server.user, user='******', home='/home/pyinfra', shell='/bin/bash', sudo=True, ) add_op( state,, group='pyinfra2', name='Ensure pyinfra2 group exists', sudo=True, # Add an op only to a subset of hosts # (in this case, the inventory.centos group) host=inventory.get_group('centos', default=[]), ) # Ensure the state of files add_op( state, files.file, path='/var/log/pyinfra.log', user='******', group='pyinfra', mode='644', sudo=True, ) # Ensure the state of directories add_op(
server.user, user="******", home="/home/pyinfra", shell="/bin/bash", sudo=True, ) add_op( state,, group="pyinfra2", name="Ensure pyinfra2 group exists", sudo=True, # Add an op only to a subset of hosts # (in this case, the inventory.centos group) host=inventory.get_group("centos", default=[]), ) # Ensure the state of files add_op( state, files.file, path="/var/log/pyinfra.log", user="******", group="pyinfra", mode="644", sudo=True, ) # Ensure the state of directories add_op(
'pyinfra', home='/home/pyinfra', shell='/bin/bash', sudo=True, ) add_op( state,, {'Ensure pyinfra2 group exists' }, # set as the first arg names the operation 'pyinfra2', sudo=True, # Add an op only to a subset of hosts # (in this case, the inventory.centos group) hosts=inventory.get_group('centos'), ) # Ensure the state of files add_op( state, files.file, '/var/log/pyinfra.log', user='******', group='pyinfra', mode='644', sudo=True, ) # Ensure the state of directories add_op(