def showMesh(mesh, data=None, showLater=False, colorBar=False, axes=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Syntactic sugar, short-cut to create axes and plot node or cell values return axes, cbar Parameters ---------- """ ret = [] ax = axes if ax == None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) gci = None cbar = None validData = False if data is None: drawMesh(ax, mesh) else: #print(data[0], type(data[0])) if hasattr(data[0], '__len__') and type(data) != if sum(data[:,0]) != sum(data[:,1]): drawStreamLines2(ax, mesh, data, *args, **kwargs) else: print("No valid stream data:", data) drawMesh(ax, mesh) elif min(data) == max(data): print(("No valid data", min(data), max(data))) drawMesh(ax, mesh) else: validData = True if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): gci = drawModel(ax, mesh, data, *args, **kwargs) elif len(data) == mesh.nodeCount(): gci = drawField(ax, mesh, data, *args, **kwargs) ax.set_aspect('equal') if colorBar and validData: cbar = createColorbar(gci, *args, **kwargs) if not showLater: #fig.canvas.draw() return ax, cbar
while len(downwind) > 0: fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags) print(time.time() - tic, "s") # compare with analytical solution along the x axis x = np.arange(0., 100., 0.5) t = pg.interpolate(mesh, times, pg.asvector(x), x * 0., x * 0.) tdirect = x / v[0] # direct wave alfa = asin(v[0] / v[1]) # critically refracted wave angle xreflec = tan(alfa) * zlay * 2. # first critically refracted trefrac = (x - xreflec) / v[1] + xreflec * v[1] / v[0]**2 tana = np.where(trefrac < tdirect, trefrac, tdirect) # minimum of both print("min(dt)=", min(t - tana) * 1000, "ms max(dt)=", max(t - tana) * 1000, "ms") # plot traveltime field, a few lines fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(211) drawMesh(a, mesh) drawField(a, mesh, times, True, 'Spectral') drawStreamLines(a, mesh, times, nx=50, ny=50) # plot calculated and measured travel times a2 = fig.add_subplot(212) plt.plot(x, t, 'b.-', x, tdirect, 'r-', x, trefrac, 'g-')
def showMesh(mesh, data=None, hold=False, block=False, colorBar=None, label=None, coverage=None, ax=None, savefig=None, showMesh=False, showBoundary=None, markers=False, **kwargs): """2D Mesh visualization. Create an axis object and plot a 2D mesh with given node or cell data. Returns the axis and the color bar. The type of data determine the appropriate draw method. Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` 2D or 3D GIMLi mesh data : iterable [None] Optionally data to visualize. . None (draw mesh only) forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawMesh` or if no cells are given: forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawPLC` . [[marker, value], ...] List of Cellvalues per cell marker forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawModel` . float per cell -- model, patch forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawModel` . float per node -- scalar field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawField` . iterable of type [float, float] -- vector field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawStreams` . pg.R3Vector -- vector field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawStreams` . pg.stdVectorRVector3 -- sensor positions forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawSensors` hold : bool [false] Set interactive plot mode for matplotlib. If this is set to false [default] your script will open a window with the figure and draw your content. If set to true nothing happens until you either force another show with hold=False, you call or pg.wait(). If you want show with stopping your script set block = True. block : bool [false] Force show drawing your content and block the script until you close the current figure. colorBar : bool [None], Colorbar Create and show a colorbar. If colorBar is a valid colorbar then only its values will be updated. label : str Set colorbar label. If set colorbar is toggled to True. [None] coverage : iterable [None] Weight data by the given coverage array and fadeout the color. ax : matplotlib.Axes [None] Instead of create a new and empty ax, just draw into the a given. Useful to combine draws. savefig: string Filename for a direct save to disc. The matplotlib pdf-output is a little bit big so we try an epstopdf if the .eps suffix is found in savefig showMesh : bool [False] Shows the mesh itself aditional. showBoundary : bool [None] Shows all boundary with marker != 0. A value None means automatic True for cell data and False for node data. marker : bool [False] Show mesh and boundary marker. **kwargs : * xlabel : str [None] Add label to the x axis * ylabel : str [None] Add label to the y axis * all remaining Will be forwarded to the draw functions and matplotlib methods, respectively. Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> world = mt.createWorld(start=[-10, 0], end=[10, -10], ... layers=[-3, -7], worldMarker=False) >>> mesh = mt.createMesh(world, quality=32, area=0.2, smooth=[1, 10]) >>> _ = pg.viewer.showMesh(mesh, markers=True) Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes colobar : matplotlib.colorbar """ pg.renameKwarg('cmap', 'cMap', kwargs) if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] # print('1*'*50) # print(locale.localeconv()) # plt.subplots() resets locale setting to system default .. this went # horrible wrong for german 'decimal_point': ',' pg.checkAndFixLocaleDecimal_point(verbose=False) # print('2*'*50) # print(locale.localeconv()) if block: hold = True if hold: lastHoldStatus = pg.mplviewer.utils.holdAxes__ pg.mplviewer.hold(val=1) gci = None validData = False if markers: kwargs["boundaryMarker"] = True if mesh.cellCount() > 0: uniquemarkers, uniqueidx = np.unique(np.array(mesh.cellMarkers()), return_inverse=True) label = "Cell markers" kwargs["cMap"] ="Set3", len(uniquemarkers)) kwargs["logScale"] = False kwargs["cMin"] = -0.5 kwargs["cMax"] = len(uniquemarkers) - 0.5 data = np.arange(len(uniquemarkers))[uniqueidx] if data is None: showMesh = True if showBoundary is None: showBoundary = True elif isinstance(data, pg.stdVectorRVector3): drawSensors(ax, data, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, pg.R3Vector): drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) else: #print('-----------------------------') #print(data, type(data)) #print('-----------------------------') ### data=[[marker, val], ....] if isinstance(data, list) and \ isinstance(data[0], list) and isinstance(data[0][0], int): data = pg.solver.parseMapToCellArray(data, mesh) if hasattr(data[0], '__len__') and not \ isinstance(data, if len(data) == 2: # [u,v] x N data = np.array(data).T if data.shape[1] == 2: drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) elif data.shape[1] == 3: # probably N x [u,v,w] # if sum(data[:, 0]) != sum(data[:, 1]): # drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) drawStreams(ax, mesh, data[:, 0:2], **kwargs) else: pg.warn("No valid stream data:", data.shape, data.ndim) showMesh = True elif min(data) == max(data): # or pg.haveInfNaN(data): pg.warn("No valid data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) showMesh = True else: validData = True try: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): gci = drawModel(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) if showBoundary is None: showBoundary = True elif len(data) == mesh.nodeCount(): gci = drawField(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) cMap = kwargs.pop('cMap', None) if cMap is not None: gci.set_cmap(cmapFromName(cMap)) except BaseException as e: print("Exception occured: ", e) print("Data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) print("Mesh: ", mesh) drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) if mesh.cellCount() == 0: showMesh = False if mesh.boundaryCount() == 0: pg.mplviewer.drawPLC(ax, mesh, showNodes=True, fillRegion=False, showBoundary=False, **kwargs) showBoundary = False #ax.plot(pg.x(mesh), pg.y(mesh), '.', color='black') else: pg.mplviewer.drawPLC(ax, mesh, **kwargs) if showMesh: if gci is not None and hasattr(gci, 'set_antialiased'): gci.set_antialiased(True) gci.set_linewidth(0.3) gci.set_edgecolor("0.1") else: pg.mplviewer.drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(ax, mesh.boundaries(), color="0.1", linewidth=0.3) #drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) if showBoundary is True or showBoundary is 1: b = mesh.boundaries(mesh.boundaryMarkers() != 0) pg.mplviewer.drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(ax, b, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.4) fitView = kwargs.pop('fitView', True) if fitView: ax.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax()) ax.set_ylim(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax()) ax.set_aspect('equal') cbar = None if label is not None and colorBar is None: colorBar = True if colorBar and validData: # , **kwargs) # causes problems! labels = ['cMin', 'cMax', 'nLevs', 'cMap', 'logScale'] subkwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in labels if key in kwargs} subkwargs['label'] = label if colorBar is True or colorBar is 1: cbar = createColorBar(gci, orientation=kwargs.pop( 'orientation', 'horizontal'), size=kwargs.pop('size', 0.2), pad=kwargs.pop('pad', None)) updateColorBar(cbar, **subkwargs) elif colorBar is not False: cbar = updateColorBar(colorBar, **subkwargs) if markers: ticks = np.arange(len(uniquemarkers)) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) labels = [] for marker in uniquemarkers: labels.append(str((marker))) cbar.set_ticklabels(labels) if coverage is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): addCoverageAlpha(gci, coverage) else: raise BaseException('toImplement') # addCoverageAlpha(gci, pg.cellDataToPointData(mesh, coverage)) if not hold or block is not False and plt.get_backend() is not "Agg": if data is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): cb = CellBrowser(mesh, data, ax=ax) try: plt.pause(0.01) except BaseException as _: pass if hold: pg.mplviewer.hold(val=lastHoldStatus) if savefig: print('saving: ' + savefig + ' ...') if '.' not in savefig: savefig += '.pdf' ax.figure.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') # rc params savefig.format=pdf if '.eps' in savefig: try: print("trying eps2pdf ... ") os.system('epstopdf ' + savefig) except BaseException: pass print('..done') return ax, cbar
#a.plot( n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'o', color='white') #if n.pos().distance( source ) < mindist: #mindist = n.pos().distance( source ) #nextPredict = n #print "next predicted ",, mindist #a.plot( nextPredict.pos()[0], nextPredict.pos()[1], 'o', color='green') #drawField( a, mesh, times ) ###drawField( a, mesh, anaTimes, colors = 'white' ) #a.figure.canvas.draw() ##raw_input('Press Enter...') #a.clear() fastMarch( mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags) print(time.time()-tic, "s") drawMesh( a, mesh ) drawField( a, mesh, times, filled=True ) #drawStreamCircular( a, mesh, times, source, 30., nLines = 50, step = 0.1, showStartPos = True ) #ax1.streamplot(X, Y, U, V, density=[0.5, 1]) drawStreamLinear( a, mesh, times, pg.RVector3(-100., -10.0 ), pg.RVector3(100., -10.0 ), nLines = 50, step = 0.01, showStartPos = True )
def showMesh(mesh, data=None, hold=False, block=False, colorBar=False, coverage=None, axes=None, savefig=None, **kwargs): """ 2D Mesh visualization. Create an axes and plot node or cell values for the given 2d mesh. Returns the axes and the color bar. Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` 2D or 3D GIMLi mesh data : iterable [None] Optionally data to visualize. . None (draw mesh only) forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.meshview.drawMesh` . float per cell -- model, patch forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.meshview.drawModel` . float per node -- scalar field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.meshview.drawField` . iterable of type [float, float] -- vector field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.meshview.drawStreams` . pg.stdVectorRVector3 -- sensor positions forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.meshview.drawSensors` hold : bool [false] Set interactive plot mode for matplotlib. If this is set to false [default] your script will open a window with the figure and draw your content. If set to true nothing happens until you either force another show with hold=False, you call or pg.wait(). If you want show with stopping your script set block = True. block : bool [false] Force show drawing your content and block the script until you close the current figure. colorBar : bool [false] Create and show a colorbar. coverage : iterable [None] Weight data by the given coverage array and fadeout the color. axes : matplotlib.Axes [None] Instead of create a new and empty axes, just draw into the a given. Useful to combine draws. savefig: string Filename for a direct save to disc. The matplotlib pdf-output is a little bit big so we try an epstopdf if the .eps suffix is found in savefig **kwargs : Will be forwarded to the draw functions and matplotlib methods, respectively. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes colobar : matplotlib.colobar """ ax = axes if block: hold = 1 if hold: lastHoldStatus = pg.mplviewer.holdAxes_ pg.mplviewer.holdAxes_ = 1 if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() gci = None cbar = None validData = False if data is None: drawMesh(ax, mesh) elif isinstance(data, pg.stdVectorRVector3): drawSensors(ax, data) else: if hasattr(data[0], '__len__') and not isinstance(data, if len(data) == 2: # [u,v] data = np.array(data).T if sum(data[:, 0]) != sum(data[:, 1]): drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) else: print("No valid stream data:", data) drawMesh(ax, mesh) elif (min(data) == max(data)): # or pg.haveInfNaN(data): print("No valid data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) drawMesh(ax, mesh) else: validData = True try: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): gci = drawModel(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) elif len(data) == mesh.nodeCount(): gci = drawField(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print("Exception occured: " + e) print("Data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) print("Mesh: ", mesh) drawMesh(ax, mesh) ax.set_aspect('equal') label = kwargs.pop('label', None) if colorBar and validData: # , *args, **kwargs) # causes problems! cbar = createColorbar(gci, label=label, **kwargs) plt.tight_layout() if coverage is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): addCoverageAlpha(gci, coverage) else: raise('toImplement') addCoverageAlpha(gci, pg.cellDataToPointData(mesh, coverage)) if showLater in kwargs: hold = showLater print("showLater will be removed in the future. use hold instead") if not hold or block is not False: try: plt.pause(0.01) except: pass if hold: pg.mplviewer.holdAxes_ = lastHoldStatus if savefig: print('saving: ' + savefig + ' ...') ax.figure.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') if '.eps' in savefig: try: print("trying eps2pdf ... ") os.system('epstopdf ' + savefig) except: pass print('..done') return ax, cbar
def test(): """WRITEME.""" mesh = pg.Mesh('mesh/test2d') mesh.createNeighbourInfos() print(mesh) source = pg.RVector3(-80, 0.) times = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.) for c in mesh.cells(): if c.marker() == 1: c.setAttribute(1.) elif c.marker() == 2: c.setAttribute(0.5) # c.setAttribute(abs(1./[1])) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.subplot(1, 1, 1) anaTimes = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.0) for n in mesh.nodes(): anaTimes[] = source.distance(n.pos()) # d = pg.DataContainer() # dijk = pg.TravelTimeDijkstraModelling(mesh, d) # upwind = set() downwind = set() upTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount()) downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount()) # define initial condition cell = mesh.findCell(source) for n in cell.nodes(): times[] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source) upTags[] = 1 for n in cell.nodes(): tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet()) for nn in tmpNodes: if not upTags[] and not downTags[]: downwind.add(nn) downTags[] = 1 # start fast marching tic = time.time() while len(downwind) > 0: # model = pg.RVector(mesh.cellCount(), 0.0) # for c in upwind: model.setVal(2, # for c in downwind: model.setVal(1, # drawMesh(a, mesh) # a.plot(source[0], source[1], 'x') # for c in mesh.cells(): # a.text([0],[1], str( # for n in mesh.nodes(): # if upTags[]: # a.plot(n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'o', color='black') # mindist = 9e99 # for n in downwind: # a.plot(n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'o', color='white') # if n.pos().distance(source) < mindist: # mindist = n.pos().distance(source) # nextPredict = n # print "next predicted ",, mindist # a.plot(nextPredict.pos()[0], nextPredict.pos()[1], # 'o', color='green') # drawField(a, mesh, times) # drawField(a, mesh, anaTimes, colors = 'white') # a.figure.canvas.draw() # # raw_input('Press Enter...') # a.clear() fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags) print(time.time() - tic, "s") drawMesh(ax, mesh) drawField(ax, mesh, times, filled=True)
############################################################################### # Then we start marching until all fields are filled. tic = time.time() while len(downwind) > 0: fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags) print(time.time() - tic, "s") ############################################################################### # First, we plot the traveltime field and streamlines fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) drawMesh(ax, mesh) ax.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax.set_ylabel('y [m]') drawField(ax, mesh, times, cmap='Spectral', fillContour=True) drawStreamLines(ax, mesh, -times, nx=50, ny=50) ############################################################################### # We compare the result with the analytical solution along the x axis x = np.arange(0., 140., 0.5) tFMM = pg.interpolate(mesh, times, x, x * 0., x * 0.) tAna = analyticalSolution2Layer(x) print("min(dt)={} ms max(dt)={} ms".format( min(tFMM - tAna) * 1000, max(tFMM - tAna) * 1000)) ############################################################################### # In order to use the Dijkstra, we extract the surface positions >0 mx = pg.x(mesh.positions()) my = pg.y(mesh.positions())
def showMesh(mesh, data=None, hold=False, block=False, colorBar=None, label=None, coverage=None, ax=None, savefig=None, **kwargs): """2D Mesh visualization. Create an axis object and plot a 2D mesh with given node or cell data. Returns the axis and the color bar. The type of data determine the appropriate draw method. Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` 2D or 3D GIMLi mesh data : iterable [None] Optionally data to visualize. . None (draw mesh only) forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawMesh` or if no cells are given: forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawPLC` . float per cell -- model, patch forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawModel` . float per node -- scalar field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawField` . iterable of type [float, float] -- vector field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawStreams` . pg.stdVectorRVector3 -- sensor positions forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawSensors` hold : bool [false] Set interactive plot mode for matplotlib. If this is set to false [default] your script will open a window with the figure and draw your content. If set to true nothing happens until you either force another show with hold=False, you call or pg.wait(). If you want show with stopping your script set block = True. block : bool [false] Force show drawing your content and block the script until you close the current figure. colorBar : bool [None], Colorbar Create and show a colorbar. If colorBar is a valid colorbar then only his values will be updated. label : str Set colorbar label. If set colorbar is toggled to True. [None] coverage : iterable [None] Weight data by the given coverage array and fadeout the color. ax : matplotlib.Axes [None] Instead of create a new and empty ax, just draw into the a given. Useful to combine draws. savefig: string Filename for a direct save to disc. The matplotlib pdf-output is a little bit big so we try an epstopdf if the .eps suffix is found in savefig **kwargs : * xlabel : str [None] Add label to the x axis * ylabel : str [None] Add label to the y axis * all remaining Will be forwarded to the draw functions and matplotlib methods, respectively. Returns ------- ax : colobar : matplotlib.colobar """ ax = ax if block: hold = 1 if hold: lastHoldStatus = pg.mplviewer.utils.holdAxes__ pg.mplviewer.hold(val=1) # print('1*'*50) # print(locale.localeconv()) if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] # plt.subplots() resets locale setting to system default .. this went # horrible wrong for german 'decimal_point': ',' pg.checkAndFixLocaleDecimal_point(verbose=False) # print('2*'*50) # print(locale.localeconv()) gci = None validData = False if data is None: drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, pg.stdVectorRVector3): drawSensors(ax, data, **kwargs) else: # print(data, type(data)) if (hasattr(data[0], '__len__') and not isinstance(data, if len(data) == 2: # [u,v] data = np.array(data).T if sum(data[:, 0]) != sum(data[:, 1]): drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) else: print("No valid stream data:", data) drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) elif min(data) == max(data): # or pg.haveInfNaN(data): print("No valid data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) else: validData = True try: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): gci = drawModel(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) elif len(data) == mesh.nodeCount(): gci = drawField(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) cMap = kwargs.pop('cMap', None) if cMap is not None: cmap = cMap if cmap is not None: gci.set_cmap(cmapFromName(cmap)) except BaseException as e: print("Exception occured: " + e) print("Data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) print("Mesh: ", mesh) drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) ax.set_aspect('equal') cbar = None if label is not None and colorBar is None: colorBar = True if colorBar and validData: # , **kwargs) # causes problems! labels = ['cMin', 'cMax', 'nLevs', 'orientation', 'pad'] subkwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in labels if key in kwargs} if colorBar is True or colorBar is 1: cbar = createColorBar(gci, label=label, **subkwargs) elif colorBar is not False: cbar = updateColorBar(colorBar, gci, label=label, **subkwargs) if coverage is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): addCoverageAlpha(gci, coverage) else: raise BaseException('toImplement') # addCoverageAlpha(gci, pg.cellDataToPointData(mesh, coverage)) if not hold or block is not False: if data is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): cb = CellBrowser(mesh, data, ax=ax) cb.connect() try: plt.pause(0.01) except BaseException as _: pass if hold: pg.mplviewer.hold(val=lastHoldStatus) if savefig: print('saving: ' + savefig + ' ...') if '.' not in savefig: savefig += '.pdf' ax.figure.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') # rc params savefig.format=pdf if '.eps' in savefig: try: print("trying eps2pdf ... ") os.system('epstopdf ' + savefig) except BaseException as _: pass print('..done') return ax, cbar
def showMesh(mesh, data=None, hold=False, block=False, colorBar=None, label=None, coverage=None, ax=None, savefig=None, showMesh=False, showBoundary=None, markers=False, **kwargs): """2D Mesh visualization. Create an axis object and plot a 2D mesh with given node or cell data. Returns the axis and the color bar. The type of data determines the appropriate draw method. Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` 2D or 3D GIMLi mesh data : iterable [None] Optionally data to visualize. . None (draw mesh only) forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawMesh` or if no cells are given: forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawPLC` . [[marker, value], ...] List of Cellvalues per cell marker forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawModel` . float per cell -- model, patch forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawModel` . float per node -- scalar field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawField` . iterable of type [float, float] -- vector field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawStreams` . pg.R3Vector -- vector field forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawStreams` . pg.stdVectorRVector3 -- sensor positions forward to :py:mod:`pygimli.mplviewer.drawSensors` hold : bool [false] Set interactive plot mode for matplotlib. If this is set to false [default] your script will open a window with the figure and draw your content. If set to true nothing happens until you either force another show with hold=False, you call or pg.wait(). If you want show with stopping your script set block = True. block : bool [false] Force show drawing your content and block the script until you close the current figure. colorBar : bool [None], Colorbar Create and show a colorbar. If colorBar is a valid colorbar then only its values will be updated. label : str Set colorbar label. If set colorbar is toggled to True. [None] coverage : iterable [None] Weight data by the given coverage array and fadeout the color. ax : matplotlib.Axes [None] Instead of creating a new and empty ax, just draw into the given one. Useful to combine multiple plots into one figure. savefig: string Filename for a direct save to disc. The matplotlib pdf-output is a little bit big so we try an epstopdf if the .eps suffix is found in savefig showMesh : bool [False] Shows the mesh itself aditional. showBoundary : bool [None] Shows all boundary with marker != 0. A value None means automatic True for cell data and False for node data. marker : bool [False] Show mesh and boundary marker. **kwargs : * xlabel : str [None] Add label to the x axis * ylabel : str [None] Add label to the y axis * all remaining Will be forwarded to the draw functions and matplotlib methods, respectively. Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> world = mt.createWorld(start=[-10, 0], end=[10, -10], ... layers=[-3, -7], worldMarker=False) >>> mesh = mt.createMesh(world, quality=32, area=0.2, smooth=[1, 10]) >>> _ = pg.viewer.showMesh(mesh, markers=True) Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes colobar : matplotlib.colorbar """ pg.renameKwarg('cmap', 'cMap', kwargs) if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] # print('1*'*50) # print(locale.localeconv()) # plt.subplots() resets locale setting to system default .. this went # horrible wrong for german 'decimal_point': ',' pg.checkAndFixLocaleDecimal_point(verbose=False) # print('2*'*50) # print(locale.localeconv()) if block: hold = True lastHoldStatus = pg.mplviewer.utils.holdAxes__ if not lastHoldStatus or hold: pg.mplviewer.hold(val=1) hold = True gci = None validData = False if markers: kwargs["boundaryMarker"] = True if mesh.cellCount() > 0: uniquemarkers, uniqueidx = np.unique( np.array(mesh.cellMarkers()), return_inverse=True) label = "Cell markers" kwargs["cMap"] ="Set3", len(uniquemarkers)) kwargs["logScale"] = False kwargs["cMin"] = -0.5 kwargs["cMax"] = len(uniquemarkers) - 0.5 data = np.arange(len(uniquemarkers))[uniqueidx] if data is None: showMesh = True if showBoundary is None: showBoundary = True elif isinstance(data, pg.stdVectorRVector3): drawSensors(ax, data, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, pg.R3Vector): drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) else: ### data=[[marker, val], ....] if isinstance(data, list) and \ isinstance(data[0], list) and isinstance(data[0][0], int): data = pg.solver.parseMapToCellArray(data, mesh) if hasattr(data[0], '__len__') and not \ isinstance(data, if len(data) == 2: # [u,v] x N data = np.array(data).T if data.shape[1] == 2: drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) elif data.shape[1] == 3: # probably N x [u,v,w] # if sum(data[:, 0]) != sum(data[:, 1]): # drawStreams(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) drawStreams(ax, mesh, data[:, 0:2], **kwargs) else: pg.warn("No valid stream data:", data.shape, data.ndim) showMesh = True elif min(data) == max(data): # or pg.haveInfNaN(data): pg.warn("No valid data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) showMesh = True else: validData = True try: cMap = kwargs.pop('cMap', None) if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): gci = drawModel(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) if showBoundary is None: showBoundary = True elif len(data) == mesh.nodeCount(): gci = drawField(ax, mesh, data, **kwargs) if cMap is not None: gci.set_cmap(cmapFromName(cMap)) #gci.cmap.set_under('k') except BaseException as e: print("Exception occured: ", e) print("Data: ", min(data), max(data), pg.haveInfNaN(data)) print("Mesh: ", mesh) drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) if mesh.cellCount() == 0: showMesh = False if mesh.boundaryCount() == 0: pg.mplviewer.drawPLC(ax, mesh, showNodes=True, fillRegion=False, showBoundary=False, **kwargs) showBoundary = False #ax.plot(pg.x(mesh), pg.y(mesh), '.', color='black') else: pg.mplviewer.drawPLC(ax, mesh, **kwargs) if showMesh: if gci is not None and hasattr(gci, 'set_antialiased'): gci.set_antialiased(True) gci.set_linewidth(0.3) gci.set_edgecolor("0.1") else: pg.mplviewer.drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(ax, mesh.boundaries(), color="0.1", linewidth=0.3) #drawMesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs) if showBoundary is True or showBoundary is 1: b = mesh.boundaries(mesh.boundaryMarkers() != 0) pg.mplviewer.drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(ax, b, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.4) fitView = kwargs.pop('fitView', True) if fitView: ax.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax()) ax.set_ylim(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax()) ax.set_aspect('equal') cbar = None if label is not None and colorBar is None: colorBar = True if colorBar and validData: # , **kwargs) # causes problems! labels = ['cMin', 'cMax', 'nLevs', 'cMap', 'logScale'] subkwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in labels if key in kwargs} subkwargs['label'] = label if colorBar is True or colorBar is 1: cbar = createColorBar(gci, orientation=kwargs.pop('orientation', 'horizontal'), size=kwargs.pop('size', 0.2), pad=kwargs.pop('pad', None) ) updateColorBar(cbar, **subkwargs) elif colorBar is not False: cbar = updateColorBar(colorBar, **subkwargs) if markers: ticks = np.arange(len(uniquemarkers)) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) labels = [] for marker in uniquemarkers: labels.append(str((marker))) cbar.set_ticklabels(labels) if coverage is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): addCoverageAlpha(gci, coverage) else: raise BaseException('toImplement') # addCoverageAlpha(gci, pg.cellDataToPointData(mesh, coverage)) if not hold or block is not False and plt.get_backend() is not "Agg": if data is not None: if len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): cb = CellBrowser(mesh, data, ax=ax) try: plt.pause(0.01) except BaseException as _: pass if hold: pg.mplviewer.hold(val=lastHoldStatus) if savefig: print('saving: ' + savefig + ' ...') if '.' not in savefig: savefig += '.pdf' ax.figure.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') # rc params savefig.format=pdf if '.eps' in savefig: try: print("trying eps2pdf ... ") os.system('epstopdf ' + savefig) except BaseException: pass print('..done') return ax, cbar
# start fast marching tic = time.time() while len(downwind) > 0: fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags) print(time.time() - tic, "s") # compare with analytical solution along the x axis x = np.arange(0., 100., 0.5) t = pg.interpolate(mesh, times, x, x * 0., x * 0.) tdirect = x / v[0] # direct wave alfa = asin(v[0] / v[1]) # critically refracted wave angle xreflec = tan(alfa) * zlay * 2. # first critically refracted trefrac = (x - xreflec) / v[1] + xreflec * v[1] / v[0]**2 tana = np.where(trefrac < tdirect, trefrac, tdirect) # minimum of both print("min(dt)=", min(t - tana) * 1000, "ms max(dt)=", max(t - tana) * 1000, "ms") # plot traveltime field, a few lines fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(211) drawMesh(a, mesh) drawField(a, mesh, times, True, 'Spectral') drawStreamLines(a, mesh, times, nx=50, ny=50) # plot calculated and measured travel times a2 = fig.add_subplot(212) plt.plot(x, t, 'b.-', x, tdirect, 'r-', x, trefrac, 'g-')
for nn in tmpNodes: if not upTags[] and not downTags[]: downwind.add(nn) downTags[] = 1 # start fast marching tic = time.time() while len(downwind) > 0: fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags) print(time.time() - tic, "s") # compare with analytical solution along the x axis x = np.arange(-20., 150., 0.5) t = pg.interpolate(mesh, times, pg.asvector(x), x * 0., x * 0.) tdirect = np.abs(x) / v[0] # direct wave alfa = asin(v[0] / v[1]) # critically refracted wave angle xreflec = tan(alfa) * zlay * 2. # first critically refracted trefrac = (np.abs(x) - xreflec) / v[1] + xreflec * v[1] / v[0]**2 tana = np.where(trefrac < tdirect, trefrac, tdirect) # minimum of both print("min(dt)=", min(t-tana)*1e3, "ms max(dt)=", max(t-tana)*1e3, "ms") # %% plot traveltime field, a few lines fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) drawMesh(ax[0], mesh) drawField(ax[0], mesh, times, True) drawStreamLines(ax[0], mesh, times, color='white') # plot calculated and measured travel times ax[1].plot(x, t, 'b.-', x, tdirect, 'r-', x, trefrac, 'g-')