Пример #1
		def v20_plan(problem, agent):
			problem.a_star = True
			problem.rand = True
			if not hasattr(problem, 'verbose'):
				problem.verbose = 0
			root = pyhop.seek_bb(problem, problem.goals[agent], verbose=problem.verbose, all_plans=True)
			return [SolutionTree(root, agent, rand=False)]
Пример #2
		def v17_plan(problem, agent):
			problem.a_star = True
			problem.rand = True # Only difference from v14
			if not hasattr(problem, 'verbose'):
				problem.verbose = 0
			elif problem.verbose == 1:
				print("Problem State: ")
			root = pyhop.seek_bb(problem, problem.goals[agent], verbose=problem.verbose, all_plans=True)
			# Even though we get the root, this planner imitates the result of a linear planner.
			solutions = [root.get_plan(rand=True)]
			if solutions[0] == False:
				return solutions
			return Planner.make_sol_obj(solutions, problem, agent)