Пример #1
def run_mp_and_delete(manager):
    """main method to run igblast through multiprocessing protocol,
    takes in a list of dictionaires each with a seperate set of arguments"""

    # blast options
    blast_options = manager["blast_options"]

    # bools
    _zip_bool = manager["zip_bool"]

    # file name outputs, these will all be temp files to be parsed later
    _file = manager["split_file"]
    _blast_out = _file + ".blast_out"
    if not _zip_bool:
        _json_out = _file + ".json"
        _json_out = _file + ".json.gz"

    # set the filename in the instance:
    blast_options["-query"] = _file
    blast_options["-out"] = _blast_out

    # temporary path
    _temporary_path = manager["temporary_path"]

    # output options
    _output_options = manager["output_options"]

    # set up the command line
    _cline = [manager["executable"]]  # we know its in this directory since we copied it here to make this executable
    for argument in blast_options:
        arg = blast_options[argument]
        if arg.startswith("C"):
            arg = '"' + arg + '"'
        current_argument = [argument, arg]
        _cline += current_argument

    print "Running BLAST on processor {0} for split file {1}".format(manager["proc_number"], _file)
    print " ".join(_cline)
    sub = sp.Popen(_cline, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = sub.communicate()

    # if we have output, lets print it
    if stdout:
        print stdout

    if stderr:
        raise Exception("ERROR FROM BLAST {0}".format(stderr))

    _output_type = manager["output_type"]
    print "Parsing BLAST output to {0} on Processor {1}".format(_output_type, manager["proc_number"])

    if _output_type == "blast_out":
        print "Removing {0}".format(_file)
        print _blast_out, _file, _temporary_path
        op = output_parser.igblast_output(
            _blast_out, _file, _temporary_path, _output_options, species="human", gui=True, zip_bool=_zip_bool
        op.parse_blast_file_to_type(_json_out, _output_type)
        print "Done parsing {0} type\nRemoving {1} and {2}".format(_output_type, _file, _blast_out)
Пример #2
def run_mp_and_delete(manager):
    '''main method to run igblast through multiprocessing protocol,
    takes in a list of dictionaires each with a seperate set of arguments'''

    # bools
    _zip_bool = manager['zip_bool']
    _json_bool = manager['json_bool']
    _concat_bool = manager['concat_bool']
    _output_options = manager['output_options']

    if _json_bool:
        _output_type = "json"
        _output_type = "csv"

    # file name outputs, these will all be temp files to be parsed later
    _file = manager['split_file']
    _blast_out = _file.split('.')[0] + ".blast_out"
    _output_file = _file.split('.')[0] + "." + _output_type

    # temporary path
    _temporary_path = manager['tmp_path']

    # check on internal data
    _internal_data = manager['internal_data']
    _current_directory = os.getcwd()

    _species = manager['species']

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(_current_directory, os.path.basename(_internal_data))):
        print "Copying internal data to current directory"
        copytree(_internal_data, os.getcwd())

    # set up the command line
    _blast_options = manager['blast_options']

    # add executable
    _cline = [manager['executable']]
    # add all blast options
    for argument in _blast_options:
        arg = _blast_options[argument]
        current_argument = [argument, arg]
        _cline += current_argument

    # change them to strings
    _cline = [str(i) for i in _cline]
    # add query and output to command line
    _cline += ["-query", _file]
    _cline += ["-out", _blast_out]

    # run command line
    print "Running BLAST on processor {0} for split file {1}".format(manager['proc_number'], _file)
    sub = sp.Popen(_cline, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)

    # If we have stderr and stdout, lets print it
    stderr, stdout = sub.communicate()
    if stderr or stdout:
        print stderr, stdout

    # Now parse the output
    print "Parsing BLAST output to {0} on Processor {1}".format(_output_type, manager['proc_number'])
    op = output_parser.igblast_output(_blast_out, _file,
                                      _temporary_path, _output_options, species=_species, gui=False, zip_bool=_zip_bool, germ_properties=manager['germ_properties'])
    op.parse_blast_file_to_type(_output_file, _output_type)
    print "Done parsing {0} type".format(_output_type)
    if _concat_bool:
        print "Removing {0} and {1}".format(_file, _blast_out)