Пример #1
    # build the UCI and output WDM files

    hspfmodel.build_uci(targets, start, end, atemp = True, snow = True,
                        hydrology = True)

    # run it

    hspfmodel.run(verbose = True)

    # use the Postprocessor to analyze and save the results

    dates = start + datetime.timedelta(days = warmup), end

    postprocessor = Postprocessor(hspfmodel, dates, comid = comid)

    postprocessor.get_hspexp_parameters(verbose = False)
    postprocessor.plot_hydrograph(tstep = 'monthly', show = False,
                                  output = '{}/hydrography'.format(calibration))
    postprocessor.plot_calibration(output = '{}/statistics'.format(calibration),
                                   show = False)
    postprocessor.plot_runoff(tstep = 'daily', show = False,
                              output = '{}/runoff'.format(calibration))
    output = '{}/calibration_report.csv'.format(calibration)
    postprocessor.calibration_report(output = output)
    postprocessor.plot_snow(output = '{}/snow'.format(calibration), 
                            show = False)
    postprocessor.plot_dayofyear(output = '{}/dayofyear'.format(calibration),
                                 show = False)
    postprocessor.plot_storms(season = 'all', show = False, 
                              output = '{}/storms'.format(calibration))