Пример #1
    anim_t = 0.0
    anim_t_dir = 0.015
    use_dqs = False
    recompute = True
    animation = False  # Flag needed as there is some synchronization problem with viewer.core.is_animating

    poses = [[]]

    igl.readOBJ(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH + "arm.obj", V, F)
    U = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(V)
    igl.readTGF(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH + "arm.tgf", C, BE)

    # retrieve parents for forward kinematics
    igl.directed_edge_parents(BE, P)
    rest_pose = igl.RotationList()
    igl.directed_edge_orientations(C, BE, rest_pose)
    poses = [[igl.eigen.Quaterniond.Identity() for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)]

    twist = igl.eigen.Quaterniond(pi, igl.eigen.MatrixXd([1, 0, 0]))
    poses[1][2] = rest_pose[2] * twist * rest_pose[2].conjugate()
    bend = igl.eigen.Quaterniond(-pi * 0.7, igl.eigen.MatrixXd([0, 0, 1]))
    poses[3][2] = rest_pose[2] * bend * rest_pose[2].conjugate()

    igl.readDMAT(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH + "arm-weights.dmat", W)
    igl.lbs_matrix(V, W, M)

    # Plot the mesh with pseudocolors
    viewer = igl.viewer.Viewer()
    viewer.data.set_mesh(U, F)
    viewer.data.set_edges(C, BE, sea_green)
    viewer.core.show_lines = False
Пример #2
    anim_t = 0.0
    anim_t_dir = 0.015
    use_dqs = False
    recompute = True
    animation = False  # Flag needed as there is some synchronization problem with viewer.core.is_animating

    poses = [[]]

    igl.readOBJ(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH + "arm.obj", V, F)
    U = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(V)
    igl.readTGF(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH + "arm.tgf", C, BE)

    # retrieve parents for forward kinematics
    igl.directed_edge_parents(BE, P)
    rest_pose = igl.RotationList()
    igl.directed_edge_orientations(C, BE, rest_pose)
    poses = [[igl.eigen.Quaterniond.Identity() for i in range(4)]
             for j in range(4)]

    twist = igl.eigen.Quaterniond(pi, igl.eigen.MatrixXd([1, 0, 0]))
    poses[1][2] = rest_pose[2] * twist * rest_pose[2].conjugate()
    bend = igl.eigen.Quaterniond(-pi * 0.7, igl.eigen.MatrixXd([0, 0, 1]))
    poses[3][2] = rest_pose[2] * bend * rest_pose[2].conjugate()

    igl.readDMAT(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH + "arm-weights.dmat", W)
    igl.lbs_matrix(V, W, M)

    # Plot the mesh with pseudocolors
    viewer = igl.viewer.Viewer()
    viewer.data.set_mesh(U, F)
    viewer.data.set_edges(C, BE, sea_green)