def get_all_styles(): """Return an generator for all styles by name, both builtin and plugin.""" for name in STYLE_MAP: yield name for name, _ in find_plugin_styles(): yield name
def get_style_by_name(name): if name in STYLE_MAP: mod, cls = STYLE_MAP[name].split('::') builtin = "yes" else: for found_name, style in find_plugin_styles(): if name == found_name: return style # perhaps it got dropped into our styles package builtin = "" mod = name cls = name.title() + "Style" try: mod = __import__('pygments.styles.' + mod, None, None, [cls]) except ImportError: raise ClassNotFound("Could not find style module %r" % mod + (builtin and ", though it should be builtin") + ".") try: return getattr(mod, cls) except AttributeError: raise ClassNotFound("Could not find style class %r in style module." % cls)
def test_installation_smoketest(self): # Probably the first one I should use actually find_plugin_styles()