Пример #1
def parcellation_ward_spatial(func_data, n_clusters, graph=None):
    Make parcellation based upon ward hierarchical clustering from scikit-learn
    Inputs: - func_data: functional data: array of shape
              (nb_positions, dim_feature_1, [dim_feature2, ...])
            - n_clusters: chosen number of clusters to create
            - graph: adjacency list defining neighbours
              (if None, no connectivity defined: clustering is spatially
    Output: parcellation labels
        # sklearn version < 0.17
        from sklearn.cluster import Ward as AgglomerativeClustering
    except ImportError:
        from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

    from pyhrf.graph import graph_to_sparse_matrix, sub_graph
    if graph is not None:
        labels = np.zeros(len(graph), dtype=np.int32)
        ccs = connected_components(graph)
        n_tot = len(graph) * 1.
        ncs = np.zeros(len(ccs), dtype=np.int32)
        for icc, cc in enumerate(ccs):
            nc = int(np.round(n_clusters * len(cc) / n_tot))
            if nc == 0:
                nc = 1
            ncs[icc] = nc

        max_nc = np.argmax(ncs)
        ncs[max_nc] = n_clusters - sum(ncs[0:max_nc]) - sum(ncs[max_nc + 1:])

        assert sum(ncs) == n_clusters
        assert (ncs > 0).all()

        logger.info('Found %d connected components (CC) of sizes: %s', len(ccs),
                    ' ,'.join([str(len(cc)) for cc in ccs]))
        logger.info('Nb of clusters to search in each CC: %s',
                    ' ,'.join(map(str, ncs)))

        for nc, cc in zip(ncs, ccs):
            if len(cc) < 2:

            if len(cc) < len(graph):
                cc_graph, _ = sub_graph(graph, cc)
                cc_graph = graph

            cc_connectivity = graph_to_sparse_matrix(cc_graph)

            cc_data = func_data[cc]
            logger.info('Launch spatial Ward (nclusters=%d)  on data of shape %s',
                        nc, str(cc_data.shape))
            ward_object = AgglomerativeClustering(
                n_clusters=nc, connectivity=cc_connectivity
            labels[cc] += ward_object.labels_ + 1 + labels.max()
        ward_object = AgglomerativeClustering(
        ).fit(func_data)  # connectivity=None
        labels = ward_object.labels_ + 1

    return labels
Пример #2
def parcellation_ward_spatial(func_data, n_clusters, graph=None):
    Make parcellation based upon ward hierarchical clustering from scikit-learn
    Inputs: - func_data: functional data: array of shape
              (nb_positions, dim_feature_1, [dim_feature2, ...])
            - n_clusters: chosen number of clusters to create
            - graph: adjacency list defining neighbours
              (if None, no connectivity defined: clustering is spatially
    Output: parcellation labels
    from sklearn.cluster import Ward
    from pyhrf.graph import graph_to_sparse_matrix, sub_graph
    #from pyhrf.tools import cartesian
    # print 'graph:'
    # print graph
    if graph is not None:

        #print 'connectivity;'
        #print connectivity.todense()
        labels = np.zeros(len(graph), dtype=np.int32)

        ccs = connected_components(graph)
        n_tot = len(graph) * 1.

        ncs = np.zeros(len(ccs), dtype=np.int32)
        for icc,cc in enumerate(ccs):
            nc = int(np.round(n_clusters * len(cc)/n_tot))
            if nc == 0:
                nc = 1
            ncs[icc] = nc

        max_nc = np.argmax(ncs)
        ncs[max_nc] = n_clusters - sum(ncs[0:max_nc]) - sum(ncs[max_nc+1:])

        assert sum(ncs) == n_clusters
        assert (ncs > 0).all()

        pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Found %d connected components (CC) of sizes: %s' \
            %(len(ccs), ' ,'.join([str(len(cc)) for cc in ccs])))
        pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Nb of clusters to search in each CC: %s' \
                        %' ,'.join(map(str,ncs)))

        for nc,cc in zip(ncs,ccs):
            #print 'cc:', len(cc)
            #print 'cartesian:', list(cartesian(cc,cc))
            if len(cc) < 2:

            if len(cc) < len(graph):
                cc_graph,_ = sub_graph(graph, cc)
                cc_graph = graph

            cc_connectivity = graph_to_sparse_matrix(cc_graph)

                #print 'compute subslice ...'
#                sub_slice = tuple(np.array(list(cartesian(cc,cc))).T) #indexes of the subpart of the connectivity matrix
                #print 'sub_slice:'
                #print sub_slice
                #print 'subslice connectivity matrix ...'
                #cc_connectivity = connectivity.tolil()[sub_slice].reshape((len(cc),len(cc))).tocoo() #indexes applied to the matrix connectivity (coo unsubscriptable)
            #print 'cc_connectivity'
            #print cc_connectivity.todense()
            cc_data = func_data[cc]
            pyhrf.verbose(2, 'Launch spatial Ward (nclusters=%d) '\
                              ' on data of shape %s' %(nc, str(cc_data.shape)))
            ward_object = Ward(n_clusters=nc, connectivity=cc_connectivity).fit(cc_data)
            labels[cc] += ward_object.labels_ + 1 + labels.max()
        ward_object = Ward(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(func_data) # connectivity=None
        labels = ward_object.labels_ + 1

    return labels
Пример #3
def parcellation_ward_spatial(func_data, n_clusters, graph=None):
    """Make parcellation based upon ward hierarchical clustering from scikit-learn

    func_data: array of shape (nb_positions, dim_feature_1, [dim_feature2, ...])
        functional data:
        chosen number of clusters to create
        adjacency list defining neighbours. if None, no connectivity defined: clustering is spatially independent

    parcellation labels
        # sklearn version < 0.17
        from sklearn.cluster import Ward as AgglomerativeClustering
    except ImportError:
        from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

    from pyhrf.graph import graph_to_sparse_matrix, sub_graph
    if graph is not None:
        labels = np.zeros(len(graph), dtype=np.int32)
        ccs = connected_components(graph)
        n_tot = len(graph) * 1.
        ncs = np.zeros(len(ccs), dtype=np.int32)
        for icc, cc in enumerate(ccs):
            nc = int(np.round(n_clusters * len(cc) / n_tot))
            if nc == 0:
                nc = 1
            ncs[icc] = nc

        max_nc = np.argmax(ncs)
        ncs[max_nc] = n_clusters - sum(ncs[0:max_nc]) - sum(ncs[max_nc + 1:])

        assert sum(ncs) == n_clusters
        assert (ncs > 0).all()

        logger.info('Found %d connected components (CC) of sizes: %s',
                    len(ccs), ' ,'.join([str(len(cc)) for cc in ccs]))
        logger.info('Nb of clusters to search in each CC: %s',
                    ' ,'.join(map(str, ncs)))

        for nc, cc in zip(ncs, ccs):
            if len(cc) < 2:

            if len(cc) < len(graph):
                cc_graph, _ = sub_graph(graph, cc)
                cc_graph = graph

            cc_connectivity = graph_to_sparse_matrix(cc_graph)

            cc_data = func_data[cc]
                'Launch spatial Ward (nclusters=%d)  on data of shape %s', nc,
            ward_object = AgglomerativeClustering(
                n_clusters=nc, connectivity=cc_connectivity).fit(cc_data)
            labels[cc] += ward_object.labels_ + 1 + labels.max()
        ward_object = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(
            func_data)  # connectivity=None
        labels = ward_object.labels_ + 1

    return labels