def test1(): vector_full = NP.array([1.0, 2.5, 2.8, 4.1, 5.1, 5.9, 6.9, 8.1]) vector = vector_full[:-2] t = NP.arange(vector.shape[0]) showArray('t', t) showArray('vector', vector) mask = [True] * vector.shape[0] mask[2] = False print 'mask', len(mask), mask masked_vector = applyMask1D(vector, mask) masked_t = applyMask1D(vector, mask) trend = getTrend(t, vector) print trend for i in range(masked_t.shape[0]): v_pred = trend[0] + masked_t[i] * trend[1] print i, masked_vector[i], v_pred, v_pred - masked_vector[i] predicted = NP.array([trend[0] + i * trend[1] for i in range(masked_vector.shape[0])]) corrected = NP.array([masked_vector[i] - predicted[i] for i in range(masked_vector.shape[0])]) masked_s = NP.transpose(NP.vstack([masked_vector, predicted, corrected])) showArray('masked_t', masked_t) showArray('masked_s', masked_s) # the main axes is subplot(111) by default PL.plot(masked_t, masked_s) s_range = PL.amax(masked_s) - PL.amin(masked_s) axis([PL.amin(masked_t), PL.amax(masked_t), PL.amin(masked_s) - s_range*0.1, PL.amax(masked_s) + s_range*0.1 ]) xlabel('time (days)') ylabel('downloads') title('Dowloads over time') show()
def addDataVectorAccessor(self, data_vector_accessor): self.__data_vectors_accessors__.append(data_vector_accessor) _sum = pl.sum(data_vector_accessor.signal) _min = pl.amin(data_vector_accessor.signal) _max = pl.amax(data_vector_accessor.signal) if self.__minimal_signal__ == None: self.__minimal_signal__ = _sum self.__minimal_data_vector_accessor__ = data_vector_accessor self.__min_signal__ = _min self.__max_signal__ = _max if _sum < self.__minimal_signal__: self.__minimal_data_vector_accessor__ = data_vector_accessor self.__minimal_signal__ = _sum if _min < self.__min_signal__: self.__min_signal__ = _min if _max > self.__max_signal__: self.__max_signal__ = _max #collects unique annotations (>0) as a set if not data_vector_accessor.annotation == None: unique_annotations = pl.unique(data_vector_accessor.annotation[ pl.where(data_vector_accessor.annotation > 0)]) if len(unique_annotations) > 0: #union of sets self.__unique_annotations__ |= set(unique_annotations)
def csnormalize(image,f=0.75): """Center and size-normalize an image.""" bimage = 1*(image>mean([amax(image),amin(image)])) w,h = bimage.shape [xs,ys] = mgrid[0:w,0:h] s = sum(bimage) if s<1e-4: return image s = 1.0/s cx = sum(xs*bimage)*s cy = sum(ys*bimage)*s sxx = sum((xs-cx)**2*bimage)*s sxy = sum((xs-cx)*(ys-cy)*bimage)*s syy = sum((ys-cy)**2*bimage)*s w,v = eigh(array([[sxx,sxy],[sxy,syy]])) l = sqrt(amax(w)) if l>0.01: scale = f*max(image.shape)/(4.0*l) else: scale = 1.0 m = array([[1.0/scale,0],[0.0,1.0/scale]]) w,h = image.shape c = array([cx,cy]) d = c-dot(m,array([w/2,h/2])) image = interpolation.affine_transform(image,m,offset=d,order=1) return image
def findFWHM(vector, maxPos=None, amplitude=None): """ Find FWHM of vector peak (width at value at maxPos - amplitude /2). If maxPos is None, will find maximum in vector. If amplitude is None, will calculate amplitude from maximum to minimum of vector. """ if maxPos == None: maxPos = vector.argmax() if amplitude == None: maxVal = pl.amax(vector) minVal = pl.amin(vector) amplitude = float(maxVal - minVal) maxSign = pl.sign(vector[maxPos]) for pos, val in enumerate(vector[maxPos:]): if pl.sign(val) != maxSign: # we passed 0 break halfAbove = pos - abs(vector[maxPos + pos]) / abs(vector[maxPos + pos] - vector[maxPos + pos - 1]) for pos, val in enumerate(vector[maxPos:0:-1]): if pl.sign(val) != maxSign: # we passed 0 break halfBelow = pos - abs(vector[maxPos - pos]) / abs(vector[maxPos - pos] - vector[maxPos - pos + 1]) FWHM = halfBelow + halfAbove return FWHM, maxPos, amplitude
def csnormalize(image, f=0.75): """Center and size-normalize an image.""" bimage = 1 * (image > mean([amax(image), amin(image)])) w, h = bimage.shape [xs, ys] = mgrid[0:w, 0:h] s = sum(bimage) if s < 1e-4: return image s = 1.0 / s cx = sum(xs * bimage) * s cy = sum(ys * bimage) * s sxx = sum((xs - cx)**2 * bimage) * s sxy = sum((xs - cx) * (ys - cy) * bimage) * s syy = sum((ys - cy)**2 * bimage) * s w, v = eigh(array([[sxx, sxy], [sxy, syy]])) l = sqrt(amax(w)) if l > 0.01: scale = f * max(image.shape) / (4.0 * l) else: scale = 1.0 m = array([[1.0 / scale, 0], [0.0, 1.0 / scale]]) w, h = image.shape c = array([cx, cy]) d = c - dot(m, array([w / 2, h / 2])) image = interpolation.affine_transform(image, m, offset=d, order=1) return image
def __init__(self, data, sample, rep, well, growth_version=0): # data format # Pandas GroupBy group object # Indices: sample rep well time # Value: OD reading self.rawcurve = data.values # OD values self.time = py.array(data.index.get_level_values("time")) # Lowest y0 is chosen # Instances of condensation issue at beginning of experiment can cause # high OD values self.y0 = py.amin(self.rawcurve[0:3]) self.asymptote = self.__calcAsymptote() self.maxGrowthRate, self.mgrTime = self.__calcMGR() self.y0, self.asymptote, self.maxGrowthRate, self.lag = ( self.__calcParameters( (self.y0, self.asymptote, self.maxGrowthRate, 0.01), self.time, self.rawcurve, sample, rep, well) ) self.dataLogistic = logistic(self.time, self.y0, self.asymptote, self.maxGrowthRate, self.lag) if growth_version == 0: self.growthLevel = default_growth(self.dataLogistic, self.asymptote, self.y0) elif growth_version == 1: self.growthLevel = calcNewGrowth(self.dataLogistic, self.asymptote, self.y0) elif growth_version == 2: self.growthLevel = calcGrowth(self.dataLogistic, self.asymptote) elif growth_version == 3: self.growthLevel = calcGrowthScore(self.asymptote, self.maxGrowthRate) else: util.printStatus("Unexpected growth version:" + str(growth_version)) util.printStatus("Using default growth calculation instead") self.growthLevel = default_growth(self.dataLogistic, self.asymptote, self.y0) self.glScaled = calcGrowth2(self.dataLogistic, self.asymptote) self.expGrowth = calcExpGrowth(self.maxGrowthRate, self.asymptote) self.auc_raw = calcAUCData(self.rawcurve, self.time) self.auc_rshift = calcShiftAUC(self.auc_raw, self.y0, self.time[-1]) self.auc_log = calcAUC(self.rawcurve, self.y0, self.lag, self.maxGrowthRate, self.asymptote, self.time) self.auc_lshift = calcShiftAUC(self.auc_log, self.y0, self.time[-1]) self.growthClass = growthClass(self.growthLevel) self.sse = sum((self.dataLogistic - self.rawcurve) ** 2) self.mse = self.sse / len(self.time)
def QuickHull(points): """Randomized divide and conquer convex hull. Args: points: NxD matrix of points in dimension D. """ N, D = points.shape dim = random.randint(0, D-1) min_dim = p.amin(points.T, dim) max_dim = p.amax(points.T, dim)
def QuickHull(points): """Randomized divide and conquer convex hull. Args: points: NxD matrix of points in dimension D. """ N, D = points.shape dim = random.randint(0, D - 1) min_dim = p.amin(points.T, dim) max_dim = p.amax(points.T, dim)
def plot_risetimes(a, b, **kwargs): # plt.ion() # if kwargs is not None: # for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): # if key == 'file_list': # file_list = value # if key == 'scan_line': # scan_line = value # varray = plt.array(get_value_from_cfg(file_list, scan_line)) n_files = a.shape[-1] cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') c = [cmap(i) for i in plt.linspace(0, 1, n_files)] fig1, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) [ax.set_color_cycle(c) for ax in (ax1, ax2)] r = [] for i in xrange(n_files): x, y = a[:,i], b[:,i] # xo, yo = x, y #, get_envelope(x, y) xo, yo = get_envelope(x, y) p = plt.polyfit(xo, np.log(yo), 1) # Right way to fit... a la Nicolas - the fit expert! l = ax1.plot(x, plt.log(plt.absolute(y))) lcolor = l[-1].get_color() ax1.plot(xo, plt.log(yo), color=lcolor, marker='o', mec=None) ax1.plot(x, p[1] + x * p[0], color=lcolor, ls='--', lw=3) l = ax2.plot(x, y) lcolor = l[-1].get_color() ax2.plot(xo, yo, 'o', color=lcolor) xi = plt.linspace(plt.amin(x), plt.amax(x)) yi = plt.exp(p[1] + p[0] * xi) ax2.plot(xi, yi, color=lcolor, ls='--', lw=3) print p[1], p[0], 1 / p[0] # plt.draw() # ax1.cla() # ax2.cla() r.append(1/p[0]) ax2.set_ylim(0, 1000) plt.figure(2) plt.plot(r, lw=3, c='purple') # plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 10000) # ax3 = plt.subplot(111) # ax3.semilogy(x, y) # ax3.semilogy(xo, yo) return r
def test2(): number_samples = 300 days_to_keep = [2,3,4,5,6] vector_full = NP.array([2.0 + i * 10.0/number_samples + random.uniform(-.5, .5) for i in range(number_samples)]) mask_full = getDaysOfWeekMask(days_to_keep, vector_full.shape[0]) vector = vector_full[:int(vector_full.shape[0]*0.8)] t = NP.arange(vector.shape[0]) showArray('t', t) showArray('vector', vector) mask = getDaysOfWeekMask(days_to_keep, vector.shape[0]) print 'mask', len(mask), mask masked_t = applyMask1D(t, mask) masked_vector = applyMask1D(vector, mask) showArray('masked_t', masked_t) showArray('masked_vector', masked_vector) trend = getTrend(t, vector) print trend for i in range(masked_t.shape[0]): v_pred = trend[0] + masked_t[i] * trend[1] print masked_t[i], masked_vector[i], v_pred, v_pred - masked_vector[i] predicted = NP.array([trend[0] + masked_t[i] * trend[1] for i in range(masked_vector.shape[0])]) corrected = NP.array([masked_vector[i] - predicted[i] for i in range(masked_vector.shape[0])]) masked_s = NP.transpose(NP.vstack([masked_vector, predicted, corrected])) showArray('masked_t', masked_t) showArray('masked_s', masked_s) # the main axes is subplot(111) by default PL.plot(masked_t, masked_s) s_range = PL.amax(masked_s) - PL.amin(masked_s) PL.axis([PL.amin(masked_t), PL.amax(masked_t), PL.amin(masked_s) - s_range*0.1, PL.amax(masked_s) + s_range*0.1 ]) PL.xlabel('Time (days)') PL.ylabel('Downloads') PL.title('Dowlnoads over time')
def isCorrectSignalRange(self, _signal): _min = pl.amin(_signal) if _min >= self.__filter__.min_value and \ _min <= self.__filter__.max_value: return True _max = pl.amax(_signal) if _max >= self.__filter__.min_value and \ _max <= self.__filter__.max_value: return True if _min <= self.__filter__.min_value and \ _max >= self.__filter__.max_value: return True InformationWindow(message="Signal data out of range !") return False
def readDatDirectory(key, directory): global stats #Don't read data in if it's already read if not key in DATA["mean"]: data = defaultdict(array) #Process the dat files for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.dat"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Process the div files' for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.div"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Iterate through the stats and calculate mean/standard deviation for aKey in stats: if aKey in data: DATA["mean"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["median"][key][aKey] = median(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["std"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["ste"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0) / sqrt( len(data[aKey])) DATA["min"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0) - amin( data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["max"][key][aKey] = amax(data[aKey], axis=0) - mean( data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["actual"][key][aKey] = data[aKey]
def plot(df, *args, **kw): N = df["count"].sum() deltas_ = df["count"].values[:-1] - df["count"].values[1:] deltas = pl.array([deltas_[0]] + list(pl.amin([deltas_[1:], deltas_[:-1]], axis=0)) + [deltas_[-1]]) dfrac = (deltas + 1e-20) / N def frac_leaked(q): attacked = dfrac * q > (2 * q * df["count"] / N) ** 0.5 N_a = df["count"][attacked].sum() return float(N_a) / N Ns = pl.logspace(0, 15, 100) fracs = pl.array(map(frac_leaked, Ns)) pl.semilogx(Ns, fracs * 100, *args, **kw)
def plot(df, *args, **kw): N = df["count"].sum() deltas_ = df['count'].values[:-1] - df['count'].values[1:] deltas = pl.array([deltas_[0]] + list(pl.amin([deltas_[1:], deltas_[:-1]], axis=0)) + [deltas_[-1]]) dfrac = (deltas + 1e-20) / N def frac_leaked(q): attacked = dfrac * q > (2 * q * df['count'] / N) ** 0.5 N_a = df['count'][attacked].sum() return float(N_a) / N Ns = pl.logspace(0, 15, 100) fracs = pl.array(map(frac_leaked, Ns)) pl.semilogx(Ns, fracs * 100, *args, **kw)
def fwhm_2gauss(x, y, dx=0.001): ''' Finds the FWHM for the profile y(x), with accuracy dx=0.001 Uses a 2-Gauss 1D fit. ''' popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss2, x, y); xx = pl.arange(pl.amin(x), pl.amax(x)+dx, dx); ym = gauss2(xx, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4], popt[5]) hm = pl.amax(ym/2.0); y_diff = pl.absolute(ym-hm); y_diff_sorted = pl.sort(y_diff); i1 = pl.where(y_diff==y_diff_sorted[0]); i2 = pl.where(y_diff==y_diff_sorted[1]); fwhm = pl.absolute(xx[i1]-xx[i2]); return hm, fwhm, xx, ym
def leftover_phc_single(ds, attr="p_filt_value_phc", feature="CuKAlpha", ax=None): cal = ds.calibration[attr] pulse_timing.choose_laser_dataset(ds, "not_laser") if ax is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(ds.p_promptness[ds.cuts.good()], getattr(ds, attr)[ds.cuts.good()],'.') # ax.set_xlabel("promptness") ax.set_ylabel(attr) ax.set_title("chan %d %s"%(ds.channum, feature)) ax.set_ylim(np.array([.995, 1.005])*cal.name2ph(feature)) index = np.logical_and(getattr(ds, attr)[ds.cuts.good()]>ax.get_ylim()[0], getattr(ds, attr)[ds.cuts.good()]<ax.get_ylim()[1]) xmin = plt.amin(ds.p_promptness[ds.cuts.good()][index]) xmax = plt.amax(ds.p_promptness[ds.cuts.good()][index]) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
def __initiate_movie__(self): FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers["ffmpeg"] metadata = dict(title="Poincare plot movie", artist="HRV", comment="Movie support!") self.writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=self.movie_parameters.fps, metadata=metadata) self.fig = plt.figure() # l, = plt.plot([], [], 'k-o') self.movie_plot, = plt.plot([], [], "bo") margin = 50 signal = self.data_vector_accessor_list[0].signal _max = pl.amax(signal) _min = pl.amin(signal) plt.xlim(_min - margin, _max + margin) plt.ylim(_min - margin, _max + margin) movie_filename = "/tmp/movie.mp4" return self.writer.saving(self.fig, movie_filename, 150)
def readDatDirectory(key, directory): global stats #Don't read data in if it's already read if not key in DATA["mean"]: data = defaultdict(array) #Process the dat files for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.dat"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Process the div files' for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.div"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Iterate through the stats and calculate mean/standard deviation for aKey in stats: if aKey in data: DATA["mean"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["median"][key][aKey] = median(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["std"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["ste"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0)/ sqrt(len(data[aKey])) DATA["min"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0)-amin(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["max"][key][aKey] = amax(data[aKey], axis=0)-mean(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["actual"][key][aKey] = data[aKey]
def spectrum(wav_file,mi,mx,har,start,end,posX,posY,layer,origin,gap=0,arrange="",radius=30,sinheight=6.1): spect = [] frame_rate, snd = sound_info = snd[:,0] spectrum, freqs, t, im = plt.specgram(sound_info,NFFT=1024,Fs=frame_rate,noverlap=5,mode='magnitude') n = 0 rotation = 6.2831 sinpos = {} cirpos = {} if arrange is "sinus": sinpos = sinus(har,radius,sinheight) for i in range(har): cirpos[i] = 0 elif arrange is "circle": gap = 0 sinpos, cirpos = circle(har,radius) rotation /= har else: for i in range(har): sinpos[i] = 0 for i in range(har): cirpos[i] = 0 maximum = plt.amax(spectrum) minimum = plt.amin(spectrum) position = 0 while n < har: lastval = ((spectrum[n][0]-minimum)/(maximum - minimum))*(mx-mi)+mi lastval = math.ceil(lastval*1000)/1000 lasttime = int(round(t[0]*1000)) spect.append(osbject("bar.png",layer,origin,posX+position*gap+int(round(float(cirpos[n]))),posY+int(round(float(sinpos[n]))))) position += 1 if arrange is "circle": spect[n].rotate(0,start,start,math.ceil((1.5707+n*rotation)*1000)/1000,math.ceil((1.5707+n*rotation)*1000)/1000) for index,power in enumerate(spectrum[n]): power = ((power-minimum)/(maximum - minimum))*(mx-mi)+mi power = math.ceil(power*1000)/1000 if power == lastval or int(round(t[index]*1000)) < start or int(round(t[index]*1000)) > end or index % 2 is not 0: lasttime = int(round(t[index]*1000)) continue else: spect[n].vecscale(0,lasttime,int(round(t[index]*1000)),1,lastval,1,power) lastval = power lasttime = int(round(t[index]*1000)) n += 1 return spect
def center_maxsize(image,r): """Center the image and fit it into an r x r output image. If the input is larger in any dimension than r, it is scaled down.""" from pylab import amin,amax,array,zeros assert amin(image)>=0 and amax(image)<=1 image = array(image,'f') w,h = image.shape s = max(w,h) # zoom down, but don't zoom up if s>r: image = interpolation.zoom(image,(r+0.5)/float(s)) image[image<0] = 0 image[image>1] = 1 w,h = image.shape output = zeros((r,r),image.dtype) dx = (r-w)/2 dy = (r-h)/2 output[dx:dx+w,dy:dy+h] = image return output
def __initiate_movie__(self): FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] metadata = dict(title='Poincare plot movie', artist='HRV', comment='Movie support!') self.writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=self.movie_parameters.fps, metadata=metadata) self.fig = plt.figure() #l, = plt.plot([], [], 'k-o') self.movie_plot, = plt.plot([], [], 'bo') margin = 50 signal = self.data_vector_accessor_list[0].signal _max = pl.amax(signal) _min = pl.amin(signal) plt.xlim(_min - margin, _max + margin) plt.ylim(_min - margin, _max + margin) movie_filename = '/tmp/movie.mp4' return self.writer.saving(self.fig, movie_filename, 150)
def center_maxsize(image, r): """Center the image and fit it into an r x r output image. If the input is larger in any dimension than r, it is scaled down.""" from pylab import amin, amax, array, zeros assert amin(image) >= 0 and amax(image) <= 1 image = array(image, 'f') w, h = image.shape s = max(w, h) # zoom down, but don't zoom up if s > r: image = interpolation.zoom(image, (r + 0.5) / float(s)) image[image < 0] = 0 image[image > 1] = 1 w, h = image.shape output = zeros((r, r), image.dtype) dx = (r - w) / 2 dy = (r - h) / 2 output[dx:dx + w, dy:dy + h] = image return output
def displayStats(self): if self.meas is not None: maxPos = pl.unravel_index(self.meas.argmax(), self.meas.shape) maxVal = self.meas[maxPos] minVal = pl.amin(self.meas) amplitude = float(maxVal - minVal) self.ui.lcdAmplitude.display('{:.0f}'.format(amplitude)) xVector = self.meas[maxPos[0], :].astype(float) - amplitude / 2 yVector = self.meas[:, maxPos[1]].astype(float) - amplitude / 2 # with interlaced camera in binning mode, pixels are size 2 in height if self.ccd.ccdParams['isInterlaced'] and not self.ilAcq: yVector = pl.array([yVector, yVector]).flatten('F') maxPos = (2 * maxPos[0], maxPos[1]) xFWHM, _, _ = findFWHM(xVector, maxPos=maxPos[1], amplitude=amplitude) yFWHM, _, _ = findFWHM(yVector, maxPos=maxPos[0], amplitude=amplitude) FWHM = pl.mean([xFWHM, yFWHM]) self.ui.lcdFwhm.display('{:.2f}'.format(FWHM)) if maxVal == 2**16 - 1: self.toggleSatIndicator(True) else: self.toggleSatIndicator(False) thresholdArray = copy.deepcopy(self.meas) low_values_indices = thresholdArray < 2 * minVal thresholdArray[low_values_indices] = 0 comPos = center_of_mass(thresholdArray) #[::-1] if self.ccd.ccdParams['isInterlaced'] and not self.ilAcq: comPos = (comPos[0], 2 * comPos[1]) self.verticalLineMax.setValue(comPos) self.horizontalLineMax.setValue(comPos)
#!/usr/bin/env python import pandas as pd import pylab as pl df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("surnames.csv", header=1) N = df["count"].sum() deltas_ = df["count"].values[:-1] - df["count"].values[1:] deltas = pl.array([deltas_[0]] + list(pl.amin([deltas_[1:], deltas_[:-1]], axis=0)) + [deltas_[-1]]) dfrac = (deltas + 1e-20) / N def frac_leaked(q): attacked = dfrac * q > (2 * q * df["count"] / N) ** 0.5 N_a = df["count"][attacked].sum() return float(N_a) / N Ns = pl.logspace(0, 15, 100) fracs = pl.array(map(frac_leaked, Ns)) pl.semilogx(Ns, fracs * 100) pl.xlabel("Number of queries") pl.ylabel("% of surnames revealed") pl.yticks(range(0, 110, 10)) pl.grid(True)
'''connect neurons with multimeter''' nest.Connect(mult,neuron,{'rule':'all_to_all'}) ''' simulation ''' nest.Simulate(simtime) endsimulate = time.time() sim_time = endsimulate - startbuild print 'simulaiton time: %f' %sim_time pl.clf pl.figure(1) #nest.raster_plot.from_device(sp, hist=True) y = nest.GetStatus(sp,'events')[0] z = nest.GetStatus(neuron,'local_id')[0] pl.scatter(y['times'],y['senders']-pl.amin(z)) pl.xlim([0.0,1000.]) pl.ylim([0,pop]) pl.xlabel('ms') pl.ylabel('neuron id ') #%% ''' 3D surface plot of membrane potential''' m_data = nest.GetStatus(mult,'events')[0] # data of multimeter z = nest.GetStatus(neuron,'local_id')[0] #X, Y = np.meshgrid(y['times'],y['senders']-pl.amin(z)) #ax.plot_surface(X,Y,y['V_m']) #uniq= pl.diff(pl.find((m_data['senders'])==m_data['senders'][0]))# find the distance of the same sender
def reset(self): self.setSquareFilterParams(SquareFilterParams( int(pl.amin(self.data_accessor.signal)), int(pl.amax(self.data_accessor.signal)), True))
def plot_slices(data): [n_cols, n_slices, n_turns] = data.shape A = data[2,:,:] * data[13,:,:] # Color cycle n_colors = n_turns colmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') c = [colmap(i) for i in plt.linspace(0., 1., n_colors)] fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) # ax1 = plt.gca() # [ax1.plot(A[:,i], c=c[i]) for i in range(1, n_turns, 1)] # # Smoothing X = plt.arange(0, n_slices, 1) Y = plt.arange(0, n_turns, 1) A = A[X,:][:,Y] Xi = plt.linspace(X[0], X[-1], 1000) Yi = plt.linspace(Y[0], Y[-1], 1000) sp = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(X, Y, A) Ai = sp(Xi, Yi) X, Y = plt.meshgrid(X, Y) X, Y = X.T, Y.T Xi, Yi = plt.meshgrid(Xi, Yi) Xi, Yi = Xi.T, Yi.T #fig = figure(1) #ax3d = fig.gca(projection='3d') #pl = ax3d.plot_wireframe(Xi, Yi, Ai, \ #rstride=ns, cstride=ns, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.1, alpha=0.3) #cset = ax3d.contourf(Xi, Yi, Ai, zdir='z')#, offset=-100) #cset = ax3d.contourf(Xi, Yi, Ai, zdir='x')#, offset=-40) #cset = ax3d.contourf(Xi, Yi, Ai, zdir='y')#, offset=40) #ax3d.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) #ax3d.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) #ax3d.view_init(elev=25, azim=-150) #ax3d.set_xlabel('Slices') #ax3d.set_ylabel('Turns') #fig = figure(2) #ax3d = fig.gca(projection='3d') #pl = ax3d.plot_wireframe(X, Y, A, \ #rstride=ns, cstride=ns, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.1, alpha=0.3) #cset = ax3d.contourf(X, Y, A, zdir='z')#, offset=-100) #cset = ax3d.contourf(X, Y, A, zdir='x')#, offset=-40) #cset = ax3d.contourf(X, Y, A, zdir='y')#, offset=40) #ax3d.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) #ax3d.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) #ax3d.view_init(elev=25, azim=-150) #show() from mayavi.modules.grid_plane import GridPlane from mayavi.modules.outline import Outline from mayavi.modules.volume import Volume from mayavi.scripts import mayavi2 from mayavi import mlab mlab.options.backend = 'envisage' # graphics card driver problem # workaround by casting int in line 246 of enthought/mayavi/tools/ #mlab.options.offscreen = True #enthought.mayavi.engine.current_scene.scene.off_screen_rendering = True mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1,1,1), fgcolor=(0.2,0.2,0.2)) aspect = (0, 10, 0, 20, -6, 6) ranges = (plt.amin(X), plt.amax(X), plt.amin(Y), plt.amax(Y), plt.amin(A), plt.amax(A)) # s =, Yi, Ai, colormap='jet', representation='surface', # warp_scale=1e-3) s =, Yi, Ai, colormap='jet', representation='surface', extent=aspect, warp_scale='auto') mlab.outline(line_width=1) mlab.axes(x_axis_visibility=True, xlabel='Slice No.', ylabel='Turn No.', zlabel='BPM signal', ranges=ranges) #mlab.title(('Electron cloud dynamics - slice passage: %03d/%03d' % (i, n_blocks)), size=0.25) mlab.view(azimuth=230, elevation=60)
#!/usr/bin/env python import pandas as pd import pylab as pl df = pd.read_csv("surnames.csv", header=1) N = df["count"].sum() deltas_ = df['count'].values[:-1] - df['count'].values[1:] deltas = pl.array([deltas_[0]] + list(pl.amin([deltas_[1:], deltas_[:-1]], axis=0)) + [deltas_[-1]]) dfrac = (deltas + 1e-20) / N def frac_leaked(q): attacked = dfrac * q > (2 * q * df['count'] / N)**0.5 N_a = df['count'][attacked].sum() return float(N_a) / N Ns = pl.logspace(0, 15, 100) fracs = pl.array(map(frac_leaked, Ns)) pl.semilogx(Ns, fracs * 100) pl.xlabel("Number of queries") pl.ylabel("% of surnames revealed") pl.yticks(range(0, 110, 10)) pl.grid(True)
sys.exit(1) F = []; F.append(watch_procs(proc, totaltime=options.totaltime)); for child in get_children(proc): F.append(watch_procs(child, totaltime=options.totaltime)); for f in F: f.start() for f in F: f.join() time.sleep(1) if options.saveas.upper()=='TXT': header = "time cputimes cpu ram" print for f in F: x, cpu, ram, z = f.get_result() pl.savetxt('.''.'+str('.txt', zip(x, z, cpu, ram), header=header, fmt='%10.10f'); else: for f in F: x, cpu, ram, z = f.get_result() pl.step(x-pl.amin(x), cpu, pl.step(x-pl.amin(x), ram); pl.legend(loc=2) pl.xlabel('Wall Clock (s)'); pl.ylabel('% Usage') pl.savefig(options.proc+'.eps');
def __init__(self, data_vector, movie_parameters, **params): self.p = movie_parameters if not self.p.movie_name == None: self.params = Params(**params) mpl.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'none' mpl.rcParams['savefig.edgecolor'] = 'none' self.source = get_filename(self.params.reference_filename) self.__prefixed_movie_name__ = self.__get_prefixed_movie_name__() self.__prefixed_movie_dir__ = self.__get_prefixed_movie_dir__() if not self.params.filter_manager == None: data_vector = self.params.filter_manager.run_filters( data_vector) _max = pl.amax(data_vector.signal) _min = pl.amin(data_vector.signal) self.time = data_vector.time margin = 50 self.signal_size = len(data_vector.signal) self.range = [ _min - margin, _max + margin, _min - margin, _max + margin ] self.x_data = pl.zeros(self.signal_size) self.y_data = pl.zeros(self.signal_size) self.old_signal_plus = None self.idx = 0 self.active_color = get_extended_color_array( movie_parameters.movie_active_color) self.inactive_color = get_extended_color_array( movie_parameters.movie_inactive_color) self.centroid_color = get_extended_color_array( movie_parameters.movie_centroid_color) self.message = None self.core_nums = multiprocessing.cpu_count( ) * self.p.movie_multiprocessing_factor # @IgnorePep8 self.pp_spec_manager = MiniPoincarePlotSpecManager() self.pp_spec_manager.movie_dir = self.__prefixed_movie_dir__ self.pp_spec_manager.movie_name = self.__prefixed_movie_name__ self.pp_spec_manager.movie_dpi = self.p.movie_dpi self.pp_spec_manager.movie_fps = self.p.movie_fps self.pp_spec_manager.movie_height = self.p.movie_height self.pp_spec_manager.movie_width = self.p.movie_width self.pp_spec_manager.active_color = self.active_color self.pp_spec_manager.inactive_color = self.inactive_color self.pp_spec_manager.centroid_color = self.centroid_color self.pp_spec_manager.active_point_size = self.p.movie_active_size self.pp_spec_manager.inactive_point_size = \ self.p.movie_inactive_size self.pp_spec_manager.centroid_point_size = \ self.p.movie_centroid_size self.pp_spec_manager.show_plot_legends = \ self.p.movie_show_plot_legends self.pp_spec_manager.x_label = self.p.x_label self.pp_spec_manager.y_label = self.p.y_label self.pp_spec_manager.clean_frames = self.p.movie_clean_frames self.pp_spec_manager.movie_title = self.p.movie_title self.pp_spec_manager.movie_frame_step = self.p.movie_frame_step self.pp_spec_manager.movie_identity_line = self.p.movie_identity_line self.pp_spec_manager.movie_hour_label = self.p.movie_hour_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_minute_label = self.p.movie_minute_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_second_label = self.p.movie_second_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_time_label_in_line = self.p.movie_time_label_in_line self.pp_spec_manager.movie_time_label_font_size = self.p.movie_time_label_font_size self.pp_spec_manager.movie_time_label_prefix = self.p.movie_time_label_prefix self.pp_spec_manager.movie_title_font_size = self.p.movie_title_font_size self.pp_spec_manager.movie_axis_font_size = self.p.movie_axis_font_size self.pp_spec_manager.movie_axis_font = self.p.movie_axis_font self.pp_spec_manager.movie_title_font = self.p.movie_title_font self.pp_spec_manager.movie_tick_font = self.p.movie_tick_font self.pp_spec_manager.movie_frame_pad = self.p.movie_frame_pad self.pp_spec_manager.movie_create_time_label = self.p.movie_create_time_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_frame_filename_with_time = self.p.movie_frame_filename_with_time self.pp_specs_managers = [] self.pp_specs_managers.append(self.pp_spec_manager) self.sub_dir_counter = 0 self.scatter = None self.legend_text = None self.pp_specs = [] self.cum_inactive = 0 self._pp_spec_old = None self.s_size = 0 # current calculated signal size
def main(): args = parseCMD() tLoc = args.textLocation Temp = args.Temperature ChemPot = args.ChemPot excVol = args.excVol if tLoc == 'R': boxSubtract = 1 else: boxSubtract = 4 alphas = glob.glob('*alpha*') if alphas == []: sys.exit('Must be in CWD containing alphaN direcs') minMus, maxMus = 5000, -5000 colors = [ 'Salmon', 'Blue', 'DarkViolet', 'MediumSpringGreen', 'Fuchsia', 'Yellow', 'Maroon' ] if excVol: fig, ax = pl.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 8)) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) n = 0 for alpha in sorted(alphas): os.chdir(alpha) a = alpha[-1] mus, fDens, fErr, bDens, bErr = pl.loadtxt( 'JackKnifeData_bipart.dat', unpack=True) pl.errorbar(mus, fDens, fErr, fmt='^', label=('Film: ' + r'$S = $' + '%s' % a), color=colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) pl.errorbar(mus, bDens, bErr, fmt='o', label=('Bulk: ' + r'$S = $' + '%s' % a), color=colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) # determine max and min values of mu if pl.amax(mus) > maxMus: maxMus = pl.amax(mus) if pl.amin(mus) < minMus: minMus = pl.amin(mus) os.chdir('..') n += 1 # set up bulk SVP densities for plot if Temp != 'T': bulkVert = -30 else: bulkVert = 30 pl.plot([minMus, maxMus], [0.02198, 0.02198], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '3D SVP', xy=(maxMus - boxSubtract, 0.02195), #xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, bulkVert), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) pl.plot([minMus, maxMus], [0.0432, 0.0432], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '2D SVP', xy=(maxMus - boxSubtract, 0.0432), #xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, 30), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) if Temp == 'T': pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize=16) else: pl.xlabel('Chemical Potential [K]', fontsize=16) pl.ylabel('Spatial Density ' + r'$[\AA^{-d}]$', fontsize=16) if Temp != 'T': pl.title('T = %s K' % Temp) else: pl.title(r'$\mu\ =\ $' + ChemPot + ' K') pl.legend(loc=2) pl.savefig('density_vs_mu_allAlphas.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') pl.savefig('density_vs_mu_allAlphas_trans.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True) # SUPERFLUID STIFFNESS fig2, ax2 = pl.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 6.5)) n = 0 for alpha in sorted(alphas): os.chdir(alpha) a = alpha[-1] if alpha[-1] == '0': lab = 'Bulk' else: lab = r'$\alpha = $' + '%s: ' % a mus, stiff, stiffErr = pl.loadtxt('JackKnifeData_super.dat', unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) pl.errorbar(mus, stiff, stiffErr, fmt='o', label=lab, color=colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) # determine max and min values of mu if pl.amax(mus) > maxMus: maxMus = pl.amax(mus) if pl.amin(mus) < minMus: minMus = pl.amin(mus) os.chdir('..') n += 1 if Temp == 'T': pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize=16) else: pl.xlabel('Chemical Potential [K]', fontsize=16) pl.ylabel('Superfluid Fraction', fontsize=16) if Temp != 'T': pl.title('T = %s K' % Temp) else: pl.title(r'$\mu\ =\ $' + ChemPot + ' K') pl.legend() pl.savefig('superFrac_vs_mu_allAlphas.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') pl.savefig('superFrac_vs_mu_allAlphas_trans.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True) ''' # WINDING NUMBER COMPONENTS fig3,ax3 = pl.subplots(1, figsize=(8,6.5)) n = 0 for alpha in sorted(alphas): os.chdir(alpha) a = alpha[-1] if alpha[-1] == '0': lab = 'Bulk' else: lab = r'$\alpha = $'+'%s: ' % a mus, Wx2, Wx2Err, Wy2, Wy2Err, Wz2, Wz2Err = pl.loadtxt( 'JackKnifeData_super.dat', unpack=True, usecols=(0,3,4,5,6,7,8)) pl.errorbar(mus, Wx2, Wx2Err, fmt='o', label=(lab+': '+r'$\langle W_x^2 \rangle$'), color = colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) pl.errorbar(mus, Wy2, Wy2Err, fmt='v', label=(lab+': ' +r'$\langle W_y^2 \rangle$'), color = colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) pl.errorbar(mus, Wz2, Wz2Err, fmt='s', label=(lab+': '+r'$\langle W_z^2 \rangle$' ), color = colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) # determine max and min values of mu if pl.amax(mus) > maxMus: maxMus = pl.amax(mus) if pl.amin(mus) < minMus: minMus = pl.amin(mus) os.chdir('..') n += 1 if Temp == 'T': pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize=16) else: pl.xlabel('Chemical Potential [K]', fontsize=16) pl.ylabel(r'$\langle W_i^2 \rangle$', fontsize=16) if Temp != 'T': pl.title('T = %s K' % Temp) else: pl.title(r'$\mu\ =\ $'+ChemPot+' K') pl.legend() pl.savefig('windingNumbers_vs_mu_allAlphas.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') pl.savefig('windingNumbers_vs_mu_allAlphas_trans.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True) # W_z^2 fig4,ax4 = pl.subplots(1, figsize=(8,6.5)) n = 0 for alpha in sorted(alphas): os.chdir(alpha) a = alpha[-1] if alpha[-1] == '0': lab = 'Bulk' else: lab = r'$\alpha = $'+'%s: ' % a mus, Wz2, Wz2Err = pl.loadtxt( 'JackKnifeData_super.dat', unpack=True, usecols=(0,7,8)) pl.errorbar(mus, Wz2, Wz2Err, fmt='s', #label=(r'$\alpha = $'+'%s: ' % a), label=lab, color = colors[n], markeredgecolor='DarkSlateGray', markersize=8) # determine max and min values of mu if pl.amax(mus) > maxMus: maxMus = pl.amax(mus) if pl.amin(mus) < minMus: minMus = pl.amin(mus) os.chdir('..') n += 1 if Temp == 'T': pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize=16) else: pl.xlabel('Chemical Potential [K]', fontsize=16) pl.ylabel(r'$\langle W_z^2 \rangle$', fontsize=16) if Temp != 'T': pl.title('T = %s K' % Temp) else: pl.title(r'$\mu\ =\ $'+ChemPot+' K') pl.legend() pl.savefig('windingZ_vs_mu_allAlphas.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') pl.savefig('windingZ_vs_mu_allAlphas_trans.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True) '''
if lattice[a, b, c] > 0: neighbors = get_neighbors(a, b, c) border = False for neigh in neighbors: if lattice[neigh] == 0: borderPositions1.append([a, b, c]) lattice[a, b, c] = -1 break borderPositions1 = p.array(borderPositions1) # ii) find closest distance to border site for each 1 and 2 (type one and spanning cluster or not) distances = [] for a in range(N): for b in range(N): for c in range(N): if lattice[a, b, c] > 0: diffs = borderPositions1 - p.array([a, b, c]) minBorderDist = p.amin(p.sum((diffs * diffs).T, axis=0)) distances.append(p.sqrt(minBorderDist)) # p.figure() # p.imshow(init_lattice, interpolation='none') # p.suptitle("Initial configuration") p.figure() p.imshow(p.sum(lattice[N // 2:N // 2 + 1], axis=0), interpolation='none', cmap=p.get_cmap('afmhot')) p.suptitle("Final configuration") p.figure() p.hist(distances) p.suptitle("Distance distribution")
def run(self, fpath, job): param = self.param base, _ = ocrolib.allsplitext(fpath) basefile = ocrolib.allsplitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0] if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("=== %s %-3d" % (fpath, job)) raw = ocrolib.read_image_gray(fpath) flat = raw # estimate skew angle and rotate if param['maxskew'] > 0: if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("estimating skew angle") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(param['bignore']*d0), int(param['bignore']*d1) flat = amax(flat)-flat flat -= amin(flat) est = flat[o0:d0-o0, o1:d1-o1] ma = param['maxskew'] ms = int(2*param['maxskew']*param['skewsteps']) angle = self.estimate_skew_angle(est, linspace(-ma, ma, ms+1)) flat = interpolation.rotate(flat, angle, mode='constant', reshape=0) flat = amax(flat)-flat else: angle = 0 # estimate low and high thresholds if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("estimating thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(param['bignore']*d0), int(param['bignore']*d1) est = flat[o0:d0-o0, o1:d1-o1] if param['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = param['escale'] v = est-filters.gaussian_filter(est, e*20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e*20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3*amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((int(e*50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((1, int(e*50)))) if param['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, param['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), param['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), param['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi-lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if param['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, param['debug']) deskewed = 1*(flat > param['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images print_info("%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f" % (basefile, lo, hi, angle)) if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("writing") ocrolib.write_image_binary(base+".ds.png", deskewed) return base+".ds.png"
def add_stations(station_selection, phases0, phases1, flags, mask, station_names, station_positions, source_names, source_selection, times, freqs, r, nband_min=2, soln_type='phase', nstations_max=None, excluded_stations=None, t_step=5, tec_step1=5, tec_step2=21, search_full_tec_range=False): """ Adds stations to TEC fitting using an iterative initial-guess search to ensure the global min is found Keyword arguments: station_selection -- indices of stations to use in fitting phases0 -- XX phase solutions phases1 -- YY phase solutions flags -- phase solution flags (0 = use, 1 = flagged) mask -- mask for sources and frequencies (0 = ignore, 1 = use) station_names -- array of station names source_names -- array of source names source_selection -- indices of sources to use in fitting times -- array of times freqs -- array of frequencies r -- array of TEC solutions returned by fit_tec_per_source_pair() nband_min -- min number of bands for a source to be used soln_type -- type of phase solution: 'phase' or 'scalarphase' nstations_max -- max number of stations to use excluded_stations -- stations to exclude t_step -- try full TEC range every t_step number of solution times tec_step1 -- number of steps in TEC subrange (+/- last TEC fit value) tec_step2 -- number of steps in full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1) search_full_tec_range -- always search the full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1) """ from pylab import pinv, newaxis, find, amin import numpy as np from lofar.expion import baselinefitting import progressbar N_sources_selected = len(source_selection) N_stations_selected = len(station_selection) N_piercepoints = N_sources_selected * N_stations_selected N_times = len(times) N_stations = len(station_names) N_sources = len(source_names) N_pairs = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection): for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection): if j == i: break subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :]) if len(subband_selection) < nband_min: continue N_pairs += 1 D = np.resize(station_positions, (N_stations, N_stations, 3)) D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D D = np.sqrt(np.sum(D**2, axis=2)) station_selection1 = station_selection stations_to_add = np.array([ i for i in range(len(station_names)) if i not in station_selection1 and station_names[i] not in excluded_stations ]) if len(stations_to_add) == 0: return station_selection1, r # Check if desired number of stations is already reached if nstations_max is not None: if len(station_selection1) >= nstations_max: return station_selection1, r"Using fitting with iterative search for remaining stations " "(up to {0} stations in total)".format(nstations_max)) q = r while len(stations_to_add) > 0: D1 = D[stations_to_add[:, newaxis], station_selection1[newaxis, :]] minimum_distance = amin(D1, axis=1) station_to_add = stations_to_add[np.argmin(minimum_distance)] station_selection1 = np.append(station_selection1, station_to_add) N_stations_selected1 = len(station_selection1) # Remove station from list stations_to_add = stations_to_add[stations_to_add != station_to_add] sols_list = [] eq_list = [] min_e_list = [] ipbar = 0'Fitting TEC values with {0} included...'.format( station_names[station_to_add])) pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_pairs * N_times).start() for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection): for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection): if j == i: break subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :]) if len(subband_selection) < nband_min: continue logging.debug('Adding {0} for source pair: {1}-{2}'.format( station_names[station_to_add], i, j)) p0 = phases0[i, station_selection1[:, newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] - phases0[ j, station_selection1[:, newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] p0 = p0 - np.mean(p0, axis=0)[newaxis, :, :] if soln_type != 'scalarphase': p1 = phases1[i, station_selection1[:, newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] - phases1[ j, station_selection1[:, newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] p1 = p1 - np.mean(p1, axis=0)[newaxis, :, :] A = np.zeros((len(subband_selection), 1)) A[:, 0] = 8.44797245e9 / freqs[subband_selection] flags_source_pair = flags[ i, station_selection1[:, newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] * flags[ j, station_selection1[:, newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] constant_parms = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), dtype=np.bool) sols = np.zeros((N_times, N_stations_selected1), dtype=np.float) p_0_best = None for t_idx in range(N_times): if np.mod(t_idx, t_step) == 0: min_e = np.Inf if p_0_best is not None and not search_full_tec_range: min_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] - 0.02 max_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] + 0.02 nsteps = tec_step1 else: min_tec = -0.1 max_tec = 0.1 nsteps = tec_step2 logging.debug( ' Trying initial guesses between {0} and ' '{1} TECU'.format(min_tec, max_tec)) for offset in np.linspace(min_tec, max_tec, nsteps): p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double) p_0[0, :N_stations_selected1 - 1] = (q[ii, t_idx, :] - q[jj, t_idx, :])[newaxis, :] p_0[0, -1] = offset x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol0 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol0 -= np.mean(sol0) residual = np.mod(, sol0) - x.T + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi residual = residual[f.T == 0] e = np.var(residual) if soln_type != 'scalarphase': x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol1 = x.T, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol1 -= np.mean(sol1) residual = np.mod(, sol1) - x.T + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi residual = residual[f.T == 0] e += np.var(residual) else: sol1 = sol0 if e < min_e: logging.debug( ' Found new min variance of {0} ' 'with initial guess of {1} TECU'.format( e, p_0[0, -1])) min_e = e p_0_best = p_0 sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :]) / 2 else: # Use previous init x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol0 =, A, p_0_best, f, constant_parms) sol0 -= np.mean(sol0) if soln_type != 'scalarphase': x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol1 =, A, p_0_best, f, constant_parms) sol1 -= np.mean(sol1) else: sol1 = sol0 sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :]) / 2 ipbar += 1 pbar.update(ipbar) ### Remove outliers logging.debug(' Searching for outliers...') for kk in range(10): s = sols[:, -1].copy() selection = np.zeros(len(s), np.bool) for t_idx in range(len(s)): start_idx = np.max([t_idx - 10, 0]) end_idx = np.min([t_idx + 10, len(s)]) selection[t_idx] = np.sum( abs(s[start_idx:end_idx] - s[t_idx]) < 0.02) > ( end_idx - start_idx - 8) outliers = find(np.logical_not(selection)) if len(outliers) == 0: break for t_idx in outliers: try: idx0 = find(selection[:t_idx])[-1] except IndexError: idx0 = -1 try: idx1 = find(selection[t_idx + 1:])[0] + t_idx + 1 except IndexError: idx1 = -1 if idx0 == -1: s[t_idx] = s[idx1] elif idx1 == -1: s[t_idx] = s[idx0] else: s[t_idx] = (s[idx0] * (idx1 - t_idx) + s[idx1] * (t_idx - idx0)) / (idx1 - idx0) p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double) p_0[0, :] = sols[t_idx, :] p_0[0, -1] = s[t_idx] x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol0 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol0 -= np.mean(sol0) if soln_type != 'scalarphase': x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol1 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol1 -= np.mean(sol1) else: sol1 = sol0 sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :]) / 2 weight = 1.0 sols_list.append(weight * sols) min_e_list.append(min_e) eq = np.zeros(N_sources) eq[ii] = weight eq[jj] = -weight eq_list.append(eq) sols = np.array(sols_list) B = np.array(eq_list) pinvB = pinv(B) q =, sols.transpose([1, 0, 2])) pbar.finish() if nstations_max is not None: if N_stations_selected1 == nstations_max: break return station_selection1, q
def __init__(self, data_vector, movie_parameters, **params): self.p = movie_parameters if not self.p.movie_name == None: self.params = Params(**params) mpl.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'none' mpl.rcParams['savefig.edgecolor'] = 'none' self.source = get_filename(self.params.reference_filename) self.__prefixed_movie_name__ = self.__get_prefixed_movie_name__() self.__prefixed_movie_dir__ = self.__get_prefixed_movie_dir__() if not self.params.filter_manager == None: data_vector = self.params.filter_manager.run_filters( data_vector) _max = pl.amax(data_vector.signal) _min = pl.amin(data_vector.signal) self.time = data_vector.time margin = 50 self.signal_size = len(data_vector.signal) self.range = [_min - margin, _max + margin, _min - margin, _max + margin] self.x_data = pl.zeros(self.signal_size) self.y_data = pl.zeros(self.signal_size) self.old_signal_plus = None self.idx = 0 self.active_color = get_extended_color_array( movie_parameters.movie_active_color) self.inactive_color = get_extended_color_array( movie_parameters.movie_inactive_color) self.centroid_color = get_extended_color_array( movie_parameters.movie_centroid_color) self.message = None self.core_nums = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * self.p.movie_multiprocessing_factor # @IgnorePep8 self.pp_spec_manager = MiniPoincarePlotSpecManager() self.pp_spec_manager.movie_dir = self.__prefixed_movie_dir__ self.pp_spec_manager.movie_name = self.__prefixed_movie_name__ self.pp_spec_manager.movie_dpi = self.p.movie_dpi self.pp_spec_manager.movie_fps = self.p.movie_fps self.pp_spec_manager.movie_height = self.p.movie_height self.pp_spec_manager.movie_width = self.p.movie_width self.pp_spec_manager.active_color = self.active_color self.pp_spec_manager.inactive_color = self.inactive_color self.pp_spec_manager.centroid_color = self.centroid_color self.pp_spec_manager.active_point_size = self.p.movie_active_size self.pp_spec_manager.inactive_point_size = \ self.p.movie_inactive_size self.pp_spec_manager.centroid_point_size = \ self.p.movie_centroid_size self.pp_spec_manager.show_plot_legends = \ self.p.movie_show_plot_legends self.pp_spec_manager.x_label = self.p.x_label self.pp_spec_manager.y_label = self.p.y_label self.pp_spec_manager.clean_frames = self.p.movie_clean_frames self.pp_spec_manager.movie_title = self.p.movie_title self.pp_spec_manager.movie_frame_step = self.p.movie_frame_step self.pp_spec_manager.movie_identity_line = self.p.movie_identity_line self.pp_spec_manager.movie_hour_label = self.p.movie_hour_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_minute_label = self.p.movie_minute_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_second_label = self.p.movie_second_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_time_label_in_line = self.p.movie_time_label_in_line self.pp_spec_manager.movie_time_label_font_size = self.p.movie_time_label_font_size self.pp_spec_manager.movie_time_label_prefix = self.p.movie_time_label_prefix self.pp_spec_manager.movie_title_font_size = self.p.movie_title_font_size self.pp_spec_manager.movie_axis_font_size = self.p.movie_axis_font_size self.pp_spec_manager.movie_axis_font = self.p.movie_axis_font self.pp_spec_manager.movie_title_font = self.p.movie_title_font self.pp_spec_manager.movie_tick_font = self.p.movie_tick_font self.pp_spec_manager.movie_frame_pad = self.p.movie_frame_pad self.pp_spec_manager.movie_create_time_label = self.p.movie_create_time_label self.pp_spec_manager.movie_frame_filename_with_time = self.p.movie_frame_filename_with_time self.pp_specs_managers = [] self.pp_specs_managers.append(self.pp_spec_manager) self.sub_dir_counter = 0 self.scatter = None self.legend_text = None self.pp_specs = [] self.cum_inactive = 0 self._pp_spec_old = None self.s_size = 0 # current calculated signal size
def run(self): ''' watch_process(params): module based on psutil to watch a specific program/process. Parameters required are: params.cmd = command in a Popen supported list, i.e. no spaces, each argument in its own cell. params.outtag = tag handle for the text file and the plot file. .txt and .png will be appended to this. params.dt = incremental time-step to watch the process. Default is 10 milliseconds. = total time to watch the process. Default is 5 minutes. ''' fout = open(params.outtag+'.txt', 'w'); d0 = psutil.disk_usage('/'); running=True; cpu_usage = []; mem_usage = []; duration = []; d = 0.0; p = psutil.Popen(params.cmd, stdout=fout); try: while d< d = d+params.dt; if p.status=='running': # If the program is running, this captures # the vital-statistics. cpu_usage.append(p.get_cpu_percent()); mem_usage.append(p.get_memory_percent()); #duration.append(d); duration.append(p.get_cpu_times().user) else: # This watches and ensures that the # process is indeed dead. This is the first # level of exception handling and # loop-breakage. procs = psutil.get_process_list(); gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(procs, 3, callback=on_terminate) break time.sleep(params.dt) except psutil._error.AccessDenied: # This exception watches for the natural death of the # process. This is the second level of redundancy handling # the death of the task, the first one is in the else # statement above. p.kill() print "It has died and has become a... "+p.status; procs = psutil.get_process_list(); gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(procs, 3, callback=on_terminate) except KeyboardInterrupt: # This exception allows the user to Ctrl-C if you thing # that the program is hanging. p.kill() print "I have killed it, and it has become a..."+p.status procs = psutil.get_process_list(); gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(procs, 3, callback=on_terminate) cpu_usage = pl.array(cpu_usage); duration = pl.array(duration); mem_usage = pl.array(mem_usage); pl.step(duration, cpu_usage, label='%CPU'); pl.step(duration, mem_usage, label='%MEM'); pl.xlabel('User Time (seconds)'); pl.ylabel('%'); d1 = psutil.disk_usage('/') D = d1.used-d0.used; MB = 1024.*1024. # 1MB in Bytes data_written = D/MB; total_time = pl.amax(duration)-pl.amin(duration); dw = str(round(data_written, 2))+"MB" tt = str(round(total_time, 5))+"s"; string_ann = "Writes: "+dw+' in '+tt; title='Process: '+str(params.cmd)+'\n / '+string_ann; pl.title('\n'.join(wrap(title,50))); pl.legend(); pl.tight_layout(); pl.savefig(params.outtag+'.png', dpi=300); pl.close(); fout.write(string_ann+'\n') fout.close() print "Completed."
def initiate(self): if len(self.pp_specs) == 0: return False # only positive values are accepted x = self.p0.x_data[pl.where(self.p0.x_data > 0)] y = self.p0.y_data[pl.where(self.p0.y_data > 0)] x_min = pl.amin(x) x_max = pl.amax(x) y_min = pl.amin(y) y_max = pl.amax(y) value_min = x_min if x_min < y_min else y_min self.value_max = x_max if x_max > y_max else y_max self.pd = ArrayPlotData() self.pd.set_data("index", x) self.pd.set_data("value", y) index_ds = ArrayDataSource(x) value_ds = ArrayDataSource(y) # Create the plot self._plot = Plot(self.pd) axis_defaults = { #'axis_line_weight': 2, #'tick_weight': 2, #'tick_label_color': 'green', 'title_font': self.axis_font, } if self.tick_font: axis_defaults['tick_label_font'] = self.tick_font #a very important and weird trick; used to remove default ticks labels self._plot.x_axis = None self._plot.y_axis = None #end trick #add new x label and x's ticks labels x_axis = PlotAxis(orientation='bottom', title=nvl(self.manager.x_label, 'RR(n) [ms]'), mapper=self._plot.x_mapper, **axis_defaults) self._plot.overlays.append(x_axis) #add new y label and y's ticks labels y_axis = PlotAxis(orientation='left', title=nvl(self.manager.y_label, 'RR(n+1) [ms]'), mapper=self._plot.y_mapper, **axis_defaults) self._plot.overlays.append(y_axis) self._plot.index_range.add(index_ds) self._plot.value_range.add(value_ds) self._plot.index_mapper.stretch_data = False self._plot.value_mapper.stretch_data = False self._plot.value_range.set_bounds(value_min, self.value_max) self._plot.index_range.set_bounds(value_min, self.value_max) # Create the index and value mappers using the plot data ranges imapper = LinearMapper(range=self._plot.index_range) vmapper = LinearMapper(range=self._plot.value_range) color = "white" self.scatter = __PoincarePlotScatterPlot__( self.p0, self.manager, index=index_ds, value=value_ds, #color_data=color_ds, #color_mapper=color_mapper, #fill_alpha=0.4, color=color, index_mapper=imapper, value_mapper=vmapper, marker='circle', marker_size=self.manager.active_point_size, line_width=0 #outline_color='white' ) self._plot.add(self.scatter) #self._plot.plots['var_size_scatter'] = [self.scatter] # Tweak some of the plot properties _title = nvl(self.manager.movie_title, "Poincare plot") if len(_title) > 0: self._plot.title = _title self._plot.title_font = self.title_font self._plot.line_width = 0.5 self._plot.padding = self.frame_pad self._plot.do_layout(force=True) self._plot.outer_bounds = [self.manager.movie_width, self.manager.movie_height] self.gc = PlotGraphicsContext(self._plot.outer_bounds, dpi=self.manager.movie_dpi) self.gc.render_component(self._plot) self.gc.set_line_width(0) self.x_mean_old = None self.y_mean_old = None self._time_label_font = None return True
def process(self): for (n, input_file) in enumerate(self.input_files): pcgts = page_from_file(self.workspace.download_file(input_file)) page_id = pcgts.pcGtsId or input_file.pageId or input_file.ID page = pcgts.get_Page() # why does it save the image ?? page_image, page_xywh, _ = self.workspace.image_from_page( page, page_id) if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"INPUT FILE %s ", input_file.pageId or input_file.ID) raw = ocrolib.read_image_gray(page_image.filename) flat = raw #flat = np.array(binImg) # estimate skew angle and rotate if self.parameter['maxskew'] > 0: if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Estimating Skew Angle") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.parameter['bignore'] * d0), int( self.parameter['bignore'] * d1) flat = amax(flat) - flat flat -= amin(flat) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] ma = self.parameter['maxskew'] ms = int(2 * self.parameter['maxskew'] * self.parameter['skewsteps']) angle = self.estimate_skew_angle(est, linspace(-ma, ma, ms + 1)) flat = interpolation.rotate(flat, angle, mode='constant', reshape=0) flat = amax(flat) - flat else: angle = 0 # self.write_angles_to_pageXML(base,angle) # estimate low and high thresholds if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Estimating Thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.parameter['bignore'] * d0), int( self.parameter['bignore'] * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if self.parameter['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = self.parameter['escale'] v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones( (int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones( (1, int(e * 50)))) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) deskewed = 1 * (flat > self.parameter['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images"%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f" % (pcgts.get_Page().imageFilename, lo, hi, angle)) if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Writing") #ocrolib.write_image_binary(base+".ds.png", deskewed) #TODO: Need some clarification as the results effect the following pre-processing steps. #orientation = -angle #orientation = 180 - ((180 - orientation) % 360) pcgts.get_Page().set_orientation(angle) #print(orientation, angle) file_id = input_file.ID.replace(self.input_file_grp, self.output_file_grp) if file_id == input_file.ID: file_id = concat_padded(self.output_file_grp, n) self.workspace.add_file(ID=file_id, file_grp=self.output_file_grp, pageId=input_file.pageId, mimetype=MIMETYPE_PAGE, local_filename=os.path.join( self.output_file_grp, file_id + '.xml'), content=to_xml(pcgts).encode('utf-8'))
def binarize_image(job): image_object, i = job raw = read_image_gray(image_object) image = raw - amin(raw) if amax(image) == amin(image): return # Image is empty image /= amax(image) check = check_page(amax(image) - image) if check is not None: return if args.gray: extreme = 0 else: extreme = (sum(image < 0.05) + sum(image > 0.95)) * 1.0 / prod( image.shape) if extreme > 0.95: comment = "no-normalization" flat = image else: comment = "" m = interpolation.zoom(image, args.zoom) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, args.perc, size=(args.range, 2)) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, args.perc, size=(2, args.range)) m = interpolation.zoom(m, 1.0 / args.zoom) w, h = minimum(array(image.shape), array(m.shape)) flat = clip(image[:w, :h] - m[:w, :h] + 1, 0, 1) if args.maxskew > 0: d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(args.bignore * d0), int(args.bignore * d1) flat = amax(flat) - flat flat -= amin(flat) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] ma = args.maxskew ms = int(2 * args.maxskew * args.skewsteps) angle = estimate_skew_angle(est, linspace(-ma, ma, ms + 1)) flat = interpolation.rotate(flat, angle, mode='constant', reshape=0) flat = amax(flat) - flat else: angle = 0 d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(args.bignore * d0), int(args.bignore * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if args.escale > 0: e = args.escale v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((1, int(e * 50)))) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), args.lo) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), args.hi) flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) binary = 1 * (flat > args.threshold) return (binary, flat)
def process(self): for (n, input_file) in enumerate(self.input_files): pcgts = page_from_file(self.workspace.download_file(input_file)) fname = pcgts.get_Page().imageFilename img = self.workspace.resolve_image_as_pil(fname) param = self.parameter base, _ = ocrolib.allsplitext(fname) #basefile = ocrolib.allsplitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0] if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("=== %s " % (fname)) raw = ocrolib.read_image_gray(img.filename) flat = raw #flat = np.array(binImg) # estimate skew angle and rotate if param['maxskew'] > 0: if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("estimating skew angle") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(param['bignore'] * d0), int(param['bignore'] * d1) flat = amax(flat) - flat flat -= amin(flat) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] ma = param['maxskew'] ms = int(2 * param['maxskew'] * param['skewsteps']) angle = self.estimate_skew_angle(est, linspace(-ma, ma, ms + 1)) flat = interpolation.rotate(flat, angle, mode='constant', reshape=0) flat = amax(flat) - flat else: angle = 0 # self.write_angles_to_pageXML(base,angle) # estimate low and high thresholds if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("estimating thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(param['bignore'] * d0), int(param['bignore'] * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if param['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = param['escale'] v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones( (int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones( (1, int(e * 50)))) if param['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, param['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), param['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), param['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if param['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, param['debug']) deskewed = 1 * (flat > param['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images print_info("%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f" % (pcgts.get_Page().imageFilename, lo, hi, angle)) if param['parallel'] < 2: print_info("writing") ocrolib.write_image_binary(base + ".ds.png", deskewed) orientation = -angle orientation = 180 - (180 - orientation) % 360 pcgts.get_Page().set_orientation(orientation) ID = concat_padded(self.output_file_grp, n) self.workspace.add_file(ID=ID, file_grp=self.output_file_grp, pageId=input_file.pageId, mimetype="image/png", url=base + ".ds.png", local_filename='%s/%s' % (self.output_file_grp, ID), content=to_xml(pcgts).encode('utf-8'))
print "Proccessing logfile ",inputlogfile lines=open(inputlogfile,"r").readlines() metadata=[x for x in lines if x[0]=="#"] #select meta data fields=[x.split()[2:] for x in metadata if x.split()[1]=="Fields:"][0] print fields R_index=fields.index("R") Clock_index=fields.index("CLOCKTIME") q=[x for x in lines if x[0]!="#"] #remove meta data q=q[:-1] #last line might be malformed print "first line: ",q[0] R=P.array([float(x.split()[R_index]) for x in q]) Realtime=P.array([float(x.split()[Clock_index]) for x in q]) N=len(R) ns=range(1,N+1) avgR=P.cumsum(R)/ns n50=range(50,len(R)) l50=[P.mean(R[i-50:i]) for i in n50] P.plot(ns,avgR,"r") P.plot(n50,l50,"b") P.text(N/2, avgR[N/4]-1, "Cumulative Average reward",color="r") P.text(N/2, P.amax(l50) +1, "Average of last 50 rewards",color="b") ytime=P.amin(avgR[:20]) +1 for i in P.arange(60,P.amax(Realtime),60): ind=bisect.bisect(Realtime,i) P.text(ind,ytime,".\n%d minute"%(i/60)) P.xlabel("Timestep") P.savefig(inputlogfile+".pdf")
def _process_segment(self, page_image, page, page_xywh, page_id, input_file, n): raw = ocrolib.pil2array(page_image) flat = raw.astype("float64") # estimate skew angle and rotate if self.parameter['maxskew'] > 0: if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Estimating Skew Angle") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.parameter['bignore'] * d0), int( self.parameter['bignore'] * d1) flat = amax(flat) - flat flat -= amin(flat) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] ma = self.parameter['maxskew'] ms = int(2 * self.parameter['maxskew'] * self.parameter['skewsteps']) angle = self.estimate_skew_angle(est, linspace(-ma, ma, ms + 1)) flat = interpolation.rotate(flat, angle, mode='constant', reshape=0) flat = amax(flat) - flat else: angle = 0 # self.write_angles_to_pageXML(base,angle) # estimate low and high thresholds if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Estimating Thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.parameter['bignore'] * d0), int( self.parameter['bignore'] * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if self.parameter['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = self.parameter['escale'] v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((1, int(e * 50)))) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image if self.parameter['parallel'] < 2:"Rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) deskewed = 1 * (flat > self.parameter['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images"%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f" %(lo, hi, angle)) #TODO: Need some clarification as the results effect the following pre-processing steps. #orientation = -angle #orientation = 180 - ((180 - orientation) % 360) if angle is None: # FIXME: quick fix to prevent angle of "none" angle = 0 page.set_orientation(angle) page_xywh['features'] += ',deskewed' bin_array = array(255 * (deskewed > ocrolib.midrange(deskewed)), 'B') page_image = ocrolib.array2pil(bin_array) file_id = input_file.ID.replace(self.input_file_grp, self.image_grp) if file_id == input_file.ID: file_id = concat_padded(self.image_grp, n) file_path = self.workspace.save_image_file(page_image, file_id, page_id=page_id, file_grp=self.image_grp) page.add_AlternativeImage( AlternativeImageType(filename=file_path, comments=page_xywh['features']))
def _process_segment(self, page, filename, page_id, file_id): raw = ocrolib.read_image_gray(filename) self.dshow(raw, "input") # perform image normalization image = raw - amin(raw) if amax(image) == amin(image):"# image is empty: %s" % (page_id)) return image /= amax(image) if not self.parameter['nocheck']: check = self.check_page(amax(image) - image) if check is not None: LOG.error(input_file.pageId or input_file.ID + " SKIPPED. " + check + " (use -n to disable this check)") return # check whether the image is already effectively binarized if self.parameter['gray']: extreme = 0 else: extreme = (np.sum(image < 0.05) + np.sum(image > 0.95)) * 1.0 / if extreme > 0.95: comment = "no-normalization" flat = image else: comment = "" # if not, we need to flatten it by estimating the local whitelevel"Flattening") m = interpolation.zoom(image, self.parameter['zoom']) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, self.parameter['perc'], size=(self.parameter['range'], 2)) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, self.parameter['perc'], size=(2, self.parameter['range'])) m = interpolation.zoom(m, 1.0 / self.parameter['zoom']) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: clf() imshow(m, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) w, h = minimum(array(image.shape), array(m.shape)) flat = clip(image[:w, :h] - m[:w, :h] + 1, 0, 1) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: clf() imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) # estimate low and high thresholds"Estimating Thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.parameter['bignore'] * d0), int( self.parameter['bignore'] * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if self.parameter['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = self.parameter['escale'] v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((1, int(e * 50)))) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image"Rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) binarized = 1 * (flat > self.parameter['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images # print_info("%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f %s" % (fname, lo, hi, angle, comment))"%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) %s" % (page_id, lo, hi, comment))"writing") if self.parameter['debug'] > 0 or self.parameter['show']: clf() gray() imshow(binarized) ginput(1, max(0.1, self.parameter['debug'])) #base, _ = ocrolib.allsplitext(filename) #ocrolib.write_image_binary(base + ".bin.png", binarized) # ocrolib.write_image_gray(base +".nrm.png", flat) # print("########### File path : ", base+".nrm.png") # write_to_xml(base+".bin.png") # return base+".bin.png" bin_array = array(255 * (binarized > ocrolib.midrange(binarized)), 'B') bin_image = ocrolib.array2pil(bin_array) file_path = self.workspace.save_image_file(bin_image, file_id, page_id=page_id, file_grp=self.image_grp) page.add_AlternativeImage( AlternativeImageType(filename=file_path, comment="binarized"))
def add_stations(station_selection, phases0, phases1, flags, mask, station_names, station_positions, source_names, source_selection, times, freqs, r, nband_min=2, soln_type='phase', nstations_max=None, excluded_stations=None, t_step=5, tec_step1=5, tec_step2=21, search_full_tec_range=True): """ Adds stations to TEC fitting using an iterative initial-guess search to ensure the global min is found Keyword arguments: station_selection -- indices of stations to use in fitting phases0 -- XX phase solutions phases1 -- YY phase solutions flags -- phase solution flags (0 = use, 1 = flagged) mask -- mask for sources and frequencies (0 = ignore, 1 = use) station_names -- array of station names source_names -- array of source names source_selection -- indices of sources to use in fitting times -- array of times freqs -- array of frequencies r -- array of TEC solutions returned by fit_tec_per_source_pair() nband_min -- min number of bands for a source to be used soln_type -- type of phase solution: 'phase' or 'scalarphase' nstations_max -- max number of stations to use excluded_stations -- stations to exclude t_step -- try full TEC range every t_step number of solution times tec_step1 -- number of steps in TEC subrange (+/- last TEC fit value) tec_step2 -- number of steps in full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1) search_full_tec_range -- always search the full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1) """ from pylab import pinv, newaxis, find, amin import numpy as np from lofar.expion import baselinefitting try: import progressbar except ImportError: import losoto.progressbar as progressbar N_sources_selected = len(source_selection) N_stations_selected = len(station_selection) N_piercepoints = N_sources_selected * N_stations_selected N_times = len(times) N_stations = len(station_names) N_sources = len(source_names) N_pairs = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection): for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection): if j == i: break subband_selection = find(mask[i,:] * mask[j,:]) if len(subband_selection) < nband_min: continue N_pairs += 1 D = np.resize(station_positions, (N_stations, N_stations, 3)) D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D D = np.sqrt(np.sum(D**2, axis=2)) station_selection1 = station_selection stations_to_add = np.array([i for i in xrange(len(station_names)) if i not in station_selection1 and station_names[i] not in excluded_stations]) if len(stations_to_add) == 0: return station_selection1, r # Check if desired number of stations is already reached if nstations_max is not None: if len(station_selection1) >= nstations_max: return station_selection1, r"Using fitting with iterative search for remaining stations " "(up to {0} stations in total)".format(nstations_max)) q = r while len(stations_to_add)>0: D1 = D[stations_to_add[:,newaxis], station_selection1[newaxis,:]] minimum_distance = amin(D1, axis=1) station_to_add = stations_to_add[np.argmin(minimum_distance)] station_selection1 = np.append(station_selection1, station_to_add) N_stations_selected1 = len(station_selection1) # Remove station from list stations_to_add = stations_to_add[stations_to_add != station_to_add] sols_list = [] eq_list = [] min_e_list = [] ipbar = 0'Fitting TEC values with {0} included...'.format( station_names[station_to_add])) pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_pairs*N_times).start() for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection): for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection): if j == i: break subband_selection = find(mask[i,:] * mask[j,:]) if len(subband_selection) < nband_min: continue logging.debug('Adding {0} for source pair: {1}-{2}'.format( station_names[station_to_add], i, j)) p0 = phases0[i, station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] - phases0[j, station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] p0 = p0 - np.mean(p0, axis=0)[newaxis,:,:] if soln_type != 'scalarphase': p1 = phases1[i, station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] - phases1[j, station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] p1 = p1 - np.mean(p1, axis=0)[newaxis, :, :] A = np.zeros((len(subband_selection), 1)) A[:, 0] = 8.44797245e9 / freqs[subband_selection] sd = (0.1 * 30e6) / freqs[subband_selection] # standard deviation of phase solutions as function of frequency (rad) flags_source_pair = flags[i, station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] * flags[j, station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] constant_parms = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), dtype = np.bool) sols = np.zeros((N_times, N_stations_selected1), dtype = np.float) p_0_best = None for t_idx in xrange(N_times): if np.mod(t_idx, t_step) == 0: min_e = np.Inf if p_0_best is not None and not search_full_tec_range: min_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] - 0.02 max_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] + 0.02 nsteps = tec_step1 else: min_tec = -0.1 max_tec = 0.1 nsteps = tec_step2 logging.debug(' Trying initial guesses between {0} and ' '{1} TECU'.format(min_tec, max_tec)) for offset in np.linspace(min_tec, max_tec, nsteps): p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double) p_0[0, :N_stations_selected1-1] = (q[ii, t_idx, :] - q[jj, t_idx, :])[newaxis,:] p_0[0, -1] = offset x = p0[:,:,t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol0 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol0 -= np.mean(sol0) residual = np.mod(, sol0) - x.T + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi e = np.var(residual[f.T==0]) if soln_type != 'scalarphase': x = p1[:,:,t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol1 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol1 -= np.mean(sol1) residual = np.mod(, sol1) - x.T + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi residual = residual[f.T==0] e += np.var(residual) else: sol1 = sol0 if e < min_e: logging.debug(' Found new min variance of {0} ' 'with initial guess of {1} TECU'.format(e, p_0[0, -1])) min_e = e p_0_best = p_0 sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :])/2 else: # Use previous init x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol0 =, A, p_0_best, f, constant_parms) sol0 -= np.mean(sol0) if soln_type != 'scalarphase': x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy() sol1 =, A, p_0_best, f, constant_parms) sol1 -= np.mean(sol1) else: sol1 = sol0 sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :])/2 ipbar += 1 pbar.update(ipbar) ### Remove outliers logging.debug(' Searching for outliers...') for kk in xrange(10): s = sols[:, -1].copy() selection = np.zeros(len(s), np.bool) for t_idx in xrange(len(s)): start_idx = np.max([t_idx-10, 0]) end_idx = np.min([t_idx+10, len(s)]) selection[t_idx] = np.sum(abs(s[start_idx:end_idx] - s[t_idx]) < 0.02) > (end_idx - start_idx - 8) outliers = find(np.logical_not(selection)) if len(outliers) == 0: break for t_idx in outliers: try: idx0 = find(selection[:t_idx])[-1] except IndexError: idx0 = -1 try: idx1 = find(selection[t_idx+1:])[0] + t_idx + 1 except IndexError: idx1 = -1 if idx0 == -1: s[t_idx] = s[idx1] elif idx1 == -1: s[t_idx] = s[idx0] else: s[t_idx] = (s[idx0] * (idx1-t_idx) + s[idx1] * (t_idx-idx0)) / (idx1-idx0) p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double) p_0[0,:] = sols[t_idx,:] p_0[0,-1] = s[t_idx] x = p0[:,:,t_idx].copy() f = flags_source_pair[:,:,t_idx].copy() sol0 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol0 -= np.mean(sol0) if soln_type != 'scalarphase': x = p1[:,:,t_idx].copy() sol1 =, A, p_0, f, constant_parms) sol1 -= np.mean(sol1) else: sol1 = sol0 sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0,:] + sol1[0,:])/2 weight = 1.0 sols_list.append(weight*sols) min_e_list.append(min_e) eq = np.zeros(N_sources) eq[ii] = weight eq[jj] = -weight eq_list.append(eq) sols = np.array(sols_list) B = np.array(eq_list) pinvB = pinv(B) q =, sols.transpose([1,0,2])) pbar.finish() if nstations_max is not None: if N_stations_selected1 == nstations_max: break return station_selection1, q
pl.figure(figsize=(10,5)); # Minor axis pl.subplot(121); pl.title('Minor Axis'); x_minor, y_minor = blib.imslice(myimage=myimage, v='minor', theta=theta, x0=x0, y0=y0, D=D); pl.plot(x_minor,y_minor, color='black', ls='-', lw=1, label='Major-Axis'); if'TRUE': hm_minor, f_minor, xf_minor, yf_minor = blib.fwhm_2gauss(x_minor, y_minor); pl.plot(xf_minor, yf_minor, 'k--', label='Fit') pl.hlines(hm_minor, -f_minor/2, f_minor/2, color='gray', label='FWHM-Minor'); else: hm_minor, f_minor = blib.fwhm(x_minor, y_minor); pl.hlines(hm_minor, -f_minor/2, f_minor/2, color='gray', label='FWHM-Minor'); pl.xlim(pl.amin(x_minor), pl.amax(x_minor)); pl.ylim(pl.amin(y_minor)-0.1, pl.amax(y_minor)+0.1); # Major Axis pl.subplot(122); pl.title('Major Axis') x_major, y_major = blib.imslice(myimage=myimage, v='major', theta=theta, x0=x0, y0=y0, D=D); pl.plot(x_major, y_major, color='black', ls='-', lw=1, label='Major-Axis'); hm_major, f_major, xf_major, yf_major = blib.fwhm_2gauss(x_major, y_major); if'TRUE': pl.plot(xf_major, yf_major, 'k--', label='Fit') pl.hlines(hm_major, -f_major/2, f_major/2, color='gray', label='FWHM-Major'); pl.xlim(pl.amin(x_major), pl.amax(x_major)); else: hm_major, f_major = blib.fwhm(x_major, y_major); pl.hlines(hm_major, -f_major/2, f_major/2, color='gray', label='FWHM-Minor');
H = listener.H.copy() A = listener.A.copy() B = listener.B.copy() # get vertices vert = [] for i in xrange(7): for j in xrange(i + 1, 8): #xrange(8): #if i != j: for u in [A[i], B[i]]: for v in [A[j], B[j]]: # intersection of Ai = Hi.x and Bj = Hj.x x =[[i, j], :]), pl.array([u, v])) # check constraints: A <= H.x <= B if pl.amin(, x) - A) >= -1e-6 and pl.amax(, x) - B) <= 1e-6: vert.append(x.reshape(2).copy()) print('the number of vertices', len(vert)) # continue only if enough vertices if len(vert) > 2: ax.clear() inter = inter + 1 vert_uns = pl.array(vert + [vert[0]]) xm, xM, ym, yM = pl.amin(vert_uns[:, 0]), pl.amax( vert_uns[:, 0]), pl.amin(vert_uns[:, 1]), pl.amax(vert_uns[:, 1]) ax.set_xlim(xm - 0.05 * (xM - xm), xM + 0.05 * (xM - xm))
print verifdates levs = levels[:] lats = latitudes[:] lons = longitudes[:] lons, lats = meshgrid(lons,lats) # unpack 2-meter temp forecast data. t2mvar = data['tmp2m'] missval = t2mvar.missing_value t2m = t2mvar[:,:,:] if missval < 0: t2m = ma.masked_values(where(t2m>-1.e20,t2m,1.e20), 1.e20) else: t2m = ma.masked_values(where(t2m<1.e20,t2m,1.e20), 1.e20) t2min = amin(t2m.compressed()); t2max= amax(t2m.compressed()) print t2min,t2max clevs = frange(around(t2min/10.)*10.-5.,around(t2max/10.)*10.+5.,4) print clevs[0],clevs[-1] llcrnrlat = 22.0 urcrnrlat = 48.0 latminout = 22.0 llcrnrlon = -125.0 urcrnrlon = -60.0 standardpar = 50.0 centerlon=-105. # create Basemap instance for Lambert Conformal Conic projection. m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon,urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, rsphere=6371200., resolution='l',area_thresh=5000.,projection='lcc',