Пример #1
 def test_self_eof (self):
   var = self.var
   eof, eig, pc = EOF(var,num=1)
   netcdf.save("eof_test.nc", [eof,eig,pc])
   std = (var - eof*eig*pc).stdev()
   rms = (var**2).mean()
   self.assertLess(std, rms*1E-3)
Пример #2
def test_io():

  from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
  from pygeode.timeaxis import StandardTime
  from pygeode.axis import Pres
  from pygeode.dataset import Dataset
  import numpy as np

  tm = StandardTime(values=np.arange(365), units='days', startdate={'year':2001})
  p = Pres(np.arange(100.))
  v = (tm * p).rename('v')

  # Save the dataset, then reload it immediately
  before = Dataset([v])
  nc.save('issue004_test.nc', before)
  after = nc.open('issue004_test.nc')

  # Compare all vars/axes/attributes

  for var in before:
    assert var.name in after, "Can't find var '%s'"%var.name
    var2 = getattr(after,var.name)
    assert var2.atts == var.atts, "mismatched metadata.  Input: %s, Output %s"%(var.atts,var2.atts)

  for axis in before.axes:
    axis2 = [a for a in after.axes if a.name == axis.name]
    assert len(axis2) == 1, "can't find axis '%s'"%axis.name
    axis2 = axis2[0]
#    assert axis2.atts == axis.atts, "mismatched metadata.  Input: %s, Output %s"%(axis.atts,axis2.atts)
    for attname in axis.atts.keys():
      assert attname in axis2.atts, "attribute '%s' not found"%attname
      assert axis.atts[attname] == axis2.atts[attname], "attribute '%s' changed from '%s' to '%s'"%(attname, axis.atts[attname], axis2.atts[attname])
    assert type(axis2) == type(axis), "mismatched axis types.  Input: %s, Output %s"%(type(axis), type(axis2))
Пример #3
 def test_self_eof(self):
     var = self.var
     eof, eig, pc = EOF(var, num=1)
     netcdf.save("eof_test.nc", [eof, eig, pc])
     std = (var - eof * eig * pc).stdev()
     rms = (var**2).mean()
     self.assertLess(std, rms * 1E-3)
Пример #4
def test_io():

  from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
  from pygeode.timeaxis import StandardTime
  from pygeode.axis import Pres
  from pygeode.dataset import Dataset
  import numpy as np

  tm = StandardTime(values=np.arange(365), units='days', startdate={'year':2001})
  p = Pres(np.arange(100.))
  v = (tm * p).rename('v')

  # Save the dataset, then reload it immediately
  before = Dataset([v])
  nc.save('issue004_test.nc', before)
  after = nc.open('issue004_test.nc')

  # Compare all vars/axes/attributes

  for var in before:
    assert var.name in after, "Can't find var '%s'"%var.name
    var2 = getattr(after,var.name)
    assert var2.atts == var.atts, "mismatched metadata.  Input: %s, Output %s"%(var.atts,var2.atts)

  for axis in before.axes:
    axis2 = [a for a in after.axes if a.name == axis.name]
    assert len(axis2) == 1, "can't find axis '%s'"%axis.name
    axis2 = axis2[0]
#    assert axis2.atts == axis.atts, "mismatched metadata.  Input: %s, Output %s"%(axis.atts,axis2.atts)
    for attname in list(axis.atts.keys()):
      assert attname in axis2.atts, "attribute '%s' not found"%attname
      assert axis.atts[attname] == axis2.atts[attname], "attribute '%s' changed from '%s' to '%s'"%(attname, axis.atts[attname], axis2.atts[attname])
    assert type(axis2) == type(axis), "mismatched axis types.  Input: %s, Output %s"%(type(axis), type(axis2))
Пример #5
def test_opener():

    from pygeode.formats import netcdf
    from pygeode.tutorial import t1
    from pygeode.formats.multifile import openall
    netcdf.save("issue090.data", t1)
    my_opener = lambda filename: netcdf.open(filename)
    f = openall("issue090.d???", opener=my_opener)
Пример #6
def test_opener():

  from pygeode.formats import netcdf
  from pygeode.tutorial import t1
  from pygeode.formats.multifile import openall
  netcdf.save("issue090.data", t1)
  my_opener = lambda filename: netcdf.open(filename)
  f = openall("issue090.d???", opener=my_opener)
Пример #7
def test_encode_decode():
  from pygeode.formats import netcdf
  import numpy as np
  x = make_var()
  netcdf.save("issue068_test.nc", x)
  y = netcdf.open("issue068_test.nc").dummy
  type1 = type(x.station)
  type2 = type(y.station)
  assert type1 is type2, (type1, type2)
  assert x.station == y.station
  assert np.all(x.get() == y.get())
Пример #8
def test_encode_decode():
    from pygeode.formats import netcdf
    import numpy as np
    x = make_var()
    netcdf.save("issue068_test.nc", x)
    y = netcdf.open("issue068_test.nc").dummy
    type1 = type(x.station)
    type2 = type(y.station)
    assert type1 is type2, (type1, type2)
    assert x.station == y.station
    assert np.all(x.get() == y.get())
Пример #9
def test_issue025():
  lat = Lat([80,70,60])
  var = Var(axes=[lat], values=[1,2,3], name='2B')

  # Save the variable
  nc.save ("issue025_test.nc", var)

  # This may crash in some versions of the netcdf library.

  # Even if it doesn't crash, it's a good idea to enforce the legal
  # netcdf names

  f = nc.open("issue025_test.nc")

  assert len(f.vars) == 1
  # Must not start with a digit (should have been filtered)
  assert not f.vars[0].name[0].isdigit()
Пример #10
def test_issue015():
  from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
  from pygeode.axis import Lat, Lon, Pres

  # Create a simple variable
  lat = Lat([75,85,95])
  lon = Lon([100, 110, 120, 130])
  pres = Pres([1000,900,800,700])
  x = (lat-80)**2 + lon - pres/2.
  x.name = "stuff"

  # Save as a netcdf file
  nc.save("issue015_test.nc", x)

  # Reload
  f = nc.open("issue015_test.nc")
  y = f.stuff.load()
Пример #11
def test_issue005():

  from pygeode.timeaxis import ModelTime365
  from pygeode.axis import TAxis
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.var import Var
  from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
  from pygeode import timeutils

  # Make a time axis starting at year 0
  startdate = dict(year=0,month=1,day=1)
  taxis = ModelTime365(values=10200, startdate=startdate, units='days')

  # Make some dummy variable
  values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
  var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='x')

  # Save it
  nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)

  # Load it
  f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

  # Make sure we have a regular time axis
  # (no climatologies!)
  assert f.time.__class__ == ModelTime365
  assert hasattr(f.time,'year')

  # Okay, now reload it, but override the axis coming in
  f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc", dimtypes=dict(time=TAxis(taxis.values)))

  # Make sure we dimtypes is still working properly
  assert f.x.axes[0].__class__ == TAxis

  # For good measure, test that climatologies are still produced
  taxis = timeutils.modify(taxis,exclude='year',uniquify=True)
  values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
  var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='c')

  nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)
  f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

  assert not hasattr(f.time,'year')
Пример #12
def test_issue005():

    from pygeode.timeaxis import ModelTime365
    from pygeode.axis import TAxis
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
    from pygeode import timeutils

    # Make a time axis starting at year 0
    startdate = dict(year=0, month=1, day=1)
    taxis = ModelTime365(values=10200, startdate=startdate, units='days')

    # Make some dummy variable
    values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
    var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='x')

    # Save it
    nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)

    # Load it
    f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

    # Make sure we have a regular time axis
    # (no climatologies!)
    assert f.time.__class__ == ModelTime365
    assert hasattr(f.time, 'year')

    # Okay, now reload it, but override the axis coming in
    f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc", dimtypes=dict(time=TAxis(taxis.values)))

    # Make sure we dimtypes is still working properly
    assert f.x.axes[0].__class__ == TAxis

    # For good measure, test that climatologies are still produced
    taxis = timeutils.modify(taxis, exclude='year', uniquify=True)
    values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
    var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='c')

    nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)
    f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

    assert not hasattr(f.time, 'year')
Пример #13
# Issue 22 - plot attributes get overridden by NamedAxis defaults
# https://github.com/pygeode/pygeode/issues/22

# Make a sample file with a non-annotated pressure axis
from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis, Pres
from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc

lat = NamedAxis(values=[-80,-70,-60,-50], name='lat')
p1 = NamedAxis(values=[1000.,900.,800.], name='p1')
x = lat * p1
x.name = 'x'

nc.save("issue022_test.nc", x)

# Load it back in
d = nc.open("issue022_test.nc", dimtypes={'p1':Pres})

# plotatts should be from the new (dimtypes) axis, not copied from the old one?
# (also implicitly asserts that other metadata (such as the name) are still
#  copied from the old axis)
assert d.p1.plotatts == Pres.plotatts

Пример #14
import pygeode as pyg
import numpy as np
import pylab as pyl
from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc

lat = pyg.gausslat(32)
lon = pyg.Lon(np.arange(0, 360, 360 / 64.))

ln_grid, lt_grid = np.meshgrid(lon.values, lat.values)
T_values = 260. + 40 * np.exp(-(lt_grid / 45.)**2) + 0.05 * lt_grid * np.sin(
    3 * ln_grid * np.pi / 180.)
T_c = 260. + 40 * np.exp(-(lt_grid / 45.)**2)
T_wave = 0.05 * lt_grid * np.sin(3 * ln_grid * np.pi / 180.)

T = pyg.Var((lat, lon), name='Temp', values=T_c + T_wave, atts={'units': 'K'})
d = pyg.Dataset(
    [T], atts={'history': 'Synthetic Temperature data generated by pygeode'})
nc.save('t_sample.nc', d)
Пример #15
 def test_self_svd(self):
     var1 = self.var1
     eof1, pc1, eof2, pc2 = SVD(var1, var1, num=1, subspace=1)
     netcdf.save("svd_test.nc", [eof1, pc1, eof2, pc2])
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eof1.get(), eof2.get()))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(pc1.get(), pc2.get()))
Пример #16
# Issue 22 - plot attributes get overridden by NamedAxis defaults
# https://github.com/pygeode/pygeode/issues/22

# Make a sample file with a non-annotated pressure axis
from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis, Pres
from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc

lat = NamedAxis(values=[-80, -70, -60, -50], name='lat')
p1 = NamedAxis(values=[1000., 900., 800.], name='p1')
x = lat * p1
x.name = 'x'

nc.save("issue022_test.nc", x)

# Load it back in
d = nc.open("issue022_test.nc", dimtypes={'p1': Pres})

# plotatts should be from the new (dimtypes) axis, not copied from the old one?
# (also implicitly asserts that other metadata (such as the name) are still
#  copied from the old axis)
assert d.p1.plotatts == Pres.plotatts
Пример #17
 def test_self_svd (self):
   var1 = self.var1
   eof1, pc1, eof2, pc2 = SVD(var1,var1,num=1,subspace=1)
   netcdf.save("svd_test.nc", [eof1,pc1,eof2,pc2])