Пример #1
    def load_module(self, fullname, path=None):

        module = None

            if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                # Python 2 implementation - TODO drop or improve it. 'imp' module is no longer built-in.
                # PEP302 If there is an existing module object named 'fullname'
                # in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module.
                module = sys.modules.get(fullname)

                if module is None:
                    # TODO fix variables _c_ext_tuple and _suffix.
                    filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(SYS_PREFIX, fullname + self._suffix)
                    fp = open(filename, 'rb')
                    module = imp.load_module(fullname, fp, filename, self._c_ext_tuple)
                    # Set __file__ attribute.
                    if hasattr(module, '__setattr__'):
                        module.__file__ = filename
                        # Some modules (eg: Python for .NET) have no __setattr__
                        # and dict entry have to be set.
                        module.__dict__['__file__'] = filename
                # PEP302 If there is an existing module object named 'fullname'
                # in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module.
                module = sys.modules.get(fullname)
                if module is None:
                    # Python 3 implementation.
                    for ext in EXTENSION_SUFFIXES:
                        filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(SYS_PREFIX, fullname + ext)
                        # Test if a file exists.
                        # Cannot use os.path.exists. Use workaround with function open().
                        # No exception means that a file exists.
                            with open(filename):
                        except IOError:
                            # Continue trying new suffix.
                        # Load module.
                        import _frozen_importlib
                        loader = _frozen_importlib.ExtensionFileLoader(fullname, filename)
                        module = loader.load_module(fullname)

        except Exception:
            # Remove 'fullname' from sys.modules if it was appended there.
            if fullname in sys.modules:
            # Release the interpreter's import lock.
            raise  # Raise the same exception again.

        # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        return module
Пример #2
 def get_filename(self, fullname):
     This method should return the value that __file__ would be set to
     if the named module was loaded. If the module is not found, then
     ImportError should be raised.
     # Then, append the appropriate suffix (__init__.pyc for a package, or just .pyc for a module).
     # Method is_package() will raise ImportError if module not found.
     if self.is_package(fullname):
         filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(pyi_os_path.os_path_join(SYS_PREFIX,
             fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep)), '__init__.pyc')
         filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(SYS_PREFIX,
             fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep) + '.pyc')
     return filename
Пример #3
    def load_module(self, fullname, path=None):

            # PEP302 If there is an existing module object named 'fullname'
            # in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module.
            module = sys.modules.get(fullname)

            if module is None:
                filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(sys.prefix, fullname + self._suffix)
                fp = open(filename, 'rb')
                module = imp.load_module(fullname, fp, filename, self._c_ext_tuple)
                # Set __file__ attribute.
                if hasattr(module, '__setattr__'):
                    module.__file__ = filename
                    # Some modules (eg: Python for .NET) have no __setattr__
                    # and dict entry have to be set.
                    module.__dict__['__file__'] = filename

        except Exception:
            # Remove 'fullname' from sys.modules if it was appended there.
            if fullname in sys.modules:
            # Release the interpreter's import lock.
            raise  # Raise the same exception again.

        # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        return module
Пример #4
    def load_module(self, fullname, path=None):

            # PEP302 If there is an existing module object named 'fullname'
            # in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module.
            module = sys.modules.get(fullname)

            if module is None:
                filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(sys.prefix,
                                                    fullname + self._suffix)
                fp = open(filename, 'rb')
                module = imp.load_module(fullname, fp, filename,
                # Set __file__ attribute.
                if hasattr(module, '__setattr__'):
                    module.__file__ = filename
                    # Some modules (eg: Python for .NET) have no __setattr__
                    # and dict entry have to be set.
                    module.__dict__['__file__'] = filename

        except Exception:
            # Remove 'fullname' from sys.modules if it was appended there.
            if fullname in sys.modules:
            # Release the interpreter's import lock.
            raise  # Raise the same exception again.

        # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        return module
Пример #5
 def get_filename(self, fullname):
     This method should return the value that __file__ would be set to
     if the named module was loaded. If the module is not found, then
     ImportError should be raised.
     abspath = sys.prefix
     # Then, append the appropriate suffix (__init__.pyc for a package, or just .pyc for a module).
     # Method is_package() will raise ImportError if module not found.
     if self.is_package(fullname):
         filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(pyi_os_path.os_path_join(abspath,
             fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep)), '__init__.pyc')
         filename = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(abspath,
             fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep) + '.pyc')
     return filename
Пример #6
 def get_filename(self, fullname):
     This method should return the value that __file__ would be set to
     if the named module was loaded. If the module is not found, then
     ImportError should be raised.
     if fullname + self._suffix in self._file_cache:
         return pyi_os_path.os_path_join(sys.prefix, fullname + self._suffix)
         # ImportError should be raised if module not found.
         raise ImportError('No module named ' + fullname)
Пример #7
 def get_filename(self, fullname):
     This method should return the value that __file__ would be set to
     if the named module was loaded. If the module is not found, then
     ImportError should be raised.
     if fullname + self._suffix in self._file_cache:
         return pyi_os_path.os_path_join(sys.prefix, fullname + self._suffix)
         # ImportError should be raised if module not found.
         raise ImportError('No module named ' + fullname)
Пример #8
 def get_filename(self, fullname):
     This method should return the value that __file__ would be set to
     if the named module was loaded. If the module is not found, then
     ImportError should be raised.
     for ext in EXTENSION_SUFFIXES:
         if fullname + ext in self._file_cache:
             return pyi_os_path.os_path_join(SYS_PREFIX, fullname + ext)
     # ImportError should be raised if module not found.
     raise ImportError('No module named ' + fullname)
Пример #9
    def load_module(self, fullname, path=None):
        PEP-302 loader.load_module() method for the ``sys.meta_path`` hook.

        Return the loaded module (instance of imp.new_module()) or raises
        an exception, preferably ImportError if an existing exception
        is not being propagated.
        # Acquire the interpreter's import lock.
        module = None
            # PEP302 If there is an existing module object named 'fullname'
            # in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module.
            module = sys.modules.get(fullname)

            # Module not in sys.modules - load it and it to sys.modules.
            if module is None:
                # Load code object from the bundled ZIP archive.
                is_pkg, bytecode = self._pyz_archive.extract(fullname)
                # Create new empty 'module' object.
                module = imp.new_module(fullname)

                # TODO Replace bytecode.co_filename by something more meaningful:
                # e.g. /absolute/path/frozen_executable/path/to/module/module_name.pyc
                # Paths from developer machine are masked.

                ### Set __file__ attribute of a module relative to the executable
                # so that data files can be found. The absolute absolute path
                # to the executable is taken from sys.prefix. In onefile mode it
                # points to the temp directory where files are unpacked by PyInstaller.
                abspath = sys.prefix
                # Then, append the appropriate suffix (__init__.pyc for a package, or just .pyc for a module).
                if is_pkg:
                    module.__file__ = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(pyi_os_path.os_path_join(abspath,
                        fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep)), '__init__.pyc')
                    module.__file__ = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(abspath,
                        fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep) + '.pyc')

                ### Set __path__  if 'fullname' is a package.
                # Python has modules and packages. A Python package is container
                # for several modules or packages.
                if is_pkg:

                    # If a module has a __path__ attribute, the import mechanism
                    # will treat it as a package.
                    # Since PYTHONHOME is set in bootloader, 'sys.prefix' points to the
                    # correct path where PyInstaller should find bundled dynamic
                    # libraries. In one-file mode it points to the tmp directory where
                    # bundled files are extracted at execution time.
                    # __path__ cannot be empty list because 'wx' module prepends something to it.
                    # It cannot contain value 'sys.prefix' because 'xml.etree.cElementTree' fails
                    # Otherwise.
                    # Set __path__ to point to 'sys.prefix/package/subpackage'.
                    module.__path__ = [pyi_os_path.os_path_dirname(module.__file__)]

                ### Set __loader__
                # The attribute __loader__ improves support for module 'pkg_resources' and
                # with the frozen apps the following functions are working:
                # pkg_resources.resource_string(), pkg_resources.resource_stream().
                module.__loader__ = self

                ### Set __package__
                # Accoring to PEP302 this attribute must be set.
                # When it is present, relative imports will be based on this
                # attribute rather than the module __name__ attribute.
                # More details can be found in PEP366.
                # For ordinary modules this is set like:
                #     'aa.bb.cc.dd'  ->  'aa.bb.cc'
                if is_pkg:
                    module.__package__ = fullname
                    module.__package__ = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

                ### Add module object to sys.modules dictionary.
                # Module object must be in sys.modules before the loader
                # executes the module code. This is crucial because the module
                # code may (directly or indirectly) import itself; adding it
                # to sys.modules beforehand prevents unbounded recursion in the
                # worst case and multiple loading in the best.
                sys.modules[fullname] = module

                # Run the module code.
                exec(bytecode, module.__dict__)

        except Exception:
            # Remove 'fullname' from sys.modules if it was appended there.
            if fullname in sys.modules:
            # TODO Do we need to raise different types of Exceptions for better debugging?
            # PEP302 requires to raise ImportError exception.
            #raise ImportError("Can't load frozen module: %s" % fullname)

            # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        # Module returned only in case of no exception.
        return module
Пример #10
    def load_module(self, fullname, path=None):
        PEP-302 loader.load_module() method for the ``sys.meta_path`` hook.

        Return the loaded module (instance of imp.new_module()) or raises
        an exception, preferably ImportError if an existing exception
        is not being propagated.
        # Acquire the interpreter's import lock.
        module = None
            # PEP302 If there is an existing module object named 'fullname'
            # in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module.
            module = sys.modules.get(fullname)

            # Module not in sys.modules - load it and it to sys.modules.
            if module is None:
                # Load code object from the bundled ZIP archive.
                is_pkg, bytecode = self._pyz_archive.extract(fullname)
                # Create new empty 'module' object.
                module = imp.new_module(fullname)

                # TODO Replace bytecode.co_filename by something more meaningful:
                # e.g. /absolute/path/frozen_executable/path/to/module/module_name.pyc
                # Paths from developer machine are masked.

                ### Set __file__ attribute of a module relative to the executable
                # so that data files can be found. The absolute absolute path
                # to the executable is taken from sys.prefix. In onefile mode it
                # points to the temp directory where files are unpacked by PyInstaller.
                abspath = sys.prefix
                # Then, append the appropriate suffix (__init__.pyc for a package, or just .pyc for a module).
                if is_pkg:
                    module.__file__ = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(
                            abspath, fullname.replace('.',
                    module.__file__ = pyi_os_path.os_path_join(
                        fullname.replace('.', pyi_os_path.os_sep) + '.pyc')

                ### Set __path__  if 'fullname' is a package.
                # Python has modules and packages. A Python package is container
                # for several modules or packages.
                if is_pkg:

                    # If a module has a __path__ attribute, the import mechanism
                    # will treat it as a package.
                    # Since PYTHONHOME is set in bootloader, 'sys.prefix' points to the
                    # correct path where PyInstaller should find bundled dynamic
                    # libraries. In one-file mode it points to the tmp directory where
                    # bundled files are extracted at execution time.
                    # __path__ cannot be empty list because 'wx' module prepends something to it.
                    # It cannot contain value 'sys.prefix' because 'xml.etree.cElementTree' fails
                    # Otherwise.
                    # Set __path__ to point to 'sys.prefix/package/subpackage'.
                    module.__path__ = [

                ### Set __loader__
                # The attribute __loader__ improves support for module 'pkg_resources' and
                # with the frozen apps the following functions are working:
                # pkg_resources.resource_string(), pkg_resources.resource_stream().
                module.__loader__ = self

                ### Set __package__
                # Accoring to PEP302 this attribute must be set.
                # When it is present, relative imports will be based on this
                # attribute rather than the module __name__ attribute.
                # More details can be found in PEP366.
                # For ordinary modules this is set like:
                #     'aa.bb.cc.dd'  ->  'aa.bb.cc'
                if is_pkg:
                    module.__package__ = fullname
                    module.__package__ = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

                ### Add module object to sys.modules dictionary.
                # Module object must be in sys.modules before the loader
                # executes the module code. This is crucial because the module
                # code may (directly or indirectly) import itself; adding it
                # to sys.modules beforehand prevents unbounded recursion in the
                # worst case and multiple loading in the best.
                sys.modules[fullname] = module

                # Run the module code.
                exec(bytecode, module.__dict__)

        except Exception:
            # Remove 'fullname' from sys.modules if it was appended there.
            if fullname in sys.modules:
            # TODO Do we need to raise different types of Exceptions for better debugging?
            # PEP302 requires to raise ImportError exception.
            #raise ImportError("Can't load frozen module: %s" % fullname)

            # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        # Release the interpreter's import lock.

        # Module returned only in case of no exception.
        return module