def find_pulses( cptm: ContinousPulseTransitionsMaker = ContinousPulseTransitionsMaker( 30, (5, 10), 20, 0.3 ), generations: int = DEFAULT_GENERATIONS, population_size: int = DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE, seed: int = DEFAULT_SEED, ) -> typing.Tuple[float, ...]: udp = pg.problem(cptm) algorithm = pg.algorithm(pg.gaco(gen=generations, seed=seed)) # algorithm.set_verbosity(1) algorithm.set_verbosity(0) population = pg.population(udp, population_size) resulting_population = algorithm.evolve(population) best_x = resulting_population.champion_x best_fitness = resulting_population.champion_f pulses = cptm._convert_x_to_pulses(best_x) is_valid = best_fitness[1] <= 0 and best_fitness[2] <= 0 if is_valid: print("Found valid solution.") else: msg = "WARNING: FOUND INVALID SOLUTION!" if best_fitness[1] > 0: msg += " Solution is too small." else: msg += " Solution is too big." print(msg) return pulses
def applyACO(**kwargs): try: prob = pg.problem(pg.rosenbrock(dim=kwargs.get('dim'))) pop = pg.population(prob, size=kwargs.get('tamPopulation'), seed=23) algo = pg.algorithm( pg.gaco(kwargs.get('iters'), kwargs.get('kernel'), 1.0, 1e9, 0.0, 1, 7, 100000, 100000, 0.0, False, 23)) algo.set_verbosity(1) pop = algo.evolve(pop) uda = algo.extract(pg.gaco) return uda.get_log() except: raise
def main(argv): help_message = ' <inputfile> <outputfile>' if len(argv) < 2: print(help_message) sys.exit(2) else: inputfile = argv[0] outputfile = argv[1] print("Reading data from " + inputfile) # Setting up the user defined problem in pygmo prob = pg.problem(TestOptimizer(inputfile)) solution_size = 10000 # Start with an initial set of 100 sets pop = pg.population(prob, size=solution_size) # Set the algorithm to non-dominated sorting GA algo = pg.algorithm(pg.gaco(gen=40)) # Optimize pop = algo.evolve(pop) # This returns a set of optimal vectors and corresponding fitness values fits, vectors = pop.get_f(), pop.get_x() for i in range(len(vectors)): print("solution " + str(i)) total = 0 for j in range(len(vectors[i])): total += int(vectors[i][j]) print("Total tests = " + str(total)) print("Writing output to " + outputfile) jsonfile = pygeoj.load(filepath=inputfile) num_districts = len(jsonfile) counter = 0 for feature in jsonfile: for sol in range(solution_size):["sol" + str(sol)] = str( int(vectors[sol][counter])) counter += 1 # Save output print(vectors)
def find_best_cengkoks(generations: int = 10, population_size: int = 40): def _get_best_of_multi_objective_population(pop): sorted_pop = pg.sort_population_mo(points=pop.get_f()) x = pop.get_x()[sorted_pop[0]] x = tuple(int(x) for x in x) fitness = pop.get_f()[sorted_pop[0]] fitness = tuple(float(n) for n in fitness) return x, fitness for vanitas_rhythm, vanitas_melody_part in zip( rhythms.RHYTHMS, vanitas_melody_parts.VANITAS_MELODY_PARTS.items()): start_time, vanitas_melody = vanitas_melody_part bcf = BestCengkokFinder(vanitas_melody, vanitas_rhythm) problem = pg.problem(bcf) algorithm = pg.algorithm(pg.gaco(gen=generations)) algorithm.set_verbosity(1) population = pg.population(problem, population_size) resulting_population = algorithm.evolve(population) best_x = resulting_population.champion_x best_fitness = resulting_population.champion_f # best_x, best_fitness = _get_best_of_multi_objective_population( # resulting_population # ) result = bcf._convert_nested_sequential_event_to_sequential_event( bcf._convert_x_to_nested_sequential_event(best_x)) print(best_fitness) print("") with open( "{}/{}_{}.pickle".format(PICKLE_PATH, start_time.numerator, start_time.denominator), "wb", ) as f: pickle.dump((start_time, result), f)
import numpy as np import pygmo as pg from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import constants as cte from optim_class import Coverage, initiate # def optimise(): sim_time, sun_pos, targets = initiate(cte.target_coors, cte.sun_pos0, cte.omega_earth, cte.omega_moon, cte.dt, cte.synodic_period) coverage = Coverage(sim_time, sun_pos, targets, cte.r_m, cte.mu_m, cte.dt, cte.min_elev, cte.max_sat_range, cte.ecc, cte.aop, cte.tar_battery_cap, cte.tar_charge_power, cte.tar_max_sps_power, cte.sat_las_power, cte.tar_hib_power, cte.sat_point_acc, cte.tar_r_rec, cte.sat_n_las, cte.sat_n_geom, cte.tar_n_rec, cte.sat_wavelength, cte.sat_r_trans) prob = pg.problem(coverage) algo_class = pg.gaco(gen=10) # algo_class.set_bfe(pg.bfe()) algo = pg.algorithm(algo_class) pop = pg.population(prob, 100) algo.set_verbosity(1) pop = algo.evolve(pop) print(pop.champion_x, pop.champion_f) # return pop.champion_x, pop.champion_f
# Each job is a list of multiple tasks: (machine_id, processing_time) jobs_data = [ [(0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 2)], # Job0 [(0, 2), (2, 1), (1, 4)], # Job1 [(1, 4), (2, 3)] # Job2 ] # Flatten the jobs data by index by encoding the job_id into the tuple # the *task syntax will unpack a tuple jobs_list = [(i, *task) for i in range(len(jobs_data)) for task in jobs_data[i]] # Create the problem prob = pg.problem(jobshop_function(jobs=jobs_list, max_schedule_time=12)) print(prob) # Optimise population_size = 1000 iterations = 100 pop = pg.population(prob, size=population_size, seed=123) algo = pg.algorithm(pg.gaco(gen=iterations, ker=population_size, seed=123)) algo.set_verbosity(1000) tic = time.perf_counter() pop = algo.evolve(pop) tock = time.perf_counter() print( f'solution: {pop.champion_x}, fitness value: {pop.champion_f} ({tock-tic:.3f} seconds)' )
def __call__(self, function): scanner_options = { 'sade': dict(gen=self.gen, variant=self.variant, variant_adptv=self.variant_adptv, ftol=self.ftol, xtol=self.xtol, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'gaco': dict(gen=self.gen, ker=self.ker, q=self.q,, acc=self.acc, threshold=self.threshold, n_gen_mark=self.n_gen_mark, impstop=self.impstop, evalstop=self.evalstop, focus=self.focus, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'maco': dict(gen=self.gen, ker=self.ker, q=self.q, threshold=self.threshold, n_gen_mark=self.n_gen_mark, evalstop=self.evalstop, focus=self.focus, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'gwo': dict(gen=self.gen, seed=self.seed), 'bee_colony': dict(gen=self.gen, limit=self.limit, seed=self.seed), 'de': dict(gen=self.gen, F=self.F, CR=self.CR, variant=self.variant, ftol=self.ftol, xtol=self.xtol, seed=self.seed), 'sea': dict(gen=self.gen, seed=self.seed), 'sga': dict(gen=self.gen,, eta_c=self.eta_c, m=self.m, param_m=self.param_m, param_s=self.param_s, crossover=self.crossover, mutation=self.mutation, selection=self.selection, seed=self.seed), 'de1220': dict(gen=self.gen, allowed_variants=self.allowed_variants, variant_adptv=self.variant_adptv, ftol=self.ftol, xtol=self.xtol, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'cmaes': dict(gen=self.gen,, cs=self.cs, c1=self.c1, cmu=self.cmu, sigma0=self.sigma0, ftol=self.ftol, xtol=self.xtol, memory=self.memory, force_bounds=self.force_bounds, seed=self.seed), 'moead': dict(gen=self.gen, weight_generation=self.weight_generation, decomposition=self.decomposition, neighbours=self.neighbours, CR=self.CR, F=self.F, eta_m=self.eta_m, realb=self.realb, limit=self.limit, preserve_diversity=self.preserve_diversity, seed=self.seed), 'compass_search': dict(max_fevals=self.max_fevals, start_range=self.start_range, stop_range=self.stop_range, reduction_coeff=self.reduction_coeff), 'simulated_annealing': dict(Ts=self.Ts, Tf=self.Tf, n_T_adj=self.n_T_adj, n_range_adj=self.n_range_adj, bin_size=self.bin_size, start_range=self.start_range, seed=self.seed), 'pso': dict(gen=self.gen,, eta1=self.eta1, eta2=self.eta2, max_vel=self.max_vel, variant=self.variant, neighb_type=self.neighb_type, neighb_param=self.neighb_param, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'pso_gen': dict(gen=self.gen,, eta1=self.eta1, eta2=self.eta2, max_vel=self.max_vel, variant=self.variant, neighb_type=self.neighb_type, neighb_param=self.neighb_param, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'nsga2': dict(gen=self.gen,, eta_c=self.eta_c, m=self.m, eta_m=self.eta_m, seed=self.seed), 'nspso': dict(gen=self.gen,, c1=self.c1, c2=self.c2, chi=self.chi, v_coeff=self.v_coeff, leader_selection_range=self.leader_selection_range, diversity_mechanism=self.diversity_mechanism, memory=self.memory, seed=self.seed), 'mbh': dict(algo=self.algo, stop=self.stop, perturb=self.perturb, seed=self.seed), 'cstrs_self_adaptive': dict(iters=self.iters, algo=self.algo, seed=self.seed), 'ihs': dict(gen=self.gen, phmcr=self.phmcr, ppar_min=self.ppar_min, ppar_max=self.ppar_max, bw_min=self.bw_min, bw_max=self.bw_max, seed=self.seed), 'xnes': dict(gen=self.gen, eta_mu=self.eta_mu, eta_sigma=self.eta_sigma, eta_b=self.eta_b, sigma0=self.sigma0, ftol=self.ftol, xtol=self.xtol, memory=self.memory, force_bounds=self.force_bounds, seed=self.seed) } if self.log_data: xl = [] yl = [] log_data = self.log_data # class interf_function: def __init__(self, dim): self.dim = dim def fitness(self, x): x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) y = function(x) # x = x[0] y = y.tolist() if log_data: xl.append(x) yl.append(y) # print (x, y[0]) return y[0] if function.is_differentiable(): def gradient(self, x): x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) g = function(x) g = g.tolist() return g[0] def get_bounds(self): lb = [] ub = [] bounds = function.get_ranges() # warning # check for infinities for i in range(len(bounds)): lb.append(bounds[i, 0]) ub.append(bounds[i, 1]) r = (np.array(lb), np.array(ub)) return r # I need to call pygmo functions directly prob = pg.problem(interf_function(function)) # print (prob.get_thread_safety()) if self.scanner == "sade": # I need a dictionary with algorithms and options algo = pg.algorithm(pg.sade(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "gaco": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.gaco(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) # elif self.scanner == "maco": # is not implemented though in webpage # looks it is # algo = pg.algorithm(pg.maco(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "gwo": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.gwo(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "bee_colony": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.bee_colony(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "de": algo = pg.algorithm(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "sea": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.sea(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "sga": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.sga(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "de1220": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.de1220(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "cmaes": algo = pg.algorithm(pg.cmaes(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) # elif self.scanner == "moead": #multiobjective algorithm # algo = pg.algorithm(pg.moead(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == "compass_search": algo = pg.algorithm( pg.compass_search(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == 'simulated_annealing': algo = pg.algorithm( pg.simulated_annealing(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == 'pso': algo = pg.algorithm(pg.pso(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == 'pso_gen': algo = pg.algorithm(pg.pso_gen(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) # elif self.scanner == 'nsga2': #multiobjective algorithm # algo = pg.algorithm(pg.nsga2(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) # elif self.scanner == 'nspso': is not implemented though in webpage # looks it is # algo = pg.algorithm(pg.nspso(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) elif self.scanner == 'mbh': if scanner_options[self.scanner]['algo'] == 'de': algo = pg.algorithm( pg.mbh(pg.algorithm(**scanner_options['de'])))) # elif self.scanner == 'ihs': #does not work # algo = pg.algorithm(ihs(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) # elif self.scanner == 'xnes': #does not work # algo = pg.algorithm(xnes(**scanner_options[self.scanner])) # uda = algo.extract(xnes) else: print( 'The ' + self.scanner + ' algorithm is not implemented. The ' 'list of algorithms available is', algorithms) sys.exit() # add verbosing flag if self.verbose > 1: algo.set_verbosity(self.verbose) pop = pg.population(prob, self.size) if self.verbose > 9: print('prob', prob) opt = algo.evolve(pop) if self.verbose > 9: print('algo', algo) # best_x = np.expand_dims(opt.champion_x, axis=0) # best_fitness = np.expand_dims(opt.get_f()[opt.best_idx()], axis=0) best_x = np.expand_dims(opt.champion_x, axis=0) best_fitness = np.expand_dims(opt.champion_f, axis=0) if self.verbose > 0: print('best fit:', best_x, best_fitness) if self.log_data: x = np.squeeze(xl, axis=(1, )) y = np.squeeze(yl, axis=(2, )) if self.log_data: return (x, y) else: return (best_x, best_fitness)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import constants as cte from optim_class import Coverage, initiate sim_time, sun_pos, targets = initiate() # 1 - Instantiate a pygmo problem constructing it from a UDP # (user defined problem). coverage = Coverage(sim_time, sun_pos, targets) prob = pg.problem(coverage) # 2 - Instantiate a pagmo algorithm algo = pg.algorithm(pg.gaco(gen=100)) # 3 - Instantiate an archipelago with 16 islands having each 20 individuals archi = pg.archipelago(1, algo=algo, prob=prob, pop_size=7) # 4 - Run the evolution in parallel on the 16 separate islands 10 times. archi.evolve(1) # 5 - Wait for the evolutions to be finished archi.wait() # 6 - Print the fitness of the best solution in each island res = None fit = 100 for isl in archi: if fit < isl.get_population().champion_f: