def view(self, color=True, json=False): config = get_config_path() with open(config) as f: if json is True: config = preview_config(as_string=True) if color: config = highlight(config, JsonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) else: config = if color: config = highlight(config, IniLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) print(config)
def nice_body(body, content=None, cssclass=None, encoding='utf-8'): if not body: return None cssclasses = ['codehilite'] if cssclass: cssclasses.append(cssclass) classes = ' '.join(cssclasses) content = get_body_content_type(body, content) if content is not None: if 'x-www-form-urlencoded' in content: lex = IniLexer() elif 'json' in content: lex = JsonLexer() else: try: lex = get_lexer_for_mimetype(content, encoding=encoding) except ClassNotFound as e: return body if isinstance(lex, IniLexer): parsedbody = urlparse.parse_qsl(body, keep_blank_values=True) if body and not parsedbody: return tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(body) parsedbody = [(x.strip(), y) for [x, y] in parsedbody] args = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(parsedbody)) params = "\n".join( [k.strip() + "=" + v for k, v in args.iteritems()]) return highlight( params, IniLexer(), HtmlFormatter(cssclass=classes, encoding=encoding)) elif isinstance(lex, JsonLexer): try: return highlight(json.dumps(json.loads(body), indent=4), JsonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(cssclass=classes)) except ValueError as e: pass return highlight(body, lex, HtmlFormatter(cssclass=classes, encoding=encoding))
def print_file_contents(self, contents, file_name, raw): if raw or not self.user_io.out.is_terminal: self.user_io.out.writeln(contents) return from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, IniLexer, TextLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter if file_name.endswith(".py"): lexer = PythonLexer() elif file_name.endswith(".txt"): lexer = IniLexer() else: lexer = TextLexer() self.user_io.out.write(highlight(contents, lexer, TerminalFormatter()))
import os.path import IPython from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename, TextLexer, IniLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.util import ClassNotFound _custom_lexers = {'.config': IniLexer()} def _custom_guess(path): _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext in _custom_lexers: return _custom_lexers[ext] return TextLexer() def prettyprint(path): try: lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(path) except ClassNotFound: lexer = _custom_guess(path) content = open(path).read() formatter = HtmlFormatter() return IPython.display.HTML('<style type="text/css">{}</style>{}'.format( formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight'), highlight(content, lexer, formatter)))
def write_dossier(self): BMMuser, dcm, ga = user_ns['BMMuser'], user_ns['dcm'], user_ns['ga'] if self.filename is None or self.start is None: print(error_msg('Filename and/or start number not given.')) return None firstfile = f'{self.filename}.{self.start:03d}' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, firstfile)): print( error_msg( f'Could not find {os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, firstfile)}')) return None # figure out various filenames basename = self.filename htmlfilename = os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, 'dossier/', self.filename + '-01.html') seqnumber = 1 if os.path.isfile(htmlfilename): seqnumber = 2 while os.path.isfile( os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, 'dossier', "%s-%2.2d.html" % (self.filename, seqnumber))): seqnumber += 1 basename = "%s-%2.2d" % (self.filename, seqnumber) htmlfilename = os.path.join( BMMuser.DATA, 'dossier', "%s-%2.2d.html" % (self.filename, seqnumber)) ## generate triplot as a png image (or fail gracefully) prjfilename, pngfilename = None, None try: if self.uidlist is not None: pngfilename = os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, 'snapshots', f"{basename}.png") #prjfilename = os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, 'prj', f"{basename}.prj") self.make_merged_triplot(self.uidlist, pngfilename, self.mode) except Exception as e: print(error_msg('failure to make triplot')) print(e) # slurp in the INI file contents if self.initext is None: with open(os.path.join(BMMuser.DATA, self.inifile)) as f: self.initext = ''.join(f.readlines()) # gather some information about the photon delivery system pdstext = f'{get_mode()} ({describe_mode()})' mono = 'Si(%s)' % dcm._crystal if self.ththth: mono = 'Si(333)' try: # dossier header with open(os.path.join(startup_dir, 'tmpl', 'dossier_top.tmpl')) as f: content = f.readlines() thiscontent = ''.join(content).format( filename=self.filename,, seqnumber=seqnumber, ) # left sidebar, entry for XRF file in the case of fluorescence data thismode = plotting_mode(self.mode) if thismode == 'xs' or thismode == 'xs1': with open( os.path.join(startup_dir, 'tmpl', 'dossier_xrf_file.tmpl')) as f: content = f.readlines() thiscontent += ''.join(content).format( basename=basename, xrffile=quote('../XRF/' + str(self.xrffile)), xrfuid=self.xrfuid, ) # middle part of dossier with open(os.path.join(startup_dir, 'tmpl', 'dossier_middle.tmpl')) as f: content = f.readlines() thiscontent += ''.join(content).format( basename=basename, scanlist=self.scanlist, motors=self.motors, sample=self.sample, prep=self.prep, comment=self.comment, temperature=self.temperature, websnap=quote('../snapshots/' + self.websnap), webuid=self.webuid, anasnap=quote('../snapshots/' + self.anasnap), anauid=self.anauid, usb1snap=quote('../snapshots/' + self.usb1snap), usb1uid=self.usb1uid, usb2snap=quote('../snapshots/' + self.usb2snap), usb2uid=self.usb2uid, ) # middle part, XRF and glancing angle alignment images if thismode == 'xs' or thismode == 'xs1': with open( os.path.join(startup_dir, 'tmpl', 'dossier_xrf_image.tmpl')) as f: content = f.readlines() thiscontent += ''.join(content).format( xrfsnap=quote('../XRF/' + str(self.xrfsnap)), pccenergy='%.1f' % self.pccenergy, ocrs=self.ocrs, rois=self.rois, symbol=self.element, ) if 'glancing' in BMMuser.instrument: with open( os.path.join(startup_dir, 'tmpl', 'dossier_ga.tmpl')) as f: content = f.readlines() thiscontent += ''.join(content).format( ga_align=ga.alignment_filename, ga_yuid=ga.y_uid, ga_puid=ga.pitch_uid, ga_fuid=ga.f_uid, ) # end of dossier with open(os.path.join(startup_dir, 'tmpl', 'dossier_bottom.tmpl')) as f: content = f.readlines() thiscontent += ''.join(content).format( e0='%.1f' % self.e0, edge=self.edge, element=self.element_text(), mode=self.mode, bounds=self.bounds, steps=self.steps, times=self.times, seqstart=self.seqstart, seqend=self.seqend, mono=mono, pdsmode=pdstext, pccenergy='%.1f' % self.pccenergy, experimenters=self.experimenters, gup=BMMuser.gup, saf=BMMuser.saf, url=self.url, doi=self.doi, cif=self.cif, initext=highlight(self.initext, IniLexer(), HtmlFormatter()), clargs=highlight(self.clargs, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter()), filename=self.filename, ) with open(htmlfilename, 'a') as o: o.write(thiscontent) print(f'wrote {htmlfilename}') except Exception as E: print(E) manifest = open(self.manifest_file, 'a') manifest.write(htmlfilename + '\n') manifest.close() self.write_manifest() if pngfilename is not None and os.path.isfile(pngfilename): try: img_to_slack(pngfilename) except: post_to_slack('failed to post image: {pngfilename}') pass return htmlfilename