Пример #1
    def runTrial(self):
        Run a single trial on the current engine using the local Worker.

        :return: (WorkerResult) holds run identification info and completion status
        context = self.context
        runDir = context.getScenarioDir(create=True)
        _logger.info("runDir is %s", runDir)

        trialDir = os.path.dirname(runDir)
        logDir = os.path.join(trialDir, 'log')

        if not self.runLocal:
            logFile = os.path.join(logDir, context.scenario + '.log')
            setParam('GCAM.LogFile', logFile)
                     'False')  # avoids duplicate output to file


        result = self._runTrial()
        return result
Пример #2
def _dirFromNumber(n, prefix="", create=False):
    Compute a directory name using a 2-level directory structure that
    allows 1000 nodes at each level, accommodating up to 1 million files
    (0 to 999,999) in two levels.
    from numpy import log10  # lazy import

    maxnodes = getParamAsInt('MCS.MaxSimDirs') or 1000

    # Require a power of 10
    log = log10(maxnodes)
    if log != int(log):
        raise PygcamMcsUserError(
            "MaxSimDirs must be a power of 10 (default value is 1000)")
    log = int(log)

    level1 = n // maxnodes
    level2 = n % maxnodes

    directory = os.path.join(prefix,
    if create:

    return directory
Пример #3
def makePlotPath(value, simId):
    plotDir = getParam('MCS.PlotDir')
    subDir  = os.path.join(plotDir, "s%d" % simId)
    plotType = getParam('MCS.PlotType')
    path = os.path.join(subDir, "%s.%s" % (value, plotType))
    #print "Plot path: ", path
    return path
Пример #4
    def setUp(self):
        self.ws = './data/ws'
        self.baseline = 'base-0'
        self.policy = 'corn-0'
        self.queryDir = 'queryResults'
        self.years = [2015, 2050]

        self.tmpDir = '/tmp/testDiff'
        self.removeTmpDir()  # start clean
Пример #5
    def getScenarioDir(self, create=False):
        Return and optionally create the path to the directory for a given experiment.
        trialDir = self.getTrialDir(create=False)
        scenarioDir = os.path.join(trialDir, self.scenario)
        if create:

        return scenarioDir
Пример #6
def copyfiles(files, dstdir, removeDst=True):
    :param files: a list of files to copy
    :param dstdir: the directory to copy to
    :param removeDst: if True-like, remove destination file before copying
    :return: nothing
    for f in files:
        filecopy(f, dstdir, removeDst=removeDst)
Пример #7
def createOutputDir(outputDir):
    from ..utils import removeFileOrTree
    from ..temp_file import getTempDir

    removeFileOrTree(outputDir, raiseError=False)
    tempOutputDir = getParam('MCS.TempOutputDir')

    if tempOutputDir:
        # We create this on /scratch which is purged automatically.
        newDir = getTempDir(suffix='', tmpDir=tempOutputDir, delete=False)
        _logger.debug("Creating '%s' link to %s" % (outputDir, newDir))
        symlink(newDir, outputDir)

Пример #8
def getSimDir(simId, create=False):
    Return and optionally create the path to the top-level simulation
    directory for the given simulation number, based on the SimsDir
    parameter specified in the config file.
    simsDir = getParam('MCS.RunSimsDir')
    if not simsDir:
        raise PygcamMcsUserError(
            "Missing required config parameter 'RunSimsDir'")

    simDir = os.path.join(simsDir,
                          's%03d' % simId)  # name is of format ".../s001/"
    if create:

    return simDir
Пример #9
def runStaticSetup(runWorkspace, project, groupName):
    Run the --staticOnly setup in the MCS copy of the workspace, for all scenarios.
    This is called from gensim, so we fake the "context" for trial 0, since all
    trials have local-xml symlinked to RunWorkspace's local-xml.
    import pygcam.tool
    from pygcam.utils import mkdirs
    from pygcam.constants import LOCAL_XML_NAME
    from ..util import symlink
    from ..error import GcamToolError

    projectName = project.projectName

    scenarios = project.getKnownScenarios()
    scenariosArg = ','.join(scenarios)

    useGroupDir = project.scenarioGroup.useGroupDir
    groupSubdir = groupName if useGroupDir else ''

    # create symlinks from all the scenarios' local-xml dirs to shared one
    # under {projectName}/Workspace
    sandboxDir = os.path.join(runWorkspace, groupSubdir)

    wsXmlDir = os.path.join(runWorkspace, LOCAL_XML_NAME)

    for scenario in scenarios:
        dirname = os.path.join(sandboxDir, scenario)
        linkname = os.path.join(dirname, LOCAL_XML_NAME)
        symlink(wsXmlDir, linkname)

    # N.B. RunWorkspace for gensim is pygcam's RefWorkspace
    toolArgs = [
        '+P', projectName, '--mcs=gensim', 'run', '-s', 'setup', '-S',
        scenariosArg, '--sandboxDir=' + sandboxDir

    if useGroupDir:
        toolArgs += ['-g', groupName]

    _logger.debug('Running: %s', 'gt ' + ' '.join(toolArgs))
    status = pygcam.tool.main(argv=toolArgs, raiseError=True)

    if status != 0:
        msg = '"gt setup" exited with status %d' % status
        raise GcamToolError(msg)

    return status
Пример #10
def genSimulation(simId, trials, paramPath, args):
    Generate a simulation based on the given parameters.
    from ..context import Context
    from ..Database import getDatabase
    from ..XMLParameterFile import XMLParameterFile
    from ..util import getSimParameterFile, getSimResultFile, symlink, filecopy
    from pygcam.constants import LOCAL_XML_NAME
    from pygcam.project import Project
    from pygcam.xmlSetup import ScenarioSetup

    runInputDir = getParam('MCS.RunInputDir')
    runWorkspace = getParam('MCS.RunWorkspace')

    # Add symlink to workspace's input dir so we can find XML files using rel paths in config files
    simDir = getSimDir(simId, create=True)
    simInputDir = os.path.join(simDir, 'input')
    symlink(runInputDir, simInputDir)

    # Ditto for workspace's local-xml
    workspaceLocalXml = os.path.join(runWorkspace, LOCAL_XML_NAME)
    simLocalXmlDir = os.path.join(simDir, LOCAL_XML_NAME)
    symlink(workspaceLocalXml, simLocalXmlDir)

    projectName = getParam('GCAM.ProjectName')
    project = Project.readProjectFile(projectName, groupName=args.groupName)

    args.groupName = groupName = args.groupName or project.scenarioSetup.defaultGroup

    # Run static setup for all scenarios in the given group
    runStaticSetup(runWorkspace, project, groupName)

    # TBD: Use pygcam scenario def and copy pygcam files, too
    scenarioFile = getParam('GCAM.ScenarioSetupFile')
    scenarioSetup = ScenarioSetup.parse(scenarioFile)
    scenarioNames = scenarioSetup.scenariosInGroup(groupName)
    baseline = scenarioSetup.baselineForGroup(groupName)

    # Copy the user's results.xml file to {simDir}/app-xml
    userResultFile = getParam('MCS.ResultsFile')
    simResultFile = getSimResultFile(simId)
    filecopy(userResultFile, simResultFile)

    paramFileObj = XMLParameterFile(paramPath)
    context = Context(projectName=args.projectName,
    paramFileObj.loadInputFiles(context, scenarioNames, writeConfigFiles=True)

    # Define the experiments (scenarios) in the database
    db = getDatabase()
    db.addExperiments(scenarioNames, baseline, scenarioFile)

    if not trials:
        _logger.warn("Simulation meta-data has been copied.")


    _logger.info("Generating %d trials to %r", trials, simDir)
    df = genTrialData(simId, trials, paramFileObj, args)

    # Save generated values to the database for post-processing
    saveTrialData(df, simId)

    # Also save the param file as parameters.xml, for reference only
    simParamFile = getSimParameterFile(simId)
    filecopy(paramPath, simParamFile)
Пример #11
def genSALibData(trials, method, paramFileObj, args):
    from ..error import PygcamMcsUserError
    from ..sensitivity import DFLT_PROBLEM_FILE, Sobol, FAST, Morris  # , MonteCarlo
    from pygcam.utils import ensureExtension, removeTreeSafely, mkdirs

    SupportedDistros = ['Uniform', 'LogUniform', 'Triangle', 'Linked']

    outFile = args.outFile or os.path.join(getSimDir(args.simId), 'data.sa')
    outFile = ensureExtension(outFile, '.sa')

    if os.path.lexists(outFile):
        # Attempt to mv an existing version of the file to the same name with '~'
        backupFile = outFile + '~'
        if os.path.isdir(backupFile):

        elif os.path.lexists(backupFile):
            raise PygcamMcsUserError(
                "Refusing to delete '%s' since it's not a file package." %

        os.rename(outFile, backupFile)


    linked = []

    problemFile = pathjoin(outFile, DFLT_PROBLEM_FILE)
    with open(problemFile, 'w') as f:

        for elt in paramFileObj.tree.iterfind('//Parameter'):
            name = elt.get('name')
            distElt = elt.find('Distribution')
            distSpec = distElt[0]  # should have only one child as per schema
            distName = distSpec.tag

            # These 3 distro forms specify min and max values, which we use with SALib
            legal = SupportedDistros + ['Linked']
            if distName not in legal:
                raise PygcamMcsUserError(
                    "Found '%s' distribution; must be one of %s for use with SALib."
                    % (distName, legal))

            if distName == 'Linked':  # TBD: ignore these and figure it out when loading the file?
                linked.append((name, distSpec.get('parameter')))

            # Parse out the various forms: (max, min), (factor), (range), and factor for LogUniform
            attrib = distSpec.attrib
            if 'min' in attrib and 'max' in attrib:
                minValue = float(attrib['min'])
                maxValue = float(attrib['max'])
            elif 'factor' in attrib:
                value = float(attrib['factor'])
                if distName == 'LogUniform':
                    minValue = 1 / value
                    maxValue = value
                    minValue = 1 - value
                    maxValue = 1 + value
            elif 'range' in attrib:
                value = float(attrib['range'])
                minValue = -value
                maxValue = value

            f.write("%s,%f,%f\n" % (name, minValue, maxValue))

    methods = (Sobol, FAST, Morris)  # , MonteCarlo)
    methodMap = {cls.__name__.lower(): cls for cls in methods}

    cls = methodMap[method]
    sa = cls(outFile)

    # saves to input.csv in file package
    sa.sample(trials=trials, calc_second_order=args.calcSecondOrder)
    return sa.inputsDF