Пример #1
    bool:       Bool,
    int:        Int32,
    float:      Float64,
    # These types are not actually supported
    str:        Bytes,
    bytes:      Bytes,

def typeof(value):
    """Python value -> type"""
    return typing_defaults[type(value)]

# ______________________________________________________________________
# Convert

conversion_map = invert(typing_defaults)
conversion_map.update(dict.fromkeys(int_set, int))
conversion_map.update(dict.fromkeys(float_set, float))
# conversion_map.update(dict.fromkeys(complex_set, complex))

def convert(value, dst_type):
    """(python value, type) -> converted python value"""
    if dst_type.is_typedef:
        dst_type = dst_type.type
    converter = conversion_map[dst_type]
    return converter(value)

# ______________________________________________________________________

type2name = dict((v, n) for n, v in globals().items() if hashable(v))
typename = type2name.__getitem__
Пример #2
    "-": ops.usub,

binary_defs = {
    "+":  ops.add,
    "-":  ops.sub,
    "*":  ops.mul,
    "/":  ops.div,
    "%":  ops.mod,
    "<<": ops.lshift,
    ">>": ops.rshift,
    "|":  ops.bitor,
    "&":  ops.bitand,
    "^":  ops.bitxor,

compare_defs = {
    "<":  ops.lt,
    "<=": ops.lte,
    ">":  ops.gt,
    ">=": ops.gte,
    "==": ops.eq,
    "!=": ops.noteq,

unary_opcodes = invert(unary_defs)
binary_opcodes = invert(binary_defs)
compare_opcodes = invert(compare_defs)

func2operator = mergedicts(invert(unary), invert(binary), invert(compare))
bitwise = set(["<<", ">>", "|", "&", "^", "~"])
Пример #3
    "+": ops.uadd,
    "-": ops.usub,

binary_defs = {
    "+":  ops.add,
    "-":  ops.sub,
    "*":  ops.mul,
    "/":  ops.div,
    "%":  ops.mod,
    "<<": ops.lshift,
    ">>": ops.rshift,
    "|":  ops.bitor,
    "&":  ops.bitand,
    "^":  ops.bitxor,

compare_defs = {
    "<":  ops.lt,
    "<=": ops.lte,
    ">":  ops.gt,
    ">=": ops.gte,
    "==": ops.eq,
    "!=": ops.noteq,

unary_opcodes = invert(unary_defs)
binary_opcodes = invert(binary_defs)
compare_opcodes = invert(compare_defs)

bitwise = set(["<<", ">>", "|", "&", "^", "~"])
Пример #4
    ops.mod: '__mod__',
    ops.lshift: '__lshift__',
    ops.rshift: '__rshift__',
    ops.bitor: '__or__',
    ops.bitand: '__and__',
    ops.bitxor: '__xor__',

    # Compare
    ops.lt: '__lt__',
    ops.le: '__le__',
    ops.gt: '__gt__',
    ops.ge: '__ge__',
    ops.eq: '__eq__',
    ops.ne: '__ne__',
special2op = invert(special)

def lookup_special(func):
    """Look up a special method name for an operator.* function"""
    operator = defs.operator2opcode[func]
    return special[operator]

# flypy-specific special methods

# We don't assume __setattr__ since there is no good way to implement them
# with python semantics right now (e.g. using super()), and we do want
# attributes to work properly in Python land.
Пример #5

binary_defs = {
    "+": ops.add,
    "-": ops.sub,
    "*": ops.mul,
    "/": ops.div,
    "%": ops.mod,
    "<<": ops.lshift,
    ">>": ops.rshift,
    "|": ops.bitor,
    "&": ops.bitand,
    "^": ops.bitxor,

compare_defs = {
    "<": ops.lt,
    "<=": ops.le,
    ">": ops.gt,
    ">=": ops.ge,
    "==": ops.eq,
    "!=": ops.ne,

unary_opcodes = invert(unary_defs)
binary_opcodes = invert(binary_defs)
compare_opcodes = invert(compare_defs)

opcode2operator = mergedicts(unary, binary, compare)
operator2opcode = mergedicts(invert(unary), invert(binary), invert(compare))
bitwise = set(["<<", ">>", "|", "&", "^", "~"])
Пример #6
    ops.mod           : '__mod__',
    ops.lshift        : '__lshift__',
    ops.rshift        : '__rshift__',
    ops.bitor         : '__or__',
    ops.bitand        : '__and__',
    ops.bitxor        : '__xor__',

    # Compare
    ops.lt            : '__lt__',
    ops.le            : '__le__',
    ops.gt            : '__gt__',
    ops.ge            : '__ge__',
    ops.eq            : '__eq__',
    ops.ne            : '__ne__',
special2op = invert(special)

def lookup_special(func):
    """Look up a special method name for an operator.* function"""
    operator = defs.operator2opcode[func]
    return special[operator]

# flypy-specific special methods

# We don't assume __setattr__ since there is no good way to implement them
# with python semantics right now (e.g. using super()), and we do want
# attributes to work properly in Python land.

# __setattribute__ semantics is that when an attribute is missing,