Пример #1
def fidw(xs, ds, beta=2):
    '''Interpolate using using U{Inverse Distance Weighting
       <https://WikiPedia.org/wiki/Inverse_distance_weighting>} (IDW).

       @arg xs: Known values (C{scalar}[]).
       @arg ds: Non-negative distances (C{scalar}[]).
       @kwarg beta: Inverse distance power (C{int}, 0, 1, 2, or 3).

       @return: Interpolated value C{x} (C{float}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{beta}}, negative B{C{ds}} value,
                          weighted B{C{ds}} below L{EPS} or unequal
                          C{len}C{(}B{C{ds}}C{)} and C{len}C{(}B{C{xs}}C{)}.

       @note: Using B{C{beta}}C{=0} returns the mean of B{C{xs}}.
    n, xs = len2(xs)
    d, ds = len2(ds)
    if n != d or n < 1:
        raise LenError(fidw, xs=n, ds=d)

    d, x = min(zip(ds, xs))
    if d > EPS and n > 1:
        b = -Int_(beta, name=_beta_, low=0, high=3)
        if b < 0:
            ds = tuple(d**b for d in ds)
            d = fsum(ds)
            if d < EPS:
                raise _ValueError(ds=d)
            x = fdot(xs, *ds) / d
            x = fmean(xs)
    elif d < 0:
        raise _ValueError(_item_sq('ds', ds.index(d)), d)
    return x
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, knots, s=4, name=NN):
        '''New L{HeightSmoothBiSpline} interpolator.

           @arg knots: The points with known height (C{LatLon}s).
           @kwarg s: The spline smoothing factor (C{4}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name for this height interpolator (C{str}).

           @raise HeightError: Insufficient number of B{C{knots}} or
                               an invalid B{C{knot}} or B{C{s}}.

           @raise ImportError: Package C{numpy} or C{scipy} not found
                               or not installed.

           @raise SciPyError: A C{SmoothSphereBivariateSpline} issue.

           @raise SciPyWarning: A C{SmoothSphereBivariateSpline} warning
                                as exception.
        _, spi = self._NumSciPy()

        s = Int_(s, name='smoothing', Error=HeightError, low=4)

        xs, ys, hs = self._xyhs3(knots)
            self._ev = spi.SmoothSphereBivariateSpline(ys,
        except Exception as x:
            raise _SciPyIssue(x)

        if name:
            self.name = name
Пример #3
    def beta(self, beta):
        '''Set the inverse distance power.

           @arg beta: New inverse distance power (C{int} 1, 2, or 3).

           @raise HeightError: Invalid B{C{beta}}.
        self._beta = Int_(beta, name=_beta_, Error=HeightError, low=1, high=3)
Пример #4
def resolution(prec):
    '''Determine the (geographic) resolution of a given L{Garef} precision.

       @arg prec: The given precision (C{int}).

       @return: The (geographic) resolution (C{degrees}).

       @raise GARSError: Invalid B{C{prec}}.

       @see: Function L{gars.encode} for more C{precision} details.
    p = Int_(prec=prec, Error=GARSError, low=-1, high=_MaxPrec + 1)
    return _Resolutions[max(0, min(p, _MaxPrec))]