Пример #1
    def goToSearch(self, searchString):
        """ Sets the current row to the item beginning with
        searchString.  Assumes the FileList has previously been sorted
        by a call to SelectSort(). """

        ss = pykdb.SongStruct(searchString, self.songDb.Settings, searchString,
                              searchString, searchString)
        self.currentRow = bisect.bisect_left(self.songDb.SongList, ss)
        if self.currentRow == len(self.songDb.SongList):
            self.currentRow = 0

        self.screenDirty = True
Пример #2
    def readMarkedSongs(self):
        """ Reads marked.txt, which lists the files that have been
        marked by the user for later inspection or adjustment (for
        instance, to correct a title misspelling or something). """

        self.markedSongs = {}
        self.markedSongsDirty = False

        pathname = os.path.join(self.songDb.SaveDir, "marked.txt")
        if not os.path.exists(pathname):

        # We need to re-sort by filename in order to look up the
        # songs properly.

        file = open(pathname, 'r')
        for line in file:
            line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
            if line:
                # Read a line from the list.  It describes a song, and
                # includes filename, title, and artist, though we only
                # really care about the filename.
                filename = line.split('\t', 1)[0]

                # Look up the song in the database.
                song = pykdb.SongStruct(filename, self.songDb.Settings, '', '',
                found = False
                row = bisect.bisect_left(self.songDb.SongList, song)
                if row != len(self.songDb.SongList):
                    # If we found the song, record that it is marked.
                    song = self.songDb.SongList[row]
                    if song.DisplayFilename == filename:
                        self.markedSongs[song.getMarkKey()] = song
                        found = True

                if not found:
                    # If we didn't find the song, it follows that
                    # marked.txt is out-of-sync with the database, and
                    # needs to be rewritten.
                    self.markedSongsDirty = True
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
        """The first parameter, song, may be either a pykdb.SongStruct
        instance, or it may be a filename. """

        # Set the global command-line options if they have not already
        # been set.
        if manager.options == None:
            parser = self.SetupOptions()
            (manager.options, args) = parser.parse_args()

            if song is None:
                if (len(args) != 1):
                song = args[0]

        if isinstance(song, types.StringTypes):
            # We were given a filename.  Convert it to a SongStruct.
            import pykdb
            song = pykdb.SongStruct(song)

        # Store the parameters
        self.Song = song
        self.WindowTitle = windowTitle

        # And look up the actual files corresponding to this SongStruct.
        self.SongDatas = song.GetSongDatas()
        if windowTitle is None:
            self.WindowTitle = song.DisplayFilename

        # Caller can register a callback by which we
        # print out error information, use stdout if none registered
        if errorNotifyCallback:
            self.ErrorNotifyCallback = errorNotifyCallback
            self.ErrorNotifyCallback = self.__defaultErrorPrint

        # Caller can register a callback by which we
        # let them know when the song is finished
        if doneCallback:
            self.SongFinishedCallback = doneCallback
            self.SongFinishedCallback = None

        self.State = STATE_INIT
        self.InternalOffsetTime = 0

        # These values are used to keep track of the current position
        # through the song based on pygame's get_ticks() interface.
        # It's used only when get_pos() cannot be used or is
        # unreliable for some reason.
        self.PlayTime = 0
        self.PlayStartTime = 0

        # self.PlayStartTime is valid while State == STATE_PLAYING; it
        # indicates the get_ticks() value at which the song started
        # (adjusted for any pause intervals that occurred during
        # play).  self.PlayTime is valid while State != STATE_PLAYING;
        # it indicates the total number of ticks (milliseconds) that
        # have elapsed in the song so far.

        # Set this true if the player can zoom font sizes.
        self.SupportsFontZoom = False