def main(): """Go Main""" net = sys.argv[1] nt = NetworkTable(net) sid = sys.argv[2] database = 'asos' if net in ('KCCI', 'KELO', 'KIMT'): database = 'snet' elif net in ('IA_RWIS', ): database = 'rwis' elif net in ('ISUSM', ): database = 'isuag' elif net.find('_DCP') > 0: database = 'hads' fn = "/mesonet/share/windrose/climate/yearly/%s_yearly.png" % (sid, ) print("%4s %-20.20s -- YR" % (sid, nt.sts[sid]['name']), end='') res = windrose(sid, database=database, sname=nt.sts[sid]['name']) res.savefig(fn) plt.close() for month in range(1, 13): fn = ("/mesonet/share/windrose/climate/monthly/%02i/%s_%s.png") % ( month, sid, datetime.datetime(2000, month, 1).strftime("%b").lower()) print(" %s" % (month, ), end='') res = windrose(sid, months=(month, ), database=database, sname=nt.sts[sid]['name']) res.savefig(fn) plt.close() print()
def plot(): """Go Plot Go.""" dfs = {} for scenario in [0, 36, 37, 38]: dfs[scenario] = pd.read_csv( '/tmp/s%s.csv' % (scenario, )).set_index('sday') dfs[scenario]['accum'] = dfs[scenario]['avg'].cumsum() for i, sday in enumerate(dfs[0].index.values): if i == 0: continue (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1) for scenario in [0, 36, 37, 38]: df = dfs[scenario] ax.plot( range(i), df.iloc[:i]['avg'], label=SCENARIOS[scenario], lw=2) ax.set_xlim(0, 366) ax.set_ylim(0, 0.2) ax.grid(True) ax.legend(loc=2) ax.set_xticks((1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365)) ax.set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) ax.set_ylabel("Hillslope Soil Loss [T/a/day]") ax.set_title("2008-2017 DEP Daily Average Hillslope Soil Loss") fig.savefig('/tmp/frames/%05i.png' % (i - 1, )) plt.close()
def main(): """Go Main""" net = sys.argv[1] nt = NetworkTable(net) sid = sys.argv[2] database = "asos" if net in ("KCCI", "KELO", "KIMT"): database = "snet" elif net in ("IA_RWIS", ): database = "rwis" elif net in ("ISUSM", ): database = "isuag" elif net.find("_DCP") > 0: database = "hads" mydir = "%s/%s/%s" % (CACHE_DIR, net, sid) if not os.path.isdir(mydir): os.makedirs(mydir) fn = "%s/%s_yearly.png" % (mydir, sid) res = windrose(sid, database=database, sname=nt.sts[sid]["name"]) res.savefig(fn) plt.close() for month in range(1, 13): fn = ("%s/%s_%s.png") % ( mydir, sid, datetime.datetime(2000, month, 1).strftime("%b").lower(), ) res = windrose(sid, months=(month, ), database=database, sname=nt.sts[sid]["name"]) res.savefig(fn) plt.close()
def error_image(message, fmt): """Create an error image""" plt.close() _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) msg = "IEM Autoplot generation resulted in an error\n%s" % (message,) ax.text(0.5, 0.5, msg, transform=ax.transAxes, ha="center", va="center") ram = BytesIO() plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(ram, format=fmt, dpi=100) plt.close() return
def main(argv): """Go Main Go""" pgconn = get_dbconn('postgis') pcursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) pcursor2 = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) # Preparation sortOpt = argv[1] ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) sts = ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if len(argv) == 5: sts = sts.replace(year=int(argv[1]), month=int(argv[2]), day=int(argv[3])) sortOpt = argv[4] ets = sts + datetime.timedelta(hours=24) opts = { 'W': { 'fnadd': '-wfo', 'sortby': 'wfo ASC, phenomena ASC, eventid ASC' }, 'S': { 'fnadd': '', 'sortby': 'size DESC' }, 'T': { 'fnadd': '-time', 'sortby': 'issue ASC' } } # Defaults thumbpx = 100 cols = 10 # Find largest polygon either in height or width sql = """SELECT *, ST_area2d(ST_transform(geom,2163)) as size, (ST_xmax(ST_transform(geom,2163)) - ST_xmin(ST_transform(geom,2163))) as width, (ST_ymax(ST_transform(geom,2163)) - ST_ymin(ST_transform(geom,2163))) as height from sbw_%s WHERE status = 'NEW' and issue >= '%s' and issue < '%s' and phenomena IN ('TO','SV') """ % (sts.year, sts, ets) pcursor.execute(sql) maxDimension = 0 mybuffer = 10000 i = 0 torCount = 0 torSize = 0 svrCount = 0 svrSize = 0 for row in pcursor: w = float(row['width']) h = float(row['height']) if w > maxDimension: maxDimension = w if h > maxDimension: maxDimension = h if row['phenomena'] == "SV": svrCount += 1 svrSize += float(row['size']) if row['phenomena'] == "TO": torCount += 1 torSize += float(row['size']) i += 1 sql = """ SELECT phenomena, sum( ST_area2d(ST_transform(u.geom,2163)) ) as size from warnings_%s w JOIN ugcs u on (u.gid = w.gid) WHERE issue >= '%s' and issue < '%s' and significance = 'W' and phenomena IN ('TO','SV') GROUP by phenomena """ % (sts.year, sts, ets) pcursor.execute(sql) for row in pcursor: if row['phenomena'] == "TO": totalTorCar = 100.0 * (1.0 - (torSize / float(row['size']))) if row['phenomena'] == "SV": totalSvrCar = 100.0 * (1.0 - (svrSize / float(row['size']))) # Make mosaic image header = 35 mosaic ='RGB', (thumbpx * cols, ((int(i / cols) + 1) * thumbpx) + header)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mosaic) imagemap = open('imap.txt', 'w') utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() imagemap.write("<!-- %s %s -->\n" % (utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), sortOpt)) imagemap.write("<map name='mymap'>\n") # Find my polygons gdf = read_postgis(""" SELECT *, ST_area2d(ST_transform(geom,2163)) as size, (ST_xmax(ST_transform(geom,2163)) + ST_xmin(ST_transform(geom,2163))) /2.0 as xc, (ST_ymax(ST_transform(geom,2163)) + ST_ymin(ST_transform(geom,2163))) /2.0 as yc, ST_transform(geom, 2163) as utmgeom from sbw_""" + str(sts.year) + """ WHERE status = 'NEW' and issue >= %s and issue < %s and phenomena IN ('TO','SV') and eventid is not null ORDER by """ + opts[sortOpt]['sortby'] + """ """, pgconn, params=(sts, ets), geom_col='utmgeom', index_col=None) # Write metadata to image tmp ="logo_small.png") mosaic.paste(tmp, (3, 2)) s = "IEM Summary of NWS Storm Based Warnings issued %s UTC" % ( sts.strftime("%d %b %Y"), ) (w, h) = FONT2.getsize(s) draw.text((54, 3), s, font=FONT2) s = "Generated: %s UTC" % ( datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"), ) draw.text((54, 3 + h), s, font=FONT10) if svrCount > 0: s = ("%3i SVR: Avg Size %5.0f km^2 CAR: %.0f%%") % ( svrCount, (svrSize / float(svrCount)) / 1000000, totalSvrCar) draw.text((54 + w + 10, 8), s, font=FONT10, fill="#ffff00") if torCount > 0: s = ("%3i TOR: Avg Size %5.0f km^2 CAR: %.0f%%") % ( torCount, (torSize / float(torCount)) / 1000000, totalTorCar) draw.text((54 + w + 10, 22), s, font=FONT10, fill="#ff0000") if pcursor.rowcount == 0: s = "No warnings in database for this date" draw.text((100, 78), s, font=FONT2, fill="#ffffff") i = 0 for _, row in gdf.iterrows(): # - Map each polygon x0 = float(row['xc']) - (maxDimension / 2.0) - mybuffer x1 = float(row['xc']) + (maxDimension / 2.0) + mybuffer y0 = float(row['yc']) - (maxDimension / 2.0) - 1.75 * mybuffer y1 = float(row['yc']) + (maxDimension / 2.0) + 0.25 * mybuffer fig = plt.figure(figsize=(thumbpx / 100., thumbpx / 100.)) ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], facecolor='black') ax.set_xlim(x0, x1) ax.set_ylim(y0, y1) for poly in row['utmgeom']: xs, ys = poly.exterior.xy color = 'r' if row['phenomena'] == 'TO' else 'yellow' ax.plot(xs, ys, color=color, lw=2) fig.savefig('tmp.png') plt.close() my = int(i / cols) * thumbpx + header mx0 = (i % cols) * thumbpx # - Add each polygon to mosaic tmp ="tmp.png") mosaic.paste(tmp, (mx0, my)) del tmp os.remove("tmp.png") # Compute CAR! sql = """ select sum(ST_area2d(ST_transform(u.geom,2163))) as csize from warnings_%s w JOIN ugcs u on (u.gid = w.gid) WHERE phenomena = '%s' and significance = '%s' and eventid = %s and w.wfo = '%s' """ % (row['issue'].year, row['phenomena'], row['significance'], row['eventid'], row['wfo']) pcursor2.execute(sql) row2 = pcursor2.fetchone() car = "NA" carColor = (255, 255, 255) if row2 and row2['csize'] is not None: csize = float(row2['csize']) carF = 100.0 * (1.0 - (row['size'] / csize)) car = "%.0f" % (carF, ) if carF > 75: carColor = (0, 255, 0) if carF < 25: carColor = (255, 0, 0) # Draw Text! issue = row['issue'] s = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (row['wfo'], row['phenomena'], row['eventid'], issue.strftime("%H%M")) # (w, h) = font10.getsize(s) # print s, h draw.text((mx0 + 2, my + thumbpx - 10), s, font=FONT10) s = "%.0f sq km %s%%" % (row['size'] / 1000000.0, car) draw.text((mx0 + 2, my + thumbpx - (20)), s, font=FONT10, fill=carColor) # Image map url = ("/vtec/#%s-O-NEW-K%s-%s-%s-%04i") % ( ts.year, row['wfo'], row['phenomena'], row['significance'], row['eventid']) altxt = "Click for text/image" imagemap.write( ("<area href=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" " "shape=\"rect\" coords=\"%s,%s,%s,%s\">\n") % (url, altxt, altxt, mx0, my, mx0 + thumbpx, my + thumbpx)) i += 1 for i in range(len(gdf.index)): my = int(i / cols) * thumbpx + header mx0 = (i % cols) * thumbpx if mx0 == 0: draw.line( (0, my + thumbpx + 2, (thumbpx * cols), my + thumbpx + 2), (0, 120, 200))"test.png") del mosaic imagemap.write("</map>") imagemap.close() cmd = ("/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p " "'plot a %s0000 blah sbwsum%s.png png' test.png") % ( sts.strftime("%Y%m%d"), opts[sortOpt]['fnadd']), shell=True) cmd = ("/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p " "'plot a %s0000 blah sbwsum-imap%s.txt txt' imap.txt") % ( sts.strftime("%Y%m%d"), opts[sortOpt]['fnadd']), shell=True) os.remove("test.png") os.remove("imap.txt")
def main(argv): """Do things""" dfs = [] for fn in glob.glob("/i/0/wb/07100004/0704/*"): df = read_wb(fn) df["fpath"] = int(fn.split("_")[1][:-3]) dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs) ranges = df.groupby(["fpath", "ofe"]).describe() year = 2018 for doy in tqdm(range(1, 365)): date =, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=(doy - 1)) wb = df[(df["year"] == year) & (df["jday"] == doy)].copy() wb = wb.set_index(["fpath", "ofe"]) for f2 in ["sw1", "sw2", "sw"]: for f1 in ["min", "max"]: wb["%s_%s" % (f2, f1)] = ranges[f2, f1] wb["%s_range" % (f2, )] = (wb["%s_max" % (f2, )] - wb["%s_min" % (f2, )]) wb["%s_percent" % (f2, )] = ((wb[f2] - wb["%s_min" % (f2, )]) / wb["%s_range" % (f2, )] * 100.0) sns.set(style="white", palette="muted", color_codes=True) (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(7, 7)) sns.despine(left=True) fig.text( 0.5, 0.98, "%s :: Water Balance for 071000040704" % (date.strftime("%d %B %Y"), ), ha="center", ) # --------------------------------------------------- myax = ax[0, 0] sns.distplot(wb["sw1"], hist=False, color="g", ax=myax, rug=True) myax.set_xlabel("0-10cm Soil Water [mm]") myax.axvline(wb["sw1"].mean(), color="r") myax.set_xlim(0, 60) myax = ax[0, 1] sns.distplot(wb["sw1_percent"], hist=False, color="g", ax=myax, rug=True) myax.set_xlabel("0-10cm Soil Water of Capacity [%]") myax.axvline(wb["sw1_percent"].mean(), color="r") myax.set_xlim(0, 100) # --------------------------------------------------------- myax = ax[1, 0] sns.distplot(wb["sw2"], hist=False, color="g", ax=myax, rug=True) myax.set_xlabel("10-20cm Soil Water [mm]") myax.axvline(wb["sw2"].mean(), color="r") myax.set_xlim(0, 60) myax = ax[1, 1] sns.distplot(wb["sw2_percent"], hist=False, color="g", ax=myax, rug=True) myax.set_xlabel("10-20cm Soil Water of Capacity [%]") myax.axvline(wb["sw2_percent"].mean(), color="r") myax.set_xlim(0, 100) # ------------------------------------------------------- myax = ax[2, 0] sns.distplot(wb["sw"], hist=False, color="g", ax=myax, rug=True) myax.set_xlabel("Total Soil Water [mm]") myax.axvline(wb["sw"].mean(), color="r") myax.set_xlim(150, 650) myax = ax[2, 1] sns.distplot(wb["sw_percent"], hist=False, color="g", ax=myax, rug=True) myax.set_xlabel("Total Soil Water of Capacity [%]") myax.axvline(wb["sw_percent"].mean(), color="r") myax.set_xlim(0, 100) plt.setp(ax, yticks=[]) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig("frames/%05i.png" % (doy - 1, )) plt.close()
def close(self): ''' Close the figure in the case of batch processing ''' plt.close()
def workflow(environ, form, fmt): """we need to return a status and content""" # q is the full query string that was rewritten to use by apache q = form.get("q", "") fdict = parser(q) # p=number is the python backend code called by this framework scriptnum = int(form.get("p", 0)) dpi = int(fdict.get("dpi", 100)) # memcache keys can not have spaces mckey = get_mckey(scriptnum, fdict, fmt) mc = memcache.Client(["iem-memcached:11211"], debug=0) # Don't fetch memcache when we have _cb set for an inbound CGI res = mc.get(mckey) if fdict.get("_cb") is None else None if res: return HTTP200, res # memcache failed to save us work, so work we do! start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # res should be a 3 length tuple try: res, meta = get_res_by_fmt(scriptnum, fmt, fdict) except NoDataFound as exp: return HTTP400, handle_error(exp, fmt, environ.get("REQUEST_URI")) except Exception as exp: # Everything else should be considered fatal return HTTP500, handle_error(exp, fmt, environ.get("REQUEST_URI")) end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() sys.stderr.write( ("Autoplot[%3s] Timing: %7.3fs Key: %s\n") % (scriptnum, (end_time - start_time).total_seconds(), mckey) ) [mixedobj, df, report] = res # Our output content content = "" if fmt == "js" and isinstance(mixedobj, dict): content = ('$("#ap_container").highcharts(%s);') % ( json.dumps(mixedobj), ) elif fmt in ["js", "mapbox"]: content = mixedobj elif fmt in ["svg", "png", "pdf"] and isinstance(mixedobj, plt.Figure): # if our content is a figure, then add some fancy metadata to plot if meta.get("plotmetadata", True): plot_metadata(mixedobj, start_time, end_time, scriptnum) ram = BytesIO() plt.savefig(ram, format=fmt, dpi=dpi) plt.close() content = del ram elif fmt in ["svg", "png", "pdf"] and mixedobj is None: return ( HTTP400, error_image( ("plot requested but backend " "does not support plots"), fmt ), ) elif fmt == "txt" and report is not None: content = report elif fmt in ["csv", "xlsx"] and df is not None: if fmt == "csv": content = df.to_csv(index=( is not None), header=True) elif fmt == "xlsx": # Can't write to ram buffer yet, unimplmented upstream (_, tmpfn) = tempfile.mkstemp() = None # Need to set engine as xlsx/xls can't be inferred with pd.ExcelWriter(tmpfn, engine="openpyxl") as writer: df.to_excel(writer, encoding="latin-1", sheet_name="Sheet1") content = open(tmpfn, "rb").read() os.unlink(tmpfn) del df else: sys.stderr.write( ("Undefined edge case: fmt: %s uri: %s\n") % (fmt, environ.get("REQUEST_URI")) ) raise Exception("Undefined autoplot action |%s|" % (fmt,)) try: mc.set(mckey, content, meta.get("cache", 43200)) except Exception as exp: sys.stderr.write( "Exception while writting key: %s\n%s\n" % (mckey, exp) ) if isinstance(mixedobj, plt.Figure): plt.close() return HTTP200, content
def application(environ, start_response): """Process this request This should look something like "/onsite/features/2016/11/161125.png" """ headers = [("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")] uri = environ.get("REQUEST_URI") # Option 1, no URI is provided. if uri is None: headers.append(get_content_type("text")) start_response("500 Internal Server Error", headers) return [b"ERROR!"] match = PATTERN.match(uri) # Option 2, the URI pattern is unknown. if match is None: headers.append(get_content_type("text")) start_response("500 Internal Server Error", headers) sys.stderr.write("feature content failure: %s\n" % (repr(uri), )) return [b"ERROR!"] data = match.groupdict() fn = ("/mesonet/share/features/%(yyyy)s/%(mm)s/" "%(yymmdd)s%(extra)s.%(suffix)s") % data # Option 3, we have no file. if not os.path.isfile(fn): # lazy import to save the expense of firing this up when this loads # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from pyiem.plot.use_agg import plt headers.append(get_content_type("png")) (_, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.text( 0.5, 0.5, "Feature Image was not Found!", transform=ax.transAxes, ha="center", ) plt.axis("off") ram = BytesIO() plt.savefig(ram, format="png") plt.close() start_response("404 Not Found", headers) return [] # Option 4, we can support this request. headers.append(get_content_type(data["suffix"])) rng = environ.get("HTTP_RANGE", "bytes=0-") tokens = rng.replace("bytes=", "").split("-", 1) resdata = open(fn, "rb").read() totalsize = len(resdata) stripe = slice( int(tokens[0]), totalsize if tokens[-1] == "" else (int(tokens[-1]) + 1), ) status = "200 OK" if totalsize != (stripe.stop - stripe.start): status = "206 Partial Content" headers.append(("Content-Length", "%.0f" % (stripe.stop - stripe.start, ))) if environ.get("HTTP_RANGE") and stripe is not None: secondval = ("" if environ.get("HTTP_RANGE") == "bytes=0-" else (stripe.stop - 1)) headers.append(( "Content-Range", "bytes %s-%s/%s" % (stripe.start, secondval, totalsize), )) dblog(data["yymmdd"]) start_response(status, headers) return [resdata[stripe]]
def run(nexrad, name, network, cname): """Do some work!""" cmap = get_cmap(cname) cmap.set_bad("white") today = utc() pgconn = get_dbconn("radar", user="******") df = read_sql( """ SELECT drct, sknt, extract(doy from valid) as doy, valid from nexrad_attributes_log WHERE nexrad = %s and sknt > 0 """, pgconn, params=(nexrad, ), index_col=None, ) if df.empty: print("No results for %s" % (nexrad, )) return minvalid = df["valid"].min() years = (today - minvalid).days / 365.25 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.24, 7.68), dpi=100) ax = [None, None] ax[0] = fig.add_axes([0.06, 0.53, 0.99, 0.39]) ax[1] = fig.add_axes([0.06, 0.06, 0.99, 0.39]) H2, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( df["drct"].values, df["sknt"].values, bins=(36, 15), range=[[0, 360], [0, 70]], ) H2 = / years) H2.mask = np.where(H2 < 1, True, False) res = ax[0].pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, H2.transpose(), cmap=cmap) fig.colorbar(res, ax=ax[0], extend="neither") ax[0].set_xlim(0, 360) ax[0].set_ylabel("Storm Speed [kts]") ax[0].set_xlabel("Movement Direction (from)") ax[0].set_xticks((0, 90, 180, 270, 360)) ax[0].set_xticklabels(("N", "E", "S", "W", "N")) ax[0].set_title(("Storm Attributes Histogram\n%s - %s K%s %s (%s)\n" "%s total attrs, units are ~ (attrs+scans)/year") % ( minvalid.strftime("%d %b %Y"), today.strftime("%d %b %Y"), nexrad, name, network, len(df.index), )) ax[0].grid(True) H2, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( df["doy"].values, df["drct"].values, bins=(36, 36), range=[[0, 365], [0, 360]], ) H2 = / years) H2.mask = np.where(H2 < 1, True, False) res = ax[1].pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, H2.transpose(), cmap=cmap) fig.colorbar(res, ax=ax[1], extend="neither") ax[1].set_ylim(0, 360) ax[1].set_ylabel("Movement Direction (from)") ax[1].set_yticks((0, 90, 180, 270, 360)) ax[1].set_yticklabels(("N", "E", "S", "W", "N")) ax[1].set_xticks( (1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365)) ax[1].set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) ax[1].set_xlim(0, 365) ax[1].grid(True) ax[1].set_xlabel(("Generated %s by Iowa Environmental Mesonet") % (today.strftime("%d %b %Y"), )) fig.savefig("%s_histogram.png" % (nexrad, )) plt.close()
def make_overviewmap(form): """Draw a pretty map of just the HUC.""" huc = form.get("huc") plt.close() projection = EPSG[5070] if huc is None: huclimiter = "" elif len(huc) >= 8: huclimiter = " and substr(huc_12, 1, 8) = '%s' " % (huc[:8],) with get_sqlalchemy_conn("idep") as conn: df = read_postgis( f""" SELECT simple_geom as geom, huc_12, ST_x(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(geom), 4326)) as centroid_x, ST_y(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(geom), 4326)) as centroid_y, hu_12_name from huc12 i WHERE i.scenario = 0 {huclimiter} """, conn, geom_col="geom", index_col="huc_12", ) minx, miny, maxx, maxy = df["geom"].total_bounds buf = float(form.get("zoom", 10.0)) * 1000.0 # 10km hucname = "" if huc not in df.index else[huc, "hu_12_name"] subtitle = "The HUC8 is in tan" if len(huc) == 12: subtitle = "HUC12 highlighted in red, the HUC8 it resides in is in tan" m = MapPlot( axisbg="#EEEEEE", logo="dep", sector="custom", south=miny - buf, north=maxy + buf, west=minx - buf, east=maxx + buf, projection=projection, continentalcolor="white", title="DEP HUC %s:: %s" % (huc, hucname), subtitle=subtitle, titlefontsize=20, subtitlefontsize=18, caption="Daily Erosion Project", ) for _huc12, row in df.iterrows(): p = Polygon( row["geom"].exterior.coords, fc="red" if _huc12 == huc else "tan", ec="k", zorder=Z_OVERLAY2, lw=0.1, ) # If this is our HUC, add some text to prevent cities overlay overlap if _huc12 == huc: m.plot_values( [row["centroid_x"]], [row["centroid_y"]], [" . "], color="None", outlinecolor="None", ) if huc is not None: m.drawcounties() m.drawcities() ram = BytesIO() plt.savefig(ram, format="png", dpi=100) plt.close() return, True
def make_map(huc, ts, ts2, scenario, v, form): """Make the map""" projection = EPSG[5070] plt.close() # suggested for runoff and precip if v in ["qc_precip", "avg_runoff"]: # c = ['#ffffa6', '#9cf26d', '#76cc94', '#6399ba', '#5558a1'] cmap = james() # suggested for detachment elif v in ["avg_loss"]: # c =['#cbe3bb', '#c4ff4d', '#ffff4d', '#ffc44d', '#ff4d4d', '#c34dee'] cmap = dep_erosion() # suggested for delivery elif v in ["avg_delivery"]: # c =['#ffffd2', '#ffff4d', '#ffe0a5', '#eeb74d', '#ba7c57', '#96504d'] cmap = dep_erosion() pgconn = get_dbconn("idep") cursor = pgconn.cursor() title = "for %s" % (ts.strftime("%-d %B %Y"),) if ts != ts2: title = "for period between %s and %s" % ( ts.strftime("%-d %b %Y"), ts2.strftime("%-d %b %Y"), ) if "averaged" in form: title = "averaged between %s and %s (2008-2017)" % ( ts.strftime("%-d %b"), ts2.strftime("%-d %b"), ) # Check that we have data for this date! cursor.execute( "SELECT value from properties where key = 'last_date_0'", ) lastts = datetime.datetime.strptime(cursor.fetchone()[0], "%Y-%m-%d") floor =, 1, 1) if ts > or ts2 > or ts < floor: plt.text( 0.5, 0.5, "Data Not Available\nPlease Check Back Later!", fontsize=20, ha="center", ) ram = BytesIO() plt.savefig(ram, format="png", dpi=100) plt.close() return, False if huc is None: huclimiter = "" elif len(huc) == 8: huclimiter = " and substr(i.huc_12, 1, 8) = '%s' " % (huc,) elif len(huc) == 12: huclimiter = " and i.huc_12 = '%s' " % (huc,) if "iowa" in form: huclimiter += " and i.states ~* 'IA' " if "mn" in form: huclimiter += " and i.states ~* 'MN' " if "averaged" in form: # 11 years of data is standard # 10 years is for the switchgrass one-off with get_sqlalchemy_conn("idep") as conn: df = read_postgis( f""" WITH data as ( SELECT huc_12, sum({v}) / 10. as d from results_by_huc12 WHERE scenario = %s and to_char(valid, 'mmdd') between %s and %s and valid between '2008-01-01' and '2018-01-01' GROUP by huc_12) SELECT simple_geom as geom, coalesce(d.d, 0) * %s as data from huc12 i LEFT JOIN data d ON (i.huc_12 = d.huc_12) WHERE i.scenario = %s {huclimiter} """, conn, params=( scenario, ts.strftime("%m%d"), ts2.strftime("%m%d"), V2MULTI[v], 0, ), geom_col="geom", ) else: with get_sqlalchemy_conn("idep") as conn: df = read_postgis( f""" WITH data as ( SELECT huc_12, sum({v}) as d from results_by_huc12 WHERE scenario = %s and valid between %s and %s GROUP by huc_12) SELECT simple_geom as geom, coalesce(d.d, 0) * %s as data from huc12 i LEFT JOIN data d ON (i.huc_12 = d.huc_12) WHERE i.scenario = %s {huclimiter} """, conn, params=( scenario, ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ts2.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), V2MULTI[v], 0, ), geom_col="geom", ) minx, miny, maxx, maxy = df["geom"].total_bounds buf = 10000.0 # 10km m = MapPlot( axisbg="#EEEEEE", logo="dep", sector="custom", south=miny - buf, north=maxy + buf, west=minx - buf, east=maxx + buf, projection=projection, title="DEP %s by HUC12 %s" % (V2NAME[v], title), titlefontsize=16, caption="Daily Erosion Project", ) if ts == ts2: # Daily bins = RAMPS["english"][0] else: bins = RAMPS["english"][1] norm = mpcolors.BoundaryNorm(bins, cmap.N) for _, row in df.iterrows(): p = Polygon( row["geom"].exterior.coords, fc=cmap(norm([row["data"]]))[0], ec="k", zorder=5, lw=0.1, ) label_scenario(, scenario, pgconn) lbl = [round(_, 2) for _ in bins] if huc is not None: m.drawcounties() m.drawcities() m.draw_colorbar( bins, cmap, norm, units=V2UNITS[v], clevlabels=lbl, spacing="uniform" ) if "progressbar" in form: fig = plt.gcf() avgval = df["data"].mean() fig.text( 0.01, 0.905, "%s: %4.1f T/a" % (ts.year if "averaged" not in form else "Avg", avgval), fontsize=14, ) bar_width = 0.758 # yes, a small one off with years having 366 days proportion = (ts2 - ts).days / 365.0 * bar_width rect1 = Rectangle( (0.15, 0.905), bar_width, 0.02, color="k", zorder=40, transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig, ) fig.patches.append(rect1) rect2 = Rectangle( (0.151, 0.907), proportion, 0.016, color=cmap(norm([avgval]))[0], zorder=50, transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig, ) fig.patches.append(rect2) if "cruse" in form: # Crude conversion of T/a to mm depth depth = avgval / 5.0 0.9, 0.92, "%.2fmm" % (depth,), zorder=1000, fontsize=24,, ha="center", va="center", bbox=dict(color="k", alpha=0.5, boxstyle="round,pad=0.1"), color="white", ) ram = BytesIO() plt.savefig(ram, format="png", dpi=100) plt.close() return, True
def main(argv): """Run main Run.""" fn = argv[1] df = pd.read_csv(fn) sdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(df.columns[0], '%Y%m%d') df.columns = ['precip_mm'] df['date'] = pd.date_range(sdate, periods=len(df.index)) df.set_index('date', inplace=True) gdf = df.groupby([df.index.year, df.index.month]).sum().copy() gdf.reset_index(level=1, inplace=True) gdf.columns = ['month', 'precip_mm'] gdf.reset_index(inplace=True) gdf.columns = ['year', 'month', 'precip_mm'] gdf = pd.pivot_table(gdf, index='year', values='precip_mm', columns='month') print(gdf) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6)) sns.heatmap(gdf, annot=True, fmt='.0f', cmap='YlGnBu', linewidths=.5, ax=ax) ax.set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) tokens = fn.split("/") ax.set_title("Monthly Precipitation [mm] %s %s" % (tokens[-3], tokens[-1])) fig.savefig('%s_monthly_total.png' % (tokens[-1][:-4], )) plt.close() # ------------------------------------- for threshold in [0.25, 25]: df2 = df[df['precip_mm'] > threshold] gdf = df2.groupby( [df2.index.year, df2.index.month]).count().copy() gdf.reset_index(level=1, inplace=True) gdf.columns = ['month', 'precip_mm'] gdf.reset_index(inplace=True) gdf.columns = ['year', 'month', 'precip_mm'] gdf = pd.pivot_table(gdf, index='year', values='precip_mm', columns='month') print(gdf) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6)) sns.heatmap(gdf, annot=True, fmt='.0f', cmap='YlGnBu', linewidths=.5, ax=ax) ax.set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) tokens = fn.split("/") ax.set_title("Daily Events >= %smm %s %s" % ( threshold, tokens[-3], tokens[-1])) fig.savefig('%s_%s_counts.png' % (tokens[-1][:-4], threshold)) plt.close() # ------------------------------------- gdf = df.groupby( [df.index.year, df.index.month]).max().copy() gdf.reset_index(level=1, inplace=True) gdf.columns = ['month', 'precip_mm'] gdf.reset_index(inplace=True) gdf.columns = ['year', 'month', 'precip_mm'] gdf = pd.pivot_table(gdf, index='year', values='precip_mm', columns='month') print(gdf) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6)) sns.heatmap(gdf, annot=True, fmt='.0f', cmap='YlGnBu', linewidths=.5, ax=ax) ax.set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) tokens = fn.split("/") ax.set_title("Max Daily Precip [mm] %s %s" % (tokens[-3], tokens[-1])) fig.savefig('%s_monthly_max.png' % (tokens[-1][:-4], )) plt.close()