def _notError(inst, name, args, kwds): # PYCHOK no cover '''(INTERNAL) Format an error message. ''' n = _DOT_(classname(inst, prefixed=True), _dunder_name(name, name)) m = _COMMASPACE_.join( modulename(c, prefixed=True) for c in inst.__class__.__mro__[1:-1]) return _COMMASPACE_(unstr(n, *args, **kwds), Fmt.PAREN(_MRO_, m))
def _xkwds_Error(_xkwds_func, kwds, name_txt, txt='default'): # Helper for _xkwds_get and _xkwds_pop below from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt, pairs f = _COMMASPACE_.join(pairs(kwds) + pairs(name_txt)) f = Fmt.PAREN(_xkwds_func.__name__, f) t = _multiple_ if name_txt else _no_ t = _SPACE_(t, _EQUAL_(_name_, txt), 'kwargs') return _AssertionError(f, txt=t)
def toRepr(self, **kwds): # PYCHOK expected '''(INTERNAL) I{Could be overloaded}. @kwarg kwds: Optional, keyword arguments. @return: C{toStr}() with keyword arguments (as C{str}). ''' t = self.toStr(**kwds).lstrip('([{').rstrip('}])') return Fmt.PAREN(self.classname, t) # XXX (self.named, t)
def _callname(name, class_name, self_name, up=1): # imported by .points '''(INTERNAL) Assemble the name for an invokation. ''' n, c = class_name, callername(up=up + 1) if c: n = _DOT_(n, Fmt.PAREN(c, name)) if self_name: n = _SPACE_(n, repr(self_name)) return n
def toStr(self, prec=6, sep=_COMMASPACE_, **unused): # PYCHOK signature '''Return this C{Named-Tuple} items as string(s). @kwarg prec: The C{float} precision, number of decimal digits (0..9). Trailing zero decimals are stripped for B{C{prec}} values of 1 and above, but kept for negative B{C{prec}} values. @kwarg sep: Optional separator to join (C{str}). @return: Tuple items (C{str}). ''' return Fmt.PAREN(sep.join(reprs(self, prec=prec)))
def toStr(self, **unused): # PYCHOK expected '''Return this reference frame as a text string. @return: This L{RefFrame}'s attributes (C{str}). ''' e = self.ellipsoid t = (Fmt.EQUAL(_name_, repr(, Fmt.EQUAL(_epoch_, self.epoch), Fmt.PAREN(Fmt.EQUAL(_ellipsoid_, classname(e)), Fmt.EQUAL(_name_, repr( return _COMMASPACE_.join(t)
def trilaterate5( self, distance1, point2, distance2, point3, distance3, # PYCHOK signature area=False, eps=EPS1, radius=R_M, wrap=False): '''B{Not implemented} for C{B{area}=True} or C{B{wrap}=True} and falls back to method C{trilaterate} otherwise. @return: A L{Trilaterate5Tuple}C{(min, minPoint, max, maxPoint, n)} with a single trilaterated intersection C{minPoint I{is} maxPoint}, C{min I{is} max} the nearest intersection margin and count C{n = 1}. @raise IntersectionError: No intersection, trilateration failed. @raise NotImplementedError: Keyword argument C{B{area}=True} or B{C{wrap}=True} not (yet) supported. @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{point2}} or B{C{point3}}. @raise ValueError: Some B{C{points}} coincide or invalid B{C{distance1}}, B{C{distance2}}, B{C{distance3}} or B{C{radius}}. ''' if area or wrap: from pygeodesy.named import notImplemented notImplemented(self, self.trilaterate5, area=area, wrap=wrap) t = _trilaterate(self, distance1, self.others(point2=point2), distance2, self.others(point3=point3), distance3, radius=radius, height=None, useZ=True, LatLon=self.classof) # ... and handle B{C{eps}} and C{IntersectionError} as # method C{.latlonBase.LatLonBase.trilaterate2} d = self.distanceTo(t, radius=radius, wrap=wrap) # PYCHOK distanceTo d = abs(distance1 - d), abs(distance2 - d), abs(distance3 - d) d = float(min(d)) if d < eps: # min is max, minPoint is maxPoint return Trilaterate5Tuple(d, t, d, t, 1) # n = 1 t = _SPACE_(_no_(_intersection_), Fmt.PAREN(min.__name__, Fmt.f(d, prec=3))) raise IntersectionError(area=area, eps=eps, wrap=wrap, txt=t)
def __init__(self, where, **lens_txt): # txt=None '''New L{LenError}. @arg where: Object with C{.__name__} attribute (C{class}, C{method}, or C{function}). @kwarg lens_txt: Two or more C{name=len(name)} pairs (C{keyword arguments}). ''' from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt as _Fmt x = _xkwds_pop(lens_txt, txt=_invalid_) ns, vs = zip(*sorted(lens_txt.items())) ns = _COMMASPACE_.join(ns) vs = ' vs '.join(map(str, vs)) t = _SPACE_(_Fmt.PAREN(where.__name__, ns), _len_, vs) _ValueError.__init__(self, t, txt=x)
def __call__(self, lo, hi, prec=0, lopen=False, ropen=False, join=_COMMASPACE_): '''Return the range as C{"(lo, hi)"}, C{"(lo, hi]"}, C{"[lo, hi)"} or C{"[lo, hi]"}. ''' from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt # PYCHOK re-imported r = NN(Fmt.f(lo, prec=prec), join, Fmt.f(hi, prec=prec)) if lopen: r = Fmt.PAREN(r) if ropen else Fmt.LOPEN(r) else: r = Fmt.ROPEN(r) if ropen else Fmt.SQUARE(r) return r
def _IsnotError(*nouns, **name_value_Error): # name=value [, Error=TypeeError] '''Create a C{TypeError} for an invalid C{name=value} type. @arg nouns: One or more expected class or type names, usually nouns (C{str}). @kwarg name_value_Error: One B{C{name=value}} pair and optionally, an B{C{Error=...}} keyword argument to override the default B{C{Error=TypeError}}. @return: A C{TypeError} or an B{C{Error}} instance. ''' from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt as _Fmt Error = _xkwds_pop(name_value_Error, Error=TypeError) n, v = _xkwds_popitem(name_value_Error) if name_value_Error else ( _name_value_, MISSING) # XXX else tuple(...) t = _or(*nouns) or _specified_ if len(nouns) > 1: t = _an(t) e = Error(_SPACE_(n, _Fmt.PAREN(repr(v)), _not_, t)) _error_chain(e) _error_under(e) return e
def _toRepr(self, value): '''(INTERNAL) Representation "<name> (<value>)" or "<classname>(<value>)". ''' t = NN(, _SPACE_) if else self.classname return Fmt.PAREN(t, value)
def __repr__(self): return Fmt.PAREN(self.named, int.__repr__(self))
def _error(fun, lat, lon, e): '''(INTERNAL) Format an error ''' return _COLONSPACE_(Fmt.PAREN(fun.__name__, fstr((lat, lon))), e)
def toRepr(self, prec=6, fmt=Fmt.F): # PYCHOK _Named '''Like C{repr(dict)} but with C{name} and C{floats} formatting by C{fstr}. ''' t = pairs(self.items(), prec=prec, fmt=fmt, sep=_EQUAL_) return Fmt.PAREN(, _COMMASPACE_.join(sorted(t)))
d = dict((n, (x + r * e) * _Forward_Reverse) for n, x, r in zip(_trfNs, X.xform, X.rates)) t = Transform(**d) return t if __name__ == '__main__': from pygeodesy.interns import _COMMA_, _SPACE_, _NL_, _NL_var_ n, y = date2epoch.__name__, 2020 for m in range(1, 13): for d in (1, _mDays[m]): e = date2epoch(y, m, d) print( _SPACE_(Fmt.PAREN(n, _COMMASPACE_(y, m, d)), Fmt.f(e, prec=3))) # __doc__ of this file t = [NN] + repr(RefFrames).split(_NL_) print(_NL_var_.join(i.strip(_COMMA_) for i in t)) # **) MIT License # # Copyright (C) 2016-2021 -- mrJean1 at Gmail -- All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
def __str__(self): from pygeodesy.named import classname return Fmt.PAREN(classname(self, prefixed=True), NN)
def utmupsValidate(coord, falsed=False, MGRS=False, Error=UTMUPSError): '''Check a UTM or UPS coordinate. @arg coord: The UTM or UPS coordinate (L{Utm}, L{Ups} or C{5+Tuple}). @kwarg falsed: C{5+Tuple} easting and northing are falsed (C{bool}). @kwarg MGRS: Increase easting and northing ranges (C{bool}). @kwarg Error: Optional error to raise, overriding the default (L{UTMUPSError}). @return: C{None} if validation passed. @raise Error: Validation failed. @see: Function L{utmupsValidateOK}. ''' def _en(en, lo, hi, ename): # U, Error try: if lo <= float(en) <= hi: return except (TypeError, ValueError): pass t = _SPACE_(_outside_, U, _range_, _range_(lo, hi)) raise Error(ename, en, txt=t) if isinstance(coord, (Ups, Utm)): hemi = coord.hemisphere enMM = coord.falsed elif isinstance(coord, (UtmUps5Tuple, UtmUps8Tuple)): hemi = coord.hemipole enMM = falsed else: raise _IsnotError(Error=Error, coord=coord, *map1(modulename, Utm, Ups, UtmUps5Tuple, UtmUps8Tuple)) band = zone = z, B, h = _to3zBhp(zone, band, hemipole=hemi) if z == _UPS_ZONE: # UPS import as u # PYCHOK expected U, M = _UPS_, _UpsMinMax else: # UTM import pygeodesy.utm as u # PYCHOK expected U, M = _UTM_, _UtmMinMax if MGRS: U, s = _MGRS_, _MGRS_TILE else: s = 0 i = _NS_.find(h) if i < 0 or z < _UTMUPS_ZONE_MIN \ or z > _UTMUPS_ZONE_MAX \ or B not in u._Bands: t = Fmt.PAREN(U, repr(_SPACE_(NN(, B), h))) raise Error(coord=t, zone=zone, band=band, hemisphere=hemi) if enMM: _en(coord.easting, M.eMin[i] - s, M.eMax[i] + s, _easting_) # PYCHOK .eMax .eMin _en(coord.northing, M.nMin[i] - s, M.nMax[i] + s, _northing_) # PYCHOK .nMax .nMin