Пример #1
def test_blob_read_triggers_further_loading(
    _make_read_lob_request, type_code, lob_header, bin_lob_data, lob_data, lob_data_empty
    """Test that reading beyond currently available data (> 1024 items) triggers a READLOB request"""
    return_value = lob_data[1024 : 1024 + 100]
    _ExpectedLobClass = lobs.LOB_TYPE_CODE_MAP[type_code]
    enc_return_value = return_value.encode(_ExpectedLobClass.encoding) if _ExpectedLobClass.encoding else return_value
    _make_read_lob_request.return_value = enc_return_value

    payload = io.BytesIO(lob_header + bin_lob_data)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_code, payload, None)
    lob_len = len(lob.data.getvalue())
    assert lob._current_lob_length == lob_len
    assert repr(lob) == "<%s length: %d (currently loaded from hana: %d)>" % (

    lob.read(lob_len + 100)  # read 100 items (chars/bytes) more than available

    # Reading extra 100 items should have triggered _read_missing_lob_data_from_db():
    _make_read_lob_request.assert_called_once_with(1024, 100)
    assert lob.getvalue() == lob_data[: 1024 + 100]
    assert lob._current_lob_length == lob_len + 100

    assert repr(lob) == "<%s length: %d (currently loaded from hana: %d)>" % (
Пример #2
def test_parse_null_blob():
    """Parse a BLOB which is NULL"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(NULL_BLOB_HEADER)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    assert isinstance(lob, lobs.Blob)  # check for correct instance
    assert lob.lob_header.lob_type == lob.lob_header.BLOB_TYPE
    assert lob.lob_header.options & lob.lob_header.LOB_OPTION_ISNULL
Пример #3
def test_blob_read_triggers_further_loading(_make_read_lob_request, type_code,
                                            lob_header, bin_lob_data, lob_data,
    """Test that reading beyond currently available data (> 1024 items) triggers a READLOB request"""
    return_value = lob_data[1024:1024 + 100]
    _ExpectedLobClass = lobs.LOB_TYPE_CODE_MAP[type_code]
    enc_return_value = return_value.encode(
    ) if _ExpectedLobClass.encoding else return_value
    _make_read_lob_request.return_value = enc_return_value

    payload = io.BytesIO(lob_header + bin_lob_data)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_code, payload, None)
    lob_len = len(lob.data.getvalue())
    assert lob._current_lob_length == lob_len
    assert repr(lob) == '<%s length: %d (currently loaded from hana: %d)>' % \
        (_ExpectedLobClass.__name__, lob.length, lob._current_lob_length)

    lob.read(lob_len + 100)  # read 100 items (chars/bytes) more than available

    # Reading extra 100 items should have triggered _read_missing_lob_data_from_db():
    _make_read_lob_request.assert_called_once_with(1024, 100)
    assert lob.getvalue() == lob_data[:1024 + 100]
    assert lob._current_lob_length == lob_len + 100

    assert repr(lob) == '<%s length: %d (currently loaded from hana: %d)>' % \
        (_ExpectedLobClass.__name__, lob.length, lob._current_lob_length)
Пример #4
def test_read_lob__str__method():
    """Read/parse a LOB with given payload (data) and check ___str__ method"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(BLOB_HEADER + BLOB_DATA)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    len = lob._lob_header.byte_length
    assert str(lob._lob_header) == "<ReadLobHeader type: 1, options 2 (data_included), charlength: %d, bytelength: " \
                                   "%d, locator_id: '\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\xb2\\xb9\\x04\\x00', chunklength: 1024>" % \
                                   (len, len)
Пример #5
def test_blob_read_triggers_further_loading(_read_missing_lob_data_from_db):
    """Test that reading beyond currently available data (> 1024 items) triggers a READLOB request"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(BLOB_HEADER + BLOB_DATA)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    lob_len = len(lob.data.getvalue())
    lob.read(lob_len + 100)  # read 100 items (chars/bytes) more than available
    # Reading extra 100 items should have triggered _read_missing_lob_data_from_db():
    _read_missing_lob_data_from_db.assert_called_once_with(1024, 100)
Пример #6
def test_null_blob_io_functions():
    """Test that io functionality (read/getvalue()/...) of NULL blob also behave"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(NULL_BLOB_HEADER)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    assert lob.tell() is None
    assert lob.read(10) is None
    lob.seek(20)  # is accepted, but ignored
    assert lob.tell() is None
Пример #7
def test_blob_seek_triggers_further_loading(_read_missing_lob_data_from_db):
    """Test that seeking beyond currently available data (> 1024 items) triggers a READLOB request"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(BLOB_HEADER + BLOB_DATA)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    lob_len = len(lob.data.getvalue())
    lob.seek(lob_len + 100)  # seek to position 100 items (bytes/chars) after what is available
    # This should have triggered _read_missing_lob_data_from_db().
    # Since seek() makes the assumption that the user wants to read data from the new position
    # another EXTRA_NUM_ITEMS_TO_READ_AFTER_SEEK are read in addition to the 100 beyond the current num items:
    _read_missing_lob_data_from_db.assert_called_once_with(1024, 100 + lobs.Lob.EXTRA_NUM_ITEMS_TO_READ_AFTER_SEEK)
Пример #8
def test_parse_blob():
    """Parse a BLOB with 2000 random items (bytes/chars)"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(BLOB_HEADER + BLOB_DATA)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    assert isinstance(lob, lobs.Blob)  # check for correct instance
    assert lob.lob_header.lob_type == lob.lob_header.BLOB_TYPE
    assert lob.lob_header.options & lob.lob_header.LOB_OPTION_DATAINCLUDED
    assert lob.lob_header.char_length == len(BLOB_DATA)
    assert lob.lob_header.byte_length == len(BLOB_DATA)
    assert lob.lob_header.locator_id == BLOB_HEADER[20:28]
    assert lob.lob_header.chunk_length == 1024  # default length of lob data read initially
    assert lob.lob_header.total_lob_length == len(BLOB_DATA)
    assert lob.data.getvalue() == BLOB_DATA[:1024]
Пример #9
def test_blob_io_functions(type_code, lob_header, bin_lob_data, lob_data):
    """Test that io functionality (read/seek/getvalue()/...) works fine
    Stay below the 1024 item range when reading to avoid lazy loading of additional lob data from DB.
    This feature is tested in a separate unittest.
    payload = io.BytesIO(lob_header + bin_lob_data)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_code, payload, None)
    assert lob.tell() == 0   # should be at start of lob initially
    assert lob.read(10) == lob_data[:10]
    assert lob.tell() == 10
    assert lob.tell() == 20
    assert lob.read(10) == lob_data[20:30]
    assert lob.read(10) == lob_data[30:40]
    assert lob.tell() == 40
Пример #10
def test_blob_io_functions():
    """Test that io functionality (read/seek/getvalue()/...) works fine
    Stay below the 1024 item range when reading to avoid loading of additional lob data from DB.
    This feature is tested in a separate unittest below.
    payload = io.BytesIO(BLOB_HEADER + BLOB_DATA)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    assert lob.tell() == 0   # should be at start of lob initially
    assert lob.read(10) == BLOB_DATA[:10]
    assert lob.tell() == 10
    assert lob.tell() == 20
    assert lob.read(10) == BLOB_DATA[20:30]
    assert lob.read(10) == BLOB_DATA[30:40]
    assert lob.tell() == 40
Пример #11
def test_read_lob(type_code, lob_header, bin_lob_data, lob_data):
    """Read/parse a LOB with given payload (data)"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(lob_header + bin_lob_data)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_code, payload, None)
    _ExpectedLobClass = lobs.LOB_TYPE_CODE_MAP[type_code]
    assert isinstance(lob, _ExpectedLobClass)  # check for correct instance
    assert lob._lob_header.lob_type in (0, lob._lob_header.LOB_TYPES[type_code])
    assert lob._lob_header.options & lob._lob_header.LOB_OPTION_DATAINCLUDED
    assert lob._lob_header.char_length == len(lob_data)
    assert lob._lob_header.byte_length == len(bin_lob_data)
    assert lob._lob_header.locator_id == lob_header[20:28]
    # assert lob._lob_header.chunk_length == min(len(bin_lob_data), MAX_LOB_DATA_LENGTH) - chunklength can vary ...
    assert lob._lob_header.total_lob_length == lob.length == len(lob_data)
    assert lob._current_lob_length == len(lob.data.getvalue())
    assert lob.data.getvalue() == lob_data[:1024]

    assert repr(lob) == '<%s length: %d (currently loaded from hana: %d)>' % \
        (_ExpectedLobClass.__name__, lob.length, lob._current_lob_length)
Пример #12
def test_blob_seek_triggers_further_loading(_make_read_lob_request):
    """Test that seeking beyond currently available data (> 1024 items) triggers a READLOB request"""

    # Since the actual size of the blob is smaller than the look ahead we are planning for, calculate
    # the correct number of items to be read:
    num_items_to_read = min(100 + lobs.Lob.EXTRA_NUM_ITEMS_TO_READ_AFTER_SEEK, len(BLOB_DATA) - 1024)
    _make_read_lob_request.return_value = BLOB_DATA[1024:1024 + num_items_to_read]

    payload = io.BytesIO(BLOB_HEADER + BLOB_DATA)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_codes.BLOB, payload, None)
    lob_len = len(lob.data.getvalue())
    lob.seek(lob_len + 100)  # seek to position 100 items (bytes/chars) after what is available

    # This should have triggered _read_missing_lob_data_from_db().
    # Since seek() makes the assumption that the user wants to read data from the new position
    # another EXTRA_NUM_ITEMS_TO_READ_AFTER_SEEK are read in addition to the 100 beyond the current num items:
    _make_read_lob_request.assert_called_once_with(1024, num_items_to_read)
    assert lob.getvalue() == BLOB_DATA[:1024 + num_items_to_read]
    assert lob.tell() == lob_len + 100
Пример #13
def test_parse_null_blob(type_code, null_lob_header):
    """Parse a BLOB which is NULL -> a None object is expected"""
    payload = io.BytesIO(null_lob_header)
    lob = lobs.from_payload(type_code, payload, None)
    assert lob is None