Пример #1
def fun(x, p, f, backend):
    if "keops" in backend:
        x = LazyTensor(x)
        p = LazyTensor(p)
        f = LazyTensor(f)
    X = x * (-2 * math.pi * 1j * p * f).exp()
    return X.sum(dim=0)
Пример #2
def squared_distances(x, y, use_keops=False):

    if use_keops and keops_available:
        if x.dim() == 2:
            x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (N,1,D)
            y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # (1,M,D)
        elif x.dim() == 3:  # Batch computation
            x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, :, None, :])  # (B,N,1,D)
            y_j = LazyTensor(y[:, None, :, :])  # (B,1,M,D)
            print("x.shape : ", x.shape)
            raise ValueError("Incorrect number of dimensions")

        return ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(-1)

        if x.dim() == 2:
            D_xx = (x * x).sum(-1).unsqueeze(1)  # (N,1)
            D_xy = torch.matmul(x, y.permute(1, 0))  # (N,D) @ (D,M) = (N,M)
            D_yy = (y * y).sum(-1).unsqueeze(0)  # (1,M)
        elif x.dim() == 3:  # Batch computation
            D_xx = (x * x).sum(-1).unsqueeze(2)  # (B,N,1)
            D_xy = torch.matmul(x, y.permute(0, 2,
                                             1))  # (B,N,D) @ (B,D,M) = (B,N,M)
            D_yy = (y * y).sum(-1).unsqueeze(1)  # (B,1,M)
            print("x.shape : ", x.shape)
            raise ValueError("Incorrect number of dimensions")

        return D_xx - 2 * D_xy + D_yy
Пример #3
def kNN_graph(x, k, metric="euclidean"):
    Pykeops implementation of a k nearest neighbor graph
    :param x: array containing the dataset
    :param k: number of neartest neighbors
    :param metric: Metric used for distances of x, must be "euclidean" or "cosine".
    :return: array of shape (len(x), k) containing the indices of the k nearest neighbors of each datapoint
    x = torch.tensor(x).to("cuda").contiguous()
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None])
    x_j = LazyTensor(x[None])
    if metric == "euclidean":
        dists = ((x_i - x_j)**2).sum(-1)
    elif metric == "cosine":
        scalar_prod = (x_i * x_j).sum(-1)
        norm_x_i = (x_i**2).sum(-1).sqrt()
        norm_x_j = (x_j**2).sum(-1).sqrt()
        dists = 1 - scalar_prod / (norm_x_i * norm_x_j)
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Metric {metric} is not implemented.")
    knn_idx = dists.argKmin(
        K=k + 1, dim=0
      1:]  # use k+1 neighbours and omit first, which is just the point itself
    return knn_idx
Пример #4
 def brute_force(self, x, y, k=5):
     if use_cuda:
     x_LT = LazyTensor(x.unsqueeze(0))
     y_LT = LazyTensor(y.unsqueeze(1))
     D_ij = ((y_LT - x_LT)**2).sum(-1)
     return D_ij.argKmin(K=k, axis=1)
Пример #5
def c2st(x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test,K=1):
  # Input:
  # x_train = tensor of shape [B, 1, IMG_DIM, IMG_DIM], training images
  # y_train = tensor of shape [B, 1], training labels (here "fake" or "real")
  # x_test = tensor of shape [B, 1, IMG_DIM, IMG_DIM], test images
  # y_test = tensor of shape [B, 1], test labels
  # k = number of neighbors to use in kNN classification
  # Output:
  # error = error of the kNN classifier
  use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
  N = x_train.shape[3]
  train_size = x_train.shape[0]
  test_size = x_test.shape[0]
  x_train = x_train.reshape(train_size,N*N)
  x_test = x_test.reshape(test_size,N*N)
  y_train = y_train.reshape(-1)
  y_test = y_test.reshape(-1)
  X_i = LazyTensor(x_test[:, None, :])  # test set
  X_j = LazyTensor(x_train[None, :, :])  # train set
  D_ij = ((X_i - X_j) ** 2).sum(-1)  # Symbolic matrix of squared L2 distances
  ind_knn = D_ij.argKmin(K, dim=1)  
  lab_knn = y_train[ind_knn]  
  y_knn, _ = lab_knn.mode()   # Compute the most likely label
  error = (y_knn != y_test).float().mean().item()
  if error > 0.5:
    error = 0.5
  return error
def soft_distances(x, y, batch_x, batch_y, smoothness=0.01, atomtypes=None):
    """Computes a soft distance function to the atom centers of a protein.

    Implements Eq. (1) of the paper in a fast and numerically stable way.

        x (Tensor): (N,3) atom centers.
        y (Tensor): (M,3) sampling locations.
        batch_x (integer Tensor): (N,) batch vector for x, as in PyTorch_geometric.
        batch_y (integer Tensor): (M,) batch vector for y, as in PyTorch_geometric.
        smoothness (float, optional): atom radii if atom types are not provided. Defaults to .01.
        atomtypes (integer Tensor, optional): (N,6) one-hot encoding of the atom chemical types. Defaults to None.

        Tensor: (M,) values of the soft distance function on the points `y`.
    # Build the (N, M, 1) symbolic matrix of squared distances:
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (N, 1, 3) atoms
    y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # (1, M, 3) sampling points
    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(-1)  # (N, M, 1) squared distances

    # Use a block-diagonal sparsity mask to support heterogeneous batch processing:
    D_ij.ranges = diagonal_ranges(batch_x, batch_y)

    if atomtypes is not None:
        # Turn the one-hot encoding "atomtypes" into a vector of diameters "smoothness_i":
        # (N, 6)  -> (N, 1, 1)  (There are 6 atom types)
        atomic_radii = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([170, 110, 152, 155, 180, 190],
        atomic_radii = atomic_radii / atomic_radii.min()
        atomtype_radii = atomtypes * atomic_radii[
            None, :]  # n_atoms, n_atomtypes
        # smoothness = atomtypes @ atomic_radii  # (N, 6) @ (6,) = (N,)
        smoothness = torch.sum(smoothness * atomtype_radii,
                               keepdim=False)  # n_atoms, 1
        smoothness_i = LazyTensor(smoothness[:, None, None])

        # Compute an estimation of the mean smoothness in a neighborhood
        # of each sampling point:
        # density = (-D_ij.sqrt()).exp().sum(0).view(-1)  # (M,) local density of atoms
        # smooth = (smoothness_i * (-D_ij.sqrt()).exp()).sum(0).view(-1)  # (M,)
        # mean_smoothness = smooth / density  # (M,)

        # soft_dists = -mean_smoothness * (
        #    (-D_ij.sqrt() / smoothness_i).logsumexp(dim=0)
        # ).view(-1)
        mean_smoothness = (-D_ij.sqrt()).exp().sum(0)
        mean_smoothness_j = LazyTensor(mean_smoothness[None, :, :])
        mean_smoothness = (smoothness_i * (-D_ij.sqrt()).exp() /
                           mean_smoothness_j)  # n_atoms, n_points, 1
        mean_smoothness = mean_smoothness.sum(0).view(-1)
        soft_dists = -mean_smoothness * (
            (-D_ij.sqrt() / smoothness_i).logsumexp(dim=0)).view(-1)

        soft_dists = -smoothness * (
            (-D_ij.sqrt() / smoothness).logsumexp(dim=0)).view(-1)

    return soft_dists
Пример #7
    def _KMeans(self, x: torch.tensor):
        ''' KMeans with Pykeops to do binning of original data.
            x[np.array] = data
            k_means[int] = number of bins to build
            n_iter[int] = number iterations of KMeans loop
            labels[np.array] = class labels for each point in x
            clusters[np.array] = coordinates for each centroid

        N, D = x.shape
        clusters = torch.clone(x[:self.k_means, :])  # initialization of clusters
        x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])

        for i in range(self.n_iter):

            clusters_j = LazyTensor(clusters[None, :, :])
            D_ij = ((x_i - clusters_j) ** 2).sum(-1)  # points-clusters kernel
            labels = D_ij.argmin(axis=1).reshape(N)  # Points -> Nearest cluster
            Ncl = torch.bincount(labels)  # Class weights
            for d in range(D):  # Compute the cluster centroids with np.bincount:
                clusters[:, d] = torch.bincount(labels, weights=x[:, d]) / Ncl

        return labels, clusters
Пример #8
    def _pairwise_kernels(self, x: torch.tensor, y: torch.tensor = None, kernel='rbf',
                          sigma: float = 1.) -> LazyTensor:
        '''Helper function to build kernel
        Args:   X = torch tensor of dimension 2.
                K_type = type of Kernel to return
        if y is None:
            y = x
        if kernel == 'linear':
            K_ij = x @ y.T
        elif kernel == 'rbf':
            x /= sigma
            y /= sigma

            x_i, x_j = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :]), LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])
            K_ij = (-1 * ((x_i - x_j) ** 2).sum(-1)).exp()

            # block-sparse reduction preprocess
            K_ij = self._Gauss_block_sparse_pre(x, y, K_ij)

        elif kernel == 'exp':
            x_i, x_j = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :]), LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])
            K_ij = (-1 * ((x_i - x_j) ** 2).sum().sqrt()).exp()
            # block-sparse reduction preprocess
            K_ij = self._Gauss_block_sparse_pre(x, y, K_ij)  # TODO

        K_ij = K_ij @ torch.diag(torch.ones(K_ij.shape[1]))  # make 1 on diag only

        K_ij.backend = self.backend
        return K_ij
Пример #9
 def _kNN(x, y, K):
     """Get K nearest neighbours using keops"""
     x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (M, 1, k)
     y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # (1, N, k)
     D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(
         -1)  # (M, N) symbolic matrix of squared distances
     return D_ij.argKmin(K, dim=1)  # (M, K) Minimum indices
Пример #10
    def cluster(self, x, center=None):

        if center is None:
            center = self.InitFunc(x)  ## M*D

        with torch.no_grad():
            x_lazy = LazyTensor(x.unsqueeze(1))  ## (N,1,D)
            cl = None
            for iter in range(self.iters):
                c_lazy = LazyTensor(center.unsqueeze(0))  ## 1*M*D

                dist = ((x_lazy - c_lazy)**2).sum(-1)  ## N*M

                cl = dist.argmin(dim=1).view(-1)

                if iter < self.iters - 1:
                    for cnt_id in range(self.num_cnt):
                        selected = torch.nonzero(cl == cnt_id).squeeze(-1)
                        if selected.shape[0] != 0:
                            selected = torch.index_select(x, 0, selected)
                            center[cnt_id] = selected.mean(dim=0)

        center_new = torch.zeros_like(center).to(torch.device('cuda'))
        for cnt_id in range(self.num_cnt):
            selected = torch.nonzero(cl == cnt_id).squeeze(-1)
            if selected.shape[0] != 0:
                selected = torch.index_select(x, 0, selected)
                center_new[cnt_id] = selected.mean(dim=0)

        return center_new
Пример #11
    def fit(self, X:LazyTensor):
        Args:   X = torch lazy tensor with features of shape 
                (1, n_samples, n_features)

        Returns: Fitted instance of the class

        # Basic checks: we have a lazy tensor and n_components isn't too large
        assert type(X) == LazyTensor, 'Input to fit(.) must be a LazyTensor.'
        assert X.shape[1] >= self.n_components, f'The application needs X.shape[1] >= n_components.'

        X = X.sum(dim=0) 
        # Number of samples
        n_samples = X.size(0)
        # Define basis
        rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        inds = rnd.permutation(n_samples)
        basis_inds = inds[:self.n_components]
        basis = X[basis_inds]
        # Build smaller kernel
        basis_kernel = self._pairwise_kernels(basis, kernel = self.kernel)  
        # Get SVD
        U, S, V = torch.svd(basis_kernel)
        S = torch.maximum(S, torch.ones(S.size()) * 1e-12)
        self.normalization_ = torch.mm(U / np.sqrt(S), V.t())
        self.components_ = basis
        self.component_indices_ = inds
        return self
def KMeans(x, K=10, Niter=10, verbose=True):
    N, D = x.shape  # Number of samples, dimension of the ambient space

    # K-means loop:
    # - x  is the point cloud,
    # - cl is the vector of class labels
    # - c  is the cloud of cluster centroids
    start = time.time()
    c = x[:K, :].clone()  # Simplistic random initialization
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (Npoints, 1, D)

    for i in range(Niter):

        c_j = LazyTensor(c[None, :, :])  # (1, Nclusters, D)
        D_ij = ((x_i - c_j)**2).sum(
            -1)  # (Npoints, Nclusters) symbolic matrix of squared distances
        cl = D_ij.argmin(dim=1).long().view(-1)  # Points -> Nearest cluster

        Ncl = torch.bincount(cl).type(torchtype[dtype])  # Class weights
        for d in range(
                D):  # Compute the cluster centroids with torch.bincount:
            c[:, d] = torch.bincount(cl, weights=x[:, d]) / Ncl

    end = time.time()

    if verbose:
        print("K-means example with {:,} points in dimension {:,}, K = {:,}:".
              format(N, D, K))
        print('Timing for {} iterations: {:.5f}s = {} x {:.5f}s\n'.format(
            Niter, end - start, Niter, (end - start) / Niter))

    return cl, c
Пример #13
def local_moments(points, radius=1, ranges=None):
    # print(radius)

    # B, N, D = points.shape
    shape_head, D = points.shape[:-1], points.shape[-1]

    scale = 1.41421356237 * radius  # math.sqrt(2) is not super JIT-friendly...
    x = points / scale  # Normalize the kernel size

    # Computation:
    x = torch.cat((torch.ones_like(x[..., :1]), x), dim=-1)  # (B, N, D+1)

    x_i = LazyTensor(x[..., :, None, :])  # (B, N, 1, D+1)
    x_j = LazyTensor(x[..., None, :, :])  # (B, 1, N, D+1)

    D_ij = ((x_i - x_j)**2).sum(-1)  # (B, N, N), squared distances
    K_ij = (-D_ij).exp()  # (B, N, N), Gaussian kernel

    C_ij = (K_ij * x_j).tensorprod(x_j)  # (B, N, N, (D+1)*(D+1))

    C_ij.ranges = ranges
    C_i = C_ij.sum(dim=len(shape_head)).view(
        shape_head +
        (D + 1, D + 1))  # (B, N, D+1, D+1) : descriptors of order 0, 1 and 2

    w_i = C_i[..., :1, :1]  # (B, N, 1, 1), weights
    m_i = C_i[..., :1, 1:] * scale  # (B, N, 1, D), sum
    c_i = C_i[..., 1:, 1:] * (scale**2)  # (B, N, D, D), outer products

    mass_i = w_i.squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)  # (B, N)
    dev_i = (m_i / w_i).squeeze(-2) - points  # (B, N, D)
    cov_i = (c_i - (m_i.transpose(-1, -2) * m_i) / w_i) / w_i  # (B, N, D, D)

    return mass_i, dev_i, cov_i
Пример #14
def GaussKernelSum(x, y, gpuid=-1):
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # x_i.shape = (M, 1, 3)
    y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # y_j.shape = (1, N, 3)
    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(
        dim=2)  # Symbolic (M,N,1) matrix of squared distances
    K_ij = (-D_ij).exp()  # Symbolic (M,N,1) Gaussian kernel matrix
    return K_ij.sum(dim=1, device_id=gpuid)
Пример #15
    def predict(self, X):
        Predict cluster belonging based on which cluster center is the closest.

            :param X: torch.Tensor, (n_samples, n_features)

            torch.Tensor, (n_samples,) int, indices identifying for each
            datapoint which cluster center it belongs to.
        metric_function = self._get_distance_metric(self.distance_metric)
        N_, _ = X.shape
        K_, _ = self.cluster_centers_.shape

        if K_ == 1:
            # All points will belong to cluster 0.
            return torch.zeros(N_)

        if self.use_keops:
            points_i = LazyTensor(X[None, :, None, :])  # (B=1, N, 1, C)
            points_j = LazyTensor(
                self.cluster_centers_[None, None, :, :])  # (B=1, 1, K, C)

            cluster_id_ = metric_function(
                points_i, points_j).argmin(dim=2)[0, :, 0]  # rm B,C dims
            # TODO Untested
            distances_to_centers = metric_function(
                X[:, None, :], self.cluster_centers_[None, :, :])  # (N,K)
            cluster_id_ = torch.argmin(distances_to_centers, dim=1)

        return cluster_id_
Пример #16
 def calc_centroid(x, c, cl, n=10):
     "Helper function to optimise centroid location"
     c = torch.clone(c.detach()).to(device)
     c.requires_grad = True
     x1 = LazyTensor(x.unsqueeze(0))
     op = torch.optim.Adam([c], lr=1 / n)
     scaling = 1 / torch.gather(torch.bincount(cl), 0, cl).view(-1, 1)
     scaling.requires_grad = False
     with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True):
         for _ in range(n):
             c.requires_grad = True
             c1 = LazyTensor(torch.index_select(c, 0, cl).unsqueeze(0))
             d = distance(x1, c1)
             loss = (d.sum(0) * scaling).sum(
             )  # calculate distance to centroid for each datapoint, divide by total number of points in that cluster, and sum
             if normalise:
                 with torch.no_grad():
                     c = c / torch.norm(c, dim=-1).repeat_interleave(
                             -1, c.shape[1]
                         )  # normalising centroids to have norm 1
     return c.detach()
Пример #17
    def nlog_density(self, target, source, log_weights, scales, probas):
        """Negative log-likelihood of the proposal generated by the source onto the target."""

        x_i = LazyTensor(target[:, None, :])  # (N,1,D)
        y_j = LazyTensor(source[None, :, :])  # (1,M,D)

        D_ij = ((x_i - y_j) ** 2).sum(-1)
        D_ij = 1 + D_ij / (2 * x_i[self.D - 1] * y_j[self.D - 1])
        D_ij = (D_ij + (D_ij ** 2 - 1).sqrt()).log()  # (N,M)

        neighbors_ij = (scales - D_ij).step()  # 1 if |x_i-y_j| <= scales, 0 otherwise

        if self.D == 2:
            volumes = float(np.pi) * (scales.exp() + (-scales).exp())
            raise NotImplementedError()

        neighbors_ij = neighbors_ij / volumes

        if log_weights is None:
            neighbors_ij = neighbors_ij / len(source)
            w_j = LazyTensor(log_weights[None, :, None].exp())
            neighbors_ij = neighbors_ij * w_j

        densities_i = neighbors_ij.sum(axis=1)  # (N,K)

        return -(densities_i * probas[None, :]).sum(dim=1).log().view(-1)
Пример #18
    def forward(self,

        # Expect (..., t, d) shape for query, key, value
        # Expect (..., t) for mask (default: (n, 1, 1, t))
        d = query_layer.shape[-1]
        t = query_layer.shape[-2]
        sizes = query_layer.size()

        reduction_dim = len(query_layer.size()) - 1

        q = LazyTensor(query_layer.unsqueeze(-2).contiguous() / math.sqrt(d))
        k = LazyTensor(key_layer.unsqueeze(-3).contiguous())
        v = LazyTensor(value_layer.unsqueeze(-3).contiguous())

        attention_scores = (q | k)

        if attention_mask is not None:
            mask = LazyTensor(attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1))
            attention_scores = attention_scores + mask

        return (attention_scores).sumsoftmaxweight(
            v, dim=reduction_dim).reshape(*sizes)
Пример #19
    def kneighbors(self, y):
    Obtain the k nearest neighbors of the query dataset y
        if self.__x is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Input dataset not fitted yet! Call .fit() first!')
        if type(y) != torch.Tensor:
            raise ValueError("Query dataset must be a torch tensor")
        if y.device != self.__device:
            raise ValueError(
                'Input dataset and query dataset must be on same device')
        if len(y.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError('Query dataset must be a 2D tensor')
        if self.__x.shape[-1] != y.shape[-1]:
            raise ValueError('Query and dataset must have same dimensions')
        if use_cuda:
        y = y.contiguous()
        y_labels = self.__assign(y)

        y_ranges, _, _ = cluster_ranges_centroids(y, y_labels)
        self.__y_ranges = y_ranges
        y, y_labels = self.__sort_clusters(y, y_labels, store_x=False)
        x_LT = LazyTensor(self.__x.unsqueeze(0).to(self.__device).contiguous())
        y_LT = LazyTensor(y.unsqueeze(1).to(self.__device).contiguous())
        D_ij = ((y_LT - x_LT)**2).sum(-1)

        ranges_ij = from_matrix(y_ranges, self.__x_ranges, self.__keep)
        D_ij.ranges = ranges_ij
        nn = D_ij.argKmin(K=self.__k, axis=1)
        return self.__unsort(nn)
Пример #20
def gaussian_kernel(x, y, sigma=.1):
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (M, 1, 1)
    y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # (1, N, 1)
    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(
        -1)  # (M, N) symbolic matrix of squared distances
    return (-D_ij /
            (2 * sigma**2)).exp()  # (M, N) symbolic Gaussian kernel matrix
Пример #21
def laplacian_kernel(x, y, sigma=.1):
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (M, 1, 1)
    y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # (1, N, 1)
    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(
        -1)  # (M, N) symbolic matrix of squared distances
    return (-D_ij.sqrt() /
            sigma).exp()  # (M, N) symbolic Laplacian kernel matrix
Пример #22
    def forward(self, mv_points, points0=None):
        # set points0 to mv_points if no points0 are specified
        points0 = mv_points if points0 is None else points0
        # input dimensions are B(atch), E(mbd dim), ? (other dimensions)
        # pykeops expects embedding/channel dimension at the back and only one dimension for the points of one instance
        mv_points = mv_points.view(*(mv_points.size()[:2]), -1).permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
        mv_points_i = LazyTensor(mv_points[:, :, None, :])  # B N 1 E
        mv_points_j = LazyTensor(mv_points[:, None, :, :])  # B 1 N E
        diff_mv_points_ij = mv_points_i - mv_points_j  # B N N E
        dist_mv_points_ij = (diff_mv_points_ij**2).sum(-1).sqrt()  # B N N (1)
        if points0 is not None:
            points0 = points0.view(*(points0.size()[:2]), -1).permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
            points0_i = LazyTensor(points0[:, :, None, :])  # B N 1 E
            points0_j = LazyTensor(points0[:, None, :, :])  # B 1 N E
            diff_points0_ij = points0_i - points0_j  # B N N E
            dist_points0_ij = (diff_points0_ij**2).sum(-1).sqrt()  # B N N (1)
            dist_points0_ij = dist_mv_points_ij
        rho_ij = self.rho(dist_mv_points_ij, max_d=self.config_rho["d"])  # B N N (1)
        w_ij = self.w(dist_points0_ij, beta=self.config_w["beta"])  # B N N (1)
        loss_i = 0.5 * ((2 * rho_ij - 1) * w_ij).sum(2)  # B N (1) 1, last PyKeOps reduction step, output is torch.tensor
        loss_i = ContiguousBackward().apply(loss_i)  # backward pass needs to be contiguous as well
        loss = loss_i.sum(1)  # B (1, 1, 1) final reduction
        loss = loss.squeeze(0).squeeze(0)  # remove spurious dimension due to keops

        return 0.5*loss  # half the loss as all distances are considered twice
def keops_knn(
    x: torch.Tensor,
    y: torch.Tensor,
    k: int,
    batch_x: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    batch_y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    cosine: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Straightforward modification of PyTorch_geometric's knn method."""

    x = x.view(-1, 1) if x.dim() == 1 else x
    y = y.view(-1, 1) if y.dim() == 1 else y

    y_i = LazyTensor(y[:, None, :])
    x_j = LazyTensor(x[None, :, :])

    if cosine:
        D_ij = -(y_i | x_j)
        D_ij = ((y_i - x_j)**2).sum(-1)

    D_ij.ranges = diagonal_ranges(batch_y, batch_x)
    idy = D_ij.argKmin(k, dim=1)  # (N, K)

    rows = torch.arange(k * len(y), device=idy.device) // k

    return torch.stack([rows, idy.view(-1)], dim=0)
Пример #24
    def kmeans(x,

        from pykeops.torch import LazyTensor

        if distance is None:
            distance = torchtools.distance_function("euclidean")

        def calc_centroid(x, c, cl, n=10):
            "Helper function to optimise centroid location"
            c = torch.clone(c.detach()).to(device)
            c.requires_grad = True
            x1 = LazyTensor(x.unsqueeze(0))
            op = torch.optim.Adam([c], lr=1 / n)
            scaling = 1 / torch.gather(torch.bincount(cl), 0, cl).view(-1, 1)
            scaling.requires_grad = False
            with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True):
                for _ in range(n):
                    c.requires_grad = True
                    c1 = LazyTensor(torch.index_select(c, 0, cl).unsqueeze(0))
                    d = distance(x1, c1)
                    loss = (d.sum(0) * scaling).sum(
                    )  # calculate distance to centroid for each datapoint, divide by total number of points in that cluster, and sum
            return c.detach()

        N, D = x.shape
        c = x[:K, :].clone()
        x_i = LazyTensor(x.view(N, 1, D).to(device))

        for i in range(Niter):
            c_j = LazyTensor(c.view(1, K, D).to(device))
            D_ij = distance(x_i, c_j)
            cl = D_ij.argmin(dim=1).long().view(-1)

            # updating c: either with approximation or exact
            if approx:
                # approximate with GD optimisation
                c = calc_centroid(x, c, cl, n)

                # exact from average
                c.scatter_add_(0, cl[:, None].repeat(1, D), x)
                Ncl = torch.bincount(cl, minlength=K).type_as(c).view(K, 1)
                c /= Ncl

            if torch.any(torch.isnan(c)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "NaN detected in centroids during KMeans, please check metric is correct"
        return cl, c
Пример #25
    def mean_shift_step(points,
        Perform one mean shift step: Move points towards maxima of Kernel density estimate using reference.
        :param points: torch.FloatTensor or torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        Points that will be shifted. Shape should be arbitrary barch dimensions (B) followed by number of points (N) and
        :param reference: torch.FloatTensor
        Points used for the kernel density estimate. Shape should be identical to points, except in (N) dimension.
        :param bandwidth: float
        Bandwidth of the kernel to be used, i.e. standard deviation for gaussian, radius for flat kernel.
        :param kernel: str
        Which kernel to use. Has to be one of MeanShiftStep.KERNELS .
        :param use_keops: bool
        Whether to use the PyKeOps Library or only vanilla PyTorch.
        :return: torch.FloatTensor
        Shifted points. Shape identical to points.
        reference = points if reference is None else reference
        assert reference.shape[-1] == points.shape[
            -1], f'{reference.shape}, {points.shape}'
        points_i = points[:, :, None, :]  # B N1 1 E
        points_j = reference[:, None, :, :]  # B 1 N2 E

        if use_keops:
            points_i = LazyTensor(points_i)
            points_j = LazyTensor(points_j)

        # array of vector differences
        v_ij = points_i - points_j  # B N1 N2 E

        # array of squared distances
        s_ij = (v_ij**2).sum(-1)  # B N1 N2 (1)

        if kernel == MeanShiftStep.GAUSSIAN_KERNEL:
            factor = points.new([
                -1 / (2 * bandwidth**2)
            ])  # uses the shape, device, dtype of points with new data
            k_ij = (s_ij * factor).exp()  # B N1 N2 (1)
        elif kernel == MeanShiftStep.FLAT_KERNEL:
            squared_radius = points.new([bandwidth**2])
            if use_keops:
                k_ij = (-s_ij + squared_radius).step()  # B N1 N2 (1)
                k_ij = ((-s_ij + squared_radius) > 0).float()  # B N1 N2 (1)
        elif kernel == MeanShiftStep.EPANECHNIKOV_KERNEL:
            squared_radius = points.new([bandwidth**2])
            k_ij = (-s_ij + squared_radius).relu()  # B N1 N2 (1)
            assert False, f'Kernel {kernel} not supported. Choose one of {MeanShiftStep.KERNELS}'

        if not use_keops:
            k_ij = k_ij.unsqueeze(-1)  # KeOps never squeezes last dim

        nominator = k_ij * points_j  # B N1 N2 (1)

        return nominator.sum(2) / k_ij.sum(2)  # B N1 (1)
Пример #26
def K(x, y, b, **kwargs):
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])
    y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])
    b_j = LazyTensor(b[None, :, :])
    D_ij = (3.5 * (x_i - y_j)**2).sum(axis=2)
    K_ij = (D_ij).sqrt() * b_j
    K_ij = K_ij.sum(axis=1, call=False, **kwargs)
    return K_ij
def gaussianconv_lazytensor(x, y, b, backend="GPU", **kwargs):
    """(B,N,D), (B,N,D), (B,N,1) -> (B,N,1)"""
    x_i = LazyTensor(x.unsqueeze(-2))  # (B, M, 1, D)
    y_j = LazyTensor(y.unsqueeze(-3))  # (B, 1, N, D)
    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j) ** 2).sum(-1)  # (B, M, N, 1)
    K_ij = (-D_ij).exp()  # (B, M, N, 1)
    S_ij = K_ij * b.unsqueeze(-3)  # (B, M, N, 1) * (B, 1, N, 1)
    return S_ij.sum(dim=2, backend=backend)
Пример #28
def gaussianconv_lazytensor(x, y, b):
    nbatchdims = len(x.shape) - 2
    x_i = LazyTensor(x.unsqueeze(-2))  # (B, M, 1, D)
    y_j = LazyTensor(y.unsqueeze(-3))  # (B, 1, N, D)
    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(-1)  # (B, M, N, 1)
    K_ij = (-D_ij).exp()  # (B, M, N, 1)
    S_ij = K_ij * b.unsqueeze(-3)  # (B, M, N, 1) * (B, 1, N, 1)
    return S_ij.sum(dim=nbatchdims + 1)
Пример #29
 def forward(ctx, a, b):
     one_hot = b.shape[-1]
     a_lazy = LazyTensor(a.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).contiguous())
     b_lazy = LazyTensor(b.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).contiguous())
     c = (a_lazy + b_lazy).sum(-1).max(a.dim() - 1).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)
     ac = (a_lazy + b_lazy).sum(-1).argmax(a.dim() - 1).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)
     ctx.save_for_backward(ac, torch.tensor(one_hot))
     return c
Пример #30
def nn_search(x_i, y_j, ranges=None):
    x_i = LazyTensor(x_i[:, None, :])  # Broadcasted "line" variable
    y_j = LazyTensor(y_j[None, :, :])  # Broadcasted "column" variable

    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j)**2).sum(-1)  # Symbolic matrix of squared distances
    D_ij.ranges = ranges  # Apply our block-sparsity pattern

    return D_ij.argmin(dim=1).view(-1)