Пример #1
    def test2(self, pts, npt, psxy=False):

        clas_ = classname(pts) + '.'

        def _test(name, *args, **kwds):
            # prefix class to test name
            self.test(clas_ + name, *args, **kwds)

        if Sequence:  # check abstact base class conformance
            _test('ABC', isinstance(pts, Sequence), True)

        e = pts.epsilon
        _test('epsilon', e, EPS)
        pts.epsilon = 0
        _test('epsilon', pts.epsilon, 0.0)
        pts.epsilon = e

        n = len(pts) // 6  # 0 < some number < len(pts)
        _test('len', len(pts), len(npt))
        _test('iter', len(tuple(iter(pts))), len(npt))
        if hasattr(npt, 'shape'):
            _test('shape', npt.shape, pts.shape)
        _test('slice1', len(pts[:n]), n)
        _test('slice2', type(pts[1:n:2]), type(pts))
        _test('slice3', pts[1:n][0], pts[1])
        _test('strepr', str(pts), repr(pts))
        if hasattr(pts, 'subset'):
            _test('subset', type(pts.subset(range(n))), type(npt))  # , nt=1)

        for i, p in ((10, (52.224006, -0.707747)),
                     (20, (52.232688, -0.714608)), (30, (52.234375,
                     (40, (52.237239, -0.712557)), (50, (52.24023, -0.709919)),
                     (60, (52.240745, -0.707042))):

            if psxy:
                _test('find LL', pts.find(LatLon_(*p)), i)  # coverage
                p = tuple(reversed(p))  # flip to x, y tuple
                _test('find LL', pts.find(LatLon_(*p)), -1)  # coverage

            _test('count', pts.count(p), 1)
            _test('index', pts.index(p), i)
            _test('rfind', pts.rfind(p), i)
            _test('in', p in pts, True)

            p = tuple(reversed(p))
            _test('count', pts.count(p), 0)
            _test('find', pts.find(p), -1)
            _test('rfind', pts.rfind(p), -1)
            _test('not in', p not in pts, True)

        pts = pts[::6]
        for i, p in enumerate(pts):
            _test('enumerate[%s]' % (i, ), p, pts[i])

        i = len(pts)
        for p in reversed(pts):
            i -= 1
            _test('reversed[%s]' % (i, ), p, pts[i])
Пример #2
    def testGeoid(self, G, grid, llh3, crop=None, eps=None, kind=None):  # MCCABE 13
        # test geoid G(grid) for (lat, lon, height, eps)
        if scipy or G is GeoidKarney:
            e_max = 0
            eps = eps or self._epsHeight
            f = self.failed - self.known
            g = G(grid, kind=kind or self._kind, crop=crop)
            s = '%s.height(%%s) kind %s' % (g, g.kind)
                for lat, lon, expected in llh3:
                    t = s % (fStr((lat, lon), prec=3),)
                        h = g.height(lat, lon)
                        e = abs(h - expected)
                        if e_max < e:
                            e_max = e
                        self.test(t, h, expected, fmt='%.3f', known=e < eps)
                    except GeoidError as x:
                        self.test(t, str(x), '%.3f' % (expected,),
                                     known=G not in (GeoidKarney, GeoidPGM))
                    except RangeError as x:
                        self.test(t, str(x), '%.3f' % (expected,),

            except KeyboardInterrupt as x:
                self.printf(repr(x), nl=1)

            f = self.failed - self.known - f
            if f > 0 or e_max > 0:
                h = '' if g.hits is None else ', hits %s' % (g.hits,)
                t = '%s.height() kind %s%s, eps max (in %s FAILED)' % (g, g.kind, h, f)
                x = eps if f > 0 else e_max
                self.test(t, e_max, x, fmt='%.3f', known=e_max < eps, nl=1, nt=1)

            # print('%r\n\n%r' % (g, getattr(g, 'pgm', None)))

            if coverage:
                for a in ('highest', 'lowerleft', 'lowerright', 'lowest', 'upperleft', 'upperright'):
                    t = fStr(getattr(g, a)(), prec=3)
                    self.test('%s.%s()' % (g, a), t, t, known=True)
                for p in ('dtype', 'knots', 'mean', 'nBytes', 'scipy', 'smooth', 'stdev'):  # , 'pgm'
                    t = ''.join(reprs((getattr(g, p),), prec=3))
                    self.test('%s.%s' % (g, p), t, t, known=True)
                for a in ('_g2ll2', '_ll2g2'):
                    t = getattr(g, a)(180, 360)
                    self.test('%s.%s(180, 360)' % (g, a), t, t, known=True)
                for t in ((LatLon_(-10, -100), LatLon_(10, 100)),
                          (       (-10, -100),        (10, 100))):
                    t = g._swne(t)
                    self.test('%s.%s' % (g, '_swne'), t, '(-10.0, -100.0, 10.0, 100.0)')

            t = g.toStr()
            self.test('%s.%s' % (g, 'toStr'), t, t, known=True, nt=1)


            n, _ = len2(llh3)
            self.skip('no scipy', n=n)
Пример #3
    def testStreprs(self):

        self.test('anstr', anstr('a-b?_'), 'a-b__')

        self.test('fstr', fstr(0.123, prec=-6), '0.123000')
        self.test('fstr', fstr(0.123, prec=+6), '0.123')
        self.test('fstr', fstr((0.123, 456.789), prec=+6), '0.123, 456.789')
        self.test('fstr', fstr(0.123, prec=-5, fmt='%.*e'), '1.23000e-01')
        self.test('fstr', fstr(0.123, prec=+5, fmt='%.*e'), '1.23e-01')
        try:  # coverage
            self.test('fstr', fstr(1, fmt='X'), ValueError.__name__)
        except ValueError as x:
            from pygeodesy.streprs import _Fspec_
            self.test('fstr', str(x), "fmt ('X'): not %r" % (_Fspec_, ))

        for f, x in (
            (1, '1.0'),
            (1.0, '1.0'),
            (-1, '-1.0'),
                # (1e300,  '10000<290>40160.'),
            (1e1234, 'INF'),  # == INF
            (INF, 'INF'),
            (NAN, 'NAN'),
            (NEG0, '-0.0'),
            (0.0, '0.0')):
            self.test('fstr(%F)' % (f, ), fstr(f), x)

        for f, x in (('0.0', '0.0'), ('0.00', '0.0'), ('0.000', '0.0'),
                     ('00.0', '00.0'), ('000.00', '000.0'), ('0.000', '0.0'),
                     ('0.010', '0.01'), ('0.0200', '0.02'),
                     ('0.0e+01', '0.0e+01'), ('0.00e+02', '0.0e+02'),
                     ('0.000e+03', '0.0e+03'), ('00.0e+00', '00.0e+00'),
                     ('000.00e+01', '000.0e+01'), ('0.000e+02', '0.0e+02'),
                     ('0.010e+03', '0.01e+03'), ('0.0200e+00', '0.02e+00')):
            self.test('fstrzs(%s)' % (f, ), fstrzs(f), x)

        for f, x in (('0', '0.0'), ('0.0', '0.0'), ('0.', '0.'),
                     ('1e10', '1.0e10'), ('2E+2', '2.0E+2'), ('3.E3', '3.E3')):
            self.test('fstrzs(%s, ap1z=True)' % (f, ), fstrzs(f, ap1z=True), x)

        ll = LatLon_(45, 90, height=1.2)
        self.test('instr', ll.toStr2(), 'LatLon_(45.0°N, 090.0°E, +1.20)')
        self.test('instr', instr(ll, 45, 90, h=1.2), 'LatLon_(45, 90, h=1.2)')

        self.test('unstr', unstr('f', 1.1, 2.2), 'f(1.1, 2.2)')
        self.test('unstr', unstr('f', y=2.2, x=1.1), 'f(x=1.1, y=2.2)')
Пример #4
    def testEcefCartesian(self):

        self.test(EcefCartesian.__name__, '...', '...', nl=1)

        # <https://GeographicLib.SourceForge.io/html/CartConvert.1.html>
        c = EcefCartesian(33, 44, 20, name='Test')
        self.test('name', c.name, 'Test')
        t = c.toStr2()
        self.test('toStr', t, c.classname, known=True)


        t = c.forward(33.3, 44.4, 6000)
        self.test('forward', fstr(t[3:6], prec=1), '33.3, 44.4, 6000.0')
        self.test('forward', fstr(t[0:3], prec=2),
                  '37288.97, 33374.29, 5783.65')  # 5783.64
        self.test('name', c.name, 'Test')

        t = c.reverse(37288.97, 33374.29, 5783.65)
        self.test('reverse', fstr(t[3:6], prec=2), '33.3, 44.4, 6000.0')
        self.test('name', c.name, 'Test')

        # <https://SourceForge.net/p/geographiclib/code/ci/release/tree/examples/example-LocalCartesian.cpp>
        c.reset(48 + 50 / 60.0, 2 + 20 / 60.0, name='Paris')
        self.test('name', c.name, 'Paris')
        self.test(c.name, fstr((c.lat0, c.lon0, c.height0), prec=3),
                  '48.833, 2.333, 0.0')

        t = c.forward(LatLon_(50.9, 1.8, name='Calais'))
        self.test('forward', fstr(t[3:6], prec=1), '50.9, 1.8, 0.0')
        self.test('forward', fstr(t[0:3], prec=2),
                  '-37518.64, 229949.65, -4260.43')
        self.test('name', t.name, 'Calais')

        t = c.reverse(-37518.64, 229949.65, -4260.43)
                  fstr(t[3:6], prec=2),
                  '50.9, 1.8, -0.0',
        self.test('name', t.name, 'Paris')

        t = c.reverse(-38e3, 230e3, -4e3)
        self.test('reverse', fstr(t[0:3], prec=1),
                  '4028834.2, 126130.9, 4926765.2')
        self.test('reverse', fstr(t[3:6], prec=2), '50.9, 1.79, 264.92')

        t = c.forward(50.9, 1.79, 264.92)
                  fstr(t[0:3], prec=1),
                  '-38000.0, 230000.0, -4000.0',
Пример #5
 def testGeodCalc(self):
     self.subtitle(karney, 'GeodCalc')
     # <https://GeographicLib.sourceforge.io/scripts/geod-calc.html#area>
     p = [
         for t in ((-63.1, -58), (-72.9, -74), (-71.9, -102), (-74.9, -102),
                   (-74.3, -131), (-77.5, -163), (-77.4, 163), (-71.7, 172),
                   (-65.9, 140), (-65.7, 113), (-66.6, 88), (-66.9, 59),
                   (-69.8, 25), (-70.0, -4), (-71.0, -14), (-77.3, -33),
                   (-77.9, -46), (-74.7, -61))
               ellipsoidalKarney.perimeterOf(p, closed=True),
Пример #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Test the Frechet distances.

__all__ = ('Tests', )
__version__ = '19.08.30'

from base import isPython3, isWindows, TestsBase

from pygeodesy import fStr, LatLon_, randomrangenerator

_rr = randomrangenerator('R')
_ms = [
    LatLon_(*_ll) for _ll in zip(
        _rr(-90, 90, 2),  # 90
        _rr(-180, 180, 4))

_ps = [
    LatLon_(*_ll) for _ll in zip(
        _rr(-89, 90, 3),  # 60
        _rr(-179, 180, 6))

class Tests(TestsBase):
    def test2(self, Frechet, x, y, **kwds):
        def _tstr(t):
            s = list(t[:5])
            s[0] = fStr(t.fd, prec=5)
            return '(%s)' % (', '.join(map(str, s)), )
Пример #7
        self.test('areaOf', areaOf(p, radius=R_MA), '8.811228e+09', fmt='%.6e')
        self.test('isclockwise', isclockwise(p), False)

        p = LatLon_(0, 0), LatLon_(1, 0), LatLon_(0, 1)
        self.test('areaOf', areaOf(p, radius=R_MA), '7.09e+09', fmt='%.2e')
        self.test('isclockwise', isclockwise(p), True)

if __name__ == '__main__':  # PYCHOK internal error?

    from testRoutes import PtsFFI

    t = Tests(__file__, __version__, points)

        t.test('LatLon_', LatLon_(0, 0).__dict__, 'AttributeError')
    except AttributeError as x:
        t.test('LatLon_', x, "'LatLon_' object has no attribute '__dict__'")

    pts = LatLon2psxy(PtsFFI, wrap=False)
    t.test2(pts, PtsFFI, True)

    if numpy:
        t.test('numpy.__version__', numpy.__version__, numpy.__version__)

        npy = numpy.array([(ll.lon, 0, ll.lat, 0) for ll in PtsFFI], dtype=float)
        pts = Numpy2LatLon(npy, ilat=2, ilon=0)
        t.test2(pts, npy, False)

    else:  # check abstact base class conformance
        t.test('no', 'numpy', 'numpy')
Пример #8
        dy, dx = abs(p1.phi - p2.phi), abs(p1.lam - p2.lam)
        if dx < dy:
            dx, dy = dy, dx
        return dx + dy * 0.5

def _tstr(t):
    s = list(t[:5])
    s[0] = fStr(t.hd, prec=5)
    s[4] = None if t.md is None else fStr(t.md, prec=5)
    return '(%s)' % (', '.join(map(str, s)),)

_rr = randomrangenerator('R')
# like <https://GitHub.com/mavillan/py-hausdorff> Example
_ms = [LatLon_(*_ll) for _ll in zip(_rr( -90,  90, 2),  # 90
                                    _rr(-180, 180, 4))]

_ps = [LatLon_(*_ll) for _ll in zip(_rr( -89,  90, 3),  # 60
                                    _rr(-179, 180, 6))]

class Tests(TestsBase):

    def test4(self, Hausdorff, *tests, **kwds):

        for s, e, x, y in tests:
            h = Hausdorff(_ms, seed=s, **kwds)

            t = _tstr(h.directed(_ps, early=e))
            self.test(h.named, t, x)  # + (h.units,)
Пример #9
 def toLatLon(self, **unused):
     lat, lon, _, _ = _ETM.reverse(self.easting, self.northing)
     return LatLon_(lat, lon)
Пример #10
    # for comparison, the RDPgr results should be less than a few points different
    t.test2(simplifyRDPgr, Ptsn, _ms({160: 111, 80: 161, 40: 256, 20: 387, 10: 542, 1: 1267}), adjust=False, shortest=True)

    # different points
    t.test2(simplifyVW,    PtsFFI, _ms({1000: 3, 100: 12, 10: 48, 1: 69}), adjust=False)
    t.test2(simplifyRDP,   PtsFFI, _ms({1000: 3, 100:  7, 10: 18, 1: 50}), adjust=False, shortest=False)  # XXX len(RdpFFI) = 7
    # for comparison, the RDPgr results should be less than a few points different
    t.test2(simplifyRDPfw, PtsFFI, _ms({1000: 3, 100:  7, 10: 18, 1: 50}), adjust=False, shortest=False)
    # for comparison, the RDPgr results should be less than a few points different
    t.test2(simplifyRDPgr, PtsFFI, _ms({1000: 3, 100:  7, 10: 18, 1: 50}), adjust=False, shortest=True)
    t.test2(simplifyRDPgr, PtsFFI, _ms({1000: 2, 100:  7, 10: 15, 1: 45}), adjust=True, shortest=True)

    # <https://docs.RS/geo/0.8.3/geo/algorithm/simplify/trait.Simplify.html>
#   t.test2(simplifyRDP, [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 4.0), (11.0, 5.5), (17.3, 3.2), (27.8, 0.1))],
#                        _ms({1: 5}), adjust=False, shortest=True)  # (0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 4.0), (11.0, 5.5), (27.8, 0.1)
    t.test2(simplifyRDP, [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 4.0), (11.0, 5.5), (17.3, 3.2), (EPS, EPS))],
                         _ms({1: 5}), adjust=False, shortest=True)  # coverage d2ih

    # <https://docs.RS/geo/0.8.3/geo/algorithm/simplifyvw/trait.SimplifyVW.html>
#   t.test2(simplifyVW, [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((5.0, 2.0), (3.0, 8.0), (6.0, 20.0), (7.0, 25.0), (10.0, 10.0))],
#                       _ms({30: 3}), adjust=False)  # (5.0, 2.0), (7.0, 25.0), (10.0, 10.0)
    t.test2(simplifyVW, [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((5.0, 2.0), (3.0, 8.0), (6.0, 20.0), (7.0, 25.0), (10.0, 10.0))],
                        _ms({30: 5}), adjust=False, attr='name')  # coverage attr, 3 set to 5

    if numpy:
        if 'numpy' in _Simplifys:

        t.test('numpy.__version__', numpy.__version__, numpy.__version__)

        npy = numpy.array([(ll.lon, 0, ll.lat, 0) for ll in PtsFFI], dtype=float)
Пример #11
latlonre = re.compile(
)  # Extract the two pairs of coords from the rest of the text

mykml = untangle.parse(inputFilename)  # Parse the XML input file

coords = []  # Prepare to store coordinates

for folder in mykml.kml.Document.Folder.Placemark:  # For each 'folder'...
    tmpcoordpair = latlonre.findall(
    )  # Find all of the Regular Expression string matches

    for i in range(2):  # Since there are '2' pairs do the following...
        coord = LatLon_(tmpcoordpair[i * 2], tmpcoordpair[i * 2 + 1])
            str(latlonDMS(coord, form='-d')).replace('°', ''),
            str(latlonDMS(coord, form='-dm')).replace('°',
                                                      ' ').replace('′', ''),
            str(latlonDMS(coord, form='-dms')).replace('°', ' ').replace(
                '′', ' ').replace('″', ''),

for coord in coords:
    print(coord)  # For debugging really...
Пример #12
                1000: 2,
                100: 7,
                10: 15,
                1: 45

    # <https://docs.RS/geo/0.8.3/geo/algorithm/simplify/trait.Simplify.html>
    #   t.test2(simplifyRDP, [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 4.0), (11.0, 5.5), (17.3, 3.2), (27.8, 0.1))],
    #                        _ms({1: 5}), adjust=False, shortest=True)  # (0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 4.0), (11.0, 5.5), (27.8, 0.1)
    t.test2(simplifyRDP, [
        LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 4.0), (11.0, 5.5),
                                (17.3, 3.2), (EPS, EPS))
            _ms({1: 5}),
            shortest=True)  # coverahe d2ih

    # <https://docs.RS/geo/0.8.3/geo/algorithm/simplifyvw/trait.SimplifyVW.html>
    #   t.test2(simplifyVW, [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in ((5.0, 2.0), (3.0, 8.0), (6.0, 20.0), (7.0, 25.0), (10.0, 10.0))],
    #                       _ms({30: 3}), adjust=False)  # (5.0, 2.0), (7.0, 25.0), (10.0, 10.0)

    if numpy:
        if 'numpy' in _Simplifys:

        t.test('numpy.__version__', numpy.__version__, numpy.__version__)