Пример #1
def main(args, defs):
    """ main interface """

    action = args["command"]

    if action == "init":
        nickname = args["nickname"][0]
        username = args["username"][0]
        master_path = args["master-path"][0]
        working_path = args["working-path"]
        if working_path is None:
            working_path = master_path

        master_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(master_path))
        working_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(working_path))

        git_util.init(nickname, username, master_path, working_path, defs)

    elif action == "connect":
        master_repo = args["remote-git-repo"][0]
        working_path = args["working-path"][0]
        working_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(working_path))

        git_util.connect(master_repo, working_path, defs)

    elif action == "entry":
        images = args["images"]
        topic = args["topic"]
        link_file = args["link"]

        # check if the topic exists.  If not, ask if we want to create it
        topics = build_util.get_topics(defs)
        if topic not in topics:
            create = input("topic {} does not exist, create? [y]  ".format(topic))
            if create == "":
                create = "y"
            if create.lower() == "y":
                build_util.create_topic(topic, defs)

        entry_util.entry(topic, images, link_file, defs)

    elif action == "build":

    elif action == "show":
        build_util.build(defs, show=1)

    elif action == "pull":

    elif action == "push":

    elif action == "status":

            wp = defs["working_path"]
            nickname = defs["nickname"]
        except KeyError:
            sys.exit("Error: no journal found")

        print("  working directory: {}/journal-{}".format(wp, nickname))
        print("  master git repo: {}".format(defs["master_repo"]))
        print(" ")

        # we should never land here, because of the choices argument
        # to actions in the argparser
        sys.exit("invalid action")
Пример #2
def get_args(defs):
    """ parse the commandline arguments """

    # short circuit -- if there are no arguments, then we default to
    # entry, and we don't take any arguments, and we don't do an
    # argparse

        topics = build_util.get_topics(defs)
    except KeyError:
        # we are doing init or connect, so there are no keys yet
        topics = []

    if len(sys.argv) == 1:  # the command name is first argument
        args = {"command": "entry",
                "images": [],
                "link": None,
                "topic": "main"}

    elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[-1] in topics:
        args = {"command": "entry",
                "images": [],
                "link": None,
                "topic": sys.argv[-1]}

        p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        sp = p.add_subparsers(title="subcommands",
                              description="valid subcommands",
                              help="subcommands (use -h to see options for each)",

        # the init command
        init_ps = sp.add_parser("init", help="initialize a journal")
        init_ps.add_argument("nickname", help="name of the journal",
                             nargs=1, default=None, type=str)
        init_ps.add_argument("username", help="your name",
                             nargs=1, default=None, type=str)
                             help="path where we will store the master (bare) git repo",
                             nargs=1, default=None, type=str)
                             help="path where we will store the working directory (clone of bare repo)",
                             nargs="?", default=None, type=str)

        # the connect command
        connect_ps = sp.add_parser("connect",
                                   help="create a local working copy of a remote journal")
                                help="the full path to the remote '.git' bare repo",
                                nargs=1, default=None, type=str)
                                help="the (local) path where we will store the working directory",
                                nargs=1, default=None, type=str)

        # the entry command
        entry_ps = sp.add_parser("entry",
                                 help="add a new entry, with optional images")
        entry_ps.add_argument("--link", metavar="link-files",
                              help="files to link in the entry",
                              type=str, default=None)
        entry_ps.add_argument("topic", help="the name of the topic to add to",
                              nargs="?", default="main", type=str)
        entry_ps.add_argument("images", help="images to include as figures in the entry",
                              nargs="*", default=None, type=str)

        # the build command
        build_ps = sp.add_parser("build",
                                 help="build a PDF of the journal")

        # the pull command
        pull_ps = sp.add_parser("pull",
                                help="pull from the remote journal" )

        # the push command
        push_ps = sp.add_parser("push",
                                help="push local changes to the remote journal")

        # the status command
        stat_ps = sp.add_parser("status",
                                help="list the current journal information")

        # the show command
        show_ps = sp.add_parser("show",
                                help="build the PDF and launch a PDF viewer")

        args = vars(p.parse_args())

    return args
Пример #3
def main(args, defs):
    """ main interface """

    action = args["command"]

    if action == "init":
        nickname = args["nickname"][0]
        username = args["username"][0]
        master_path = args["master-path"][0]
        working_path = args["working-path"]
        if working_path is None:
            working_path = master_path

        master_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(master_path))
        working_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(working_path))

        git_util.init(nickname, username, master_path, working_path, defs)

    elif action == "connect":
        master_repo = args["remote-git-repo"][0]
        working_path = args["working-path"][0]
        working_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(working_path))

        git_util.connect(master_repo, working_path, defs)

    elif action == "entry":
        images = args["images"]
        topic = args["topic"]
        if args["link"] is None:
            link_files = []
            link_files = args["link"].split()

        # check if the topic exists.  If not, ask if we want to create it
        topics, _ = build_util.get_topics(defs)
        if topic not in topics:
            create = input(f"topic {topic} does not exist, create? [y]  ")
            if create == "":
                create = "y"
            if create.lower() == "y":
                build_util.create_topic(topic, defs)

        entry_util.entry(topic, images, link_files, defs)

    elif action == "todo":
        # todo is a special topic with only a single entry
        images = []
        link_files = []

        entry_util.entry("todo", images, link_files, defs)

    elif action == "year":
        # year is a special topic with only a single entry per year
        images = []
        link_files = []

        entry_util.entry("year", images, link_files, defs)

    elif action == "continue":
        # this is basically the same as entry, but we pass in the name
        # of the last entry for this topic and start from there.  This
        # is only necessary if we are continuing an entry from a
        # previous day.

        images = args["images"]
        topic = args["topic"]
        if args["link"] is None:
            link_files = []
            link_files = args["link"].split()

        # get the entry id of the last entry for this topic -- note: we sort
        # with latest entries first
        _, entries = build_util.get_topic_entries(topic, defs)

        entry_util.entry(topic, images, link_files, defs, use_date=entries[0])

    elif action == "build":

    elif action == "show":
        build_util.build(defs, show=1)

    elif action == "pull":

    elif action == "push":

    elif action == "status":

            wp = defs["working_path"]
            nickname = defs["nickname"]
        except KeyError:
            sys.exit("Error: no journal found")

        print(f"  working directory: {wp}/journal-{nickname}")
        print(f"  master git repo: {defs['master_repo']}")
        print(" ")

        # we should never land here, because of the choices argument
        # to actions in the argparser
        sys.exit("invalid action")