server.hostname( name='Set the hostname for an agent', hostname='', ) if host.fact.linux_name in ['CentOS', 'RedHat']: yum.packages( name='Install chrony for Network Time Protocol (NTP)', packages=['chrony'], ) major = host.fact.linux_distribution['major'] yum.rpm( name='Install Puppet Repo', src='{}.noarch.rpm'.format( major), ) files.line( name='Ensure SELINUX is disabled', path='/etc/sysconfig/selinux', line=r'SELINUX=.*', replace='SELINUX=disabled', ) # TODO: should reboot after SELINUX is disabled (how to check/easy way to reboot) # TODO: how to determine when reboot is complete # TODO: run sestatus if host in masters:
server.hostname( name="Set the hostname for an agent", hostname="", ) if host.get_fact(LinuxName) in ["CentOS", "RedHat"]: yum.packages( name="Install chrony for Network Time Protocol (NTP)", packages=["chrony"], ) major = host.get_fact(LinuxDistribution)["major"] yum.rpm( name="Install Puppet Repo", src="{}.noarch.rpm".format( major), ) files.line( name="Ensure SELINUX is disabled", path="/etc/sysconfig/selinux", line=r"SELINUX=.*", replace="SELINUX=disabled", ) # TODO: should reboot after SELINUX is disabled (how to check/easy way to reboot) # TODO: how to determine when reboot is complete # TODO: run sestatus if host in masters:
packages=['vim-enhanced', 'vim', 'wget'], update=True, ) linux_id = host.fact.linux_distribution['release_meta'].get('ID') print(linux_id) if host.fact.linux_name == 'CentOS': yum.key( name='Add the Docker CentOS gpg key', src='{}/gpg'.format(linux_id), ) yum.rpm( name='Ensure an rpm is not installed', src='snappy', present=False, ) if host.fact.linux_name in ['CentOS', 'RedHat']: yum.rpm( name='Install EPEL rpm to enable EPEL repo', src='' '{{ host.fact.linux_distribution.major }}.noarch.rpm', ) yum.packages( name='Install Zabbix and htop', packages=['zabbix', 'htop'], update=True, )
packages=["vim-enhanced", "vim", "wget"], update=True, ) linux_distribution = host.get_fact(LinuxDistribution) linux_id = linux_distribution["release_meta"].get("ID") if host.get_fact(LinuxName) == "CentOS": yum.key( name="Add the Docker CentOS gpg key", src="{}/gpg".format(linux_id), ) yum.rpm( name="Ensure an rpm is not installed", src="snappy", present=False, ) if host.get_fact(LinuxName) in ["CentOS", "RedHat"]: yum.rpm( name="Install EPEL rpm to enable EPEL repo", src="" "{0}.noarch.rpm".format(linux_distribution["major"]), ) yum.packages( name="Install Zabbix and htop", packages=["zabbix", "htop"], update=True, )