def main(): """Go Main!""" pgconn = get_dbconn("sustainablecorn") cursor = pgconn.cursor() drive = util.get_driveclient(util.get_config(), "cscap") spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'").execute() for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue site = item["title"].split()[0] print(site) cursor.execute( """SELECT distinct plotid from agronomic_data WHERE site = %s""", (site,), ) agr_plotids = [row[0] for row in cursor] cursor.execute( """SELECT distinct plotid from soil_data WHERE site = %s""", (site,), ) soil_plotids = [row[0] for row in cursor] spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Sheet 1"] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: dirty = False data = entry.to_dict() res = "yes" if data["plotid"] not in agr_plotids: res = "no" # print("%s %s" % (data['plotid'], agr_plotids)) if data["agro"] != res: print( " AGR plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data["plotid"], data["agro"], res) ) entry.set_value("agro", res) dirty = True res = "yes" if data["plotid"] not in soil_plotids: res = "no" # print("%s %s" % (data['plotid'], soil_plotids)) if data["soil"] != res: print( " SOIL plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data["plotid"], data["soil"], res) ) entry.set_value("soil", res) dirty = True if dirty: spr_client.update(entry)
def main(): """Go Main!""" pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='sustainablecorn', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() drive = util.get_driveclient(util.get_config(), 'cscap') spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'").execute() for item in res['items']: if item['mimeType'] != 'application/': continue site = item['title'].split()[0] print(site) cursor.execute("""SELECT distinct plotid from agronomic_data WHERE site = %s""", (site, )) agr_plotids = [row[0] for row in cursor] cursor.execute("""SELECT distinct plotid from soil_data WHERE site = %s""", (site, )) soil_plotids = [row[0] for row in cursor] spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item['id']) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets['Sheet 1'] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: dirty = False data = entry.to_dict() res = 'yes' if data['plotid'] not in agr_plotids: res = 'no' # print("%s %s" % (data['plotid'], agr_plotids)) if data['agro'] != res: print(" AGR plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data['plotid'], data['agro'], res)) entry.set_value('agro', res) dirty = True res = 'yes' if data['plotid'] not in soil_plotids: res = 'no' # print("%s %s" % (data['plotid'], soil_plotids)) if data['soil'] != res: print(" SOIL plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data['plotid'], data['soil'], res)) entry.set_value('soil', res) dirty = True if dirty: spr_client.update(entry)
def process6(spreadkey): sprclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(sprclient, spreadkey) rows = [] for yr in spreadsheet.worksheets: lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[yr].get_list_feed() for i, entry in enumerate(lf.entry): if i == 0: continue rows.append(entry.to_dict()) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) df['valid'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') res = {} print(df.columns) for col in df.columns: if col.find('wat4') == -1: print('skipping column %s' % (repr(col), )) continue plotid = col.replace('wat4watertabledepth', '').upper() df['depth'] = pd.to_numeric( df['%swat4watertabledepth' % (plotid.lower(), )], errors='coerce') * 1. # TODO: watch the units here! res[plotid] = df[['valid', 'depth']].copy() return res
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" config = get_config() drive = get_driveclient(config, "td") res = ( drive.files() .list( q=( "'1MA6spcXyu_TeyZYkUSizks9fuQTSLC7m' in parents and " "mimeType='application/'" ) ) .execute() ) rows = [] for item in res["items"]: siteid, typename = item["title"].rsplit("_", 1) rows.append({"siteid": siteid, "res": typename, "id": item["id"]}) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) df = df.pivot("siteid", "res", "id") pgconn = get_dbconn("td") cursor = pgconn.cursor() for siteid, row in df.iterrows(): cursor.execute( "UPDATE meta_site_history SET drive_maps_folder = %s, " "drive_photos_folder = %s where siteid = %s", (row["maps"], row["photos"], siteid), ) if cursor.rowcount != 1:"failed update for |%s|", siteid) cursor.close() pgconn.commit()
def main(): """Go Main""" config = util.get_config() pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='sustainablecorn', user='******', host=config['database']['host']) pcursor = pgconn.cursor() # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) spread = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, config['cscap']['manstore']) translate = {'date': 'valid'} tabs = ['Field Operations', 'Management', 'Pesticides', 'DWM', 'Notes'] tablenames = ['operations', 'management', 'pesticides', 'dwm', 'notes'] for sheetkey, table in zip(tabs, tablenames): pcursor.execute("""DELETE from """ + table) deleted = pcursor.rowcount sheet = spread.worksheets[sheetkey] added = 0 for rownum, entry in enumerate(sheet.get_list_feed().entry): # Skip the first row of units if rownum == 0: continue d = entry.to_dict() cols = [] vals = [] for key in d.keys(): if key.startswith('gio'): continue val = d[key] if key in ['date', 'biomassdate1', 'biomassdate2', 'outletdate']: val = (val if val not in ['unknown', 'N/A', 'n/a'] else None) vals.append(val) cols.append(translate.get(key, key)) sql = """ INSERT into %s(%s) VALUES (%s) """ % (table, ",".join(cols), ','.join(["%s"]*len(cols))) try: pcursor.execute(sql, vals) except Exception as exp: print("CSCAP harvest_management traceback") print(exp) for a, b in zip(cols, vals): print(" |%s| -> |%s|" % (a, b)) return added += 1 print(("harvest_management %16s added:%4s deleted:%4s" ) % (sheetkey, added, deleted)) pcursor.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
def process6(spreadkey): sprclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(sprclient, spreadkey) rows = [] for yr in spreadsheet.worksheets: lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[yr].get_list_feed() for i, entry in enumerate(lf.entry): if i == 0: continue rows.append(entry.to_dict()) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) df['valid'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') res = {} print(df.columns) for col in df.columns: if col.find('wat4') == -1: print('skipping column %s' % (repr(col), )) continue plotid = col.replace('wat4watertabledepth', '').upper() df['depth'] = pd.to_numeric( df['%swat4watertabledepth' % (plotid.lower(),)], errors='coerse') * 1. # TODO: watch the units here! res[plotid] = df[['valid', 'depth']].copy() return res
def main(): """Go Main Go""" config = util.get_config() spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive = util.get_driveclient(config) # Fake last conditional to make it easy to reprocess one site... res = (drive.files().list(q=("title contains 'Soil Texture Data'"), maxResults=999).execute()) HEADERS = [ "uniqueid", "plotid", "depth", "tillage", "rotation", "soil6", "nitrogen", "drainage", "rep", "subsample", "landscape", "notes", "herbicide", "sampledate", ] sz = len(res["items"]) for i, item in enumerate(res["items"]): if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() for year in spreadsheet.worksheets: print('%3i/%3i sheet "%s" for "%s"' % (i + 1, sz, year, item["title"])) lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[year].get_list_feed() for rownum, entry in enumerate(lf.entry): dirty = False data = entry.to_dict() for key in ["soil13", "soil14"]: if key not in data: continue value = data[key] if rownum == 1 and value == "%": print("updating % to g/kg") entry.set_value(key, "g/kg") dirty = True continue if rownum >= 2: try: newvalue = float(value) * 10.0 except Exception: continue print("%s updating %s to %s" % (key, value, newvalue)) entry.set_value(key, "%.4f" % (newvalue, )) dirty = True if dirty: util.exponential_backoff(spr_client.update, entry)
def test_missing_config(): """Test that we can deal with a missing file.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: tmpfn = csu.CONFIG_FN = tmpfn cfg = csu.get_config() assert cfg is None csu.save_config({})
def main(): """Go Main""" pgconn = get_dbconn('td') pcursor = pgconn.cursor() config = util.get_config() sheets = util.get_sheetsclient(config, "cscap") f = sheets.spreadsheets().get( spreadsheetId=config['td']['manstore'], includeGridData=True ) j = util.exponential_backoff(f.execute) translate = {'date': 'valid'} for sheet in j['sheets']: table = TABLENAMES[TABS.index(sheet['properties']['title'])] pcursor.execute("""DELETE from """ + table) deleted = pcursor.rowcount added = 0 for grid in sheet['data']: cols = [a['formattedValue'] for a in grid['rowData'][0]['values']] for row in grid['rowData'][2:]: vals = [a.get('formattedValue') for a in row['values']] data = dict(zip(cols, vals)) dbvals = [] dbcols = [] for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith('gio'): continue val = data[key] if key in ['date', 'biomassdate1', 'biomassdate2', 'outletdate']: val = ( val if val not in ['unknown', 'N/A', 'n/a', 'TBD'] else None ) dbvals.append(val) dbcols.append(translate.get(key, key.replace("_", ""))) sql = """ INSERT into %s(%s) VALUES (%s) """ % (table, ",".join(dbcols), ','.join(["%s"]*len(dbcols))) try: pcursor.execute(sql, dbvals) except Exception as exp: print("[TD] harvest_management traceback") print(exp) for col, val in zip(cols, vals): print(" |%s| -> |%s|" % (col, val)) return added += 1 print(("[TD] harvest_management %16s added:%4s deleted:%4s" ) % (table, added, deleted)) pcursor.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
def test_config(): """Make sure we exercise the config logic as things get hairy""" (_, tmpfn) = tempfile.mkstemp() # create bogus config file cfg = dict(a="a", b="b") # Write config to bogus file csu.save_config(cfg, tmpfn) # Attempt to load it back now cfg = csu.get_config(tmpfn) assert cfg is not None os.unlink(tmpfn)
def test_config(): """Make sure we exercise the config logic as things get hairy""" (_, tmpfn) = tempfile.mkstemp() # create bogus config file cfg = dict(a='a', b='b') # Write config to bogus file save_config(cfg, tmpfn) # Attempt to load it back now cfg = get_config(tmpfn) assert cfg is not None os.unlink(tmpfn)
def test_config(self): """Make sure we exercise the config logic as things get hairy""" (_, tmpfn) = tempfile.mkstemp() # create bogus config file cfg = dict(a='a', b='b') # Write config to bogus file save_config(cfg, tmpfn) # Attempt to load it back now cfg = get_config(tmpfn) self.assertTrue(cfg is not None) os.unlink(tmpfn)
def main(): """Go Main Go""" mydb = psycopg2.connect('dbname=nwa') mcursor = mydb.cursor() mcursor.execute(""" DELETE from lsrs where date(valid) = '2019-03-28' """) print('Deleted %s rows' % (mcursor.rowcount,)) # Get me a client, stat config = util.get_config() sheets = util.get_sheetsclient(config, "cscap") f = sheets.spreadsheets().get( spreadsheetId=SHEET, includeGridData=True ) j = util.exponential_backoff(f.execute) inserts = 0 grid = j['sheets'][0]['data'][0] cols = [a['formattedValue'] for a in grid['rowData'][0]['values']] print(cols) for row in grid['rowData'][1:]: vals = [a.get('formattedValue') for a in row['values']] data = dict(zip(cols, vals)) if data['Workshop UTC'] is None: continue ts = convtime(data['Workshop UTC']) ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if data['Workshop Reveal UTC'] is None: revealts = ts else: revealts = convtime(data['Workshop Reveal UTC']) revealts = revealts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if ts != revealts: print((" Entry has reveal delta of %s minutes" ) % ((revealts - ts).total_seconds() / 60.,)) geo = 'SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)' % (data['LON'], data['LAT']) sql = """ INSERT into lsrs (valid, display_valid, type, magnitude, city, source, remark, typetext, geom, wfo) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'DMX')""" args = (ts, revealts, LKP[data['Type']], 0 if data['Magnitude'] == 'None' else data['Magnitude'], data['Workshop City'], data['source'], data['Remark'], data['Type'], geo) mcursor.execute(sql, args) inserts += 1 mcursor.close() mydb.commit() print("Inserted %s new entries!" % (inserts,)) print("ALERT: Consider running to get WFO right in DB")
def build_vars(mode): ''' build vars ''' config = util.get_config(CFG) spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) feed = spr_client.get_list_feed(config['cscap']['sdckey'], 'od6') places = 3 if mode != 'soil' else 4 prefix = 'AGR' if mode != 'soil' else 'SOIL' for entry in feed.entry: data = entry.to_dict() if data['key'] is None or data['key'][:places] != prefix: continue varorder.append(data['key'].strip()) varlookup[data['key'].strip()] = data['name'].strip()
def main(): """Go!""" config = util.get_config() sheets = util.get_sheetsclient(config, "cscap") drive = util.get_driveclient(config) res = (drive.files().list( q=("title contains 'Soil Bulk Density' or " "title contains 'Soil Nitrate Data' or " "title contains 'Soil Texture Data' or " "title contains 'Agronomic Data'"), maxResults=999, ).execute()) results = [] for item in tqdm(res["items"]): if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue title = item["title"] f = sheets.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId=item["id"], includeGridData=True) j = util.exponential_backoff(f.execute) for sheet in j["sheets"]: sheet_title = sheet["properties"]["title"] for griddata in sheet["data"]: startcol = griddata.get("startColumn", 1) startrow = griddata.get("startRow", 1) header = [] for row, rowdata in enumerate(griddata["rowData"]): if "values" not in rowdata: # empty sheet continue for col, celldata in enumerate(rowdata["values"]): if row == 0: header.append(celldata.get("formattedValue", "n/a")) if celldata.get("note") is not None: results.append({ "title": title, "header": header[col], "sheet_title": sheet_title, "row": row + startrow + 1, "col": col + startcol + 1, "note": celldata["note"], }) df = pd.DataFrame(results) df.to_csv("notes.csv", sep="|")
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" config = util.get_config() # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive_client = util.get_driveclient() res = (drive_client.files().list( q="title contains 'Agronomic Data'").execute()) for item in res["items"]: spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) for yr in ["2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015"]: spreadsheet.worksheets[yr].del_column("AGR392")
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" config = util.get_config() drive = util.get_driveclient(config) res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Agronomic Data'").execute() for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue LOG.debug(item["title"]) spread = Spread(item["id"], config=config["cscap"]["service_account"]) for sheet in spread.sheets: df = spread.sheet_to_df(index=None, sheet=sheet) LOG.debug("%s %s", sheet.title, len(df.index))
def main(): """Go Main Go""" config = util.get_config() spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive = util.get_driveclient(config) # Fake last conditional to make it easy to reprocess one site... res = drive.files().list(q=("title contains 'Soil Texture Data'"), maxResults=999).execute() HEADERS = ['uniqueid', 'plotid', 'depth', 'tillage', 'rotation', 'soil6', 'nitrogen', 'drainage', 'rep', 'subsample', 'landscape', 'notes', 'herbicide', 'sampledate'] sz = len(res['items']) for i, item in enumerate(res['items']): if item['mimeType'] != 'application/': continue spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item['id']) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() for year in spreadsheet.worksheets: print('%3i/%3i sheet "%s" for "%s"' % (i + 1, sz, year, item['title'])) lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[year].get_list_feed() for rownum, entry in enumerate(lf.entry): dirty = False data = entry.to_dict() for key in ['soil13', 'soil14']: if key not in data: continue value = data[key] if rownum == 1 and value == '%': print("updating % to g/kg") entry.set_value(key, 'g/kg') dirty = True continue if rownum >= 2: try: newvalue = float(value) * 10. except Exception as _exp: continue print("%s updating %s to %s" % (key, value, newvalue)) entry.set_value(key, "%.4f" % (newvalue, )) dirty = True if dirty: util.exponential_backoff(spr_client.update, entry)
def process5(spreadkey): """ SERF, round 2""" sprclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(sprclient, spreadkey) lf = spreadsheet.worksheets['2011-2015'].get_list_feed() rows = [] for entry in lf.entry: rows.append(entry.to_dict()) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) df['valid'] = pd.to_datetime(df['valid']) res = {} for plotid in [str(s) for s in range(1, 9)]: df['plot%swatertablemm' % (plotid, )] = pd.to_numeric( df['plot%swatertablemm' % (plotid, )], errors='coerce') res[plotid] = df[['valid', 'plot%swatertablemm' % (plotid, )]].copy() res[plotid].columns = ['valid', 'depth'] return res
def process5(spreadkey): """ SERF, round 2""" sprclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(sprclient, spreadkey) lf = spreadsheet.worksheets['2011-2015'].get_list_feed() rows = [] for entry in lf.entry: rows.append(entry.to_dict()) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) df['valid'] = pd.to_datetime(df['valid']) res = {} for plotid in [str(s) for s in range(1, 9)]: df['plot%swatertablemm' % (plotid,)] = pd.to_numeric( df['plot%swatertablemm' % (plotid,)], errors='coerse') res[plotid] = df[['valid', 'plot%swatertablemm' % (plotid,)]].copy() res[plotid].columns = ['valid', 'depth'] return res
def main(): """Go Main!""" config = util.get_config() spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive_client = util.get_driveclient(config) treat_feed = spr_client.get_list_feed(config["cscap"]["treatkey"], "od6") treatments, treatment_names = util.build_treatments(treat_feed) res = ( drive_client.files() .list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'") .execute() ) for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) print("Processing '%s'..." % (item["title"],)) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Sheet 1"] for entry in worksheet.get_list_feed().entry: data = entry.to_dict() sitekey = data.get("uniqueid").lower() if sitekey is None: continue trt = treatments[sitekey] if data[COLKEY] is not None and data[COLKEY] != "": continue if len(trt[TRTKEY]) != 2: print("can't deal with this: %s" % (trt[TRTKEY],)) break newval = treatment_names.get(trt[TRTKEY][1], "") entry.set_value(COLKEY, newval) print( ("Setting plotid: %s uniqueid: %s column:%s to %s") % (data.get("plotid"), sitekey, COLKEY, newval) ) spr_client.update(entry)
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" config = utils.get_config() drive = utils.get_driveclient(config, 'cscap') perms = drive.permissions().list( fileId=config['cscap']['basefolder']).execute() for item in perms.get('items', []): # Unclear what type of permission this is that does not have this # set, maybe a file with an allow for anybody that has the link to it if 'emailAddress' not in item: continue email = item['emailAddress'].lower() res = input("%s id: %s role: %s revoke?[y]" % (email, item['id'], item['role'])) if res == "": drive.permissions().update(fileId=config['cscap']['basefolder'], permissionId=item['id'], body={ 'role': 'reader' }).execute() print("Del")
def googlesheet(siteid, sheetkey): """Harvest a google sheet, please""" rows = [] config = util.get_config() sheets = util.get_sheetsclient(config, "td") f = sheets.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId=sheetkey, includeGridData=True) j = util.exponential_backoff(f.execute) for sheet in j['sheets']: # sheet_title = sheet['properties']['title'] for griddata in sheet['data']: for row, rowdata in enumerate(griddata['rowData']): if 'values' not in rowdata: # empty sheet continue if row == 1: # skip units continue if row == 0: header = [] for col, celldata in enumerate(rowdata['values']): header.append(celldata['formattedValue']) continue data = {} for col, celldata in enumerate(rowdata['values']): data[header[col]] = fmt(celldata.get('formattedValue')) rows.append(data) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) print("googlesheet has columns: %s" % (repr(df.columns.values),)) newcols = {} for k in df.columns: newcols[k] = XREF.get(k, k) df.rename(columns=newcols, inplace=True) df['valid'] = pd.to_datetime(df['valid'], errors='raise', format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M') df['valid'] = df['valid'] + datetime.timedelta(hours=TZREF[siteid]) # do some conversions print("ALERT: doing windspeed unit conv") df['windspeed_mps'] = speed(df['windspeed_mps'].values, 'KMH').value('MPS') print("ALERT: doing windgustunit conv") df['windgust_mps'] = speed(df['windgust_mps'].values, 'KMH').value('MPS') return df
""" Synchronize the ACL on the Google Drive to the local DB """ import pyiem.cscap_utils as utils from pyiem.util import get_dbconn import psycopg2 pgconn = get_dbconn('sustainablecorn') cursor = pgconn.cursor() removed = 0 config = utils.get_config() for project in ['td', 'cscap']: cursor.execute(""" SELECT access_level from website_access_levels where appid = %s """, (project, )) access_level = cursor.fetchone()[0] CURRENT = [] cursor.execute(""" SELECT email from website_users WHERE access_level = %s """, (access_level, )) for row in cursor: CURRENT.append(row[0]) drive = utils.get_driveclient(config, project) perms = drive.permissions().list( fileId=config[project]['basefolder']).execute() for item in perms.get('items', []): # Unclear what type of permission this is that does not have this # set, maybe a file with an allow for anybody that has the link to it if 'emailAddress' not in item:
My purpose in life is to send an email each day with changes found on the Google Drive """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import datetime import json import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from gdata.client import RequestError import pytz import pyiem.cscap_utils as util CONFIG = util.get_config() FMIME = 'application/' FORM_MTYPE = 'application/' SITES_MYTPE = 'application/' CFG = {'cscap': dict(emails=CONFIG['cscap']['email_daily_list'], title="Sustainable Corn"), 'nutrinet': dict(emails=CONFIG['nutrinet']['email_daily_list'], title='NutriNet (4R)'), 'td': dict(emails=CONFIG['td']['email_daily_list'], title='Transforming Drainage')} LOCALTZ = pytz.timezone("America/Chicago") def pprint(mydict): """pretty print JSON""" return json.dumps(mydict, sort_keys=True, indent=4,
""" Synchronize the ACL on the Google Drive to the local DB """ import pyiem.cscap_utils as utils import psycopg2 pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='sustainablecorn', host='iemdb') cursor = pgconn.cursor() removed = 0 config = utils.get_config() for project in ['td', 'cscap']: cursor.execute(""" SELECT access_level from website_access_levels where appid = %s """, (project, )) access_level = cursor.fetchone()[0] CURRENT = [] cursor.execute(""" SELECT email from website_users WHERE access_level = %s """, (access_level, )) for row in cursor: CURRENT.append(row[0]) drive = utils.get_driveclient(config, project) perms = drive.permissions().list( fileId=config[project]['basefolder']).execute() for item in perms.get('items', []): # Unclear what type of permission this is that does not have this # set, maybe a file with an allow for anybody that has the link to it if 'emailAddress' not in item: continue
#!/usr/bin/python """ """ import sys import cgi import datetime from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor import pandas as pd import as pdsql import pyiem.cscap_utils as util from pyiem.util import get_dbconn, ssw config = util.get_config( '/opt/datateam/config/mytokens.json') def clean(val): ''' Clean the value we get ''' if val is None: return '' if val.strip().lower() == 'did not collect': return 'DNC' if val.strip().lower() == 'n/a': return 'NA' return val.decode('ascii', 'ignore') def check_auth(form): """ Make sure request is authorized """
def main(): """Go Main""" config = util.get_config() pgconn = get_dbconn("sustainablecorn") pcursor = pgconn.cursor() # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive_client = util.get_driveclient(config) res = ( drive_client.files() .list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'") .execute() ) translate = {"column": "col"} lookup = { "tillage": "TIL", "rotation": "ROT", "herbicide": "HERB", "drainage": "DWM", "nitrogen": "NIT", "landscape": "LND", } pcursor.execute("""DELETE from plotids""") removed = pcursor.rowcount added = 0 sheets = 0 for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue sheets += 1 spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() # A one off worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheets.get("Sheet 1_export") if worksheet is None: worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Sheet 1"] for entry2 in worksheet.get_list_feed().entry: data = entry2.to_dict() cols = [] vals = [] for key in data.keys(): val = data[key] if val is None: continue if key in lookup: if data[key] is not None: val = ( data[key] .strip() .replace("[", "") .replace("]", "") .split()[0] ) if val not in ["N/A", "n/a"]: val = "%s%s" % (lookup.get(key, ""), val) if key == "uniqueid": val = val.upper() if key.startswith("no3") or key.startswith("_"): continue vals.append(val) cols.append(translate.get(key, key)) if not cols: print("No columns for '%s'?" % (item["title"],)) continue if "uniqueid" not in cols: print("No uniqueid column for '%s'" % (item["title"],)) sql = """ INSERT into plotids(%s) VALUES (%s) """ % ( ",".join(cols), ",".join(["%s"] * len(cols)), ) try: pcursor.execute(sql, vals) except Exception as exp: print(exp) print(item["title"]) print(cols) sys.exit() added += 1 # One-time correction of missing nitrogen entries # if data['landscape'] == 'N/A': # print("Updating %s %s for landscape" % (data['uniqueid'], # data['plotid'])) # entry2.set_value('landscape', 'n/a') # spr_client.update(entry2) print( ("harvest_plotids, removed: %s, added: %s, sheets: %s") % (removed, added, sheets) ) if removed > (added + 10): print("harvest_plotids, aborting due to large difference") sys.exit() pcursor.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
import pyiem.cscap_utils as util drive = util.get_driveclient(util.get_config(), "cscap") spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'").execute() for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue print(item["title"]) spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Sheet 1"] for col in ["AGRO", "SOIL", "GHG", "IPM_CSCAP", "IPM_USB"]: sheet.add_column(col)
def main(): """Go Main""" pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='sustainablecorn') plotdf = read_sql(""" SELECT upper(uniqueid) as uniqueid, plotid from plotids """, pgconn, index_col=None) plotdf['ipm_usb'] = 'no' drive = utils.get_driveclient(utils.get_config(), 'cscap') spr_client = utils.get_spreadsheet_client(utils.get_config()) res = drive.files().list( q=("'0B4fyEPcRW7IscDcweEwxUFV3YkU' in parents and " "title contains 'USB'")).execute() U = {} rows = [] for item in res['items']: if item['mimeType'] != 'application/': continue uniqueid = item['title'].strip().split()[-1] spreadsheet = utils.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item['id']) for worksheet in spreadsheet.worksheets: lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[worksheet].get_list_feed() for entry in lf.entry: d = entry.to_dict() rows.append(dict(uniqueid=uniqueid, plotid=d['plotid'])) plotipm = pd.DataFrame(rows) for i, row in plotipm.iterrows(): df2 = plotdf[(plotdf['uniqueid'] == row['uniqueid']) & (plotdf['plotid'] == row['plotid'])] if len(df2.index) == 0: key = "%s_%s" % (row['uniqueid'], row['plotid']) if key in U: continue U[key] = True print("Missing uniqueid: |%s| plotid: |%s|" % (row['uniqueid'], row['plotid'])) else:[df2.index, 'ipm_usb'] = 'yes' res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'").execute() for item in res['items']: if item['mimeType'] != 'application/': continue site = item['title'].split()[0] print site spreadsheet = utils.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item['id']) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets['Sheet 1'] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: data = entry.to_dict() df2 = plotdf[(plotdf['uniqueid'] == site) & (plotdf['plotid'] == data['plotid'])] res = 'no' if len(df2.index) == 1: res = df2['ipm_usb'].values[0] # print res, site, data['plotid'], df2 if data['ipmusb'] != res: print(" IPM_USB plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data['plotid'], data['ipmusb'], res)) entry.set_value('ipmusb', res) spr_client.update(entry)
def main(): """Go""" config = util.get_config() pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='sustainablecorn', host=config['database']['host']) pcursor = pgconn.cursor() # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive_client = util.get_driveclient(config) res = drive_client.files( ).list(q="title contains 'Soil Nitrate Data'").execute() # Load up what data we have for this year current = {} pcursor.execute(""" SELECT uniqueid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, sampledate from soil_data WHERE year = %s and varname in %s """, (YEAR, tuple(DOMAIN))) for row in pcursor: key = "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % row current[key] = True for item in res['items']: if item['mimeType'] != 'application/': continue spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item['id']) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheets.get(YEAR) if worksheet is None: # print("Missing Year: %s from %s" % (YEAR, spreadsheet.title)) continue worksheet.get_cell_feed() siteid = item['title'].split()[0] # print 'Processing %s Soil Nitrate Year %s' % (siteid, YEAR), if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 1) != 'plotid': print(('harvest_soil_nitrate: %s[%s] cell(1,1)="%s", skipping' ) % (siteid, YEAR, worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 1))) continue startcol = 3 if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 2) == 'depth': depthcol = 2 elif worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 3) == 'depth': depthcol = 3 startcol = 4 if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 2) == 'location': locationcol = 2 else: locationcol = None for row in range(3, worksheet.rows+1): plotid = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, 1) depth = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, depthcol) if depth.find(" to ") == -1: print(("harvest_soil_nitrate found invalid depth: %s %s %s" ) % (depth, siteid, YEAR)) continue if plotid is None or depth is None: continue subsample = "1" if locationcol is not None: subsample = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, locationcol) for col in range(startcol, worksheet.cols+1): if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, col) is None: print(("h_soil_nitrate site: %s year: %s col: %s is null" ) % (siteid, YEAR, col)) continue colheading = worksheet.get_cell_value(1, col).strip() if not colheading.startswith('SOIL'): print(('Invalid colheading: %s site: %s year: %s' ) % (colheading, siteid, YEAR)) continue # Attempt to tease out the sampledate tokens = colheading.split() varname = tokens[0] datetest = tokens[1] if len(datetest.split("/")) == 3: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetest, '%m/%d/%Y') else: if row == 3: print(("h_soil_nitrate %s[%s] unknown sample date %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, repr(colheading))) date = DUMMY_DATES.get(datetest, None) if date is None and row == 3: print(("FIXME h_soil_nitrate %s[%s] " "double unknown date %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, repr(colheading))) inval = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, col) val = util.cleanvalue(inval) if inval is not None and val is None: print(("harvest_soil_nitrate found None. " "site: %s year: %s " " row: %s col: %s varname: %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, row, col, varname)) if varname not in DOMAIN: print(("harvest_soil_nitrate %s[%s] " "found additional var: %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, varname)) DOMAIN.append(varname) key = ("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" ) % (siteid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, date if date is None else date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) if key in current: del current[key] continue try: pcursor.execute(""" INSERT into soil_data(uniqueid, plotid, varname, year, depth, value, subsample, sampledate) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (siteid, plotid, varname, YEAR, depth, val, subsample, date)) except Exception as exp: print(('site: %s year: %s HARVEST_SOIL_NITRATE TRACEBACK' ) % (siteid, YEAR)) print(exp) print(('%s %s %s %s %s %s' ) % (siteid, plotid, varname, depth, date, val)) sys.exit() for key in current: (siteid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, date) = key.split("|") if date != 'None': datesql = " and sampledate = '%s' " % (date, ) else: datesql = " and sampledate is null " print(('h_soil_nitrate rm %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' ) % (YEAR, siteid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, date)) pcursor.execute(""" DELETE from soil_data where uniqueid = %s and plotid = %s and varname = %s and year = %s and depth = %s and subsample = %s """ + datesql + """ """, (siteid, plotid, varname, YEAR, depth, subsample)) # print "...done" pcursor.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
"""One off.""" import datetime import pyiem.cscap_utils as util sprclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) spread = util.Spreadsheet(sprclient, "1FxKx0GDJxv_8fIjKe2xRJ58FGILLlUSXcb6EuSLQSrI") spread.get_worksheets() sheet = spread.worksheets["BRADFORD.A"] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: d = entry.to_dict() if d["ghg2"] in [None, "Sampling Date", "-"]: continue ts = datetime.datetime.strptime(d["ghg2"][:15], "%a %b %d %Y") entry.set_value("ghg200", ts.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) sprclient.update(entry)
def main(): """Do Main""" pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database="sustainablecorn") plotdf = read_sql( """SELECT upper(uniqueid) as uniqueid, upper(plotid) as plotid from plotids""", pgconn, index_col=None, ) plotdf["ghg"] = "no" drive = utils.get_driveclient(utils.get_config(), "cscap") spr_client = utils.get_spreadsheet_client(utils.get_config()) X = { "2011": "1DSHcfeBNJArVowk0CG_YvzI0YQnHIZXhcxOjBi2fPM4", "2012": "1ax_N80tIBBKEnWDnrGxsK4KUa1ssokwMxQZNVHEWWM8", "2013": "1UY5JYKlBHDElwljnEC-1tF7CozplAfyGpbkbd0OFqsA", "2014": "12NqffqVMQ0M4PMT_CP5hYfmydC-vzXQ0lFHbKwwfqzg", "2015": "1FxKx0GDJxv_8fIjKe2xRJ58FGILLlUSXcb6EuSLQSrI", } years = X.keys() years.sort() unknown = ["UniqueID_PlotID", "-_-"] rows = [] for year in years: spreadsheet = utils.Spreadsheet(spr_client, X.get(year)) for worksheet in spreadsheet.worksheets: lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[worksheet].get_list_feed() for entry in lf.entry: d = entry.to_dict() if d.get("uniqueid") is None or d.get("plotid") is None: continue rows.append(d) df2 = plotdf[(plotdf["uniqueid"] == d["uniqueid"].upper()) & (plotdf["plotid"] == d["plotid"].upper())] if len(df2.index) == 0: key = "%s_%s" % (d["uniqueid"], d["plotid"]) if key in unknown: continue unknown.append(key) print(("%s[%s] Unknown uniqueid: |%s| plotid: |%s|") % (year, worksheet, d["uniqueid"], d["plotid"])) else: idx = plotdf[ (plotdf["uniqueid"] == d["uniqueid"].upper()) & (plotdf["plotid"] == d["plotid"].upper())].index[idx, "ghg"] = "yes" df = pd.DataFrame(rows) writer = pd.ExcelWriter("output.xlsx") df.to_excel(writer, "Sheet1") res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'").execute() for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue site = item["title"].split()[0] print(site) spreadsheet = utils.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Sheet 1"] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: data = entry.to_dict() df2 = plotdf[(plotdf["uniqueid"] == site) & (plotdf["plotid"] == data["plotid"])] res = "no" if len(df2.index) == 1: res = df2["ghg"].values[0] if data["ghg"] != res: print(" GHG plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data["plotid"], data["ghg"], res)) entry.set_value("ghg", res) spr_client.update(entry)
) .execute ) if len(res["items"]) == 0: body = { "title": title, "mimeType": "application/", "parents": [{"id": colfolder}], } print("Creating Tile Flow Sheet: %s in %s" % (title, colfolder)) res = drive.files().insert(body=body).execute() return res["id"] return res["items"][0]["id"] config = util.get_config() ssclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive = util.get_driveclient(config) msheet = util.Spreadsheet(ssclient, config["td"]["site_measurements"]) msheet.get_worksheets() sheet = msheet.worksheets["Plot ID"] sheet.get_list_feed() sites = {} pis = {} for entry in sheet.list_feed.entry: row = entry.to_dict() if row["tileflowandtilenitrate-nyesno"] == "NO": continue site = row["siteid"] d = sites.setdefault(site, [])
def main(): """Go""" config = util.get_config() pgconn = psycopg2.connect( database="sustainablecorn", host=config["database"]["host"] ) pcursor = pgconn.cursor() # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive_client = util.get_driveclient(config) res = ( drive_client.files() .list(q="title contains 'Soil Nitrate Data'") .execute() ) # Load up what data we have for this year current = {} pcursor.execute( """ SELECT uniqueid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, sampledate from soil_data WHERE year = %s and varname in %s """, (YEAR, tuple(DOMAIN)), ) for row in pcursor: key = "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % row current[key] = True for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheets.get(YEAR) if worksheet is None: continue worksheet.get_cell_feed() siteid = item["title"].split()[0] if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 1) != "plotid": print( ('harvest_soil_nitrate: %s[%s] cell(1,1)="%s", skipping') % (siteid, YEAR, worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 1)) ) continue startcol = 3 if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 2) == "depth": depthcol = 2 elif worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 3) == "depth": depthcol = 3 startcol = 4 if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, 2) == "location": locationcol = 2 else: locationcol = None for row in range(3, worksheet.rows + 1): plotid = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, 1) depth = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, depthcol) if depth.find(" to ") == -1: print( ("harvest_soil_nitrate found invalid depth: %s %s %s") % (depth, siteid, YEAR) ) continue if plotid is None or depth is None: continue subsample = "1" if locationcol is not None: subsample = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, locationcol) for col in range(startcol, worksheet.cols + 1): if worksheet.get_cell_value(1, col) is None: print( ("h_soil_nitrate site: %s year: %s col: %s is null") % (siteid, YEAR, col) ) continue colheading = worksheet.get_cell_value(1, col).strip() if not colheading.startswith("SOIL"): print( ("Invalid colheading: %s site: %s year: %s") % (colheading, siteid, YEAR) ) continue # Attempt to tease out the sampledate tokens = colheading.split() varname = tokens[0] datetest = tokens[1] if len(datetest.split("/")) == 3: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetest, "%m/%d/%Y") else: if row == 3: print( ("h_soil_nitrate %s[%s] unknown sample date %s") % (siteid, YEAR, repr(colheading)) ) date = DUMMY_DATES.get(datetest, None) if date is None and row == 3: print( ( "FIXME h_soil_nitrate %s[%s] " "double unknown date %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, repr(colheading)) ) inval = worksheet.get_cell_value(row, col) val = util.cleanvalue(inval) if inval is not None and val is None: print( ( "harvest_soil_nitrate found None. " "site: %s year: %s " " row: %s col: %s varname: %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, row, col, varname) ) if varname not in DOMAIN: print( ( "harvest_soil_nitrate %s[%s] " "found additional var: %s" ) % (siteid, YEAR, varname) ) DOMAIN.append(varname) key = ("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s") % ( siteid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, date if date is None else date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ) if key in current: del current[key] continue try: pcursor.execute( """ INSERT into soil_data(uniqueid, plotid, varname, year, depth, value, subsample, sampledate) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, ( siteid, plotid, varname, YEAR, depth, val, subsample, date, ), ) except Exception as exp: print( ("site: %s year: %s HARVEST_SOIL_NITRATE TRACEBACK") % (siteid, YEAR) ) print(exp) print( ("%s %s %s %s %s %s") % (siteid, plotid, varname, depth, date, val) ) sys.exit() for key in current: (siteid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, date) = key.split("|") if date != "None": datesql = " and sampledate = '%s' " % (date,) else: datesql = " and sampledate is null " print( ("h_soil_nitrate rm %s %s %s %s %s %s %s") % (YEAR, siteid, plotid, varname, depth, subsample, date) ) pcursor.execute( """ DELETE from soil_data where uniqueid = %s and plotid = %s and varname = %s and year = %s and depth = %s and subsample = %s """ + datesql + """ """, (siteid, plotid, varname, YEAR, depth, subsample), ) pcursor.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
speedup2 = ((orig1 - origB).total_seconds() / (workshop1 - workshopB2).total_seconds()) print 'Part2 Speedup is %.4f' % (speedup2,) def warp(lsrtime): """ Convert the LSR Time to our workshop time, of some sort""" base = orig0 if lsrtime < origB else origB newbase = workshop0 if lsrtime < origB else workshopB2 _speedup = speedup1 if lsrtime < origB else speedup2 return newbase + datetime.timedelta( seconds=((lsrtime - base).total_seconds() / _speedup)) # ______________________________________________________________________ # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) feed = spr_client.get_list_feed("1V6-xV7Sm3ST-0tYpvtD5s-sMmNe_FdhKDCrVS5vOxoE", "od6") def getdir(u, v): if v == 0: v = 0.000000001 dd = math.atan(u / v) ddir = (dd * 180.00) / math.pi if (u > 0 and v > 0): # First Quad ddir = 180 + ddir elif (u > 0 and v < 0): # Second Quad ddir = 360 + ddir
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" config = util.get_config() drive = util.get_driveclient(config) print(drive.files().delete(fileId=sys.argv[1]).execute())
def main(): """Do Main Things""" sprclient = util.get_spreadsheet_client(util.get_config()) spreadsheet = util.Spreadsheet(sprclient, BACKEND) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Field Operations"] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: row = entry.to_dict() if row["operation"] != "fertilizer_synthetic": continue if (row["productrate"] is None or row["productrate"] == "-1.0" or row["productrate"] == ""): option = "B" # Option B, values are in lbs per acre phosphoruse = 0.0 potassium = 0.0 nitrogen = float2(row["nitrogen"]) * KGHA_LBA if row["phosphorus"] is not None and float2(row["phosphorus"]) > 0: phosphoruse = float2(row["phosphorus"]) * KGHA_LBA if row["phosphate"] is not None and float2(row["phosphate"]) > 0: phosphoruse = float2(row["phosphate"]) * KGHA_LBA * 0.437 if row["potassium"] is not None and float2(row["potassium"]) > 0: potassium = float2(row["potassium"]) * KGHA_LBA if row["potash"] is not None and float2(row["potash"]) > 0: potassium = float(row["potash"]) * KGHA_LBA * 0.830 sulfur = float2(row["sulfur"]) * KGHA_LBA zinc = float2(row["zinc"]) * KGHA_LBA magnesium = float2(row["magnesium"]) * KGHA_LBA calcium = float2(row["calcium"]) * KGHA_LBA iron = float2(row["iron"]) * KGHA_LBA else: option = "A" # Option A, straight percentages prate = float2(row["productrate"]) nitrogen = prate * float2(row["nitrogen"]) / 100.0 phosphoruse = 0.0 potassium = 0.0 if row["phosphorus"] is not None and float2(row["phosphorus"]) > 0: phosphoruse = prate * float2(row["phosphorus"]) / 100.0 if row["phosphate"] is not None and float2(row["phosphate"]) > 0: phosphoruse = prate * float2(row["phosphate"]) / 100.0 * 0.437 if row["potassium"] is not None and float2(row["potassium"]) > 0: potassium = prate * float2(row["potassium"]) / 100.0 if row["potash"] is not None and float2(row["potash"]) > 0: potassium = prate * float(row["potash"]) / 100.0 * 0.830 sulfur = prate * float2(row["sulfur"]) / 100.0 zinc = prate * float2(row["zinc"]) / 100.0 magnesium = prate * float2(row["magnesium"]) / 100.0 calcium = prate * float2(row["calcium"]) / 100.0 iron = prate * float2(row["iron"]) / 100.0 print(("Option: %s\n nitrogen: Old: %s -> New: %s") % (option, row["nitrogenelem"], nitrogen)) entry.set_value("nitrogenelem", "%.2f" % (nitrogen, )) entry.set_value("phosphoruselem", "%.2f" % (phosphoruse, )) entry.set_value("potassiumelem", "%.2f" % (potassium, )) entry.set_value("sulfurelem", "%.2f" % (sulfur, )) entry.set_value("zincelem", "%.2f" % (zinc, )) entry.set_value("magnesiumelem", "%.2f" % (magnesium, )) entry.set_value("calciumelem", "%.2f" % (calcium, )) entry.set_value("ironelem", "%.2f" % (iron, )) # if option == 'B': util.exponential_backoff(sprclient.update, entry)
import sys import datetime import json import smtplib import time from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText # third party from gdata.client import RequestError import pytz import pyiem.cscap_utils as util from pyiem.util import logger LOG = logger() CONFIG = util.get_config() FMIME = "application/" FORM_MTYPE = "application/" SITES_MYTPE = "application/" CFG = { "cscap": dict( emails=CONFIG["cscap"]["email_daily_list"], title="Sustainable Corn" ), "cig": dict(emails=CONFIG["cig"]["email_daily_list"], title="CIG"), "inrc": dict( emails=CONFIG["inrc"]["email_daily_list"], title="Integrating Social and Biophysical Indicators (ISBI)", ), "ardn": dict( emails=CONFIG["ardn"]["email_daily_list"], title="Ag Research Data Network",
def main(): """Go Main""" pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database="sustainablecorn") plotdf = read_sql( """ SELECT upper(uniqueid) as uniqueid, plotid from plotids """, pgconn, index_col=None, ) plotdf["ipm_usb"] = "no" drive = utils.get_driveclient(utils.get_config(), "cscap") spr_client = utils.get_spreadsheet_client(utils.get_config()) res = (drive.files().list( q=("'0B4fyEPcRW7IscDcweEwxUFV3YkU' in parents and " "title contains 'USB'")).execute()) U = {} rows = [] for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue uniqueid = item["title"].strip().split()[-1] spreadsheet = utils.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) for worksheet in spreadsheet.worksheets: lf = spreadsheet.worksheets[worksheet].get_list_feed() for entry in lf.entry: d = entry.to_dict() rows.append(dict(uniqueid=uniqueid, plotid=d["plotid"])) plotipm = pd.DataFrame(rows) for _i, row in plotipm.iterrows(): df2 = plotdf[(plotdf["uniqueid"] == row["uniqueid"]) & (plotdf["plotid"] == row["plotid"])] if df2.empty: key = "%s_%s" % (row["uniqueid"], row["plotid"]) if key in U: continue U[key] = True print("Missing uniqueid: |%s| plotid: |%s|" % (row["uniqueid"], row["plotid"])) else:[df2.index, "ipm_usb"] = "yes" res = drive.files().list(q="title contains 'Plot Identifiers'").execute() for item in res["items"]: if item["mimeType"] != "application/": continue site = item["title"].split()[0] print(site) spreadsheet = utils.Spreadsheet(spr_client, item["id"]) spreadsheet.get_worksheets() sheet = spreadsheet.worksheets["Sheet 1"] for entry in sheet.get_list_feed().entry: data = entry.to_dict() df2 = plotdf[(plotdf["uniqueid"] == site) & (plotdf["plotid"] == data["plotid"])] res = "no" if len(df2.index) == 1: res = df2["ipm_usb"].values[0] if data["ipmusb"] != res: print(" IPM_USB plotid: %s :: %s -> %s" % (data["plotid"], data["ipmusb"], res)) entry.set_value("ipmusb", res) spr_client.update(entry)
def main(): """Go Main""" config = util.get_config() pgconn = psycopg2.connect( database="sustainablecorn", user="******", host=config["database"]["host"], ) pcursor = pgconn.cursor() # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) spread = util.Spreadsheet(spr_client, config["cscap"]["manstore"]) translate = {"date": "valid"} tabs = ["Field Operations", "Management", "Pesticides", "DWM", "Notes"] tablenames = ["operations", "management", "pesticides", "dwm", "notes"] for sheetkey, table in zip(tabs, tablenames): pcursor.execute("""DELETE from """ + table) deleted = pcursor.rowcount sheet = spread.worksheets[sheetkey] added = 0 for rownum, entry in enumerate(sheet.get_list_feed().entry): # Skip the first row of units if rownum == 0: continue d = entry.to_dict() cols = [] vals = [] for key in d.keys(): if key.startswith("gio"): continue val = d[key] if key in [ "date", "biomassdate1", "biomassdate2", "outletdate", ]: val = val if val not in ["unknown", "N/A", "n/a"] else None vals.append(val) cols.append(translate.get(key, key)) sql = """ INSERT into %s(%s) VALUES (%s) """ % ( table, ",".join(cols), ",".join(["%s"] * len(cols)), ) try: pcursor.execute(sql, vals) except Exception as exp: print("CSCAP harvest_management traceback") print(exp) for a, b in zip(cols, vals): print(" |%s| -> |%s|" % (a, b)) return added += 1 print( ("harvest_management %16s added:%4s deleted:%4s") % (sheetkey, added, deleted) ) pcursor.close() pgconn.commit() pgconn.close()
""" Harvest the Agronomic Data into the ISU Database """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import psycopg2 import pyiem.cscap_utils as util config = util.get_config() pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='td', host=config['database']['host']) # Get me a client, stat spr_client = util.get_spreadsheet_client(config) drive_client = util.get_driveclient(config, "td") def delete_entries(current, siteid): for key in current: (plotid, varname) = key.split("|") print(('harvest_agronomic REMOVE %s %s %s' ) % (siteid, plotid, varname)) pcursor.execute("""DELETE from agronomic_data where uniqueid = %s and plotid = %s and varname = %s and year = %s """, (siteid, plotid, varname, YEAR)) res = drive_client.files().list(q="title contains 'Crop Yield Data'").execute()
#!/usr/bin/python """ """ import sys import cgi import datetime from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor import pandas as pd import as pdsql import pyiem.cscap_utils as util from pyiem.util import get_dbconn, ssw config = util.get_config('/opt/datateam/config/mytokens.json') def clean(val): ''' Clean the value we get ''' if val is None: return '' if val.strip().lower() == 'did not collect': return 'DNC' if val.strip().lower() == 'n/a': return 'NA' return val.decode('ascii', 'ignore') def check_auth(form): """ Make sure request is authorized """ if form.getfirst('hash') != config['appauth']['sharedkey']: