Пример #1
def test_type():
    """Test type command"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[2]
    expr_list = (("type('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ')", 'A'),
                 ("type(v26^c)", 'N'), ("type(v69)", 'X'))
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #2
def test_max_width():
    """Test max width and field alignment"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    # Fake config and change default param MAX_LINE_WIDTH
    record.mst = Lyer()
    record.mst.config.INPUT_ENCODING = 'utf-8'
    record.mst.config.OUTPUT_ENCODING = 'utf-8'
    record.mst.config.MAX_LINE_WIDTH = 40
    record.mst.config.YACC_DEBUG = False
    expr_list = (
         'Methodology of plant eco-physiology: \nproceedings of the Montpellier \nSymposium'
         'Methodology of plant eco-physiology: \nproceedings of the Montpellier \nSymposium'
         '          Methodology of plant \neco-physiology: proceedings of the \nMontpellier Symposium'
         'Methodology of plant eco-physiology: \n     proceedings of the Montpellier \n     Symposium'
         '          Methodology of plant \n     eco-physiology: proceedings of the \n     Montpellier Symposium'
        # special case of unbreakable line
        ("'%s'" % ('a' * 120),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #3
def test_replace():
    """Test repalce() function"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
         'Techniques for the measurement of transpiration of individual fruits'
         'Techniques for the measurement of transpiration of individual plants'
        ("replace(v24,'measurement of ','')",
         'Techniques for the transpiration of individual plants'),
         "PARIS, UNESCO, -1965.  !UnEsCo\n"),
         "PARIS, UNESCO, -1965.  !^aParis^bUnEsCo^c-1965\n"),
         "PARIS, UNESCO, -1965!UnEsCo\n"),
         "PARIS, UNESCO, -1965!^aParis^bUnEsCo^c-1965\n"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #4
def test_mfn_expressions():
    """Test MFN expressions"""
    #record = MasterRecord(mfn=4)
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[4]
    expr_list = (
        ("mfn", '000004'),
        ("MFN", '000004'),
        ("mfn(0)", '4'),
        ("mfn(1)", '4'),
        ("mfn(2)", '04'),
        ("mfn=1", "False"),
        ("MFN>1", "True"),
        ("mfn=4", "True"),
        ("mfn<>4", "False"),
        ("not mfn=4", "False"),
        ("not mfn<>4", "True"),
        # Format
        ("mfn/", "000004\n"),
        ("f(mfn+1,0,0)/", "5\n"),
        ("s(mfn,' ',v24)",
         "000004 <An> Electric hygrometer apparatus for measuring water-vapour loss from \nplants in the field"
         "<An> Electric hygrometer apparatus for measuring water-vapour loss from plants \nin the field"
        ("if mfn=4 then mfn,/, fi", "000004\n"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #5
def test_if():
    """Test IFs statements and boolean functions"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ('if p(v26) then v26^a fi', 'Paris'),
        ('if p(v25) then v26^a fi', ''),
        ('if p(v26) then v26^a else v26^b fi', 'Paris'),
        ('if p(v25) then v26^a else v26^b fi', 'Unesco'),
        ('if a(v26) then v26^a fi', ''),
        ('if a(v25) then v26^a fi', 'Paris'),
        ('if a(v26) then v26^a else v26^b fi', 'Unesco'),
        ('if a(v25) then v26^a else v26^b fi', 'Paris'),
        ('if p(v26) then v26^a fi', 'Paris'),
        ('if p(v26) then v26^a,v26^b fi', 'ParisUnesco'),
        ('if p(v26) then v26^a v26^b fi', 'ParisUnesco'),
        # field expression
        ("if v26>'' then v26^a fi", 'Paris'),
        ("if v50:'bib' then v26^a fi", 'Paris'),
        # test for heading and trailing spaces
        ("if 1=1 then 'ok' fi ", "ok"),
        ("  if 1=1 then 'ok' fi", "ok"),
        ("   if 1=1 then 'ok' fi   ", "ok"),
        ("if nocc(v70)=2 then 'OK' else 'NOK' fi", "OK"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #6
def test_spacing():
    """Test for vertical spacing commands: # / %"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ('v26^b v26^a', 'UnescoParis'),
        ('v26^b  v26^a', 'UnescoParis'),
        ('v26^b/v26^a', 'Unesco\nParis'),
        ('v26^b///v26^a', 'Unesco\nParis'),
        ('v26^b#v26^a', 'Unesco\nParis'),
        ('v26^b/#v26^a', 'Unesco\n\nParis'),
        ('v26^b##v26^a', 'Unesco\n\nParis'),
        ('v26^b###%v26^a', 'Unesco\nParis'),
        ('v26^bx10v26^a', 'Unesco          Paris'),
        ('v26^bX10v26^a', 'Unesco          Paris'),
        ('v26^bX100v26^a', "Unesco\nParis"),
        ('v26^bC0v26^a', "Unesco\nParis"),
        ("v26^bC7v26^a", "UnescoParis"),
        ("v26^bC8v26^a", "Unesco Paris"),
        # ignore tabulation that exceeds MAX_WIDTH
        ("v26^bC120v26^a", "UnescoParis"),
        ("v26^bC5v26^a", "Unesco\n    Paris"),
        ("### X3 v26^b", "\n\n\n   Unesco"),
        ("###,X3,v26^b", "\n\n\n   Unesco"),
        ("v26^a#", "Paris\n"),
        ("v26^a///", "Paris\n"),
        ("v26^a#", "Paris\n"),
        ("v26^a%##v26^b%##v26^c", "Paris\nUnesco\n\n-1965"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #7
def test_boolean_expr():
    """Test Boolean expressions"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ("1<>2", "True"),
        ("1=2", "False"),
        ("1>2", "False"),
        ("1 > 2", "False"),
        ("1> 2", "False"),
        ("1 >2", "False"),
        ("1<2", "True"),
        ("1>=2", "False"),
        ("2>=1", "True"),
        ("2<=1", "False"),
        ("2>=1", "True"),
        ("1 > 2", "False"),
        ("1>2 or 2>1", "True"),
        ("1>2 and 2>1", "False"),
        ("1<2 or 2>1", "True"),
        ("1<2 and 2>1", "True"),
        ("1<2 xor 2>1", "False"),
        ("1>2 xor 2>1", "True"),
        ("not 1<2", "False"),
        ("not (1<2)", "False"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #8
def test_repeatable_literals():
    """Test repeatable literals"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ('|Do not show|v1', ''),
        ('|Show|v26', 'Show^aParis^bUnesco^c-1965'),
        ('mpu,|Show|v26^a', 'SHOWPARIS'),
        ('v1|Do not show|', ''),
        ('v26|Show|', '^aParis^bUnesco^c-1965Show'),
        ('|Do not show|v26^z', ''),
        ('|Show|v26^a', 'ShowParis'),
        ('v26^z|Do not show|', ''),
        ('v26^b|Show|', 'UnescoShow'),
        ('| Author:|v70', ' Author:Magalhaes, A.C. Author:Franco, C.M.'),
        ('| Author:|+v70', 'Magalhaes, A.C. Author:Franco, C.M.'),
        ('|<Left> |v70| <Right>|',
         u'<Left> Magalhaes, A.C. <Right><Left> Franco, C.M. <Right>'),
        ('|<Left> |+v70| <Right>|',
         u'Magalhaes, A.C. <Right><Left> Franco, C.M. <Right>'),
        ('|<Left> |v70+| <Right>|',
         u'<Left> Magalhaes, A.C. <Right><Left> Franco, C.M.'),
        ('|<Left> |+v70+| <Right>|',
         u'Magalhaes, A.C. <Right><Left> Franco, C.M.'),
        ('|Show |v26^a|; |/', 'Show Paris; \n'),
        ('|Show |+v26^a|; |/', 'Paris; \n'),
        ('|Show |v26^a+|; |/', 'Show Paris\n'),
        ('|Show |+v26^a+|; |/', 'Paris\n'),
        ('|Show |v26^a(5,5)|; |/', '     Show Paris; \n'),
        ('|Show |+v26^a(5,5)|; |/', '     Paris; \n'),
         'Magalhaes, A.C.<antes>Franco, C.M.^aParis^bUnesco^c-1965\n'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #9
def test_add_repeatable_field():
    """Test the addition of a repeatable field"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (("proc('a70|Beltrano!'),(v70/)",
                  u'Magalhaes, A.C.\nFranco, C.M.\nBeltrano\n'), )
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #10
def test_datex():
    """Test datex() function"""
    from time import strftime, localtime
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (("datex('1147780749')",
                  strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S %w %j', localtime(1147780749))), )
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #11
def test_mstname():
    """Test mstname command"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("mstname", 'cds'),
        ("mdu,mstname", 'CDS'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #12
def test_proc_gsplit():
    """Test proc gsplit"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    record.v1 = 'Perez, J.; Garcia, Maria; Machado, A.'
    expr_list = (
        ("proc('gsplit=1=;'),v1", u'Perez, J. Garcia, Maria Machado, A.'),
        ("proc('Gsplit=1=;'),v1", u'Perez, J. Garcia, Maria Machado, A.'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #13
def test_mid():
    """Test mid() function"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ('mid(v24,1,1)', 'T'),
        ('mid(v24,0,2)', 'Te'),
        ('mid(v24,-1,1)', 'T'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #14
def test_iocc():
    """Test iocc command"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = ((
        "(f(iocc,3,0),'.',v70/)", "  1.Magalhaes, A.C.\n  2.Franco, C.M.\n"
    ), ("(f(iocc,3,0),'.',v24/)",
        "  1.Techniques for the measurement of transpiration of individual plants\n"
        ), ("(f(iocc,2,0),'-',v70/)", " 1-Magalhaes, A.C.\n 2-Franco, C.M.\n"))
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #15
def test_left():
    """Test left() function"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ('left(v24,0)', ''),
        ('left(v24,-1)', ''),
        ('left(v24,10)', 'Techniques'),
        ('left(v24,14)', 'Techniques for'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #16
def test_boolean_functions():
    """Test boolean evaluation functions P() and A()"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ('p(v26)', 'True'),
        ('a(v26)', 'False'),
        ('P(v26)', 'True'),
        ('A(v26)', 'False'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #17
def test_date():
    """Test date() function"""
    from time import strftime
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("date(DATETIME)", strftime('%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),
        ("date(DATEONLY)", strftime('%d/%m/%y')),
        ("date", strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S %w %j')),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #18
def test_npost():
    """Test npost command"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("npost('1966.')", "50"),
        ("npost('PARIS, UNESCO , 1966.')", "1"),
        ("npost('PARIS, UNESCO, 1976.')", "5"),
        ("npost('BLA')", "0"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #19
def test_proc_gizmo():
    """Test proc gizmo"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    test_db = join('fixtures', 'test')
    expr_list = (
        ("proc('G%s,24'),v24" % test_db,
         u'Techniques for the measurement of xxx of individual yyys'),
        ("proc('G%s,69'),v69" % test_db,
         u'Paper on: <yyy physiology><yyy xxx><measurement and instruments>'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #20
def test_field_index():
    """Test field index"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("v70[1]", 'Magalhaes, A.C.'),
        ("v70[2]", 'Franco, C.M.'),
        ("v70[1..2]", 'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.'),
        ("v70[LAST]", 'Franco, C.M.'),
        ("v70[1..LAST]", 'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #21
def test_proc():
    """Test proc a, h and d"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("proc('d91','a91#Simple Field#'),v91", u'Simple Field'),
        ("proc('d93','h93 20 Fixed size text'),v93", u'Fixed size text     '),
        ("proc('d92','d93','a93#content field 93#'),v93", 'content field 93'),
        ("proc('h92 10 ^aaaaaa^bbbbbb^cccccc'),v92", u'^aaaaaa^bbbbbb^cccccc'),
        ("proc('d92','d93','d91')", ''),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #22
def test_newline():
    """Test newline command"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("newline('<BR>'),v70#", "Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.<BR>"),
         "Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.<BR>Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.\r\n"),
        ("newline('\n'),v70#", "Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.\n"),

    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #23
def test_field_expressions():
    """Test field access expressions"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ("v30^a,v30^b", 'p. 211-224illus.'),
        ("v26^a", 'Paris'),
        ("v26^a*2", 'ris'),
        ("v26^a.2", 'Pa'),
        ("v26^a*1.3", 'ari'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #24
def test_break():
    """Test break"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("(f(iocc,1,0),'=',v70,break),", u'1=Magalhaes, A.C.'),
        ("(v70,ref(mfn,break))", 'Magalhaes, A.C.'),
        ("(if iocc=1 and p(v70) then '+ occ'/,break else v26^a|-|,v26^b,/, fi,)",
         '+ occ\n'),
        ("(if iocc=2 and p(v70) then '+ occ'/,break else v26^a|-|,v26^b,/, fi,)",
         'Paris-Unesco\n+ occ\n'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #25
def test_include():
    """Test include"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    test_pft = join('fixtures', 'test.pft')
    test2_pft = join('fixtures', 'test2.pft')
    expr_list = (
        ("@%s" % test2_pft, u'P. 211-224, ILLUS.  \nUnEsCo\nTechnique\n'),
        ("v70[1],' - ',@%s" % test_pft,
         u'Magalhaes, A.C. - P. 211-224, ILLUS.  !UnEsCo!Technique\nCDS\n000001\n'
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #26
def test_numerical_expr():
    """Test Numerical expressions"""
    record = MasterRecord()
    expr_list = (
        ('0.155e+3', '155.0'),
        ('1e-3', '0.001'),
        ('2*3+9', '15'),
        ("2*(3+9)", '24'),
        ("10-(4*(2-1))", "6"),
        ("15*0.001", "0.015"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #27
def test_ref():
    """Test ref() function"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("ref(1,v70)", 'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.'),
        ("REF(1,v70)", 'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.'),
        ("REF(2,v70)", 'Bosian, G.'),
        ("ref(1+1,v70)", 'Bosian, G.'),
        ("ref(mfn,v70)", 'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.'),
        ("ref(val(v30)-200,v24)", 'Measurement of water stress in plants'),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #28
def test_repeatable_groups2():
    """Test repetable groups for record 85"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[85]
    expr_list = (
        ("# v70 if p(v71) then ## v71 / fi",
         "\nSanyal, Bikas C.Case, John H.Dow, Philip S.Jackman, Mary Elizabeth\n\nUniversity of ZambiaIIEP\n"
        ("(v70 # if p(v71) then v71,## fi)",
         "Sanyal, Bikas C.\nUniversity of Zambia\n\nCase, John H.\nIIEP\n\nDow, Philip S.\nJackman, Mary Elizabeth\n"
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #29
def test_while():
    """Test while"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("e1:=1,e2:=2,while e1<=e2 (f(e1,2,0),'-',v70[e1],e1:=e1+1)",
         u' 1-Magalhaes, A.C. 2-Franco, C.M.'),
        ("e1:=1,e2:=5,while e1<=e2 (f(e1,2,0),'. Test Loop\n',e1:=e1+1)",
         u' 1. Test Loop\n 2. Test Loop\n 3. Test Loop\n 4. Test Loop\n 5. Test Loop\n'
        ("e1:=1,e2:=nocc(v70),while e1<=e2(f(e1,1,0),'. ', v70[e1]/e1:=e1+1,),",
         "1. Magalhaes, A.C.\n2. Franco, C.M.\n"),
    run_list(expr_list, record)
Пример #30
def test_comments():
    """Test c-style comments"""
    mf = MasterFile(join("..", "sample", "cds.mst"))
    record = mf[1]
    expr_list = (
        ("v70,/* ok */v26",
         u'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.^aParis^bUnesco^c-1965'),
        ("v70,/* ok */", u'Magalhaes, A.C.Franco, C.M.'),
        ("/* ok */v26", '^aParis^bUnesco^c-1965'),
        ("/* ok */ ", ""),
        ("/*  */ ", ""),
        ("/**/ ", ""),
    run_list(expr_list, record)