def __init__(self): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setLinearPath3D() self.FormNumber = 0 self.AddParameters([ 3, 1, 3, 7, 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 5.817, 0.183686, 7.152560000000000E-007, 0.00391344, 7.42046, 0.116096, -1.430510000000000E-006, -0.0365138, 0.582714, 0.26764, -2.682210000000000E-007, -0.0384366, 6.0046, 0.195428, 0.011741, -0.0231148, 7.50004, 0.00655174, -0.109543, 0.0169944, 0.811917, 0.15233, -0.11531, -0.00673003, 6.18865, 0.149566, -0.0576034, -0.034095, 7.41404, -0.161551, -0.0585597, 0.0144959, 0.842207, -0.0984805, -0.1355, 0.000767251, 6.24652, -0.0679259, -0.159888, 0.0609804, 7.20843, -0.235182, -0.0150719, 0.0548643, 0.608993, -0.367179, -0.133198, 0.11326, 6.07969, -0.204761, 0.0230529, -0.00538516, 7.01304, -0.100733, 0.149521, -0.0375805, 0.221876, -0.293796, 0.206582, -0.0375974, 5.89259, -0.174811, 0.00689745, 0.041456, 7.02425, 0.0855677, 0.0367796, 0.0150364, 0.0970648, 0.00657602, 0.0937898, 0.0214335, 5.76614, -0.0366479, 0.131266, -0.0437549, 7.16163, 0.204236, 0.0818889, -0.0272963, 0.218864, 0.258456, 0.15809, -0.0526968, 5.817, 0.0946183, 1.430510000000000E-006, -0.26253, 7.42046, 0.286125, 0., -0.163778, 0.582714, 0.146546, -1.713630000000000E-007, -0.316181 ])
def __init__(self, Px, Py, Pz, U, V, pu, pv): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.FormNumber = 0 self.EntityType.setRBSplineSurface() # 128 K1 = len(Px[0]) - 1 K2 = len(Px) - 1 M1 = pu # Degree of first set of basis functions M2 = pv # Degree of second set of basis functions prop1 = 0 # PROP1 Not closed prop2 = 0 # PROP2 Not closed prop3 = 1 # PROP3 Polynomial prop4 = 0 # PROP4 Non-periodic in first parametric variable direction prop5 = 0 # PROP5 Non-periodic in second parametric variable direction Px = [item for sublist in Px for item in sublist] Py = [item for sublist in Py for item in sublist] Pz = [item for sublist in Pz for item in sublist] W = [1 for Pi in Px] nodes = [] for Pi, Pj, Pk in zip(Px, Py, Pz): nodes.append([Pi, Pj, Pk]) nodes = [item for sublist in nodes for item in sublist] ls = [K1, K2, M1, M2, prop1, prop2, prop3, prop4, prop5] \ + U + V + W + nodes + [0, 1, 0, 1] self.AddParameters(ls)
def __init__(self, Px, Py, Pz, U, pu): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.FormNumber = 0 self.sense = 0 self.EntityType.setRBSplineCurve() # 126 K = len(Px) - 1 M = pu # Degree of basis functions prop1 = 0 # PROP1 Not closed prop2 = 0 # PROP2 Not closed prop3 = 1 # PROP3 Polynomial prop4 = 0 # PROP4 Non-periodic W = [1.0 for Pi in Px] N = 1 + K - M nodes = [] for Pi, Pj, Pk in zip(Px, Py, Pz): nodes.append([Pi, Pj, Pk]) nodes = [item for sublist in nodes for item in sublist] ls = [K, M, prop1, prop2, prop3, prop4] + U + W + nodes + [0, 1] self.nodes_start = 6 + len(U) + len(W) self.AddParameters(ls)
def __init__(self, startpoint, endpoint): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setLine() self.AddParameters([ startpoint.x, startpoint.y, startpoint.z, endpoint.x, endpoint.y, endpoint.z ])
def __init__(self, profile, center_line, start_angle = 0, terminate_angle = pi * 2): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setRevolvedSurface() self.AddParameters([,, start_angle, terminate_angle])
def __init__(self, transform_matrix): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setTransformMatrix() self.FormNumber = 0 if len(transform_matrix) == 9: self.AddParameters(transform_matrix) else: raise TypeError("A transform matrix is 9 numbers")
def __init__(self, radius, node): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.ParameterLC = 1 self.EntityType.setSphere() self.AddParameters([radius, node.x, node.y, node.z])
def __init__(self, bounding_profile): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setPlane() self.FormNumber = 1 self.coefficients = [0, 0, 1, 0] self.AddParameters(self.coefficients) self.AddParameters([]) self.AddParameters([0, 0])
def __init__(self, z, node, startpoint, endpoint): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.ParameterLC = 1 self.EntityType.setCircularArc() self.AddParameters([z, node.x, node.y, startpoint.x, startpoint.y, endpoint.x, endpoint.y])
def __init__(self, r1, r2, node, vector): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.ParameterLC = 1 self.EntityType.setTorus() self.AddParameters([r1, r2, node.x, node.y, node.z, vector.i, vector.j, vector.k])
def __init__(self, *args): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setCompositeCurve() self.FormNumber = 0 self.object_count = 0 self.AddParameters(self.object_count) for IGESObject in args: self.AddObject(IGESObject)
def __init__(self, *args): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setCompositeCurve() self.FormNumber = 0 self.object_count = 0 self.AddParameters([self.object_count]) for IGESObject in args: self.AddObject(IGESObject)
def __init__(self, r1, r2, node, vector): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.ParameterLC = 1 self.EntityType.setTorus() self.AddParameters( [r1, r2, node.x, node.y, node.z, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z])
def __init__(self, IGESSurfaceS, IGESSurfaceB, IGESSurfaceC, pref): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setCurveOnParaSurface() self.FormNumber = 0 self.crtn = 1 # intersection of two surfaces self.AddParameters([self.crtn,,,]) self.AddParameters([pref]) # C is preferred
def __init__(self, profile, center_line, start_angle=0, terminate_angle=pi * 2): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setRevolvedSurface() self.AddParameters([,, start_angle, terminate_angle ])
def __init__(self, geometry, number, center, radius, start_angle, delta_angle): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setCircularArray() self.FormNumber = 0 self.AddParameters([]) self.AddParameters([number]) self.AddParameters([center.x, center.y, center.z]) self.AddParameters([radius]) self.AddParameters([start_angle, delta_angle]) self.AddParameters([0])
def __init__(self, IGESSurfaceS, IGESSurfaceB, IGESSurfaceC, pref): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setCurveOnParaSurface() self.FormNumber = 0 self.crtn = 1 # intersection of two surfaces self.AddParameters([ self.crtn,,, ]) self.AddParameters([pref]) # C is preferred
def __init__(self, *IGESPoints): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.EntityType.setClosedPlanarCurve() self.FormNumber = 12 self.pointcount = 0 self.AddParameters([2, self.pointcount]) for Point in IGESPoints: self.AddPoint(Point)
def __init__(self, z, node, startpoint, endpoint): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.ParameterLC = 1 self.EntityType.setCircularArc() self.AddParameters([ z, node.x, node.y, startpoint.x, startpoint.y, endpoint.x, endpoint.y ])
def __init__(self, stype, h, ndim): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setLinearPath3D() # 112 self.FormNumber = 0 self._stype = stype self._h = h self._ndim = ndim self._n = -1 # Number of segments self.AddParameters([self._stype, self._h, self._ndim, self._n]) self._breakpoints = list() self._polynomials = list() self._nextBreakpointInsert = IGESSplineCurve.BREAKPOINT_START_INDEX
def __init__(self, node): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setPoint() self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 self.ParameterLC = 1 # Ensure that the data is indeed [x, y, z] for correct_length in range(len(list(node)), 3): node.append(0) self.AddParameters(node) self.AddParameters([0])
def __init__(self, transform_matrix, formNumber=0): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setTransformMatrix() self.FormNumber = formNumber if self.FormNumber == 0: if len(transform_matrix) == 9: self.AddParameters(transform_matrix) else: raise TypeError("for form 0 a transform matrix is 9 numbers") else: if len(transform_matrix) == 12: self.AddParameters(transform_matrix) else: raise TypeError("for form 1 a transform matrix is 12 numbers")
def __init__(self, name, *IGESObjects): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setSubfigureInstance() self.FormNumber = 0 self.StatusNumber.EntityUseFlag.setDefinition() self.StatusNumber.Hierachy.setGlobalDefer() self.AddParameters([0]) self.AddParameters([name]) self.entities_count = 0 self.AddParameters(self.entities_count) for IGESObject in IGESObjects: self.AddObject(IGESObject)
def __init__(self, bounded_surface, boundaries): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setBoundedSurface() self.N1 = len(boundaries) try: outer_boundary_surface = except: pass self.AddParameters( [1,, self.N1]) for boundary in boundaries: self.AddParameters([])
def __init__(self, surface, boundary_curves): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setBoundary() # 141 boundary_type = 1 preference = 2 self.N1 = len(boundary_curves) ls = [ boundary_type, preference,, self.N1 ] for curve in boundary_curves: ls += [, curve.sense, 1, ] self.AddParameters(ls)
def __init__(self, trimmed_surface, outer_boundary_surface, *inner_boudary_surface): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setTrimmedParaSurface() self.FormNumber = 0 self.N1 = 1 self.count_boundaries = 0 # N2 try: outer_boundary_surface = except: pass self.AddParameters([, self.N1, self.count_boundaries, outer_boundary_surface]) for profile in inner_boudary_surface: self.add_bounding_profile(profile)
def __init__(self, IGESObject, endpoint): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setTabulatedCylinder() # Page 140 "Coordinates of the terminate point"! # Given we have the data at this point, # we can just extract the startpoint object_type = type(IGESObject) if object_type == IGESGeomPolyline: startpoint = IGESObject.ParameterData[2:5] elif (object_type == IGESGeomCircle or object_type == IGESGeomArc): startpoint = IGESObject.ParameterData[3:5] startpoint.append(IGESObject.ParameterData[0]) self.AddParameters([, startpoint[0] + endpoint.x, startpoint[1] + endpoint.y, startpoint[2] + endpoint.z])
def __init__(self, IGESObject, Length): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setTabulatedCylinder() # Page 140 "Coordinates of the terminate point"! # Given we have the data at this point, # we can just extract the startpoint object_type = type(IGESObject) if object_type == IGESGeomPolyline: startpoint = IGESObject.ParameterData[2:5] elif (object_type == IGESGeomCircle or object_type == IGESGeomArc): startpoint = IGESObject.ParameterData[3:5] startpoint.append(IGESObject.ParameterData[0]) self.AddParameters([, startpoint[0] + Length.x, startpoint[1] + Length.y, startpoint[2] + Length.z ])
def __init__(self, trimmed_surface, outer_boundary_surface, *inner_boudary_surface): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setTrimmedParaSurface() self.FormNumber = 0 self.N1 = 1 self.count_boundaries = 0 # N2 try: outer_boundary_surface = except: pass self.AddParameters([, self.N1, self.count_boundaries, outer_boundary_surface ]) for profile in inner_boudary_surface: self.add_bounding_profile(profile)
def __init__(self): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setLinearPath3D() self.FormNumber = 0 self.AddParameters([3, 1, 3, 7, 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 5.817, 0.183686, 7.152560000000000E-007, 0.00391344, 7.42046, 0.116096, - 1.430510000000000E-006, -0.0365138, 0.582714, 0.26764, - 2.682210000000000E-007, -0.0384366, 6.0046, 0.195428, 0.011741, - 0.0231148, 7.50004, 0.00655174, -0.109543, 0.0169944, 0.811917, 0.15233, -0.11531, -0.00673003, 6.18865, 0.149566, -0.0576034, - 0.034095, 7.41404, -0.161551, -0.0585597, 0.0144959, 0.842207, - 0.0984805, -0.1355, 0.000767251, 6.24652, -0.0679259, -0.159888, 0.0609804, 7.20843, -0.235182, -0.0150719, 0.0548643, 0.608993, - 0.367179, -0.133198, 0.11326, 6.07969, -0.204761, 0.0230529, - 0.00538516, 7.01304, -0.100733, 0.149521, -0.0375805, 0.221876, - 0.293796, 0.206582, -0.0375974, 5.89259, -0.174811, 0.00689745, 0.041456, 7.02425, 0.0855677, 0.0367796, 0.0150364, 0.0970648, 0.00657602, 0.0937898, 0.0214335, 5.76614, -0.0366479, 0.131266, - 0.0437549, 7.16163, 0.204236, 0.0818889, -0.0272963, 0.218864, 0.258456, 0.15809, -0.0526968, 5.817, 0.0946183, 1.430510000000000E-006, -0.26253, 7.42046, 0.286125, 0., -0.163778, 0.582714, 0.146546, -1.713630000000000E-007, -0.316181])
def __init__(self, node1, node2, node3, node4): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.LineWeightNum = 1 # self.ParameterLC = 4 self.FormNumber = 0 self.EntityType.setRBSplineSurface() # 128 K1 = 1 # Upper index of first sum K2 = 1 # Upper index of second sum M1 = 1 # Degree of first set of basis functions M2 = 1 # Degree of second set of basis functions prop1 = 0 # PROP1 Not closed prop2 = 0 # PROP2 Not closed prop3 = 1 # PROP3 Polynomial prop4 = 0 # PROP4 Non-periodic in first parametric variable direction prop5 = 0 # PROP5 Non-periodic in second parametric variable direction # N1 = 1+K1-M1 # N2 = 1+K2-M2 # A = N1+2*M1 # B = N2+2*M2 # C = (1+K1)*(1+K2) self.AddParameters([K1, K2, M1, M2, prop1, prop2, prop3, prop4, prop5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, node1.x, node1.y, node1.z, node2.x, node2.y, node2.z, node3.x, node3.y, node3.z, node4.x, node4.y, node4.z, 0.0, # Starting value for first parametric direction 1.0, # Ending value for first parametric direction 0.0, # Starting value for second parametric direction 1.0 # Ending value for second parametric direction ])
def __init__(self, startpoint, endpoint): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setLine() self.AddParameters([startpoint.x, startpoint.y, startpoint.z, endpoint.x, endpoint.y, endpoint.z])
def __init__(self): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setSplineSurface() self.FromNumber = 0 #self.StatusNumber.EntityUseFlag.setDefinition() #self.StatusNumber.Hierachy.setGlobalDefer() #self.AddParameters([3]) # Cubic #self.AddParameters([1]) # Cartesian Product #self.number_of_u_segments = 0 # aka. M #self.number_of_v_segments = 0 # aka. N #self.AddParameters([self.number_of_u_segments, # self.number_of_v_segments]) self.AddParameters([ 3, 1, 1, 3, 0., 1., 0., 1., 2., 3., 6.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166666, 8.583070000000001E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.430510000000000E-006, -1.502040000000000E-005, 2.253060000000000E-005, -7.510190000000000E-006, -0.0833325, 6.437300000000000E-006, -9.655950000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, 7.5, -0.75, 0., 0., -0.0999956, 4.291530000000000E-006, -4.291530000000000E-006, 0., -5.960460000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, 0.100002, -3.576280000000000E-007, 2.145770000000000E-006, -1.788140000000000E-006, 1., -1., -1.192090000000000E-007, 5.960460000000000E-008, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 5.364420000000000E-007, -7.152560000000000E-007, 1.788140000000000E-007, 0., -3.576280000000000E-007, 4.768370000000000E-007, -1.192090000000000E-007, 6.25, 0., 0., 0., -0.416667, -2.145770000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, -0.249998, 3.218650000000000E-006, -5.364420000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, 0.166666, -1.072880000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, 7.5, -0.749997, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.430510000000000E-006, 0.199999, 1.072880000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 1.072880000000000E-006, 0.300002, -5.364420000000000E-006, 1.072880000000000E-005, -6.794930000000000E-006, -0.25, 2.861020000000000E-006, -5.722050000000000E-006, 3.814700000000000E-006, 1., -1., -3.576280000000000E-007, 1.192090000000000E-007, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 5.75, 0., 0., 0., -0.416666, 1.072880000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, 0., 0.249998, 2.145770000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 0., -0.0833328, -3.218650000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, 0., 7.75, -0.749999, -1.430510000000000E-006, -4.768370000000000E-007, 0.0500009, -1.072880000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, -0.450001, 2.145770000000000E-006, -4.291530000000000E-006, 3.576280000000000E-006, 0.149999, -2.503400000000000E-006, 3.576280000000000E-006, -2.026560000000000E-006, 1., -1., -3.576280000000000E-007, 1.192090000000000E-007, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -5.364420000000000E-007, 7.152560000000000E-007, -1.788140000000000E-007, 0., 3.576280000000000E-007, -4.768370000000000E-007, 1.192090000000000E-007, 5.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166669, -4.291530000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, 0., 0.500007, 1.287460000000000E-005, -1.287460000000000E-005, 0., -0.333338, -8.583070000000001E-006, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0., 7.5, -0.75, 0., 0., -0.400002, -4.291530000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, 0., 1.20001, 1.287460000000000E-005, -1.287460000000000E-005, 0., -0.800005, -8.583070000000001E-006, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0., 1., -1., -1.192090000000000E-007, 5.960460000000000E-008, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 6.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166666, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.287460000000000E-005, -8.583070000000001E-006, -1.430510000000000E-006, 7.510190000000000E-006, -2.253060000000000E-005, 1.502040000000000E-005, -0.0833325, -3.218650000000000E-006, 9.655950000000000E-006, -6.437300000000000E-006, 6.75, -0.75, 2.25, -1.5, -0.0999956, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.287460000000000E-005, -8.583070000000001E-006, -5.960460000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0.100002, -1.430510000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, -2.861020000000000E-006, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -3.576280000000000E-007, 1.072880000000000E-006, -7.152560000000000E-007, 0., 2.384190000000000E-007, -7.152560000000000E-007, 4.768370000000000E-007, 6.25, 0., 0., 0., -0.416667, 1.072880000000000E-006, -3.218650000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, -0.249998, -1.072880000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 0.166666, 0., 0., 0., 6.75, -0.750001, 2.25, -1.5, 0.199999, 0., 0., 0., 0.3, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.287460000000000E-005, -8.583070000000001E-006, -0.25, 2.861020000000000E-006, -8.583070000000001E-006, 5.722050000000000E-006, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 5.75, 0., 0., 0., -0.416666, -1.072880000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 0.249998, -2.145770000000000E-006, 6.437300000000000E-006, -4.291530000000000E-006, -0.0833328, 3.218650000000000E-006, -9.655950000000000E-006, 6.437300000000000E-006, 7., -0.750003, 2.25001, -1.50001, 0.0500009, 0., 0., 0., -0.449999, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0.149998, -1.430510000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, -2.861020000000000E-006, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 3.576280000000000E-007, -1.072880000000000E-006, 7.152560000000000E-007, 0., -2.384190000000000E-007, 7.152560000000000E-007, -4.768370000000000E-007, 5.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166669, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0.500007, -1.287460000000000E-005, 3.862380000000000E-005, -2.574920000000000E-005, -0.333338, 8.583070000000001E-006, -2.574920000000000E-005, 1.716610000000000E-005, 6.75, -0.75, 2.25, -1.5, -0.400002, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 1.20001, -1.287460000000000E-005, 3.862380000000000E-005, -2.574920000000000E-005, -0.800005, 8.583070000000001E-006, -2.574920000000000E-005, 1.716610000000000E-005, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ])
def __init__(self, parameters): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setViewEntity() self.FormNumber = 0 self.AddParameters(parameters)
def __init__(self, parameters, formNumber=0): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setPropertyEntity() self.FormNumber = formNumber self.AddParameters(parameters)
def __init__(self, parameters, formNumber=0): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setGeneralNoteEntity() # 212 self.FormNumber = formNumber self.LineFontPattern.setSolid() self.AddParameters(parameters)
def __init__(self): IGESItemData.__init__(self) self.EntityType.setSplineSurface() self.FromNumber = 0 #self.StatusNumber.EntityUseFlag.setDefinition() #self.StatusNumber.Hierachy.setGlobalDefer() #self.AddParameters([3]) # Cubic #self.AddParameters([1]) # Cartesian Product #self.number_of_u_segments = 0 # aka. M #self.number_of_v_segments = 0 # aka. N #self.AddParameters([self.number_of_u_segments, # self.number_of_v_segments]) self.AddParameters([3, 1, 1, 3, 0., 1., 0., 1., 2., 3., 6.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166666, 8.583070000000001E-006, - 1.287460000000000E-005, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.430510000000000E-006, -1.502040000000000E-005, 2.253060000000000E-005, -7.510190000000000E-006, -0.0833325, 6.437300000000000E-006, -9.655950000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, 7.5, -0.75, 0., 0., -0.0999956, 4.291530000000000E-006, -4.291530000000000E-006, 0., - 5.960460000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, 0.100002, - 3.576280000000000E-007, 2.145770000000000E-006, -1.788140000000000E-006, 1., -1., -1.192090000000000E-007, 5.960460000000000E-008, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 5.364420000000000E-007, -7.152560000000000E-007, 1.788140000000000E-007, 0., -3.576280000000000E-007, 4.768370000000000E-007, -1.192090000000000E-007, 6.25, 0., 0., 0., -0.416667, -2.145770000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, -0.249998, 3.218650000000000E-006, -5.364420000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, 0.166666, -1.072880000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, 7.5, -0.749997, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.430510000000000E-006, 0.199999, 1.072880000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 1.072880000000000E-006, 0.300002, -5.364420000000000E-006, 1.072880000000000E-005, -6.794930000000000E-006, -0.25, 2.861020000000000E-006, -5.722050000000000E-006, 3.814700000000000E-006, 1., -1., -3.576280000000000E-007, 1.192090000000000E-007, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 5.75, 0., 0., 0., -0.416666, 1.072880000000000E-006, -1.072880000000000E-006, 0., 0.249998, 2.145770000000000E-006, - 2.145770000000000E-006, 0., -0.0833328, -3.218650000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, 0., 7.75, -0.749999, - 1.430510000000000E-006, -4.768370000000000E-007, 0.0500009, -1.072880000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, - 1.072880000000000E-006, -0.450001, 2.145770000000000E-006, -4.291530000000000E-006, 3.576280000000000E-006, 0.149999, -2.503400000000000E-006, 3.576280000000000E-006, -2.026560000000000E-006, 1., -1., - 3.576280000000000E-007, 1.192090000000000E-007, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -5.364420000000000E-007, 7.152560000000000E-007, -1.788140000000000E-007, 0., 3.576280000000000E-007, -4.768370000000000E-007, 1.192090000000000E-007, 5.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166669, -4.291530000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, 0., 0.500007, 1.287460000000000E-005, -1.287460000000000E-005, 0., -0.333338, -8.583070000000001E-006, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0., 7.5, -0.75, 0., 0., -0.400002, -4.291530000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, 0., 1.20001, 1.287460000000000E-005, -1.287460000000000E-005, 0., -0.800005, -8.583070000000001E-006, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0., 1., -1., -1.192090000000000E-007, 5.960460000000000E-008, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 6.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166666, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.287460000000000E-005, - 8.583070000000001E-006, -1.430510000000000E-006, 7.510190000000000E-006, -2.253060000000000E-005, 1.502040000000000E-005, -0.0833325, -3.218650000000000E-006, 9.655950000000000E-006, -6.437300000000000E-006, 6.75, -0.75, 2.25, -1.5, -0.0999956, -4.291530000000000E-006, 1.287460000000000E-005, -8.583070000000001E-006, - 5.960460000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0.100002, - 1.430510000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, -2.861020000000000E-006, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -3.576280000000000E-007, 1.072880000000000E-006, -7.152560000000000E-007, 0., 2.384190000000000E-007, - 7.152560000000000E-007, 4.768370000000000E-007, 6.25, 0., 0., 0., -0.416667, 1.072880000000000E-006, - 3.218650000000000E-006, 2.145770000000000E-006, -0.249998, -1.072880000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, - 2.145770000000000E-006, 0.166666, 0., 0., 0., 6.75, -0.750001, 2.25, -1.5, 0.199999, 0., 0., 0., 0.3, - 4.291530000000000E-006, 1.287460000000000E-005, -8.583070000000001E-006, -0.25, 2.861020000000000E-006, - 8.583070000000001E-006, 5.722050000000000E-006, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 5.75, 0., 0., 0., -0.416666, -1.072880000000000E-006, 3.218650000000000E-006, -2.145770000000000E-006, 0.249998, -2.145770000000000E-006, 6.437300000000000E-006, -4.291530000000000E-006, -0.0833328, 3.218650000000000E-006, -9.655950000000000E-006, 6.437300000000000E-006, 7., -0.750003, 2.25001, -1.50001, 0.0500009, 0., 0., 0., -0.449999, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0.149998, -1.430510000000000E-006, 4.291530000000000E-006, -2.861020000000000E-006, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 3.576280000000000E-007, -1.072880000000000E-006, 7.152560000000000E-007, 0., - 2.384190000000000E-007, 7.152560000000000E-007, -4.768370000000000E-007, 5.5, 0., 0., 0., -0.166669, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 0.500007, -1.287460000000000E-005, 3.862380000000000E-005, -2.574920000000000E-005, -0.333338, 8.583070000000001E-006, -2.574920000000000E-005, 1.716610000000000E-005, 6.75, -0.75, 2.25, -1.5, -0.400002, 4.291530000000000E-006, -1.287460000000000E-005, 8.583070000000001E-006, 1.20001, -1.287460000000000E-005, 3.862380000000000E-005, -2.574920000000000E-005, - 0.800005, 8.583070000000001E-006, -2.574920000000000E-005, 1.716610000000000E-005, 0., -1., 3., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])