Пример #1
    def test_random_symplectic_matrix(self):
        # Pick a random symplectic matrix in the standard convention and check it is symplectic
        s_S = symplectic.random_symplectic_matrix(self.n)

        # Pick a random symplectic matrix in the directsum convention and check it is symplectic
        s_DS = symplectic.random_symplectic_matrix(self.n,
            symplectic.check_symplectic(s_DS, convention='directsum'))
Пример #2
 def test_inverse_symplectic(self):
     # Check that the inversion function is working.
     s_S = symplectic.random_symplectic_matrix(self.n)
     sin = symplectic.inverse_symplectic(s_S)
     self.assertArraysEqual(matrixmod2.dotmod2(sin, s_S),
                            np.identity(2 * self.n, int))
     self.assertArraysEqual(matrixmod2.dotmod2(s_S, sin),
                            np.identity(2 * self.n, int))
Пример #3
    def test_change_symplectic_form_convention(self):
        # Convert the directsum convention to the standard convention and check the output is symplectic in new convention
        s_DS = symplectic.random_symplectic_matrix(self.n,
        s_DStoS = symplectic.change_symplectic_form_convention(s_DS)
            symplectic.check_symplectic(s_DStoS, convention='standard'))

        # Convert back to the directsum convention, and check the original matrix is recovered.
        s_DStoStoDS = symplectic.change_symplectic_form_convention(
            s_DStoS, outconvention='directsum')
        self.assertArraysEqual(s_DS, s_DStoStoDS)
Пример #4
    def test_symplectic(self):
        # Tests that check the symplectic random sampler, check_symplectic, the convention converter,
        # and the symplectic form constructing function are working.

        # Randomly have odd or even dimension (so things might behave differently for odd or even)
        n = 4 + np.random.randint(0, 2)

        omega_S = symplectic.symplectic_form(n, convention='standard')
        omega_DS = symplectic.symplectic_form(n, convention='directsum')
        omega_DStoS = symplectic.change_symplectic_form_convention(omega_DS)
        self.assertArraysEqual(omega_S, omega_DStoS)
        omega_StoDS = symplectic.change_symplectic_form_convention(
            omega_S, outconvention='directsum')
        self.assertArraysEqual(omega_DS, omega_StoDS)

        # Pick a random symplectic matrix in the standard convention and check it is symplectic
        s_S = symplectic.random_symplectic_matrix(n)

        # Pick a random symplectic matrix in the directsum convention and check it is symplectic
        s_DS = symplectic.random_symplectic_matrix(n, convention='directsum')
            symplectic.check_symplectic(s_DS, convention='directsum'))

        # Convert the directsum convention to the standard convention and check the output is symplectic in new convention
        s_DStoS = symplectic.change_symplectic_form_convention(s_DS)
            symplectic.check_symplectic(s_DStoS, convention='standard'))

        # Convert back to the directsum convention, and check the original matrix is recovered.
        s_DStoStoDS = symplectic.change_symplectic_form_convention(
            s_DStoS, outconvention='directsum')
        self.assertArraysEqual(s_DS, s_DStoStoDS)

        # Check that the inversion function is working.
        sin = symplectic.inverse_symplectic(s_S)
        self.assertArraysEqual(matrixmod2.dotmod2(sin, s_S),
                               np.identity(2 * n, int))
        self.assertArraysEqual(matrixmod2.dotmod2(s_S, sin),
                               np.identity(2 * n, int))

        # Check the Clifford sampler runs.
        s, p = symplectic.random_clifford(n)

        # Check that a randomly sampled Clifford is a valid Clifford
        self.assertTrue(symplectic.check_valid_clifford(s, p))

        # Check the inverse Clifford function runs, and gives a valid Clifford
        sin, pin = symplectic.inverse_clifford(s, p)
        self.assertTrue(symplectic.check_valid_clifford(sin, pin))

        # Check the symplectic matrix part of the inverse Clifford works
        self.assertArraysEqual(matrixmod2.dotmod2(sin, s),
                               np.identity(2 * n, int))
        self.assertArraysEqual(matrixmod2.dotmod2(s, sin),
                               np.identity(2 * n, int))

        # Check that the composite Clifford function runs, and works correctly in the special case whereby
        # one Clifford is the inverse of the other.
        scomp, pcomp = symplectic.compose_cliffords(s, p, sin, pin)
        self.assertArraysEqual(scomp, np.identity(2 * n, int))
        self.assertArraysEqual(pcomp, np.zeros(2 * n, int))

        # Check the p returned is unchanged when the seed is valid.
        pvalid = symplectic.construct_valid_phase_vector(s, p)
        self.assertArraysEqual(p, pvalid)

        # Check that p returned is a valid Clifford when the input pseed is not
        pseed = (p - 1) % 2
        pvalid = symplectic.construct_valid_phase_vector(s, pseed)
        self.assertTrue(symplectic.check_valid_clifford(s, pvalid))

        # Basic tests of the symp. rep. dictionary
        srep_dict = symplectic.get_internal_gate_symplectic_representations()

        H = (1 / np.sqrt(2)) * np.array([[1., 1.], [1., -1.]], complex)
        s, p = symplectic.unitary_to_symplectic(H)
        self.assertArraysEqual(s, srep_dict['H'][0])
        self.assertArraysEqual(p, srep_dict['H'][1])

        CNOT = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.],
                         [0., 0., 1., 0.]], complex)
        s, p = symplectic.unitary_to_symplectic(CNOT)
        self.assertArraysEqual(s, srep_dict['CNOT'][0])
        self.assertArraysEqual(p, srep_dict['CNOT'][1])