Пример #1
def run_fermentor():

    system = {
        'dS': 'Q_in/V*(S_in-S)-1/Ys*mu_max*S/(S+K_S)*X',
        'dX': '-Q_in/V*X+mu_max*S/(S+K_S)*X'

    parameters = {
        'mu_max': 0.4,
        'K_S': 0.015,
        'Q_in': 2,
        'Ys': 0.67,
        'S_in': 0.02,
        'V': 20

    M_fermentor = Model('fermentor', system, parameters)
    M_fermentor.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 100, 5000)}
    M_fermentor.initial_conditions = {'S': 0.02, 'X': 5e-5}

    sens_numeric = NumericalLocalSensitivity(M_fermentor,
                                             parameters=['mu_max', 'K_S'])
    sens_analytic = DirectLocalSensitivity(M_fermentor,
                                           parameters=['mu_max', 'K_S'])
    #sens_out = sens.get_sensitivity()

    pert_factors = 10.**np.arange(-14, 0, 1)
    out_fig = sens.calc_quality_num_lsa(pert_factors)

    return out_fig, sens_numeric, sens_analytic
Пример #2
def test_alg_state():

    system = {'dP': 'k1 * P', 'dS': 'k2 * S', 'A': 'P + S'}
    parameters = {'k1': -0.2, 'k2': 1.0}

    model = Model('simple_test', system, parameters)

    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)
    model.initial_conditions = {'P': 50, 'S': 10}
    model.independent = {'t': x}

    result = model.run()

    # expected output (analytical solution)
    S = 10 * np.exp(1.0 * x)
    P = 50 * np.exp(-0.2 * x)

    expected = pd.DataFrame({'P': P, 'S': S}, index=x)
    expected['A'] = expected['S'] + expected['P']
    expected.index.names = ['t']

    assert_frame_equal(result, expected.reindex(columns=result.columns))
Пример #3
def test_alg_substitution():

    system = {'dP': 'k1 * P + A', 'dS': 'k2 * S', 'A': 'S + P'}
    parameters = {'k1': -0.5, 'k2': 1.0}

    model = Model('simple_test', system, parameters)
    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)
    model.initial_conditions = {'P': 50, 'S': 10}
    model.independent = {'t': x}

    result = model.run()

    # expected output (analytical solution)
    k1, k2 = -0.5, 1.0
    S = 10 * np.exp(k2 * x)
    P = 10 * (np.exp((k1 + 1)*x) - np.exp((k2)*x)) / (k1 - k2 + 1) \
        + 50 * np.exp((k1 + 1)*x)

    expected = pd.DataFrame({'S': S, 'P': P}, index=x)
    expected['A'] = expected['S'] + expected['P']
    expected.index.names = ['t']

    assert_frame_equal(result, expected.reindex(columns=result.columns))
Пример #4
def michaelis_menten():

    system = {'v': 'Vmax*S/(Ks + S)', 'dS': '-v', 'dP': 'v'}

    parameters = {'Vmax': 1e-1, 'Ks': 0.5}

    MMmodel = Model('MichaelisMenten', system, parameters)

    MMmodel.initial_conditions = {'S': 0.5, 'P': 0.0}

    MMmodel.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 72, 1000)}

    return MMmodel
Пример #5
def run_second_order():
    y'' + 2*tau*omega*y' + omega**2*y = omega**2*K*u

    x1  = y
    x1' = y' = x2
    x2' = y''= -2*tau*omega*x2 - omega**2*x1 + K*omega**2
    parameters = {'K': 0.01, 'tau': 0.3, 'omega': 0.6}  # mM

    system = {
        'dx1': 'x2',
        'dx2': '-2*tau*omega*x2 - (omega**2)*x1 + K*omega**2'

    M1 = Model('second_order', system, parameters)
    M1.initial_conditions = {'x1': 0, 'x2': 0}
    M1.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 20, 10000)}

    return M1.run()['x1'].values
Пример #6
system = {
    'dS': 'Q_in/V*(S_in-S)-1/Ys*mu_max*S/(S+K_S)*X',
    'dX': '-Q_in/V*X+mu_max*S/(S+K_S)*X'

parameters = {
    'mu_max': 0.4,
    'K_S': 0.015,
    'Q_in': 2,
    'Ys': 0.67,
    'S_in': 0.02,
    'V': 20

M1 = Model('ode', system, parameters)

M1.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 100, 5000)}
M1.initial_conditions = {'S': 0.02, 'X': 5e-5}

result = M1._run()

def test_model():

    assert_almost_equal(result[-1, 0], 0.0049996401543859316, decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(result[-1, 1], 0.010050542322437175, decimal=5)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Пример #7
def LSA_comparison():
    # Plain ping-pong bi-bi kinetics
    ping_pong = ('(Vf*Vr*(MBA*Pyr-Ace*Ala/Keq))/(Vr*Km*Pyr + Vr*Kp*MBA +'
                 'Vr*Pyr*MBA + Vf*Kac*Ala/Keq + Vf*Kal*Ace/Keq +'
                 'Vf*Ace*Ala/Keq + Vr*Km*Pyr*Ala/Kialp +'

    # Replace reactants of Shin & Kim by current reactants
    ping_pong = ping_pong.replace('MBA', 'IPA')  # IPA  = isopropylamine
    ping_pong = ping_pong.replace('Pyr', 'BA')  # BA   = benzylacetone
    ping_pong = ping_pong.replace('Ace', 'ACE')  # ACE  = acetone
    ping_pong = ping_pong.replace('Ala', 'MPPA')  # MPPA =

    # Define system of interest
    system = {
        'v': ping_pong,
        'Keq': '((Vf/Vr)**2)*(Kac*Kal)/(Km*Kp)',
        'dE': '-decay*E',
        'dIPA': '-v*E',
        'dBA': '-v*E',
        'dACE': 'v*E',
        'dMPPA': 'v*E'

    # Define all model parameters
    parameters = {  # Forward reaction parameters calibrated with data ULUND
        'Vf': 2.47e-2,  # umol/U/min
        'Km': 143.18,  # mM
        'Kp': 3.52,  # mM
        # Backward reaction parameters calibrated with data UGENT
        'Vr': 1.996e-2,  # umol/U/min
        'Kac': 207.64,  # mM
        'Kal': 2.301,  # mM
        # Remaining parameters to calibrate (first guess)
        'Kialp': 1.39889,  # mM
        'Kimp': 2.9295,  # mM
        'decay': 0.00302837
    }  # 1/min

    # Make model instance
    M1 = Model('PPBB', system, parameters)

    res_time = 0.01 / 1.66e-4 / 2.

    # Set independent (time) range
    M1.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, res_time, 1000)}
    # Set initial conditions
    M1.initial_conditions = {
        'IPA': 65.,
        'BA': 5.,
        'ACE': 0.,
        'MPPA': 0.,
        'E': 0.68

    # Initialize model => Generate underlying functions

    # DirectLocalSensitivity instance
    M1sens_dir = DirectLocalSensitivity(M1,
                                        parameters=['Kp', 'Vf', 'Km', 'Kal'])

    # NumericalLocalSensitivity instance
    M1sens_num = NumericalLocalSensitivity(
        M1, parameters=['Kp', 'Vf', 'Km', 'Kal'])
    M1sens_num.perturbation = 1e-5

    # Calculate direct sensitivity
    dir_sens = M1sens_dir.get_sensitivity(method='PRS')
    # Calculate numerical sensivity
    num_sens = M1sens_num.get_sensitivity(method='PRS')

    return dir_sens, num_sens
Пример #8
def run_modsim_models():

    # Data
    file_path = os.path.join(pyideas.BASE_DIR, '..', 'examples', 'data',
    data = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=0, names=['t', 'W'])
    data = data.set_index('t')
    measurements = Measurements(data)
    measurements.add_measured_errors({'W': 1.0}, method='absolute')

    # Logistic
    parameters = {'W0': 2.0805, 'Wf': 9.7523, 'mu': 0.0659}

    system = {'W': 'W0*Wf/(W0+(Wf-W0)*exp(-mu*t))'}

    M1 = Model('Modsim1', system, parameters)

    M1.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 72, 1000)}


    # Perform parameter estimation
    M1optim = ParameterOptimisation(M1, measurements)

    # Calc parameter uncertainty
    M1conf = CalibratedConfidence(M1optim)
    FIM1 = M1conf.get_FIM()

    # Exponential
    parameters = {'Wf': 10.7189, 'mu': 0.0310}

    system = {'W': 'Wf*(1-exp(-mu*t))'}

    M2 = Model('Modsim2', system, parameters)
    M2.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 72, 1000)}

    # Perform parameter estimation
    M2optim = ParameterOptimisation(M2, measurements)

    # Calc parameter uncertainty
    M2conf = CalibratedConfidence(M2optim)
    FIM2 = M2conf.get_FIM()

    # Gompertz
    parameters = {'W0': 2.0424, 'D': 0.0411, 'mu': 0.0669}

    system = {'W': 'W0*exp((mu*(1-exp(-D*t)))/(D))'}

    M3 = Model('Modsim3', system, parameters)
    M3.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 72, 1000)}

    # Perform parameter estimation
    M3optim = ParameterOptimisation(M3, measurements)

    # Calc parameter uncertainty
    M3conf = CalibratedConfidence(M3optim)
    FIM3 = M3conf.get_FIM()

    return M1, M2, M3, M1conf, M2conf, M3conf
Пример #9
#Generate number of tanks
number_of_tanks = 10
system = {}
for i in range(number_of_tanks):
    if i == 0:
        system['dC'+str(i)] = 'Q_in*(C_in - C0)/Vol'
    elif i < number_of_tanks:
        system['dC'+str(i)] = 'Q_in*(C'+str(i-1)+' - C'+str(i)+')/Vol'
# Define stepfunction
system['C_in'] = '5/(1+exp(-5*(t-10)))'

# Set parameters
parameters = {'Q_in':5,'Vol':1e2/number_of_tanks}

# Initiate DAErunner object
M1 = Model('TIS', system, parameters)

# Set initial conditions for all tanks
initial_cond= {}
for i in range(number_of_tanks):
    initial_cond['C'+str(i)] = 0.0
M1.initial_conditions = initial_cond

# Set time
M1.independent = {'t': np.linspace(0, 50, 5000)}

# Solve system of ODEs