Пример #1
    def __init__(self, static_state, errormap):
        evotype = errormap._evotype
        #from .operation import LindbladOp as _LPGMap
        #assert(evotype in ("densitymx", "svterm", "cterm")), \
        #    "Invalid evotype: %s for %s" % (evotype, self.__class__.__name__)

        if not isinstance(static_state, _State):
            static_state = _StaticState(
                static_state, evotype)  # assume spamvec is just a vector

        assert(static_state._evotype == evotype), \
            "`static_state` evotype must match `errormap` ('%s' != '%s')" % (static_state._evotype, evotype)
        assert (static_state.num_params == 0
                ), "`static_state` 'reference' must have *zero* parameters!"

        #d2 = static_state.dim
        self.state_vec = static_state
        self.error_map = errormap
        self.terms = {}
        self.local_term_poly_coeffs = {}

        #Create representation
        rep = evotype.create_composed_state_rep(self.state_vec._rep,

        _State.__init__(self, rep, evotype)
        _ErrorMapContainer.__init__(self, self.error_map)
        self.init_gpindices()  # initialize our gpindices based on sub-members
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, purevec, basis, evotype, state_space):
        purevec = _State._to_vector(purevec)
        purevec = purevec.astype(complex)
        state_space = _statespace.default_space_for_udim(purevec.shape[0]) if (state_space is None) \
            else _statespace.StateSpace.cast(state_space)
        evotype = _Evotype.cast(evotype)
        basis = _Basis.cast(
            state_space.dim)  # basis for Hilbert-Schmidt (superop) space

        #Try to create a dense pure rep.  If this fails, see if a dense superkey rep
        # can be created, as this type of rep can also hold arbitrary pure states.
            rep = evotype.create_pure_state_rep(purevec, basis, state_space)
            self._reptype = 'pure'
            self._purevec = self._basis = None
        except Exception:
            if len(purevec) == basis.dim and _np.linalg.norm(
                    purevec.imag) < 1e-10:
                # Special case when a *superket* was provided instead of a purevec
                superket_vec = purevec.real  # used as a convenience case that really shouldn't be used
                superket_vec = _bt.change_basis(_ot.state_to_dmvec(purevec),
                                                'std', basis)
            rep = evotype.create_dense_state_rep(superket_vec, state_space)
            self._reptype = 'superket'
            self._purevec = purevec
            self._basis = basis

        _State.__init__(self, rep, evotype)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, vec, evotype, state_space):
        vec = _State._to_vector(vec)
        state_space = _statespace.default_space_for_dim(vec.shape[0]) if (state_space is None) \
            else _statespace.StateSpace.cast(state_space)
        evotype = _Evotype.cast(evotype)
        rep = evotype.create_dense_state_rep(vec, state_space)

        _State.__init__(self, rep, evotype)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, factors, state_space):
        assert(len(factors) > 0), "Must have at least one factor!"

        self.factors = factors  # do *not* copy - needs to reference common objects

        evotype = self.factors[0]._evotype
        rep = evotype.create_tensorproduct_state_rep([f._rep for f in factors], state_space)

        _State.__init__(self, rep, evotype)
        self.init_gpindices()  # initialize our gpindices based on sub-members
        self._update_rep()  # initializes rep data
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, zvals, basis='pp', evotype="default", state_space=None):
        self._zvals = _np.ascontiguousarray(_np.array(zvals, _np.int64))

        state_space = _statespace.default_space_for_num_qubits(len(self._zvals)) if (state_space is None) \
            else _statespace.StateSpace.cast(state_space)
        basis = _Basis.cast(
            state_space.dim)  # basis for Hilbert-Schmidt (superop) space

        evotype = _Evotype.cast(evotype)
        self._evotype = evotype  # set this before call to _State.__init__ so self.to_dense() can work...
        rep = evotype.create_computational_state_rep(self._zvals, basis,
        _State.__init__(self, rep, evotype)
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, vec, basis, truncate=False, evotype="default", state_space=None):
        vector = _State._to_vector(vec)
        basis = _Basis.cast(basis, len(vector))

        self.basis = basis
        self.basis_mxs = basis.elements  # shape (len(vec), dmDim, dmDim)
        self.basis_mxs = _np.rollaxis(self.basis_mxs, 0, 3)  # shape (dmDim, dmDim, len(vec))
        assert(self.basis_mxs.shape[-1] == len(vector))

        # set self.params and self.dmDim
        self._set_params_from_vector(vector, truncate)

        #parameter labels (parameter encode the Cholesky Lmx)
        labels = []
        for i, ilbl in enumerate(basis.labels[1:]):
            for j, jlbl in enumerate(basis.labels[1:]):
                if i == j: labels.append("%s diagonal element of density matrix Cholesky decomp" % ilbl)
                elif j < i: labels.append("Re[(%s,%s) element of density matrix Cholesky decomp]" % (ilbl, jlbl))
                else: labels.append("Im[(%s,%s) element of density matrix Cholesky decomp]" % (ilbl, jlbl))

        #scratch space
        self.Lmx = _np.zeros((self.dmDim, self.dmDim), 'complex')

        state_space = _statespace.default_space_for_dim(len(vector)) if (state_space is None) \
            else _statespace.StateSpace.cast(state_space)

        evotype = _Evotype.cast(evotype)
        _DenseState.__init__(self, vector, evotype, state_space)
        self._paramlbls = _np.array(labels, dtype=object)
Пример #7
    def set_dense(self, vec):
        Set the dense-vector value of this state vector.

        Attempts to modify this state vector's parameters so that the raw
        state vector becomes `vec`.  Will raise ValueError if this operation
        is not possible.

        vec : array_like or State
            A numpy array representing a state vector, or a State object.

        vec = _State._to_vector(vec)
        firstEl = (self.dim)**-0.25
        if (vec.size != self.dim):
            raise ValueError("Argument must be length %d" % self.dim)
        if not _np.isclose(vec[0], firstEl):
            raise ValueError("Cannot create TPState: "
                             "first element must equal %g!" % firstEl)
        self._ptr[1:] = vec[1:]
        self.dirty = True
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, pure_state, evotype='default', dm_basis='pp'):
        if not isinstance(pure_state, _State):
            pure_state = _StaticState(_State._to_vector(pure_state),
        self.pure_state = pure_state
        self.basis = dm_basis  # only used for dense conversion

        evotype = _Evotype.cast(evotype)
        #rep = evotype.create_state_rep()
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Maybe this class isn't even needed, or need to create a static pure state class?"
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, identity, other_effects):
        evotype = other_effects[0]._evotype
        state_space = other_effects[0].state_space
        self.identity = _FullState(
            _State._to_vector(identity), evotype,
            state_space)  # so easy to transform or depolarize by parent POVM

        self.other_effects = other_effects
        #Note: we assume that our parent will do the following:
        # 1) set our gpindices to indicate how many parameters we have
        # 2) set the gpindices of the elements of other_spamvecs so
        #    that they index into our local parameter vector.

        _ConjugatedStatePOVMEffect.__init__(self, self.identity.copy())
        self.init_gpindices()  # initialize our gpindices based on sub-members
        self._construct_vector()  # reset's self.base
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, vec, basis="pp", evotype="default", state_space=None):
        vector = _State._to_vector(vec)
        if basis is not None:
            if not isinstance(basis, _Basis):
                basis = _Basis.cast(basis, len(
                    vector))  # don't perform this cast if we're given a basis
            firstEl = basis.elsize**-0.25  # not dim, as the dimension of the vector space may be less
            if not _np.isclose(vector[0], firstEl):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot create TPState: first element must equal %g!" %
        # if basis is None, don't check first element (hackfor de-serialization, so we don't need to store basis)

        _DenseState.__init__(self, vector, evotype, state_space)
        assert (isinstance(self.columnvec, _ProtectedArray))
        self._paramlbls = _np.array(
            ["VecElement %d" % i for i in range(1, self.dim)], dtype=object)
Пример #11
    def set_dense(self, vec):
        Set the dense-vector value of this SPAM vector.

        Attempts to modify this SPAM vector's parameters so that the raw
        SPAM vector becomes `vec`.  Will raise ValueError if this operation
        is not possible.

        vec : array_like or SPAMVec
            A numpy array representing a SPAM vector, or a SPAMVec object.

        vec = _State._to_vector(vec)
        if (vec.size != self.dim):
            raise ValueError("Argument must be length %d" % self.dim)
        self._ptr[:] = vec
        self.dirty = True