Пример #1
    def _side_effect(self, *args):
        Check args of gwyfile_object_graphmodel_get func
        and write self.curves_array in 'curves' field

        # first arg is GwyDatafield returned by get_gwyitem_object
        self.assertEqual(args[0], self.gwygraphmodel)

        # second arg is GwyfileError**
        assert ffi.typeof(args[1]) == ffi.typeof(ffi.new("GwyfileError**"))

        # last arg in Null
        self.assertEqual(args[-1], ffi.NULL)

        # combine fields names and fields pointers in one dictionary
        arg_keys = [ffi.string(key).decode('utf-8') for key in args[2:-1:2]]
        arg_pointers = [pointer for pointer in args[3:-1:2]]
        arg_dict = dict(zip(arg_keys, arg_pointers))

        arg_dict['curves'][0] = self.curves_array

        # C func returns true if the graphmodel object loock acceptable
        truep = ffi.new("bool*", True)
        return truep[0]
    def _test_pos_args_side_effect(self, *args):
        # first arg is GwyfileSelectionPoint object
        self.assertEqual(args[0], self.gwysel)

        # second arg is GwyfileError**

        # last arg in Null
        self.assertEqual(args[-1], ffi.NULL)

        # Function should return True if object looks acceptable
        truep = ffi.new("bool*", True)
        return truep[0]
Пример #3
    def _positional_args_side_effect(self, *args):
        Check positional args in gwyfile_object_graphcurvemodel_get call

        # first arg is GwyGraphCurveModel
        self.assertEqual(args[0], self.gwycurve)

        # second arg is GwyfileError**
        assert ffi.typeof(args[1]) == ffi.typeof(ffi.new("GwyfileError**"))

        # last arg in Null
        self.assertEqual(args[-1], ffi.NULL)

        # C func returns true if the graphcurvemodel object loock acceptable
        truep = ffi.new("bool*", True)
        return truep[0]
    def _side_effect(self, *args):

        # first arg is GwyDatafield object from Libgwyfile
        self.assertEqual(args[0], self.cgwydf)

        # second arg is GwyfileError**
        assert ffi.typeof(args[1]) == ffi.typeof(self.errorp)

        # last arg in NULL
        self.assertEqual(args[-1], ffi.NULL)

        # create dict from names and types of pointers in args
        arg_keys = [ffi.string(key).decode('utf-8') for key in args[2:-1:2]]
        arg_pointers = [pointer for pointer in args[3:-1:2]]
        arg_dict = dict(zip(arg_keys, arg_pointers))

        datap = arg_dict['data']
        datap[0] = ffi.cast("double*", self.data.ctypes.data)

        return self.truep[0]
    def _side_effect_check_args(self, *args):
        Check args passing to gwyfile_object_datafield_get C function

        # first arg is GwyDatafield object from Libgwyfile
        self.assertEqual(args[0], self.cgwydf)

        # second arg is GwyfileError**
        assert ffi.typeof(args[1]) == ffi.typeof(self.errorp)

        # last arg in NULL
        self.assertEqual(args[-1], ffi.NULL)

        # create dict from names and types of pointers in args
        arg_keys = [ffi.string(key).decode('utf-8') for key in args[2:-1:2]]
        arg_pointer_types = [ffi.typeof(pointer) for pointer in args[3:-1:2]]
        arg_dict = dict(zip(arg_keys, arg_pointer_types))

        self.assertDictEqual(arg_dict, self.metadata_dict)

        return self.truep[0]
    def setUp(self):
        self.cgwydf = Mock()
        self.mock_gwydf = Mock(spec=GwyDataField)
        self.mock_gwydf._get_meta = GwyDataField._get_meta

        patcher_lib = patch('pygwyfile.gwydatafield.lib', autospec=True)
        self.mock_lib = patcher_lib.start()

        self.falsep = ffi.new("bool*", False)
        self.truep = ffi.new("bool*", True)
        self.errorp = ffi.new("GwyfileError**")
        self.error_msg = "Test error message"
        self.metadata_dict = {
            'xres': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("int32_t*")),
            'yres': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("int32_t*")),
            'xreal': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("double*")),
            'yreal': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("double*")),
            'xoff': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("double*")),
            'yoff': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("double*")),
            'si_unit_xy': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("char**")),
            'si_unit_z': ffi.typeof(ffi.new("char**"))