Пример #1
def main(argv):
    """Go Main Go."""
    scenario = int(argv[1])
    pgconn = get_dbconn("idep")
    cursor = pgconn.cursor()
    cursor2 = pgconn.cursor()
        SELECT st_x(st_pointn(st_transform(geom, 4326), 1)),
        st_y(st_pointn(st_transform(geom, 4326), 1)), fid, climate_file
        from flowpaths WHERE scenario = %s
        (scenario, ),
    ok = wrong = updated = 0
    for row in cursor:
        fn = get_cli_fname(row[0], row[1])
        if row[3] == fn:
            ok += 1
        if row[3] is not None and row[3] != fn:
            wrong += 1
            UPDATE flowpaths SET climate_file = %s where fid = %s
            (fn, row[2]),
        updated += 1
    print("%s rows updated: %s ok: %s wrong: %s" %
          (cursor.rowcount, updated, ok, wrong))
Пример #2
def finder(lon, lat):
    for deltax in range(25):
       for multi in [-1 * deltax, 1 * deltax]:
           for multi2 in [-1 * deltax, 1 * deltax]:
               newlon = lon - multi * deltax / 100.
               newlat = lat - multi2 * deltax / 100.
               newfn = get_cli_fname(newlon, newlat)
               if os.path.isfile(newfn):
                   return newfn
Пример #3
def missing_logic(scenario, fn):
    """Figure out what to do when this filename is missing"""
    print("Searching for replacement for '%s'" % (fn, ))
    lon = float(fn[17:23])
    lat = float(fn[24:30])
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(fn)):
    # So there should be a file at an interval of 0.25
    lon2 = lon - (lon * 100 % 25) / 100.0
    lat2 = lat - (lat * 100 % 25) / 100.0
    testfn = get_cli_fname(lon2, lat2, scenario)
    if not os.path.isfile(testfn):
        print("Whoa, why doesn't %s exist?" % (testfn, ))
    print("%s->%s" % (testfn, fn))
    shutil.copyfile(testfn, fn)
Пример #4
def missing_logic(scenario, fn):
    """Figure out what to do when this filename is missing"""
    print("Searching for replacement for '%s'" % (fn,))
    lon = float(fn[17:23])
    lat = float(fn[24:30])
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(fn)):
    # So there should be a file at an interval of 0.25
    lon2 = lon - (lon * 100 % 25) / 100.
    lat2 = lat - (lat * 100 % 25) / 100.
    testfn = get_cli_fname(lon2, lat2, scenario)
    if not os.path.isfile(testfn):
        print("Whoa, why doesn't %s exist?" % (testfn,))
    print("%s->%s" % (testfn, fn))
    shutil.copyfile(testfn, fn)
Пример #5
def myjob(row):
    """ Thread job, yo """
    [xidx, yidx] = row
    lon = MYWEST + xidx * 0.01
    lat = MYSOUTH + yidx * 0.01
    fn = get_cli_fname(lon, lat, SCENARIO)
    if not os.path.isfile(fn):
        return False

    # Okay we have work to do
    data = open(fn, "r").read()
    pos = data.find(VALID.strftime("%-d\t%-m\t%Y"))
    if pos == -1:
        print("Date find failure for %s" % (fn, ))
        return False

    pos2 = data[pos:].find(
        (VALID + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%-d\t%-m\t%Y"))
    if pos2 == -1:
        print("Date2 find failure for %s" % (fn, ))
        return False

    bpdata = compute_breakpoint(PRECIP[yidx, xidx, :])
    if bpdata is None:
        bpdata = []

    thisday = (
        "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%3.1f\t%3.1f\t%4.0f\t%4.1f\t%s\t%4.1f\n%s%s") % (
            HIGH_TEMP[yidx, xidx],
            LOW_TEMP[yidx, xidx],
            SOLAR[yidx, xidx],
            WIND[yidx, xidx],
            DEWPOINT[yidx, xidx],
            "\n" if bpdata else "",

    fp = open(fn, "w")
    fp.write(data[:pos] + thisday + data[(pos + pos2):])
    return True
Пример #6
def spiral(lon, lat):
    x = y = 0
    dx = 0
    dy = -1
    # points near the domain edge need to seach a bit further than 0.25deg
    X = 40
    Y = 40
    for _ in range(40**2):
        if (-X / 2 < x <= X / 2) and (-Y / 2 < y <= Y / 2):
            newfn = get_cli_fname(lon + x * 0.01, lat + y * 0.01)
            if os.path.isfile(newfn):
                return newfn
        if x == y or (x < 0 and x == -y) or (x > 0 and x == 1 - y):
            dx, dy = -dy, dx
        x, y = x + dx, y + dy
    return None
Пример #7
def myjob(row):
    """ Thread job, yo """
    [xidx, yidx] = row
    lon = MYWEST + xidx * 0.01
    lat = MYSOUTH + yidx * 0.01
    fn = get_cli_fname(lon, lat, SCENARIO)
    if not os.path.isfile(fn):
        return False

    # Okay we have work to do
    data = open(fn, 'r').read()
    pos = data.find(VALID.strftime("%-d\t%-m\t%Y"))
    if pos == -1:
        print('Date find failure for %s' % (fn,))
        return False

    pos2 = data[pos:].find(
            (VALID + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%-d\t%-m\t%Y"))
    if pos2 == -1:
        print('Date2 find failure for %s' % (fn,))
        return False

    bpdata = compute_breakpoint(PRECIP[yidx, xidx, :])
    if bpdata is None:
        bpdata = []

    thisday = ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%3.1f\t%3.1f\t%4.0f\t%4.1f\t%s\t%4.1f\n%s%s"
               ) % (VALID.day, VALID.month, VALID.year, len(bpdata),
                    HIGH_TEMP[yidx, xidx], LOW_TEMP[yidx, xidx],
                    SOLAR[yidx, xidx],
                    WIND[yidx, xidx], 0, DEWPOINT[yidx, xidx],
                    "\n" if bpdata else "")

    fp = open(fn, 'w')
    fp.write(data[:pos] + thisday + data[(pos+pos2):])
    return True
Пример #8
def main():
    """Go Main Go."""
    # We shall use this file, no mater what
    SRC = "/i/0/cli/095x038/095.17x038.13.cli"
    SCENARIO = 0
    pgconn = get_dbconn("postgis")
    cursor = pgconn.cursor()

    created = 0
    removed = 0
    for lon in np.arange(WEST, EAST + 0.25, 0.25):
        for lat in np.arange(SOUTH, NORTH + 0.25, 0.25):
            fn = get_cli_fname(lon, lat, SCENARIO)
            # Ensure this point is on land, in CONUS
                SELECT ugc from ugcs where
                ST_Contains(geom, ST_GeomFromText('Point(%s %s)',4326))
                and substr(ugc, 3, 1) = 'C' and end_ts is null
                (lon, lat),
            if cursor.rowcount == 0:
                # print("lon: %s lat: %s is not onland" % (lon, lat))
                if os.path.isfile(fn):
                    print("Removing %s" % (fn, ))
                    removed += 1
            mydir = fn.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
            if not os.path.isdir(mydir):
            if not os.path.isfile(fn):
                created += 1
                shutil.copyfile(SRC, fn)

    print("We just created %s new files, removed %s files!" %
          (created, removed))
Пример #9
def do_flowpath(zone, huc_12, fid, fpath):
    """ Process a given flowpathid """
    # slope = compute_slope(fid)
    # I need bad soilfiles so that the length can be computed
        """SELECT segid, elevation, length, f.surgo,
    slope, management, 'MWDEP_'||surgo||'.SOL' as soilfile, landuse,
    round(ST_X(ST_Transform(geom,4326))::numeric,2) as x,
    round(ST_Y(ST_Transform(geom,4326))::numeric,2) as y from
    flowpath_points f
    WHERE flowpath = %s and length < 9999 and scenario = 0
    ORDER by segid ASC""",
        (fid, ),
    rows = []
    x = None
    y = None
    maxmanagement = 0
    for row in cursor2:
        if row["slope"] < 0:
            print("%s,%s had a negative slope, deleting!" % (huc_12, fpath))
            return None
        if row["soilfile"] == "MWDEP_9999.SOL":
        if not os.path.isfile("/i/0/sol_input/%s" % (row["soilfile"], )):
            if row["soilfile"] not in MISSED_SOILS:
                print("Missing soilfile: %s" % (row["soilfile"], ))
                MISSED_SOILS[row["soilfile"]] = 0
            MISSED_SOILS[row["soilfile"]] += 1
        if x is None:
            x = row["x"]
            y = row["y"]
        if row["management"] > maxmanagement:
            maxmanagement = row["management"]
        if row["slope"] < 0.00001:
            row["slope"] = 0.00001
        # hard coded...
        # row['slope'] = slope

    if x is None:
        print("%s,%s had no valid soils, deleting" % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None
    if len(rows) < 2:
        print("%s,%s had only 1 row of data, deleting" % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None
    if len(rows) > 19:
        rows = simplify(rows)

    maxslope = 0
    for row in rows:
        if row["slope"] > maxslope:
            maxslope = row["slope"]
    if maxslope > 1:
        s = compute_slope(fid)
        print("%s %3i %4.1f %5.1f %5.1f" %
              (huc_12, fpath, maxslope, rows[-1]["length"], s))
    # SLP.write("%s,%.6f\n" % (fid, maxslope))

    if rows[-1]["length"] < 1:
        print("%s,%s has zero length, deleting" % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None

    res = {}
    res["clifile"] = get_cli_fname(x, y, 0)
        UPDATE flowpaths SET climate_file = %s
        WHERE fpath = %s and huc_12 = %s and scenario = %s
        (res["clifile"], fpath, huc_12, SCENARIO),

    # return
    res["huc8"] = huc_12[:8]
    res["huc12"] = huc_12
    res["envfn"] = "/i/%s/env/%s/%s_%s.env" % (
    res["date"] = datetime.datetime.now()
    res["aspect"] = compute_aspect(rows[0]["x"], rows[0]["y"], rows[-1]["x"],
    res["prj_fn"] = "/i/%s/prj/%s/%s/%s_%s.prj" % (
    res["length"] = rows[-1]["length"]
    res["slope_points"] = len(rows)

    # Iterate over the rows and figure out the slopes and distance fracs
    slpdata = ""
    if rows[0]["length"] != 0:
        print(("WARNING: HUC12:%s FPATH:%s had missing soil at top of slope") %
              (huc_12, fpath))
        slpdata = " 0.000,0.00001"
        res["slope_points"] = len(rows) + 1
    prevsoil = None
    lsoilstart = 0
    soils = []
    soillengths = []

    for row in rows:
        if prevsoil != row["surgo"]:
            if prevsoil is not None:
                soillengths.append(row["length"] - lsoilstart)
            prevsoil = row["surgo"]
            lsoilstart = row["length"]
        if res["length"] == 0:
        slpdata += " %.3f,%.5f" % (row["length"] / res["length"], row["slope"])
    soillengths.append(res["length"] - lsoilstart)

    res["soilbreaks"] = len(soillengths) - 1
    res["soils"] = ""
    res["slpdata"] = slpdata

    for d, s in zip(soillengths, soils):
        res["soils"] += """    %s {
        Distance = %.3f
        File = "/i/0/sol_input/MWDEP_%s.SOL"
    }\n""" % (

    prevman = None
    lmanstart = 0
    mans = []
    manlengths = []

    for row in rows:
        if row["landuse"] is None:
        if prevman is None or prevman != row["landuse"]:
            if prevman is not None:
                manlengths.append(row["length"] - lmanstart)
            prevman = row["landuse"]
            lmanstart = row["length"]

    if prevman is None:
        print("%s,%s has no managements, skipping" % (huc_12, fpath))
    manlengths.append(res["length"] - lmanstart)
    res["manbreaks"] = len(manlengths) - 1
    res["managements"] = ""

    for d, s in zip(manlengths, mans):
        res["managements"] += """    %s {
        Distance = %.3f
        File = "%s"
    }\n""" % (

    return res
Пример #10
def test_cli_fname():
    """Do we get the right climate file names?"""
    res = dep.get_cli_fname(-95.5, 42.5, 0)
    assert res == "/i/0/cli/095x042/095.50x042.50.cli"
    res = dep.get_cli_fname(-97.9999, 42.0, 0)
    assert res == "/i/0/cli/098x042/098.00x042.00.cli"
Пример #11
def do_flowpath(zone, huc_12, fid, fpath):
    """ Process a given flowpathid """
    # slope = compute_slope(fid)
    # I need bad soilfiles so that the length can be computed
    cursor2.execute("""SELECT segid, elevation, length, f.surgo,
    slope, management, 'MWDEP_'||surgo||'.SOL' as soilfile,
    lu2007 || lu2008 || lu2009 ||
    lu2010 || lu2011 || lu2012 || lu2013 || lu2014 || lu2015 ||
    lu2016 || lu2017 || lu2018 || lu2019 as lstring,
    round(ST_X(ST_Transform(geom,4326))::numeric,2) as x,
    round(ST_Y(ST_Transform(geom,4326))::numeric,2) as y from
    flowpath_points f
    WHERE flowpath = %s and length < 9999 and scenario = %s
    ORDER by segid ASC""", (fid, SCENARIO))
    rows = []
    x = None
    y = None
    maxmanagement = 0
    for row in cursor2:
        if row['slope'] < 0:
            print('%s,%s had a negative slope, deleting!' % (huc_12, fpath))
            return None
        if row['soilfile'] == 'MWDEP_9999.SOL':
        if not os.path.isfile("/i/%s/sol_input/%s" % (SCENARIO,
            if row['soilfile'] not in MISSED_SOILS:
                print('Missing soilfile: %s' % (row['soilfile'],))
                MISSED_SOILS[row['soilfile']] = 0
            MISSED_SOILS[row['soilfile']] += 1
        if x is None:
            x = row['x']
            y = row['y']
        if row['management'] > maxmanagement:
            maxmanagement = row['management']
        if row['slope'] < 0.00001:
            row['slope'] = 0.00001
        # hard coded...
        # row['slope'] = slope

    if x is None:
        print('%s,%s had no valid soils, deleting' % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None
    if len(rows) < 2:
        print('%s,%s had only 1 row of data, deleting' % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None
    if len(rows) > 19:
        rows = simplify(rows)

    maxslope = 0
    for row in rows:
        if row['slope'] > maxslope:
            maxslope = row['slope']
    if maxslope > 1:
        s = compute_slope(fid)
        print("%s %3i %4.1f %5.1f %5.1f" % (huc_12, fpath, maxslope,
                                            rows[-1]['length'], s))
    # SLP.write("%s,%.6f\n" % (fid, maxslope))

    if rows[-1]['length'] < 1:
        print('%s,%s has zero length, deleting' % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None

    res = {}
    # These scenarios use one climate file
    if SCENARIO in [5, 0]:
        res['clifile'] = get_cli_fname(-96.44, 43.28, SCENARIO)
        res['clifile'] = get_cli_fname(x, y, SCENARIO)

    # Store climate_file name with flowpath to make life easier
    cursor3.execute("""UPDATE flowpaths SET climate_file = %s
     WHERE fid = %s """, (res['clifile'], fid))
    if cursor3.rowcount != 1:
        print('ERROR Updating climate_file for FID: %s' % (fid,))
    # return
    res['huc8'] = huc_12[:8]
    res['huc12'] = huc_12
    res['envfn'] = "/i/%s/env/%s/%s_%s.env" % (SCENARIO,
                                               res['huc8'], huc_12, fpath)
    res['date'] = datetime.datetime.now()
    res['aspect'] = compute_aspect(rows[0]['x'], rows[0]['y'],
                                   rows[-1]['x'], rows[-1]['y'])
    res['prj_fn'] = "/i/%s/prj/%s/%s/%s_%s.prj" % (SCENARIO,
                                                   res['huc8'], huc_12[-4:],
                                                   huc_12, fpath)
    res['length'] = rows[-1]['length']
    res['slope_points'] = len(rows)

    # Iterate over the rows and figure out the slopes and distance fracs
    slpdata = ""
    if rows[0]['length'] != 0:
        print(('WARNING: HUC12:%s FPATH:%s had missing soil at top of slope'
               ) % (huc_12, fpath))
        slpdata = " 0.000,0.00001"
        res['slope_points'] = len(rows) + 1
    prevsoil = None
    lsoilstart = 0
    soils = []
    soillengths = []

    for row in rows:
        if prevsoil != row['surgo']:
            if prevsoil is not None:
                soillengths.append(row['length'] - lsoilstart)
            prevsoil = row['surgo']
            lsoilstart = row['length']
        if res['length'] == 0:
        slpdata += " %.3f,%.5f" % (row['length'] / res['length'],
    soillengths.append(res['length'] - lsoilstart)

    res['soilbreaks'] = len(soillengths) - 1
    res['soils'] = ""
    res['slpdata'] = slpdata

    for d, s in zip(soillengths, soils):
        res['soils'] += """    %s {
        Distance = %.3f
        File = "/i/%s/sol_input/MWDEP_%s.SOL"
    }\n""" % (s, d, SCENARIO, s)

    prevman = None
    lmanstart = 0
    mans = []
    manlengths = []

    for row in rows:
        if row['lstring'] is None:
        if prevman is None or prevman != row['lstring']:
            if prevman is not None:
                mans.append(get_rotation(zone, prevman, maxmanagement))
                manlengths.append(row['length'] - lmanstart)
            prevman = row['lstring']
            lmanstart = row['length']

    if prevman is None:
        print('%s,%s has no managements, skipping' % (huc_12, fpath))
    mans.append(get_rotation(zone, prevman, maxmanagement))
    manlengths.append(res['length'] - lmanstart)
    res['manbreaks'] = len(manlengths) - 1
    res['managements'] = ""

    for d, s in zip(manlengths, mans):
        res['managements'] += """    %s {
        Distance = %.3f
        File = "%s"
    }\n""" % (s, d, s)

    return res
Пример #12
"""When DEP expands, we have a problem that we have no close by precip files.

So lets ensure we have one file per 0.25 degree lat and lon, we can then use
these to fast-start newly expanded areas...
import os
import shutil

import numpy as np
from pyiem.dep import SOUTH, EAST, NORTH, WEST, get_cli_fname

# We shall use this file, no mater what
SRC = "/i/0/cli/095x038/095.17x038.13.cli"

WANTS = ['.00', '.25', '.50', '.75']
created = 0
for lon in np.arange(WEST, EAST, 0.05):
    for lat in np.arange(SOUTH, NORTH, 0.05):
        if (("%.2f" % (lon, ))[-3:] in WANTS
                and ("%.2f" % (lat, ))[-3:] in WANTS):
            fn = get_cli_fname(lon, lat, SCENARIO)
            mydir = fn.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
            if not os.path.isdir(mydir):
            if not os.path.isfile(fn):
                created += 1
                shutil.copyfile(SRC, fn)

print("We just created %s new files!" % (created, ))
Пример #13
def test_cli_fname():
    """Do we get the right climate file names?"""
    res = dep.get_cli_fname(-95.5, 42.5, 0)
    assert res == "/i/0/cli/095x042/095.50x042.50.cli"
    res = dep.get_cli_fname(-97.9999, 42.0, 0)
    assert res == "/i/0/cli/098x042/098.00x042.00.cli"
Пример #14
def do_flowpath(zone, huc_12, fid, fpath):
    """ Process a given flowpathid """
    # slope = compute_slope(fid)
    # I need bad soilfiles so that the length can be computed
    cursor2.execute("""SELECT segid, elevation, length, f.surgo,
    slope, management, 'DEP_'||surgo||'.SOL' as soilfile,
    lu2007 || lu2008 || lu2009 ||
    lu2010 || lu2011 || lu2012 || lu2013 || lu2014 || lu2015 ||
    lu2016 || lu2017 || lu2018 || lu2019 as lstring,
    round(ST_X(ST_Transform(geom,4326))::numeric,2) as x,
    round(ST_Y(ST_Transform(geom,4326))::numeric,2) as y from
    flowpath_points f
    WHERE flowpath = %s and length < 9999 and scenario = %s
    ORDER by segid ASC""", (fid, SCENARIO))
    rows = []
    x = None
    y = None
    maxmanagement = 0
    for row in cursor2:
        if row['slope'] < 0:
            print('%s,%s had a negative slope, deleting!' % (huc_12, fpath))
            return None
        if row['soilfile'] == 'DEP_9999.SOL':
        if not os.path.isfile("/i/%s/sol_input/%s" % (SCENARIO,
            if row['soilfile'] not in MISSED_SOILS:
                print('Missing soilfile: %s' % (row['soilfile'],))
                MISSED_SOILS[row['soilfile']] = 0
            MISSED_SOILS[row['soilfile']] += 1
        if x is None:
            x = row['x']
            y = row['y']
        if row['management'] > maxmanagement:
            maxmanagement = row['management']
        if row['slope'] < 0.00001:
            row['slope'] = 0.00001
        # hard coded...
        # row['slope'] = slope

    if x is None:
        print('%s,%s had no valid soils, deleting' % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None
    if len(rows) < 2:
        print('%s,%s had only 1 row of data, deleting' % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None
    if len(rows) > 19:
        rows = simplify(rows)

    maxslope = 0
    for row in rows:
        if row['slope'] > maxslope:
            maxslope = row['slope']
    if maxslope > MAX_SLOPE_RATIO:
        s = compute_slope(fid)
        print("Error max-slope>0.3 %s[%3i] max:%4.1f len:%5.1f bulk:%5.1f" % (
            huc_12, fpath, maxslope, rows[-1]['length'], s))
        return None
    # SLP.write("%s,%.6f\n" % (fid, maxslope))

    if rows[-1]['length'] < 1:
        print('%s,%s has zero length, deleting' % (huc_12, fpath))
        return None

    res = {}
    # These scenarios use one climate file
    if SCENARIO in [5, ]:
        res['clifile'] = get_cli_fname(-96.44, 43.28, SCENARIO)
        res['clifile'] = get_cli_fname(x, y, SCENARIO)

    # Store climate_file name with flowpath to make life easier
        UPDATE flowpaths SET climate_file = %s
        WHERE fid = %s
    """, (res['clifile'], fid))
    if cursor3.rowcount != 1:
        print('ERROR Updating climate_file for FID: %s' % (fid,))
    # return
    res['huc8'] = huc_12[:8]
    res['huc12'] = huc_12
    res['envfn'] = "/i/%s/env/%s/%s_%s.env" % (SCENARIO,
                                               res['huc8'], huc_12, fpath)
    res['date'] = datetime.datetime.now()
    res['aspect'] = compute_aspect(rows[0]['x'], rows[0]['y'],
                                   rows[-1]['x'], rows[-1]['y'])
    res['prj_fn'] = "/i/%s/prj/%s/%s/%s_%s.prj" % (SCENARIO,
                                                   res['huc8'], huc_12[-4:],
                                                   huc_12, fpath)
    res['length'] = rows[-1]['length']
    res['slope_points'] = len(rows)

    # Iterate over the rows and figure out the slopes and distance fracs
    slpdata = ""
    if rows[0]['length'] != 0:
        print(('WARNING: HUC12:%s FPATH:%s had missing soil at top of slope'
               ) % (huc_12, fpath))
        slpdata = " 0.000,0.00001"
        res['slope_points'] = len(rows) + 1
    prevsoil = None
    lsoilstart = 0
    soils = []
    soillengths = []

    for row in rows:
        if prevsoil != row['surgo']:
            if prevsoil is not None:
                soillengths.append(row['length'] - lsoilstart)
            prevsoil = row['surgo']
            lsoilstart = row['length']
        if res['length'] == 0:
        slpdata += " %.3f,%.5f" % (row['length'] / res['length'],
    soillengths.append(res['length'] - lsoilstart)

    res['soilbreaks'] = len(soillengths) - 1
    res['soils'] = ""
    res['slpdata'] = slpdata

    for d, s in zip(soillengths, soils):
        res['soils'] += """    %s {
        Distance = %.3f
        File = "/i/%s/sol_input/DEP_%s.SOL"
    }\n""" % (s, d, SCENARIO, s)

    prevman = None
    lmanstart = 0
    mans = []
    manlengths = []

    for row in rows:
        if row['lstring'] is None:
        if prevman is None or prevman != row['lstring']:
            if prevman is not None:
                mans.append(get_rotation(zone, prevman, maxmanagement))
                manlengths.append(row['length'] - lmanstart)
            prevman = row['lstring']
            lmanstart = row['length']

    if prevman is None:
        print('%s,%s has no managements, skipping' % (huc_12, fpath))
    mans.append(get_rotation(zone, prevman, maxmanagement))
    manlengths.append(res['length'] - lmanstart)
    res['manbreaks'] = len(manlengths) - 1
    res['managements'] = ""

    for d, s in zip(manlengths, mans):
        res['managements'] += """    %s {
        Distance = %.3f
        File = "%s"
    }\n""" % (s, d, s)

    return res