Пример #1
def get_paths(traj_indx, database_path_base = '/datasets/kitti', split_txt = None, mode = 'train'):
    Return the training info for one trajectory 

    (1) the kitti data set is organized as
    where rawdata folder contains the raw kitti data, 
    train and val folders contains the GT depth

    (2) the depth frames for one traj. is always nimg - 10 (ignoring the first and last 5 frames)

    (3) we will use image 02 data (the left camera ?)

    - traj_indx : the index (in the globbed array) of the trajectory
    - databse_path_base : the path to the database 
    - split_txt : the split txt file path, including the name of trajectories for trianing/testing/validation
    - mode: 'train' or 'val' or 'test'

    - n_traj : the # of trajectories in the set defined in split_txt
    - pykitti_dataset : the dataset object defined in pykitti. It is used to get the input images and camera poses
    - dmap_paths: the list of paths for the GT dmaps, same length as dataset
    - poses: list of camera poses, corresponding to dataset and dmap_paths

    assert split_txt is not None, 'split_txt file is needed'

    scene_names = _read_split_file(split_txt) 
    n_traj = len( scene_names )

    assert traj_indx < n_traj, 'traj_indx should smaller than the scene length'

    basedir = database_path_base + '/rawdata'
    sceneName = scene_names[traj_indx]
    name_contents = sceneName.split('_')
    date = name_contents[0] + '_' + name_contents[1] + '_' + name_contents[2]
    drive = name_contents[4] 
    p_data_full = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)
    nimg = len(p_data_full)

    # assume: the depth frames for one traj. is always nimg - 10 (ignoring the first and last 5 frames)
    p_data = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive, frames= range(5, nimg-5))

    nimg = len(p_data) 
    dmap_paths = []

    poses = []
    for i_img in range(nimg): 
        imgname = p_data.cam2_files[i_img].split('/')[-1]
        poses.append( p_data.oxts[i_img].T_w_imu)
        dmap_file = '%s/%s/%s/proj_depth/groundtruth/image_02/%s'%( database_path_base, mode, sceneName, imgname)
        dmap_paths.append( dmap_file ) 

    intrin_path = 'NOT NEEDED' 
    return n_traj, p_data, dmap_paths, poses, intrin_path
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, cfg, base_dir, seq, frames=None):

        if seq == "03" or seq not in self.raw_path.keys():
            raise ValueError("%s sequence not supported" % seq)

        self.cfg = cfg
        self.imu_time_sync_shift = 1  # we discovered IMU seems to be delayed, so we shifted it forward

        if frames:
            range_start = self.raw_range[seq][0] + frames.start
            range_stop = range_start + frames.stop
            range_start = self.raw_range[seq][0]
            range_stop = self.raw_range[seq][1] + 1

        self.data_raw_kitti = pykitti.raw(base_dir, self.raw_path[seq][0], self.raw_path[seq][1],
                                          frames=range(range_start, range_stop))
        self.data_imu_kitti = pykitti.raw(base_dir, self.raw_path[seq][0], self.raw_path[seq][1],
                                          frames=range(range_start + self.imu_time_sync_shift,
                                                       range_stop + self.imu_time_sync_shift))
        self.data_odom_kitti = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq, frames=frames)
        self.data_lidar_image = LidarDataLoader(self.cfg, base_dir, seq, frames=frames)

        assert (len(self.data_raw_kitti.oxts) == len(self.data_odom_kitti.poses) and
                len(self.data_imu_kitti.oxts) == len(self.data_odom_kitti.poses) and
                len(self.data_odom_kitti.poses) == self.data_lidar_image.num_frames)

        self.imu_measurements = []
        self.imu_measurements_reversed = []

def get_paths_as_dict(depth_dir, rgb_dir, split_txt=None, mode='train', cam_id=None, output_size=None, window_size=None):
    assert split_txt is not None, 'split_txt file is needed'

    videos = dict()

    scene_names = _read_split_file(split_txt)
    for idx, sname in enumerate(scene_names):
        name_contents = sname.split('_')
        date = name_contents[0] + '_' + name_contents[1] + '_' + name_contents[2]
        drive = name_contents[4]
        p_data = pykitti.raw(rgb_dir, date, drive)
        nimg = len(p_data)
        # assume: the depth frames for one traj. is always nimg - 10 (ignoring the first and last 5 frames)
        p_data = pykitti.raw(rgb_dir, date, drive, frames=range(5, nimg - 5))
        nimg = len(p_data)
        if type(cam_id) is int:
            cam_ids = [cam_id]
        elif cam_id is None:
            cam_ids = [2]
            cam_ids = cam_id
        for idc in cam_ids:
            cam_intrinsics = _read_IntM_from_pdata(p_data, out_size=output_size, cam_id=idc)
            K = cam_intrinsics['intrinsic_M']
            img_paths = []
            gt_dmap_paths = []
            sdmap_paths = []
            poses = []

            M_imu2cam = getattr(p_data.calib, 'T_cam%d_imu' % idc)
            all_imgs = getattr(p_data, 'cam%d_files' % idc)
            for i_img in range(nimg):
                img_path = all_imgs[i_img]
                imgname = img_path.split('/')[-1]
                gt_file = '%s/data_depth_annotated/%s/%s/proj_depth/groundtruth/image_%.2d/%s' \
                          % (depth_dir, mode, sname, idc, imgname)
                if os.path.exists(gt_file):
                    input_file = '%s/data_depth_velodyne/%s/%s/proj_depth/velodyne_raw/image_%.2d/%s' \
                                 % (depth_dir, mode, sname, idc, imgname)
                    pose_imu = p_data.oxts[i_img].T_w_imu
                    extM = np.matmul(M_imu2cam, np.linalg.inv(pose_imu))
            video_name = sname + '_cam%d' % idc
            videos[video_name] = dict(intrinsic_matrix=K, cam_poses=poses, img_paths=img_paths,
                                gt_paths=gt_dmap_paths, sdmap_paths=sdmap_paths)

    return videos
    def get_cam_calib(self):
        intrinsics, extrinsics = dict(), dict()
        for name in self.path_images.keys():
            date, drive, cam_id = tuple(name.split('x'))
            cam_id = int(cam_id)
            p_data = pykitti.raw(self.path_to_rgb, date, drive)
            K = _read_IntM_from_pdata(p_data, (370, 1240),
            intrinsics[name] = K

            img_name2id = dict()
            for idx in range(len(p_data)):
                if cam_id == 2:
                    img_name = p_data.cam2_files[idx].split('/')[-1].split(
                elif cam_id == 3:
                    img_name = p_data.cam3_files[idx].split('/')[-1].split(
                img_name2id[img_name] = idx
            intrinsics[name], extrinsics[name] = list(), list()
            M_imu2cam = p_data.calib.T_cam2_imu if cam_id == 2 else p_data.calib.T_cam3_imu
            for path_img in self.path_images[name]:
                img_name = path_img.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-3]
                idx = img_name2id[img_name]
                pose_imu = p_data.oxts[idx].T_w_imu
                extM = np.matmul(M_imu2cam, np.linalg.inv(pose_imu))
        return intrinsics, extrinsics
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, config: dict):

        # Set Ground Truth and Velocity
        if config['name'] == 'kitti_raw':
            self.resize_factor = config['resize_factor']
            self.dataset = pykitti.raw(config['basedir'], config['date'],
            self.image_getter_left = iter(self.dataset.cam0)
            self.velocity_getter = ([
                oxt.packet.vl, oxt.packet.vu, oxt.packet.vf
            ] for oxt in self.dataset.oxts)
            self.true_pose_getter = ([
                oxt.T_w_imu[0][3], oxt.T_w_imu[1][3], oxt.T_w_imu[2][3]
            ] for oxt in self.dataset.oxts)
            self.k = self.dataset.k = self.resize_factor * self.dataset.calib.K_cam0
            self.k[2][2] = 1
            self.inv_k = np.linalg.inv(self.k)
            self.focal = self.k[0][0]
            self.pp = (self.k[0][2], self.k[1][2])

        if config['name'] == 'kitti_odometry':
            self.resize_factor = config['resize_factor']
            self.dataset = pykitti.odometry(config['basedir'],
            self.image_getter_left = iter(self.dataset.cam0)
            self.image_getter_right = iter(self.dataset.cam1)
            self.true_pose_getter = ([pose[0][3], pose[1][3], pose[2][3]]
                                     for pose in self.dataset.poses)
            self.k = self.dataset.k = self.resize_factor * self.dataset.calib.K_cam0
            self.k[2][2] = 1
            self.inv_k = np.linalg.inv(self.k)
            self.focal = self.k[0][0]
            self.pp = (self.k[0][2], self.k[1][2])
Пример #6
def get_combined_global_trajectory_and_weights(dates,
    ''' Combine multiple drives using the OXTS GPS lat/lon/alt measurements. Yaw
    is sloppily assuming flat orientation (i.e. small roll and pitch) for now.
    lat = []
    lon = []
    alt = []
    yaw = []
    w = []
    orb = cv2.ORB_create(nfeatures=10000, fastThreshold=fastThreshold)
    for date, drive in zip(dates, drives):
        data = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive, imformat='cv2')
        for img, p in zip(data.cam0, data.oxts):
            # Assumes a small enough region
            # find the keypoints with ORB
            kp = orb.detect(img, None)

    x, y = lat_lon_to_xy(np.pi * np.array(lat) / 180.0,
                         np.pi * np.array(lon) / 180.0)
    alt = np.array(alt)
    alt = alt - alt[0]
    yaw = np.array(yaw)
    return x, y, alt, yaw, np.array(w)
Пример #7
def load_dataset(date, drive, calibrated=False, frame_range=None):
    Loads the dataset with `date` and `drive`.

    date        : Dataset creation date.
    drive       : Dataset drive.
    calibrated  : Flag indicating if we need to parse calibration data. Defaults to `False`.
    frame_range : Range of frames. Defaults to `None`.

    Loaded dataset of type `raw`.
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    # Load the data
    if calibrated:
        dataset.load_calib()  # Calibration data are accessible as named tuples

    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
    print('\nDrive: ' + str(dataset.drive))
    print('\nFrame range: ' + str(dataset.frames))

    if calibrated:
        print('\nIMU-to-Velodyne transformation:\n' +
        print('\nGray stereo pair baseline [m]: ' + str(dataset.calib.b_gray))
        print('\nRGB stereo pair baseline [m]: ' + str(dataset.calib.b_rgb))

    return dataset
Пример #8
    def run(self):
        # load dataset
            dirs = sorted(os.listdir(self._basedir + '/extracted'))
            self._datasets = {}
            if self._verbose: print('loading datasets: ', end='')
            for dr in dirs:
                mtch = re.match("([0-9_]+)_drive_([0-9]+)_sync", dr)
                if mtch is None: continue
                date, drive = mtch.groups()
                if (self._subdate != None and date != self._subdate) or (self._subdrive != None and drive != self._subdrive): continue

                if self._verbose: 
                    print('.', end='')
                self._datasets[date + "_" + drive] = pykitti.raw(self._basedir, date, drive)
            if self._verbose: print()
            # fetching blobs
            lim = None
            while True:
                loc, shape = self._iqueue.get()
                im = self.load_image(loc, shape)
                if im == None: im = lim # FIXME: reuse last image in case of error
                lim = im
                #print('image processed {} todo'.format(self._iqueue.qsize()))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
Пример #9
def run(args):

    device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

    model = hub.load('TheCodez/pytorch-GoogLeNet-FCN',
    model = model.to(device)

    for date in args.dates:
        for drive in args.drives:
            data = pykitti.raw(args.dir, date, drive)

            for i, image in enumerate(data.cam2):
                name = os.path.basename(data.cam2_files[i])[:-4]
                file_name = '{}_{}_{}.npy'.format(date, drive, name)
                pc_velo = data.get_velo(i)

                print("Processing: ", file_name)
                pred = autolabel.semantic_segmentation(model, image, device)
                pc_velo = autolabel.get_points_in_fov_90(pc_velo)
                pc_labels = autolabel.transfer_labels(pc_velo, pred,
                record = autolabel.spherical_projection(pc_labels)

                os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True)
                np.save(os.path.join(args.output_dir, file_name), record)
                print("Saved: ", file_name)

    print("Processing finished")
def main(last_frame, step_frame, nb_corres_points, learning_rate):
    """Train the universal correspondence network .

        last_frame: last image to be loaded.
        step_frame: load every step_frame images
        nb_corres_points: Number of velodyne correspondence points to load
        learning_rate: learning rate of the optimiser
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    data = pykitti.raw('data', '2011_09_26', '0002', frames=range(0, last_frame, step_frame))

    # Load the velodyne correspondence points
    correspondences = []
    for i, velo_points in enumerate(data.velo):
        velo_points = velo_points[:nb_corres_points]

        # Project the points in the images of the left and right cameras
        cam2 = velo_points.dot(np.transpose(data.calib.T_cam2_velo))
        cam3 = velo_points.dot(np.transpose(data.calib.T_cam3_velo))

        # Only gather the x and y position on the images
        correspondences.append(np.concatenate((cam2[:, :2], cam3[:, :2]), axis=1))

    ucn = UniversalCorrepondenceNetwork([375, 1242, 3], nb_corres_points)
    learner = CorrespondenceLearner(ucn, 0.001, 10)

    loss = learner.train_network(np.array(list(data.cam2)), np.array(list(data.cam3)),
                                 np.array(correspondences), learning_rate)
    logger.info('Loss: {loss}'.format(loss=loss))
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, basedir, date, drive):
     self.dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)
     self.frames = len(self.dataset.timestamps)
     tracklet_path = '{}/{}/{}_drive_{}_sync/tracklet_labels.xml'.format(basedir, date, date, drive)
     self.tracklets, self.tracklet_rects, self.tracklet_types, self.track_id, self.track_center \
         = self.load_tracklets_for_frames(tracklet_path)
     self.track_velocity, self.flowlets = self.load_car_velocity()
     self.track_bb = self.load_car_bb()
def load_raw_data(drive):

    basedir = cfg.basedir + drive
    date = cfg.date

    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    return [x for x in dataset.velo]
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, base_dir, date, drive, frames):
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.date = date
        self.drive = drive
        self.first_frame = frames[0]
        self.last_frame_plus_1 = frames[1]

        self.kitti = pykitti.raw(base_dir, date, drive)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, date, drive) -> None:

        self.date = date
        self.drive = drive

        self.dataset = pykitti.raw(dataset_base_path, date, drive)
        self.calib = self.dataset.calib
Пример #15
 def __init__(self,
     self._dataset = pykitti.raw(base_dir, date, drive)
     self.__get_cam = self._dataset.__getattribute__('get_cam' +
Пример #16
 def __init__(self, basedir, date, drive, frame_range):
     # Change this to the directory where you store KITTI data
     self.basedir = basedir
     # Specify the dataset to load
     self.date = date
     self.drive = drive
     self.frame_range = frame_range
     self.raw_data = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive, frames=frame_range)
Пример #17
def get_raw_data(drive_id, raw_dir):

    # Load raw data
    drive_date = drive_id[0:10]
    drive_num = drive_id[17:21]
    raw_data = pykitti.raw(raw_dir, drive_date, drive_num)

    return raw_data
Пример #18
 def load_kitti(self, data_folder: str, date: str, drive: str, **kwargs):
     self.data_kitti = pykitti.raw(data_folder, date, drive, **kwargs)
     logging.info("Loading KITTI Dataset from dir: %r; date: %r, drive: %r",
                  self.data_folder, self.date, self.drive)
     self.img_n = IMG_WIDTH
     self.img_m = IMG_HEIGHT
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, date: str, drive_id: str):
     self.data_path = pp.get_path(date, drive_id)
     self.default_img_dir = "image_00"
     self.default_img_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, self.default_img_dir, "data")
     print("[KittiDataLoader] image path:", self.default_img_path)
     self.default_img_list = glob.glob(self.default_img_path + "/*.png")
     assert self.default_img_list, "no images in {}".format(self.default_img_path)
     self.kitti = pykitti.raw(pp.get_data_root(), date, drive_id)
def load_raw_forward_data(drive, one_out_of=None, y_threshold=None):
    basedir = cfg.basedir + drive
    date = cfg.date

    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    return [
        _get_points_with_threshold(frame, y_threshold, one_out_of)
        for frame in dataset.velo
Пример #21
def make_kitti_video():

    basedir = '/root/milestone3/src/pixor/scripts/PIXOR/srcs/data/'
    date = '2011_09_28'
    drive = '0016'
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    videoname = "detection_{}_{}.avi".format(date, drive)
    save_path = os.path.join(basedir, date,
                             "{}_drive_{}_sync".format(date, drive), videoname)
    run(dataset, save_path)
Пример #22
def make_kitti_video():

    basedir = '/home/aw2/Development/PIXOR'
    date = '2011_09_26'
    drive = '0035'
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    videoname = "detection_{}_{}.avi".format(date, drive)
    save_path = os.path.join(basedir, date,
                             "{}_drive_{}_sync".format(date, drive), videoname)
    run(dataset, save_path)
Пример #23
def make_kitti_video():

    basedir = '/mnt/ssd2/od/KITTI/raw'
    date = '2011_09_26'
    drive = '0035'
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    videoname = "detection_{}_{}.avi".format(date, drive)
    save_path = os.path.join(basedir, date,
                             "{}_drive_{}_sync".format(date, drive), videoname)
    run(dataset, save_path)
Пример #24
def make_kitti_video(date, drive, basedir=None):
    # basedir = '/Users/charlie/Documents/Coursework/Group_Project/PIXOR/Kitti/'
    if basedir == None:
        basedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    videoname = "detection_{}_{}.avi".format(date, drive)
    save_path = os.path.join(basedir, date,
                             "{}_drive_{}_sync".format(date, drive), videoname)
    run(dataset, save_path)
 def sequence(self, i):
     # if 0 <= i < 11:
     #     sequence = pykitti.odometry(self.ododir, '{:02d}'.format(i))
     #     sequence.poses = numpy.array(sequence.poses)
     # else:
     drive = kittidrives.drives[i]
     sequence = pykitti.raw(self.rawdir, drive['date'], drive['drive'])
     T_imu_cam0 = util.invert_ht(sequence.calib.T_cam0_imu)
     sequence.poses = numpy.array(
         [numpy.matmul(oxts.T_w_imu, T_imu_cam0) \
             for oxts in sequence.oxts])
     return sequence
Пример #26
def run_vo_kitti(basedir, date, drive, frames, outfile=None):
    # Load KITTI data
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive, frames=frames, imformat='cv2')

    first_oxts = dataset.oxts[0]
    T_cam0_imu = SE3.from_matrix(dataset.calib.T_cam0_imu)
    T_0_w = T_cam0_imu.dot(SE3.from_matrix(first_oxts.T_w_imu).inv())

    # Create the camera
    test_im = np.array(next(dataset.cam0))
    fu = dataset.calib.K_cam0[0, 0]
    fv = dataset.calib.K_cam0[1, 1]
    cu = dataset.calib.K_cam0[0, 2]
    cv = dataset.calib.K_cam0[1, 2]
    b = dataset.calib.b_gray
    h, w = test_im.shape
    camera = StereoCamera(cu, cv, fu, fv, b, w, h)

    # Ground truth
    T_w_c_gt = [
        SE3.from_matrix(o.T_w_imu).dot(T_cam0_imu.inv()) for o in dataset.oxts

    # Pipeline
    vo = DenseStereoPipeline(camera, first_pose=T_0_w)
    # Skip the highest resolution level

    start = time.perf_counter()
    for c_idx, impair in enumerate(dataset.gray):
        vo.track(np.array(impair[0]), np.array(impair[1]))
        # vo.track(impair[0], impair[1], guess=T_w_c_gt[c_idx].inv())
        end = time.perf_counter()
        print('Image {}/{} | {:.3f} s'.format(c_idx, len(dataset),
                                              end - start))
        start = end

    # Compute errors
    T_w_c_est = [T.inv() for T in vo.T_c_w]
    tm = TrajectoryMetrics(T_w_c_gt, T_w_c_est)

    # Save to file
    if outfile is not None:
        print('Saving to {}'.format(outfile))

    # Clean up
    del vo

    return tm
Пример #27
 def _read_lidar(self, frame):
     if frame not in self.kitti_data.frame_range:
         self.kitti_data = pykitti.raw(
             self.basedir, self.date, self.drive,
             range(frame, frame +
                   1))  #, range(start_frame, start_frame + total_frames))
     assert frame in self.kitti_data.frame_range
     )  # Each scan is a Nx4 array of [x,y,z,reflectance]
     assert len(self.kitti_data.velo) == 1
     self.lidars[frame] = self.kitti_data.velo[0]
    def __init__(self, data_path, date, drive, calibrated=True):
        path = data_path
        dataset = pykitti.raw(data_path, date, drive)
        # dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

        # Load the data
        # if calibrated:
        #     dataset.load_calib()  # Calibration data are accessible as named tuples

        np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
        print('\nDrive: ' + str(dataset.drive))
        print('\nFrame range: ' + str(dataset.frames))
Пример #29
    def __init__(self, basedir, date, drive):
        self.data = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)
        self.original_shape = (1242, 375)
        self.operate_folder_name = 'image_02'
        self.image_folder_name = 'data'
        self.image_ext = 'png'
        self.dets_name = 'mrcnn_dets.txt'
        self.mask_folder_name = 'masks_obj'
        self.depthmaps_name = "depthmap/disparities_pp.npy"
        self.segment_folder_name = 'masks_seg'
        self.tracking_name = 'tracking.txt'

        self.dets_save_name = 'dets_3d'
        self.dets_viz_save_name = 'dets_3d_viz'
Пример #30
def get_kitti_dataset():
    # Change this to the directory where you store KITTI data
    curr_dir_path = os.getcwd()
    basedir = curr_dir_path + '/kitti_data'

    # Specify the dataset to load
    date = '2011_09_26'
    drive = '0001'

    # Load the data. Optionally, specify the frame range to load.
    # dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)
    dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive)

    return dataset
Пример #31
if not len(sys.argv) == 4:
    print 'Usage: python kitti2lcm.py [base_dir] [date] [drive]'

base_dir = sys.argv[1]
date = sys.argv[2]
drive = sys.argv[3]
data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, date, date + '_drive_' + drive + '_sync')

N = len(os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, 'image_00/data')))
frame_range = range(0, N)

frame_objects = [[] for i in xrange(N)]

dataset = pykitti.raw(base_dir, date, drive, frame_range)

print 'Loaded: drive %s' % (date + '_' + drive)

lc = lcm.LCM()

for j in xrange(10):
    for i in xrange(N):
Пример #32
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pykitti

__author__ = "Lee Clement"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

# Change this to the directory where you store KITTI data
basedir = '/Users/leeclement/Desktop/KITTI/raw'

# Specify the dataset to load
date = '2011_09_30'
drive = '0034'

# Load the data. Optionally, specify the frame range to load.
dataset = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive,
                      frames=range(0, 20, 5))

# dataset.calib:         Calibration data are accessible as a named tuple
# dataset.timestamps:    Timestamps are parsed into a list of datetime objects
# dataset.oxts:          List of OXTS packets and 6-dof poses as named tuples
# dataset.camN:          Returns a generator that loads individual images from camera N
# dataset.get_camN(idx): Returns the image from camera N at idx
# dataset.gray:          Returns a generator that loads monochrome stereo pairs (cam0, cam1)
# dataset.get_gray(idx): Returns the monochrome stereo pair at idx
# dataset.rgb:           Returns a generator that loads RGB stereo pairs (cam2, cam3)
# dataset.get_rgb(idx):  Returns the RGB stereo pair at idx
# dataset.velo:          Returns a generator that loads velodyne scans as [x,y,z,reflectance]
# dataset.get_velo(idx): Returns the velodyne scan at idx

# Grab some data
first_gray = dataset.get_gray(0)