 1000.0 because the GUI states that values are entered in
    # [ms], but PyGAMMA wants [sec]

    te1 = te1 / 1000.0
    te2 = te2 / 1000.0

    # set up steady state and observation variables
    H = pg.Hcs(spin_system) + pg.HJ(spin_system)
    D = pg.Fm(spin_system, obs_iso)
    ac = pg.acquire1D(pg.gen_op(D), H, 0.000001)
    ACQ = ac
    sigma0 = pg.sigma_eq(spin_system)

    # excite, propagate, refocus and acquire the data
    sigma1 = pg.Iypuls(spin_system, sigma0, obs_iso, 90.0)
    Udelay = pg.prop(H, te1 * 0.5)
    sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay)
    sigma1 = pg.Iypuls(spin_system, sigma0, obs_iso, 180.0)
    Udelay = pg.prop(H, (te1 + te2) * 0.5)
    sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay)
    sigma1 = pg.Iypuls(spin_system, sigma0, obs_iso, 180.0)
    Udelay = pg.prop(H, te2 * 0.5)
    sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay)

    # instantiate and save transition table of simulation results
    # note. this step copies the TTable1D result from the ACQ into
    #       a TTable1D object in the sim_desc object. Thus, when
    #       we return from this function and the ACQ variable gets
    #       garbage collected, our copy of the results in not affected
    return pg.TTable1D(ACQ.table(sigma0))
Пример #2
def apply_crushed_180_rf(sys,
                         dephase_ang=[0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0],
    sigma_mult = []
    for i in dephase_ang:

    for i, angle in enumerate(dephase_ang):
        riz = pg.gen_op(pg.Rz(sys, angle))
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.evolve(sigma_mult[i], riz)
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.Iypuls(sys, sigma_mult[i], '1H', 180.0)

        if type == 'bipolar':
            riz = pg.gen_op(pg.Rz(sys, -1 * angle))
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.evolve(sigma_mult[i], riz)
        sigma_mult[i] *= 0.25
        if i == 0:
            sigma_res = pg.gen_op(sigma_mult[i])
            sigma_res += sigma_mult[i]

    return sigma_res
Пример #3
pwf = pg.PulWaveform(pulse, ptime, "TestPulse")

pulc = pg.PulComposite(pwf, sys, "1H")

H = pg.Hcs(sys) + pg.HJ(sys)
D = pg.Fm(sys)

Udelay1 = pg.prop(H, t1)
Udelay2 = pg.prop(H, t2)

# Neet to effectively typecast D as a gen_op.
ac = pg.acquire1D(pg.gen_op(D), H, 0.001)

ACQ = ac

sigma0 = pg.sigma_eq(sys)

sigma1 = pg.Iypuls(sys, sigma0, 90.0)  #Apply a 90y pulse

sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay1)  #Evolve through T1

Ureal180 = pulc.GetUsum(-1)  #Get the propagator for steps of 180

sigma1 = Ureal180.evolve(sigma0)  #Evolve through pulse

sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay2)  #Evolve through T2

mx = ACQ.table(sigma0)  #Transitions table (no lb)

mx.dbwrite(outfile, out_name, specfreq, sys.spins(), 0, header)
Пример #4
def steam(spin_system, te=20, tm=10):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # This is an example PyGAMMA pulse sequence for use in Vespa-Simulation
    # A timing diagram for this pulse sequence can be found in the Appendix
    # of the Simulation User Manual.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # the isotope string used to sort/select the metabolites of interest is passed
    # in the sim_desc object so the user can tailor other object within their
    # code to be nuclei specific, such as the observe operator or pulses
    obs_iso = '1H'

    # extract the dynamically changing variable from loops 1 and 2 for 'te'
    # and 'tm', divide by 1000.0 because the GUI states that values are
    # entered in [ms], but PyGAMMA wants [sec]

    te = te / 1000.0
    tm = tm / 1000.0

    # set up steady state and observation variables
    H = pg.Hcs(spin_system) + pg.HJ(spin_system)
    D = pg.Fm(spin_system, obs_iso)
    ac = pg.acquire1D(pg.gen_op(D), H, 0.000001)
    ACQ = ac

    # excite, propagate, refocus and acquire the data
    # for the case of STEAM, we need to simulate crusher gradients around the
    # second and third 90 pulses. We do this by creating 4 copies of the
    # operator matrix at that point, rotate respectively  by 0, 90, 180 and 270
    # degrees to each other, apply the 90 pulses and TM period, and then
    # add the four back into one normalized matrix.

    dephase_ang = [0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0]
    Udelay1 = pg.prop(H, te * 0.5)
    Udelay2 = pg.prop(H, tm)

    sigma0 = pg.sigma_eq(spin_system)
    # first 90 pulse, excite spins
    sigma0 = pg.Iypuls(spin_system, sigma0, obs_iso, 90.0)
    # nutate TE/2
    sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma0, Udelay1)

    # Now we need to create the effect of crushers around the 2nd and 3rd
    # 90 pulses. This is done by creating 4 copies of spin state and repeating
    # the rest of the sequence for four different rotations around z-axis
    sigma_mult = []
    for i in dephase_ang:

    for i, angle in enumerate(dephase_ang):
        # calculate and apply rotation around z-axis
        riz = pg.gen_op(pg.Rz(spin_system, angle))
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.evolve(sigma_mult[i], riz)

        # second 90 pulse
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.Ixpuls(spin_system, sigma_mult[i], obs_iso, 90.0)
        # this function removes all coherences still in transverse plane
        # this removes all stimulated echos from first and second 90 pulse
        pg.zero_mqc(spin_system, sigma_mult[i], 0, -1)
        # third 90 pulse
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.Ixpuls(spin_system, sigma_mult[i], obs_iso, 90.0)
        # undo rotation around z-axis
        sigma_mult[i] = pg.evolve(sigma_mult[i], riz)
        # scale results based on the number of phase angles
        sigma_mult[i] *= 1.0 / float(len(dephase_ang))

        # sum up each rotated/unrotated results
        if i == 0:
            sigma_res = pg.gen_op(sigma_mult[i])
            sigma_res += sigma_mult[i]

    # last TE/2 nutation
    sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma_res, Udelay1)

    # instantiate and save transition table of simulation results
    # note. this step copies the TTable1D result from the ACQ into
    #       a TTable1D object in the sim_desc object. Thus, when
    #       we return from this function and the ACQ variable gets
    #       garbage collected, our copy of the results in not affected
    return pg.TTable1D(ACQ.table(sigma0))
Пример #5
              'car': 0,
              'size': t2pts,
              'label': '1H',
              'encoding': 'direct',
              'time': False,
              'freq': True

fid = pg.row_vector(t2pts)      #block_1D tmp(t2pts); // 1D-data block storage

H = pg.Hcs(sys)+ pg.HJw(sys)             # // Hamiltonian, weak coupling
detect = pg.gen_op(pg.Fp(sys))     # // F+ for detection operator

sigma0 = pg.sigma_eq(sys)                      # // equilibrium density matrix
sigma1 = pg.Iypuls(sys, sigma0, 90)  

spec = fid.FFT()

npspec = spec.toNParray()

uc0 = ng.fileiobase.unit_conversion(udic[0]['size'],

# Plot 1D spectrum
Пример #6
header = (s1, s2)

sys = pg.sys_dynamic()


specfreq = sys.Omega()

mx = pg.TTable1D()

H = pg.Ho(sys)

detect = pg.Fm(sys)

sigma0 = pg.sigma_eq(sys)

sigmap = pg.Iypuls(sys, sigma0, 90.)

L = pg.Hsuper(H)
L *= pg.complex(0,1)

L += pg.Kex(sys, H.get_basis());

ACQ1 = pg.acquire1D(pg.gen_op(detect), L)

mx = ACQ1.table(sigmap);

#mx.dbwrite_old(outfile, "test_lines", -10, 10, specfreq, .1, 0, header)
mx.dbwrite(outfile, runname, specfreq, sys.spins(), 0, header)