Пример #1
    def find_view(self, view_name):
        """Attempts to locate a sub-view under this nested view with the given name

        :param str view_name: the name of the sub-view to locate
        :returns: Reference to View object for the view with the given name, or None if no view with that name exists
        :rtype: Object derived from :class:`~.view.View`

        data = self._controller.get_api_data()

        raw_views = data['views']

        for cur_view in raw_views:
            if cur_view['name'] == view_name:
                new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(cur_view['url'])
                return View.create(new_io_obj, self._master)

        for cur_view in raw_views:
            new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(cur_view['url'])
            temp_view = View.create(new_io_obj, self._master)
            if temp_view.type == NestedView.type:
                sub_view = temp_view.find_view(view_name)
                if sub_view is not None:
                    return sub_view

        return None
Пример #2
    def find_view(self, view_name):
        """Searches views directly managed by this Jenkins instance for a specific view

        .. seealso: :py:meth:`.get_view`

        :param str view_name: the name of the view to search for
            If a view with the specified name can be found, an object to manage the view will be returned,
            otherwise None
        :rtype: :class:`~.view.View`
        data = self._controller.get_api_data()

        raw_views = data['views']

        for cur_view in raw_views:
            if cur_view['name'] == view_name:
                turl = cur_view['url']
                if turl.find('view') == -1:
                    turl = turl.rstrip("/") + "/view/" + cur_view['name']

                new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(turl)
                return View.create(new_io_obj, self)

        return None
Пример #3
    def views(self):
        """Gets a list of all views directly managed by the Jenkins dashboard

        To retrieve all views managed by this Jenkins instance, including recursing into
        views that support sub-views, see the :py:meth:`.all_views` property

        :returns: list of one or more views defined on this Jenkins instance.
        :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`~.view.View` objects
        data = self._controller.get_api_data()

        raw_views = data['views']
        retval = []

        for cur_view in raw_views:
            # The default view will not have a valid view URL
            # so we need to look for this and generate a corrected one
            turl = cur_view['url']
            if turl.find('view') == -1:
                turl = turl.rstrip("/") + "/view/" + cur_view['name']

            new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(turl)
            tview = View.create(new_io_obj, self)

        return retval
Пример #4
    def create_view(self, view_name, view_type):
        """Creates a new sub-view within this nested view

        :param str view_name: name of the new sub-view to create
        :param str view_type: data type for newly generated view
        view_type = view_type.replace("__", "_")
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
        data = {
            "name": view_name,
            "mode": view_type,
            "Submit": "OK",
            "json": json.dumps({"name": view_name, "mode": view_type})

        args = {}
        args['data'] = data
        args['headers'] = headers

        self._controller.post('/createView', args)

        # Load a pyjen.View object with the new view
        data = self._controller.get_api_data()

        raw_views = data['views']

        for cur_view in raw_views:
            if cur_view['name'] == view_name:
                new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(cur_view['url'])
                return View.create(new_io_obj, self._master)

        raise NestedViewCreationError("Failed to create nested view " + view_name + " under " + self.name)
Пример #5
    def get_view(self, url):
        """Establishes a connection to a View based on an absolute URL

        This method may be a bit less convenient to use in certain situations but it
        has better performance than :py:meth:`.find_view`

        .. seealso: :py:meth:`.find_view`

        :param str url: absolute URL of the view to load
        :return: an instance of the appropriate View subclass for the given view
        :rtype: :class:`~.view.View`
        new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(url)
        return View.create(new_io_obj, self)
Пример #6
    def default_view(self):
        """returns a reference to the primary / default Jenkins view

        The default view is the one displayed when navigating to
        the main URL. Typically this will be the "All" view.

        :returns: object that manages the default Jenkins view
        :rtype: :class:`~.view.View`
        data = self._controller.get_api_data()

        default_view = data['primaryView']
        new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(default_view['url'].rstrip("/") + "/view/" + default_view['name'])
        return View.create(new_io_obj, self)
Пример #7
    def views(self):
        """Gets all views contained within this view

        To get a recursive list of all child views and their children use :py:func:`all_views`.

        :returns: list of all views contained within this view
        :rtype: :class:`list`
        data = self._controller.get_api_data()

        raw_views = data['views']
        retval = []

        for cur_view in raw_views:
            new_io_obj = self._controller.clone(cur_view['url'])
            tview = View.create(new_io_obj, self._master)

        return retval