Пример #1
def rewrite_setattr(func, env):
    Resolve missing attributes through __setattr__
    context = env['flypy.typing.context']

    b = Builder(func)

    for op in func.ops:
        if op.opcode == 'setfield':
            obj, attr, value = op.args
            obj_type = context[obj]
            attr_type = types.String[()]

            if attr not in obj_type.fields and attr not in obj_type.layout:
                assert SETATTR in obj_type.fields, attr


                # Construct attribute string
                attr_string = OConst(attr)

                # call(getfield(obj, '__setattr__'), ['attr', value])
                method_type = make_method(obj_type, SETATTR)
                method = b.getfield(ptypes.Opaque, obj, SETATTR)
                call = b.call(ptypes.Opaque, method, [attr_string, value])

                # Update context
                del context[op]
                context[method] = method_type
                context[call] = types.Void[()]
                context[attr_string] = attr_type
Пример #2
def rewrite_setattr(func, env):
    Resolve missing attributes through __setattr__
    context = env['flypy.typing.context']

    b = Builder(func)

    for op in func.ops:
        if op.opcode == 'setfield':
            obj, attr, value = op.args
            obj_type = context[obj]
            attr_type = types.String[()]

            if attr not in obj_type.fields and attr not in obj_type.layout:
                assert SETATTR in obj_type.fields, attr


                # Construct attribute string
                attr_string = OConst(attr)

                # call(getfield(obj, '__setattr__'), ['attr', value])
                method_type = make_method(obj_type, SETATTR)
                method = b.getfield(ptypes.Opaque, obj, SETATTR)
                call = b.call(ptypes.Opaque, method, [attr_string, value])

                # Update context
                del context[op]
                context[method] = method_type
                context[call] = types.Void[()]
                context[attr_string] = attr_type
Пример #3
def rewrite_raise_exc_type(func, env):
    Rewrite 'raise Exception' to 'raise Exception()'
    context = env['numba.typing.context']
    b = Builder(func)

    for op in func.ops:
        if op.opcode == 'exc_throw':
            [exc_type] = op.args
            if isinstance(exc_type, Const):
                ty = context[exc_type]
                if ty.impl == Type: # Type[Exception[]]
                    # Generate constructor application
                    exc_obj = b.call(ptypes.Opaque, exc_type, [])

                    type = ty.parameters[0]
                    context[exc_obj] = type
Пример #4
def rewrite_raise_exc_type(func, env):
    Rewrite 'raise Exception' to 'raise Exception()'
    context = env['flypy.typing.context']
    b = Builder(func)

    for op in func.ops:
        if op.opcode == 'exc_throw':
            [exc_type] = op.args
            if isinstance(exc_type, Const):
                ty = context[exc_type]
                if ty.impl == Type:  # Type[Exception[]]
                    # Generate constructor application
                    exc_obj = b.call(ptypes.Opaque, exc_type, [])

                    type = ty.parameters[0]
                    context[exc_obj] = type
Пример #5
class PykitIRVisitor(c_ast.NodeVisitor):
    Map pykit IR in the form of polymorphic C to in-memory pykit IR.

        int function(float x) {
            int i = 0;        /* I am a comment */
            while (i < 10) {  /*: { "unroll": true } :*/
                x = call_external("sqrt", x * x);
            return (int) x;


    in_function = False

    def __init__(self, type_env=None):
        self.mod = Module()
        self.type_env = type_env or {}

        self.func = None
        self.builder = None
        self.local_vars = None
        self.allocas = None

        self.global_vars = {}
        self.functions = {}

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def vars(self):
        if self.in_function:
            return self.local_vars
            return self.global_vars

    def enter_func(self):
        self.in_function = True
        self.local_vars = {}
        self.allocas = {}

    def leave_func(self):
        self.in_function = False
        self.local_vars = None
        self.allocas = None
        self.func = None

    def visit(self, node, type=None):
        Visit a node.

        :type: Whether we have a type for this opcode, which is an LHS type
               or a cast. E.g.:

              (Int) call(...)    // cast
              result = call(...) // assmnt, assuming 'result' is declared
              result = call(..., call(...)) // second 'call' isn't typed

        self.type = type
        method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
        visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit)
        # if visitor is None:
        #     raise SyntaxError(
        #         "Node %s not supported in %s:%s" % (node, node.coord.file,
        #                                             node.coord.line))
        return visitor(node)

    def visitif(self, node):
        if node:
            return self.visit(node)

    def visits(self, node):
        return list(map(self.visit, node))

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def alloca(self, varname):
        if varname not in self.allocas:
            # Allocate variable with alloca
            with self.builder.at_front(self.func.startblock):
                type = types.Pointer(self.local_vars[varname])
                result = self.func.temp(varname)
                self.allocas[varname] = self.builder.alloca(type, [], result)

        return self.allocas[varname]

    def assignvar(self, varname, rhs):
        self.builder.store(rhs, self.alloca(varname))

    def assign(self, varname, rhs):
        if self.in_function:
            # Local variable
            type = self.local_vars[varname]
            self.assignvar(varname, self.visit(rhs, type=type))
            # Global variable
            type = self.global_vars[varname]
            self.mod.add_global(GlobalValue(varname, type=self.type,
                                            value=self.visit(rhs, type=type)))

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def visit_Decl(self, decl):
        if decl.name in self.vars:
            error(decl, "Var '%s' already declared!" % (decl.name,))

        type = self.visit(decl.type)
        self.vars[decl.name] = type
        if decl.init:
            self.assign(decl.name, decl.init)
        elif not self.in_function:
            extern = decl.storage == 'external'
            self.mod.add_global(GlobalValue(decl.name, type, external=extern))

        return type

    def visit_TypeDecl(self, decl):
        return self.visit(decl.type)

    visit_Typename = visit_TypeDecl

    def visit_PtrDecl(self, decl):
        return types.Pointer(self.visit(decl.type.type))

    def visit_FuncDecl(self, decl):
        if decl.args:
            params = self.visits(decl.args.params)
            params = []
        return types.Function(self.visit(decl.type), params)

    def visit_IdentifierType(self, node):
        name, = node.names
        return self.type_env[name]

    def visit_Typedef(self, node):
        if node.name in ("Type", "_list"):
            type = self.type_env[node.name]
            type = self.visit(node.type)
            if type == types.Type:
                type = getattr(types, node.name)

            self.type_env[node.name] = type

        return type

    def visit_Template(self, node):
        left = self.visit(node.left)
        subtypes = self.visits(node.right)
        if left is list:
            return list(subtypes)
            assert issubclass(left, types.Type)
            subtypes = self.visits(node.right)
            return left(*subtypes)

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def visit_FuncDef(self, node):
        assert not node.param_decls

        name = node.decl.name
        type = self.visit(node.decl.type)
        if node.decl.type.args:
            argnames = [p.name or "" for p in node.decl.type.args.params]
            argnames = []
        self.func = Function(name, argnames, type)
        self.builder = Builder(self.func)

        # Store arguments in stack variables
        for argname in argnames:
            self.assignvar(argname, self.func.get_arg(argname))


    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def visit_FuncCall(self, node):
        type = self.type
        opcode = node.name.name
        args = self.visits(node.args.exprs) if node.args else []

        if opcode == "list":
            return args
        elif not type and not ops.is_void(opcode):
            error(node, "Expected a type for sub-expression "
                        "(add a cast or assignment)")
        elif not hasattr(self.builder, opcode):
            if opcode in self.mod.functions:
                return self.builder.call(type, [self.mod.get_function(opcode),
            error(node, "No opcode %s" % (opcode,))

        buildop = getattr(self.builder, opcode)
        if ops.is_void(opcode):
            return buildop(*args)
            return buildop(type or "Unset", args)

    def visit_ID(self, node):
        if self.in_function:
            if node.name in self.local_vars:
                result = self.alloca(node.name)
                return self.builder.load(result.type.base, [result])

            global_val = (self.mod.get_function(node.name) or

            if not global_val:
                error(node, "Not a local or global: %r" % node.name)

            return global_val

    def visit_Cast(self, node):
        type = self.visit(node.to_type)
        if isinstance(node.expr, c_ast.FuncCall):
            op = self.visit(node.expr, type=type)
            op.type = type
            return op
            result = self.visit(node.expr)
            if result.type == type:
                return result
            return self.builder.convert(type, [result])

    def visit_Assignment(self, node):
        if node.op != '=':
            error(node, "Only assignment with '=' is supported")
        if not isinstance(node.lvalue, c_ast.ID):
            error(node, "Canot only assign to a name")
        self.assign(node.lvalue.name, node.rvalue)

    def visit_Constant(self, node):
        type = self.type_env[node.type]
        const = types.convert(node.value, types.resolve_typedef(type))
        if isinstance(const, basestring):
            const = const[1:-1] # slice away quotes
        return Const(const)

    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
        op = defs.unary_defs[node.op]
        buildop = getattr(self.builder, op)
        arg = self.visit(node.expr)
        type = self.type or arg.type
        return buildop(type, [arg])

    def visit_BinaryOp(self, node):
        op = binary_defs[node.op]
        buildop = getattr(self.builder, op)
        left, right = self.visits([node.left, node.right])
        type = self.type
        if not type:
            l, r = map(types.resolve_typedef, [left.type, right.type])
            assert l == r, (l, r)
        if node.op in defs.compare_defs:
            type = types.Bool
        return buildop(type or left.type, [left, right])

    def visit_If(self, node):
        cond = self.visit(node.cond)
        ifpos, elsepos, exit_block = self.builder.ifelse(cond)

        with ifpos:

        with elsepos:
            if node.iffalse:


    def _loop(self, init, cond, next, body):
        _, exit_block = self.builder.splitblock(self.func.temp("exit"))
        _, body_block = self.builder.splitblock(self.func.temp("body"))
        _, cond_block = self.builder.splitblock(self.func.temp("cond"))


        with self.builder.at_front(cond_block):
            cond = self.visit(cond, type=types.Bool)
            self.builder.cbranch(cond, body_block, exit_block)

        with self.builder.at_front(body_block):
            bb = self.builder.basic_block
            if not bb.tail or not ops.is_terminator(bb.tail.opcode):


    def visit_While(self, node):
        self._loop(None, node.cond, None, node.stmt)

    def visit_For(self, node):
        # avoid silly 2to3 rewrite to 'node.__next__'
        next = getattr(node, 'next')
        self._loop(node.init, node.cond, next, node.stmt)

    def visit_Return(self, node):
        b = self.builder
        value = self.visit(node.expr)
        t = self.func.temp
        b.ret(b.convert(self.func.type.restype, [value]))
Пример #6
class PykitIRVisitor(c_ast.NodeVisitor):
    Map pykit IR in the form of polymorphic C to in-memory pykit IR.

        int function(float x) {
            int i = 0;        /* I am a comment */
            while (i < 10) {  /*: { "unroll": true } :*/
                x = call_external("sqrt", x * x);
            return (int) x;


    in_function = False

    def __init__(self, type_env=None):
        self.mod = Module()
        self.type_env = type_env or {}

        self.func = None
        self.builder = None
        self.local_vars = None
        self.allocas = None

        self.global_vars = {}
        self.functions = {}

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def vars(self):
        if self.in_function:
            return self.local_vars
            return self.global_vars

    def enter_func(self):
        self.in_function = True
        self.local_vars = {}
        self.allocas = {}

    def leave_func(self):
        self.in_function = False
        self.local_vars = None
        self.allocas = None
        self.func = None

    def visit(self, node, type=None):
        Visit a node.

        :type: Whether we have a type for this opcode, which is an LHS type
               or a cast. E.g.:

              (Int) call(...)    // cast
              result = call(...) // assmnt, assuming 'result' is declared
              result = call(..., call(...)) // second 'call' isn't typed

        self.type = type
        method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
        visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit)
        # if visitor is None:
        #     raise SyntaxError(
        #         "Node %s not supported in %s:%s" % (node, node.coord.file,
        #                                             node.coord.line))
        return visitor(node)

    def visitif(self, node):
        if node:
            return self.visit(node)

    def visits(self, node):
        return list(map(self.visit, node))

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def alloca(self, varname):
        if varname not in self.allocas:
            # Allocate variable with alloca
            with self.builder.at_front(self.func.startblock):
                type = types.Pointer(self.local_vars[varname])
                result = self.func.temp(varname)
                self.allocas[varname] = self.builder.alloca(type, [], result)

        return self.allocas[varname]

    def assignvar(self, varname, rhs):
        self.builder.store(rhs, self.alloca(varname))

    def assign(self, varname, rhs):
        if self.in_function:
            # Local variable
            type = self.local_vars[varname]
            self.assignvar(varname, self.visit(rhs, type=type))
            # Global variable
            type = self.global_vars[varname]
                            value=self.visit(rhs, type=type)))

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def visit_Decl(self, decl):
        if decl.name in self.vars:
            error(decl, "Var '%s' already declared!" % (decl.name, ))

        type = self.visit(decl.type)
        self.vars[decl.name] = type
        if decl.init:
            self.assign(decl.name, decl.init)
        elif not self.in_function:
            extern = decl.storage == 'external'
            self.mod.add_global(GlobalValue(decl.name, type, external=extern))

        return type

    def visit_TypeDecl(self, decl):
        return self.visit(decl.type)

    visit_Typename = visit_TypeDecl

    def visit_PtrDecl(self, decl):
        return types.Pointer(self.visit(decl.type.type))

    def visit_FuncDecl(self, decl):
        if decl.args:
            params = self.visits(decl.args.params)
            params = []
        return types.Function(self.visit(decl.type), params)

    def visit_IdentifierType(self, node):
        name, = node.names
        return self.type_env[name]

    def visit_Typedef(self, node):
        if node.name in ("Type", "_list"):
            type = self.type_env[node.name]
            type = self.visit(node.type)
            if type == types.Type:
                type = getattr(types, node.name)

            self.type_env[node.name] = type

        return type

    def visit_Template(self, node):
        left = self.visit(node.left)
        subtypes = self.visits(node.right)
        if left is list:
            return list(subtypes)
            assert issubclass(left, types.Type)
            subtypes = self.visits(node.right)
            return left(*subtypes)

    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def visit_FuncDef(self, node):
        assert not node.param_decls

        name = node.decl.name
        type = self.visit(node.decl.type)
        if node.decl.type.args:
            argnames = [p.name or "" for p in node.decl.type.args.params]
            argnames = []
        self.func = Function(name, argnames, type)
        self.builder = Builder(self.func)

        # Store arguments in stack variables
        for argname in argnames:
            self.assignvar(argname, self.func.get_arg(argname))


    # ______________________________________________________________________

    def visit_FuncCall(self, node):
        type = self.type
        opcode = node.name.name
        args = self.visits(node.args.exprs) if node.args else []

        if opcode == "list":
            return args
        elif not type and not ops.is_void(opcode):
                node, "Expected a type for sub-expression "
                "(add a cast or assignment)")
        elif not hasattr(self.builder, opcode):
            if opcode in self.mod.functions:
                return self.builder.call(type,
                                         [self.mod.get_function(opcode), args])
            error(node, "No opcode %s" % (opcode, ))

        buildop = getattr(self.builder, opcode)
        if ops.is_void(opcode):
            return buildop(*args)
            return buildop(type or "Unset", args)

    def visit_ID(self, node):
        if self.in_function:
            if node.name in self.local_vars:
                result = self.alloca(node.name)
                return self.builder.load(result.type.base, [result])

            global_val = (self.mod.get_function(node.name)
                          or self.mod.get_global(node.name))

            if not global_val:
                error(node, "Not a local or global: %r" % node.name)

            return global_val

    def visit_Cast(self, node):
        type = self.visit(node.to_type)
        if isinstance(node.expr, c_ast.FuncCall):
            op = self.visit(node.expr, type=type)
            op.type = type
            return op
            result = self.visit(node.expr)
            if result.type == type:
                return result
            return self.builder.convert(type, [result])

    def visit_Assignment(self, node):
        if node.op != '=':
            error(node, "Only assignment with '=' is supported")
        if not isinstance(node.lvalue, c_ast.ID):
            error(node, "Canot only assign to a name")
        self.assign(node.lvalue.name, node.rvalue)

    def visit_Constant(self, node):
        type = self.type_env[node.type]
        const = types.convert(node.value, types.resolve_typedef(type))
        if isinstance(const, basestring):
            const = const[1:-1]  # slice away quotes
        return Const(const)

    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
        op = defs.unary_defs[node.op]
        buildop = getattr(self.builder, op)
        arg = self.visit(node.expr)
        type = self.type or arg.type
        return buildop(type, [arg])

    def visit_BinaryOp(self, node):
        op = binary_defs[node.op]
        buildop = getattr(self.builder, op)
        left, right = self.visits([node.left, node.right])
        type = self.type
        if not type:
            l, r = map(types.resolve_typedef, [left.type, right.type])
            assert l == r, (l, r)
        if node.op in defs.compare_defs:
            type = types.Bool
        return buildop(type or left.type, [left, right])

    def visit_If(self, node):
        cond = self.visit(node.cond)
        ifpos, elsepos, exit_block = self.builder.ifelse(cond)

        with ifpos:

        with elsepos:
            if node.iffalse:


    def _loop(self, init, cond, next, body):
        _, exit_block = self.builder.splitblock(self.func.temp("exit"))
        _, body_block = self.builder.splitblock(self.func.temp("body"))
        _, cond_block = self.builder.splitblock(self.func.temp("cond"))


        with self.builder.at_front(cond_block):
            cond = self.visit(cond, type=types.Bool)
            self.builder.cbranch(cond, body_block, exit_block)

        with self.builder.at_front(body_block):
            bb = self.builder.basic_block
            if not bb.tail or not ops.is_terminator(bb.tail.opcode):


    def visit_While(self, node):
        self._loop(None, node.cond, None, node.stmt)

    def visit_For(self, node):
        # avoid silly 2to3 rewrite to 'node.__next__'
        next = getattr(node, 'next')
        self._loop(node.init, node.cond, next, node.stmt)

    def visit_Return(self, node):
        b = self.builder
        value = self.visit(node.expr)
        t = self.func.temp
        b.ret(b.convert(self.func.type.restype, [value]))