def arc(r0, R, e, n, phi0, phi): e1 = e / np.sqrt(np.sum(e * e)) # normalize en = n / np.sqrt(np.sum(n * n)) # normalize ip = np.argmax(phi > phi0) # find end index e2 = np.cross(en, e1) cp = np.cos(np.radians(phi[:ip])) sp = np.sin(np.radians(phi[:ip])) # r = cp*e1+sp*e2 r = np.zeros((3, ip)) r[0, :] = r0[0] + R * (cp * e1[0] + sp * e2[0]) r[1, :] = r0[1] + R * (cp * e1[1] + sp * e2[1]) r[2, :] = r0[2] + R * (cp * e1[2] + sp * e2[2]) return r
def individual_plot(self, force=False): sub_folder = "individual_plots" if path.exists("{}/{}".format(self.fig_folder, sub_folder)) and not force: return print("Doing individual plot.") if self.stats_extractor.folders is None: self.stats_extractor.get_folders() idx_to_plot = [] example_type = [] arg_min = np.argmin(["delta_position"]) idx_min =["idx"][arg_min] arg_max = np.argmax(["delta_position"]) idx_max =["idx"][arg_max] example_type.append("{}_differentiation".format("min")) idx_to_plot.append(idx_min) example_type.append("{}_differentiation".format("max")) idx_to_plot.append(idx_max) for idx, ex_type in zip(idx_to_plot, example_type): parameters = Parameters( economy_folder=self.stats_extractor.folders[idx]) results = Results(economy_folder=self.stats_extractor.folders[idx]) fp = FigureProducer(,, root_folder="{}/{}/{}_idx{}".format( self.fig_folder, sub_folder, ex_type, idx)) fp.plot_customer_firm_choices( period=self.customer_firm_choices_period) for firm in [0, 1]: fp.plot_profits(player=firm, period=self.firm_period) fp.plot_prices(player=firm, period=self.firm_period) fp.plot_positions(player=firm, period=self.firm_period) fp.write_parameters()
def analyze(dot_dat_file_dir, motor_dict, sweepFreq_dict, bool_use_commanded_freq=True): if(not os.path.exists(dot_dat_file_dir)): print('Cannot locate:', dot_dat_file_dir) return None # read data as Data Frame and process # df_info = pd.read_csv(dot_dat_file_dir+'dat/info.dat', na_values = ['1.#QNAN', '-1#INF00', '-1#IND00']) df_profiles = pd.read_csv(dot_dat_file_dir, na_values = ['1.#QNAN', '-1#INF00', '-1#IND00']) # print(dot_dat_file_dir) # print(df_profiles) no_samples = df_profiles.shape[0] no_traces = df_profiles.shape[1] Ts = motor_dict['CL_TS'] # print('Ts =', Ts) # print('Simulated time: %g s.'%(no_samples * Ts * motor_dict['DOWN_SAMPLE']), 'Key list:', sep='\n') # for key in df_profiles.keys(): # print('\t', key) # Unpack as Series t = np.arange(1, no_samples+1) * motor_dict['DOWN_SAMPLE'] * Ts time = t if sweepFreq_dict["SWEEP_FREQ_C2V"]: # C2V key_ref = 'CTRL.iq_cmd'; # note this is q-axis current command instead of measured q-axis current key_qep = 'sm.omg_elec*RAD_PER_SEC_2_RPM'; x_ref = df_profiles[key_ref] # [Apk] x_qep = df_profiles[key_qep]/60*2*np.pi*motor_dict["n_pp"] # [rpm] -> [elec.rad/s] elif sweepFreq_dict["SWEEP_FREQ_C2C"]: # C2C key_ref = 'CTRL.id_cmd'; key_qep = ''; x_ref = df_profiles[key_ref] # [Apk] x_qep = df_profiles[key_qep] # [Apk] else: # V2V key_ref = 'ACM.rpm_cmd'; key_qep = 'sm.omg_elec*RAD_PER_SEC_2_RPM'; x_ref = df_profiles[key_ref] # [rpm] # 闭环系统传递函数分析单时候,输入输出的单位是一样的,求传递函数的时候一除,就算用的是rpm也都无所谓了(虽然理论上是按elec.rad/s设计的) x_qep = df_profiles[key_qep] # [rpm] # Basic DFT parameters # N = df.shape[0] samplingFreq = 1/Ts EndTime = t[-1] # print('End Time:', EndTime, 's') # print('Sampling Frequency:', samplingFreq*1e-3, 'kHz') # # print('Number of Points:', N) # print() # Plot signal in time domain for index, value in enumerate(x_ref): if value!=x_ref.iloc[0]: index_begin = index time_begin = index*Ts break for index, value in enumerate(x_ref[::-1]): if value!=x_ref.iloc[-1]: index_end = -index time_end = EndTime - index*Ts break # print('index_begin', index_begin) # print('index_end', index_end) # print('time_begin:', time_begin, 's') # print('time_end', time_end, 's') # time = time [index_begin:index_end] # x_ref = x_ref[index_begin:index_end] # x_qep = x_qep[index_begin:index_end] # plt.figure(100, figsize=(20,4)) # plt.title('Origianl Signal') # plt.xlabel('Time [s]') # plt.ylabel('Speed [elec.rad/s]') # plt.plot(time, x_ref, label='ref') # # plt.figure(101) # plt.plot(time, x_qep, label='qep') # # print('----------------') # print('xref') # for el in x_ref.values: # print(el) # print('xqep') # for el in x_qep.values: # print(el) # # # plt.savefig(r'C:\Users\horyc\Desktop\test.png') # quit() # # plt.xlim([0, 8/target_Hz]) # print() # print('Max reference speed:', max(x_ref)) # print('Max measured speed:', max(x_qep)) # print('Min reference speed:', min(x_ref)) # print('Min measured speed:', min(x_qep)) # print() # TimeSpan = time.iloc[-1] # print('Time Span:', TimeSpan, 's') list_qep_max_amplitude = [] list_qep_max_frequency = [] list_qep_max_phase = [] list_ref_max_amplitude = [] list_ref_max_frequency = [] list_ref_max_phase = [] list_phase_difference = [] list_commanded_frequency = [] index_single_tone_begin = 0 index_single_tone_end = 0 # max_freq = 5 # debug # for freq in range(2, max_freq): # datum point at 1 Hz and last point are absent in experiment for freq in range(sweepFreq_dict['init_freq'], sweepFreq_dict['max_freq']): period = 1.0/freq # 1.0 Duration for each frequency index_single_tone_begin = index_single_tone_end index_single_tone_end = index_single_tone_begin + int(period/Ts) if False: # use only steady state profile for this frequency ST_time = time[int(index_single_tone_end-0.1*(index_single_tone_end-index_single_tone_begin)):index_single_tone_end] ST_x_ref = x_ref[int(index_single_tone_end-0.1*(index_single_tone_end-index_single_tone_begin)):index_single_tone_end] ST_x_qep = x_qep[int(index_single_tone_end-0.1*(index_single_tone_end-index_single_tone_begin)):index_single_tone_end] else: # use complete profile for this frequency ST_time = time[index_single_tone_begin:index_single_tone_end] ST_x_ref = x_ref[index_single_tone_begin:index_single_tone_end] ST_x_qep = x_qep[index_single_tone_begin:index_single_tone_end] # plt.plot(ST_time, ST_x_ref) # plt.plot(ST_time, ST_x_qep) # print(freq, index_single_tone_begin, index_single_tone_end) if(len(ST_x_ref))<1: print('sweep frequency too high: no data') break x_ref_dft = fft(ST_x_ref) x_qep_dft = fft(ST_x_qep) # Do DFT (Raw) N = len(ST_time) # plt.figure(1, figsize=(20,4)) # plt.plot(abs(x_ref_dft)/N, '.--', alpha=0.5, label='x_ref-dft'); # plt.plot(abs(x_qep_dft)/N, '.--', alpha=0.5, label='x_qep-dft'); # # plt.legend(loc='center') # Convert raw DFT results into human-friendly forms resolution = samplingFreq/N # [Hz] Neff = math.ceil(N/2) # number of effective points # 其实理论上来说,这里是比较复杂的,当N为偶数的时候,奈奎斯特频率就是采样频率的二分之一?当N为奇数的时候,还会多出一个分量,这个分量和直流分量是一对,具体我忘了……可能有错 x_ref_hat = np.append(x_ref_dft[0]/N, 2*x_ref_dft[1:Neff+1]/N) # 原始复数dft结果(双边变单边,除了直流分量,其他分量全部要乘以2) x_qep_hat = np.append(x_qep_dft[0]/N, 2*x_qep_dft[1:Neff+1]/N) # # Plot DFT for human to read # plt.figure(2, figsize=(20,4)) # plt.plot(np.array(list(range(0, Neff+1)))*resolution, abs(x_ref_hat), '--s', alpha=0.5, label='ref'); # plt.plot(np.array(list(range(0, Neff+1)))*resolution, abs(x_qep_hat), '--o', alpha=0.5, label='qep'); # qep related data collection max_amplitude = max(abs(x_qep_hat)); list_qep_max_amplitude.append(max_amplitude) max_index = np.argmax(abs(x_qep_hat)) max_frequency = (max_index+0)*resolution; list_qep_max_frequency.append(max_frequency) # qep phase max_complexNumber = x_qep_hat[max_index] max_phase = np.arctan2(max_complexNumber.imag, max_complexNumber.real); list_qep_max_phase.append(max_phase) qep_complexNumber = max_complexNumber # print(f'Frequency Resolution: {resolution:.2f} Hz', end=' | ') # print(f'Max Amplitude: {max_amplitude:.2f} rpm', end=' | ') # print(f'Corresponding Frequency: {max_frequency:.2f} Hz') # ref related data collection max_amplitude = max(abs(x_ref_hat)); list_ref_max_amplitude.append(max_amplitude) max_index = np.argmax(abs(x_ref_hat)) max_frequency = (max_index+0)*resolution; list_ref_max_frequency.append(max_frequency) # ref phase max_complexNumber = x_ref_hat[max_index] max_phase = np.arctan2(max_complexNumber.imag, max_complexNumber.real); list_ref_max_phase.append(max_phase) ref_complexNumber = max_complexNumber # phase difference list_phase_difference.append( -np.arccos( (qep_complexNumber.real*ref_complexNumber.real+qep_complexNumber.imag*ref_complexNumber.imag) /(abs(ref_complexNumber)*abs(qep_complexNumber)) )/np.pi*180 ) # commanded frequency list_commanded_frequency.append(freq) closed_loop_transfer_function = [qep/ref for ref, qep in zip(list_ref_max_amplitude, list_qep_max_amplitude)] CL_VL_TF = [20*np.log10(el) for el in closed_loop_transfer_function] if bool_use_commanded_freq == True: return CL_VL_TF, list_phase_difference, list_commanded_frequency, sweepFreq_dict['max_freq'] else: return CL_VL_TF, list_phase_difference, list_qep_max_frequency, sweepFreq_dict['max_freq']
betas = np.radians(0) beta = np.radians(30) delta = np.radians(45) #lK = 1./np.tan(beta) lK = 2.6 Rg = np.arange(2.6, 3.0, 0.01) N = 4 a, b, Ma, Mg, Ftau = vMarzmean(lK, Rg, alpha, betas, beta, delta) Mam = > 10., Ma) ax1.plot(Rg, np.degrees(a), 'r') ax1.plot(Rg, np.degrees(b), 'b') ax1.plot([0.0, 3.0], [60.0, 60.0], 'k', label="positive ground clearance") ax2.plot(Rg, Mam, 'r') ax2.plot(Rg, Ftau, 'g') print "lK = ", lK, " Rg = ", Rg[np.argmax(Ftau > 10.) - 1], " Mam = ", Mam[np.argmax(Ftau > 10.) - 1] ax1.set_xlim(0.0, 3.0) ax1.set_ylim(0.0, 90.0) ax2.set_xlim(0.0, 3.0) ax2.set_ylim(0.0, 2.0) ax2.yaxis.tick_right() ax2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') # # Set axis labels plt.title(r"\$\lK/\Rk\=$" + str(lK)) ax1.set_xlabel(r"Rotor size ratio \$\Rg/\Rk, [-]\$", labelpad=10) ax1.set_ylabel(r"Flow angles \$[-]\$", labelpad=10)